Show a llon 1103 xiam lus cbs FR from 0 X FRIDAYS DAILY r SOLVED the tha omaha daily hercio hereto bia bla has at last arrived at a knowledge o of the fruth truth P and mhd only correct solution of tha mr moe moM problem it says WHAT small BE ne dore dorn WITH TIM THE Mon mom MORMONS mossi mossy A universal question which should be thus answered let theo them severely alone atone 11 chivis that is tai tal we ask and propose to fight it out on that line if it tak talc es ail all summer dred Dr EDIn in the ward salt lake cit city olty april AprilS ath th 1869 at 7 14 1 ap 4 p mi i william L price a wel known and respected employee of this office after a lingering sickness for many months the funeral takes afternoon t will bo dubli dubil published shed shea tomor to mor rowl sy tej lei ei autan A aku ve extract the pol pot fo low lowing m g flyn ull uli the tho january report of the 1 unie unite d S sates mie rie les department of agriculture kin ty onn oun I 1 I 1 soil fa s p principally I 1 leally m in some portions the sand pro pre Vail lb of 7 TC yet t quite product productive 0 o in wheat corn ana ancl antl potatoes the sai sal sandier sandler idler portion excellent for sorghum and cotton apples peaches pears plumbs grapes and all the varieties of small fruits that have been tried da exceedingly do well As to apples tho the lamber himber twig has the tho preference 0 j as a kaep keeping in apple we have in some of our org orp orpharis orchards harTs over forty varieties from the states with A a number of varieties of seedlings which have been raised in utah some of which are not excelled by any that we have hava tried peaches are principally seedlings still mii superior to any raised in the northern part of the territory for the he trees appear to be perfectly at home in our soil and climate and seem to vie with each other which shall produce the most luscious fruit I 1 have lived here hero seven years and have havo known but one failure and that through frost hen peaches were tn in bloom which is 19 something thing unusual pears and and plumbs are equally fine grapes are generally of bf the los angeles or california variety which is considered the standard at present we are introducing a great many varieties that have not yet been proved with a number of seedlings that promise well we have introduced the fiber which promises well to be our raisin grape william Yi lliam A martindale president of the society has vines tines three years eld from the cuttings that bore twenty five pounds on an average and some vines on his arbor same age fifty pounds these venethe were weno the tho los angeles or california B by y the virgin river cutting the wasatch ran range er of mountains we are protected from t the heavy northern winds and snows consequently 1 we have to irrigate our land at a very heavy expense I 1 fertilizers soapsuds soap suds dishwater dish water and wid slops of all kinds contain elements which greatly benefit the soil and by being thrown over a large largo extent ot of surface the soil acts as a deodorizer even putrid substances lose the offensive smell which is so injurious to animal life by being covered with earth t and those very gases which cause disease and death become fixed as solids iii in the earth to be dissolved by the waters and absorbed by the rootlets rootless root lets of plants in this way much which is wasted may be utilized our health improved and our wealth increased sat makad XA h city ciry cirr elder eider daniel daniels president a viala alala city it writes bm that thriving gadt settlement on instant ho ha s says S 1 1 ain air 0 M ilsa lisa visia visit a few fent weeks beeks past p preached rea zea twice in his bis remark introduced cooperation operation co kindled the nire fire we got steam up and today to day the institution 14 i in full blast one of the direct ors ora wp be in salt lake city this week making thane thone the necessary purchases purchased lasea haseA all is peace an and d prosperity ty with us no rows or drunks the deri derl hon on R G evans justice of peace has to resort to the plow and harrow for an honest liying living his court will not do it sunday meetings are crowded as usual sunda sunday 7 school under the tho direction of bro ha harri harrl sonis in a prospering condition our city is enlarging rapidly and we hope to see the day soon when a general conference of this valley vall v E bo be held hold in malad city and the voice ot president young and some of the twelve will bo be heard in it the malad choir under the direction and instruction of professor buvee will in a few weeks be jae able to add to our good meetings some g good boa bod music we Wea ane are very thankful for the oft 1 re repeated I bated visits gaid gaia asby bro snow judge wright lit and ot others ers from brigham cit city we wo lfoye hope they will not get weary and tired tined in their visits to us home boue made delade agals AGAIN our local is great on homemade home made he patronizes it him himself seir sold he dare daro not hint bint at all ail the articles of attire of that manufacture with which he adorns this tenement of clay for fear he might shock the modesty of some of his too susceptible cep tible tibie friends he is now eulogizing the labors odthe of the ladies of the ninth ward female maloR ellef eilef society as manifested to him aim in twenty six yards of rag carpet ho he saw the bishop rolling out on the floor of the new tabernacle a day or two since he has used all the adjectives in the english language expressive a strength applicable to a carpet that he could manage to remember and as he tries to persuade us he is acquainted with other languages we anxiously referred him to some other business for fear in his ho he might appeal to the classics so the ladies of the ast excuse us for not saying more af th ilmo limo mo productions bwl hwe fes tn ift FROM SATURDAY 9 daliy dally t information WANTED M Mr r anders john Johon johonson son soU wi know the whereabouts of anna aged 15 1 years she came from grimsted bogn logn co sweden in 1865 ism and to this P place yace lace last fall any one on that can leave leava any information concerning opposite the seven seventies ties hall will con confer feiA fela a favor on her half brother i END OP ehe THE TRACK the tho ifal track of the union pacific railroad is now laid across bear Bea river rever the track 1 lay ors will I 1 probably abry tak take aa a short Ta breath reath an and labors then out lo 10 for the promontory at a rata rate rat nat of std speed it itis sd not heretofore hereto fore foro beard of in t the Q astor history yr 0 track laying the cent pent central 1 pacific als ais also aiso 6 aro are i pushing their road night and day haying having lom lour relays relays of hanu hana hands mother earths earth ps by this time has only a heltor heitor helt belt of about abolt sixty niver fiver ver miles on her amer aber american can bosom thab that is not banded by the iron rails nalls the congressional A squabbles u es nor t the 6 fisk IA case nor ally aily anything ing e else eise e a about ut railroad matters mattens at rs does not biot seem ae to bother either party in the least but the work of construct construction ion lon goes bravely conj on and probably y irth both co companies epam aswill es Will to go on one north t the he 0 other th ar south soila whatever apis ilis is i s right eight and wo accept the situation by by our re reports orts today to day wo we may expect shortly to learn leann gom something ething 1 definite denn nite nito about the junction burbled amr mr john mcdonald one of the party pirty who was overtaken by the fearful avalanche in cottonwood kanyon wasl was buried yesterday hopes were entertained of his recovery till a short time beford before his bis death but the internal injuries he received proved more serious than was at zt first supposed i DIED dim in ift the tho ward april loth 1869 of f the inflammation of the the lungs lerona Mari titia daughter of john 0 and prudence S k E angel aged seven months and one day funeral to a be at the house of bf W F cahoon ward sunday april lith at two I 1 riad in the published hsi of bf names of missionaries for swa sweden den deu jens jers holmberg which is an error johan or john of swit sait salt lake city was intended E ei row NOV RECEIVED we have rocel recel received a communication ni from mr S W woolley and J E R clark dark in xe relation lation to the accident that occurred at the point of the Mann mountain tain west notices of which appe appeared ardd id bi our issues of the ath and ana ath having received a letter on the same subject from mr alma H hale which app appears ars in another column the publication of woolley and ana clarks darks letter would only be a repetition OBSEQUIES AND the funeral services of william L price took place at sixth ward schoolhouse school house yesterday afternoon at 4 on the stand stanA were elder geo Q cannon bishops E 3 D woolley W and ard J proctor A large concourse of relatives iid ild and ana friends assembled together when E ider elder geo Q cannon delivered an impressive and instruct instructive ito ivo address after the service was concluded the members of the deseret typographical typography union en masse marched in procession following the corpse and with thirteen carriages containing the acau acquaintances I 1 of the deceased proceeded to tha a cemetery where the morta were svere inter interred interned red ned william I 1 ii prica price was bom bob at elsmere ahro england d in tho the year 1827 1897 was baptized fo utah uta i in 1852 and commenced to work ainther in ther thet DE deseret SERET NEWS office in the dallof the same ye arand has lias continued with blight intermissions in the tho employ uj up to ta the hall fall of 1868 some gome thre eyears since his health showed lymp j toms tonis of decay caused chused by exposure on a trip through the northern part pant df detho tho the territory and he has been prostrated b by sickness sa s1 k several times since bince in the ear early ay iy part of last fall he was severely altac attacked 0 od b by y i bronchitis and other diseases w which I 1 tv have 1 0 confined him to his big bed until the tho ev evening enin of the ath inist irist when he lib hadbo had haa to succumb b t att king death and left this thil stage of existence calmly and peacefully peaceful lyv nis his prominence in the early settlement of this city made him hib many acquaintances and his memory will givdin the tho respects of I 1 a large number of our citizens for a long time at a sp i elbi cial meeting of the deseret typographical union april 9 1869 the resolution was unanimously adopted t whereas death having taken fro from m among us william lloyd price a time honored and highly prized brother and feblow craftsman therefore be it Resol resolved ees Res olvea oiven veW ree thattie that chat the members of the deseret typographical typographical union deploring the loss of one of the ol 01 oldest est representatives of the fraternity in this territory hereby tender their hear heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the tha bereaved widow coe toe melancholy tha has taken fromherz from hev her hera a lifes partner has also aio bereft us of a valued friend and brother who by his hla ucb urb urbanity unity straightforward conduct and honorable life gained many personal friends whose coarl dence and esteem he here retained Wined to the hour hoar of pf his death we A call cali from me Mr addis Addlay general general agent for fon reapers readers and ana mowers he ile is anxious to establish a permanent agency for the sale of these tieso machines in this territory mr irr addis claims many advantages for them the that reaper is adapted fon foe and does work well in any condition of grain and und ground and will answer excellently through its well proportioned strength for use in this territory where machines are subjected to the strain of crossing irrigating ditches the micks have such confidence la their machines that they have a standing proposition before the public for the last three years they will furnish either a reaper orn or a mower to any responsible person to be placed alongside of and tested with any other othe machine in the country on this condl condi vlon tion the farmer have the use of both machines to work with the privilege of paying for the machine which suits him best and returning to the maker the one he rejects the objection to the old machine was that it had too heavy a draught to remedy this they haye have bavei built a lighter machine hut but for four horses or even ev e n wo good horses the old machine stin still stands stan d s unrivalled j SUNDAY ME ETwas the timo time of miot mg ing on sunday s for tho the summer com tomorrow to morrow will be 10 n amand m andy andl 2 pai pal p m the tha meetings ds will vill iyo b hoid hold 1 the tho mew kew tabernacle 1 aw JA t ha fj i if erd era i C i r lj L j JT T i FROM fron lios llos MONDAYS DAILY dally J i i y 8 A it qa b s at yesterday 69 t eid a marn ing in in th the p cengr congregation assembled in the old T tabernacle a eni oni acie acle and were brei brEl by elders eidens dersi densi isaac groo grop evan eran M greene and william xi bon c r in the afternoon the tha meeting was held hela in 11 the new now tabernacle elder eider e w J appleby A poke of his lii early experience c in int the h Y Church C ad bore his testimony to the k knowledge knowledge now ledge llo lio assessed of the amith great reat latter d day ay woke work elder eider joseph P F smith follow followed in a discourse cou arse replete with wise couns counsel on self seif government under mhd th influence influent of the spirit of the gospel being the true source of lom bom pome a happiness and a source of strength strength and ana power to ayery latter day saint OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS our city can boast wast of being blessed with eighteen sunday sanday schools under the tho control of as many superintendents and about three adies adles and gentlemen whose lova for the youth I 1 auth of israel makes bakes this labor labai light uhe the he average attendance of the children is about two thousand five hundl hundred redy redl tho the names enrolled on the books amounting to about one thousand more the greater number of these schools have well weil selected libraries consisting vencl Venci principally pally of works on natural history geobra geography by biography modern modem history and mora moral stories by the best authors most of those schools that thai have not yet obtained libraries are busily engaged in collaci collecting ing subscriptions to do BO so the he fourteenth and ana an d fifteenth wards we do not know but there are others have havo established manuscript periodicals which the gentlemen having charge of the schools find a very pleasant help towards developing g a taste for literature in the minds of our toung young folks fols the course of studies in the sunday schools consist principally of reading in in the bible book of mormon and other church publications the younger children reading in simpler books according to their ability the reading lesson is usually ully followed by ono one one ono of the teach teachers eng erg or some other per person venson n a appointed pointed for the purpose catechising catechi ising sing aho the cedren children oil on what they rose eose havo have avo ave read I 1 and giving gling them suitable counsel music also is no not neglected in the tho schools ana tho the sweet s strains strai dis fig of childrens B voices riso rl rha A in hallowed hall ball oWed owea harmony to the aver of all good for tho the blessings of birth rth a aud ud parentage amidst the tha israel of thelast days may mav the good work proster prosper pro stor sper alwo know it will ana and tho the thol teachers eachers find enclar argement ia iii the progress of the tho children in the knowledge know ledra ledga of the |