Show special especial to the despret evening news newsy p 3 st there wasa was a terrific tornado A the minnesota biver river on friday night houses and barns were blown to fragments grain and stock were vere scattered in every direction and a number of persons 11 0 s injured one fatally the yok 1 herald says a political eartha biake swept over maine yeb yesterday the times says the maine election shows that the people have ve made up their minds to elect grant and colfax and is important as indicating the draft of popular sentiment the tribune considers the maine election is the comm of the tidal wave on honesty which will sweep over the country the world says the republican majority is reduced and congratulates the democrats of maine on yesterdays fight the sun bays says the de democracy i MO have met a serious reverse in maine and considers its influence on the elections will be great the express says nobody expected maine to go otherwise than it did but if the democrats remain as heavily as they have at other places several of the states may be carried sure for the latter the post considers the election as complete a triumph for the republican party as was ever before attained the commercial says the thanks of the nation are due to maine for her victory yesterday IV ashington washington the president directs that gen rousseau commanding the department of louisiana be assigned to duty according to his brevet rank of brigadier general new york washington specials bay say the reduction of the customs expenses will be made along the whole northern frontier there is not more than half balf a dozen congressmen at washington the result of the maine election strengthens the sentiment against a september session new york the iron steamer dumbarton which was fitted out at various piers in this city and which sailed six weeks ago under very mysterious circumstances it is supposed from information in the bands hands of the united states marshall murray intends to take a cargo of slaves from africa to brazil or ceiba cerba another r vessel 3 11 is s fitting out here it ia is believed f for 0 eistie the s ame same purpose philadelphia the print works attached to the washington manufacturing cols gos mills at gloucester N X jt J were completely destroyed by fire yesterday loss about a quarter of a million fully insured chicago later from maine says the vote is the largest ever polled almost all the larger towns and cities show republican gains as comp compared ired with last years vote representative blaine estimates the total republican vote at the democratic vote dihe the republican special says that secretary stanton has gone to ohio to take the stump for foi the republican 4 ticket I 1 solicitor binckley has tendered lils his resignation the tribunes columbus 0 sae special ial lai lal charges large numbers of mau men with being imported into ohio and indiana from Klen kentucky tucky to vote on the democratic demoi ticket I 1 n 1 no further survivors from the 0 campus disaster have made their app appearance par ear and all hope is now abandoned that any more were rescued bire IL known to be missing rochester N Y A locomotive exploded boded last evening in the depot of the tha erie enie rie railroad killing the engineer and brakesman and two young ladies ladles standing near the engine another girl wig wa killed by the falling walls of a house hore near by and still another was badly injured the depot and the buildings gs in the vicinity were badly shattered pieces of the boiler were thrown a mile distant washington senators IS morgan and ard schenck have issued the following the president of the and the speaker of the house of representatives were by a resolution of congress directed to adjourn their respective houses until the third monday in sep and from that day unless they were olen oler otherwise wise dike directed eted to further ad journ their respective houses gill will the first monday Mon daTin in december in accordance with a request of the tho republican members of the congress the un der signed decide and respectfully recommend that there be a full fall attendance of both houses of congress on monday the day of september promptly prompt ay at orple lock noon it is not expected ilat that general legislative business will into at that time or that io vion kion slon need be longer than necessary W r provide for another adjournment nt at it is important that there should be a general attendance as will secure the plesance pre sance sonee of a quorum in each house souse the general expression is fa to adjournment until oct 21 the peruvian minister today to day presented the letter of senior balta baits the newly elected president of peru announcing noun cing his accession as president in reply the president referred appropriately pria tely to the great calamity which has visited peru and expressed universal sympathy with the sufferers new orleans gen rosseau bosseau has arrived and has assumed command the police troubles have not yet ended some efthem of them have not been paid for eight months A large number met on lafayette square today to day and sent a deputation to the mayor asking immediate mine relief atlanta ga A bill was passed by the house yesterday excluding the ne E broes roes from serving on junies juries it is un er stood today to day that the house after a stormy debate declared negro members elal dial claiming ming only one eighth negro blood are ineligible by a unanimous vote sixty nine republicans refused to vote st louis the parade of knights Temp lars this morning was one of the finest and most interesting events that ever occurred here over thirty com candries man dries were in the procession representing benting nearly twenty states still a greater number would have been present but for the detention of steamers and railroad trains about three thousand knights were in the line A number of carriages followed containing a large number of the highest officers of the various orders after marchin marching through a number of the principal streets occupying over an hour the pro cession halted at the masonic hall where the business of the triennial conclave will be done the streets on the line of march were thronged thron ged with spectators who greeted the delegations and their distinguished officer officers with cheers waving of handkerchiefs anti antl other manifestations ife of welcome several residences on the ther route were handsomely decorated with masonic emblems the city council yesterday unanimously tendered the hospitalities of the city to ta the various visiting delegations the tho grand royal arch chapter of missouri gave a magnificent banquet to the grand chapter of the united states tonight about three hundred were present including several of the most distinguished tin unshed members of the order utica ties the grand lodge of good Temp lars met yesterday there were over 1000 delegates present chicago 16 the republicans yesterday dayre nominated re N B judd for congress the state Grand Lodge of good tem plans are now in session rt at galesburg strong emd eff morts efforts are being made to organize the party on strict temperance principles nothing later from maine the estimates apparently agree in a majority of twenty thousand the vote stands nearly thus chamberlain pillsbury 65 the Republicans throughout the country are rejoicing over the result I 1 A special from boston says that fut but butlers A for congress has been defeated Hava havana ifa the firm of lost heavily by the recent burning of the cassilina Cass ilida illda warehouse has suspended liabilities six millions port fort au prince advices advises state that the siege of that city had been abandoned berlin it ift is reported that prussia will send a gunboat to the liver river parana to protect the german interests there st t petersburg the death of the tho emir of is announced london constantinople advices advises state that while the frigate franklin was lying meeks in the a deputation of greeks distributed an addess to the officers and men praying pra lor lon n g the assistance of the united states for ron the cretans caetans Cre tans admiral farragut at the suggestion of minister morris ordered the copies of the address to be returned to the deputation which was then received as private citizens elti eitl zens no political allusion was made in the conversation london queen victoria has arrived at Windsor palls palis it is reported that spain has offered troops to garrison rome romo in the event of a european war insurgents have appeared in the mountains about ronda bonda ottawa 12 evidence in the whelan case closed today to day when the court adjourned until monday forenoon new york 1 13 0 panama advices advises tc to dhe the he ath state ilia liia that t another bloodless revolution had occurred and had resulted in president ponce being arrested and deposed by one cereso the latter having proclaimed himself president was forming a new now cabinet london later advices advises from rio say that according to brazilian re reports orts detachments tach ments of paraguayan cropps troops were left behind in gran chaco and that on the evacuation of humaita they were surrounded by the allied forces and surrendered unconditionally with 12 pieces leces feces of artillery the fortifications of humaita have been razed to the ground at last accounts the whole allied army had commenced its march to lay shigeto to the fortified position of lopez on the tebicuary river paris the patrie patric thinks that the report that the Pruss prussian lan lau army was about to be reduced is false london it is generally considered that the events of the last fortnight have made little change in the political condition on the continent either to lessen or increase chances of war while on the one hand the press of germany have assumed a quieter tone and profess to be more confident of peace on the other hand it is known that france has refused a formal demand made by the chevalier chevailer negra th the italian ambassador forthe recall of the French troops from rome and at the same time the prince regent has brought to paris a proposal from spain to cement an alliance with france by sending soldiers to rome borne london reverdy johnson had an interview with the queen yesterday being introduced by lord stanley he presented his credentials as the american minister brussels the international congress of workingmen adjourned yesterday A resolution was adopted advising workmen to abstain from trades war an address was adopted urging workmen to oppose war to refuse countenance to assassination and to use their efforts to induce others to do the same ottawa 14 the counsel in eme caho finished their argument today to day the judge charged the jury mccu occupying 5 hours and forty minutes the court adjourned till tomorrow to morrow to receive their verdict london the press of this thia city is variously commenting upon the recent speech at chalons in which the following words were used by the emperor ali all 1 I will say nothing more as the pub lic lie prints are sure to draw prophecies of war however moderate modern te my words are the Times lias au editorial on johnson the american minister who has a carte blanche from his government to settle the alabama claims case the temes times says the case of itself present presents little trouble the only difficulty is the reluctance of the american government to settle a difficulty growing out of the war and says that no american statesman ever believed that the alabama escaped with the connivance of great britain there might be a question as to the inadequacy of the laws to make england answerable but this could be easily settled the real grievance of the united states was our indifference in their civil war and our willingness to leotho soo BOO the union destroyed of this the americans were conscious all the time and they remember it keenly now they think we should have manifested active sympathy with the north worth and that the confederacy being leing based on human slavery should at once have been condemned condemn edo that the republican party were the true friends of england and that it was wrong even to doubt the success of the federal arms and that after all the anger of the americans was owing to their consciousness ness of En glands want of sympathy with them in their ho hour ur of peril but that anger if right has been enough indulged in seward has refused a handsome offer which should be credited to england he now cuts the past adrift and the thing is as good as settled the legal points will not stand in the way and the only thing to ascertain is the responsibility of england to fix the proper indemnity indemnify ottawa 15 there was a large crowd outside the courtroom this morning but very few were admitted thearis the prisoner being brought in looked pale and nervous the jury returned a verdict of guilty the prisoner who heard the announcement with great composure then made a long address to the court in which he very emphatically and anu solemnly asserted his entire innocence of the crime he denied having any anyson con lection with with and declared that he had been condemned because he was a roman catholic and that the evidence had been deliberately concocted to convict him xe was going on to speak of the cruel treatment of irishmen by england when he was interrupted by the chief justi justl justice ee who pointed out that whatever m might be the case elsewhere in this country irish men and all other classes were treated alike before the law and that he had no reasonable grounds for complaint after solemnly cautioning the prisoner against entertaining any hope of pardon and imploring him to prepare for the thui future his lordship sentenced him to be executed on thursday the tenth of december kiel ki king william of prussia arrived here hew on tour for military inspection he visited the university today to day he was received with ampro appropriate ceremonies the faculty presented an address in 14 which they referred to the tranquility now existing throughout europe and expressed the hope that it vw would ouid remain unbroken the king in reily renly reply said he did not see any cause for fora a disturbance of the peace of europe in the army and navy they beheld the vigor of their fatherland they have proved that they dont shun hun a combat and if forced into a combat they will fight it out triest farragut and arll alli squadron arrived here today to day from crom the darda nelles f london the telegraphic reports of fit the earthquakes in south bouth america have hav I 1 e created much excitement in the commercial world which is eager for full details the pall mall gazette has a leading article on the prospects of peace or war in which it says bays in every capital of europe the belief that a great and immediate war is impending grows growt daily and the best informed men say it will break out before a year has elapsed 1 FRUIT GROWERS convention ST GEOEGE georgr gardeners Club HalI Hall 10 am sat aug 29 1868 according to notice delegates from various towns and settlements met at the hall with fine spread of df fruit covering the table on motion L S hemmenway henn Hern was called to the chair IV H branch elected secretary and henry eyring chaplain convention opened by prayer J E johnson briefly stated the object of the convention to be for the advancement of fruit growing to compare fruits and experience and organize a bocky rocky mountain fruit growers society on motion of J E johnson resolved Be solved we organize such a society whereupon J 13 johnson W H branch jo J W oakley W E dod dode dodge e and A jackson were appointed a coi col corm corn cittee to report constitution and bylaws for the government of such association 1 ola cia tion W H crawford john Mood moody yand and joseph birch were appointed a comm committee it to report permanent Verma nent neut officers for this co |