Show M TWO BE PC i mens hens homemade nome home made matle shoes will trill be loe retailed at less than boston wholesale r prices I 1 per pir pair the best double sole pegged 60 goo 4 00 oo 00 i N aled led OTHER GOODS EQUALLY chelp CHEAP 1 CO 0 at th tili US i a of 29 tte X B I 1 G inn enn udy MAIN san e S IA L CITY lm IS S T R A Y S I 1 nate HATE in my posse dosse possession ml one span of bay 11 inave mares MARM one is blind in left eye branded it on left shoulder uhe tho other branded J L on I 1 D left shoulder some whito white on we face the owner can have the above b boy toy paying expenses JOSEPH L I 1 laintz ww lea mouth month of weber calion callon AME to my place on or about the of C CAME june jane one darl dark ito re I 1 OS OX branded on the ligh nigh horn OK OX joined and the same brand on nigh ribs T J on right hip and T on right horn born abo owner will please prove property pay par charges and take him away JOSEPH meray mcbay a W 3 0 1 portage box elder co LOST OR olt 4 eom ROM lehl LEHI CITY utah county on tuesday F FROM mon morning ang four HOMES HOUSES ww and one of the following description two bay horses horses branded W G on left thigh one oxie ba has hns a sore in the tho hollow of the right rup hip one about aboul about 4 yearb years old tho the other about 6 years old one sorrel horbe horse blaze face hind feet white branded with a spanish brand on right thigh one bay mare should have a dark bay cou colt with her star in forehead branded with a spanish brand on left thigh reversed on bar her shoulder also bra branded ded ED on left thigh one black mare male about 15 hands high S years old brown nose no brands officers cers and all others are invited to look 0 oat forthe for nor the above deseri described bed animals and information t that rhal ahal I 1 I 1 lead ead to their rec recovery oTery overy will be promptly paid for at lehl lehi city bv WILL IMd iku GURNEY willlam WILLIAM GOATS or w 29 lea iea SAMUEL |