Show ITHE iyub ATHE DEERE deseret T ALPHABET T ITS V advantages any amy aay system that will have the effect to j fy the present method of educato qing ting the young ought to bo be hailed by f mankind as an invaluable I 1 boon under bour hour present mode of instruction atre it rot ref quires years of close and persistent ap j on the part of children to i acquire even a moderate knowledge of otho ordinary branches of an english edn this is principally attributable to our faulty and defective spelling it is not the case that after years have haye been spent in acquiring a know edge ledge of orthography writers are under the necessity of having recourse to their dictionaries to satisfy themselves respecting spec ting the spelling of a word and as for pronunciation comparatively few jaen nien who do not spend years in study leyen ever master it sufficiently to be freo from faults to acquire a sufficient knowledge of our language to be able to speak read and write vite it correctly is an immense task for the memory and strains it more than we vre can well realize there are serious and well founded i 0 objections b to sending g young children constantly to school I 1 many constitutions s have received lier iier permanent manent injury 1 1 ury and many lives have been sacrificed through trough the anxiety of parents to educate their children yet in many instances if they are steadily at school while they are up illiterate and ignorant for by the f time they are ad old oid enough to go to school everyday every day and study hard without fear eor bof jbf physical injury their labor is wanted by their parents in other directions 1 the introduction of the deseret alpha bet will remedy the evils of our system cf ef orthography and facilitate to a won darful extent the acquirement of aduca uon tiou by the children children by its aid in a veny very reny brief period any person will be 1 able to leara learn to read it will also bring t about a uniformity of pronunciation for every word will be spelled as it is pronounced arld arid vice versa if Ifa a person understands the sounds of a ian lan language aage by the aid of the deseret alphabet lie tie A aan oan aag wite wito it correctly for the charac til tors of that alphabet represent the sounds A few moments reflection will con nince yince one what a great advantage such fa a system presents and what timit will 14 save the learner instead of spending 1 years in learning to spell and read it will arill only require at the farthest a few weeks wo wd are pleased to have it in our power to announce that there is every prospect that this system will boon eoon be generally introduced into our schools david 0 calder esq was sent east last spring as the agent to the chancellor and regents of the Deseret university to make ar iange lange ments for the manufacture lla ria anu facture of type abid the publication of primary school books in the characters of the deseret Mp alphabet habet babet he baa been very successful 01 ol in a accomplishing this bus business 1 n ess and as the fruits of his labor he h has a 3 sent on a specimen copy of the primer he has got out it contains sa pages printed in the b new alphabet the characters to a person unaccustomed to them may look strange strang but to the eye to which they ruso raso aro are familiar they are beautiful their chief beauty is their simplicity aper apen A per son of ordinary intellect by applying himself to their study for a few hours would be able to read a letter or book written or printed in them the introduction of these books into oar our schools will be a highly important step in the rl right lit direction the think ing liberal portion of educated men in VI america and eng england and have long felt y the necessity of a C change h ange in our system of orthography T they hey have in some instances advocate advocated d buch such a reform and steps have been taken to make it effective by publishing papers and booksin books in phonetic characters many however while freely admitting that such a re form would be very desirable have despaired about it ever being accomplished shed to them the obstacles in ha the T way ay of its universal adoption have hava deemed insurmountable if doun dour community were situated as others are it might be quixotic to attempt the introduction of this reform among us with the hope of carrying it into practical operation but our posit tion is unique we are united this system can be je made universal among KB us with but little trouble we have effected important reforms in other directions and done so successfully fully and wo we can also aiso make the correction co of the orthography now in vogue 0 a into inte success cess it is a labor worthy of us and nd our oar destiny some have an idea that if a i child be educated d in the system of spelling and writing by sound it will be a detriment to it in learning the present system but bat those most familiar with 1 0 n assert that it is 13 an aid to a ph c child 1 id if familiar with that system in learning our present orthography of course the deseret alphabet holds the same game relation to our present system that does the principle of the two is the same the characters only are different it will probably be advantageous to children to have some knowledg knowledge e imparted to them of the present system even after tho the deseret alphabet is generally adopted but with us this should be a matter of secondary consideration if they could find no better reading than much of the miserable trash that now obtains extensive circulation it would bo be better bettor in our opinion if they never learned to read the present orthography in such a case ignorance would be blissful obrown our own literature would be open to them and though it might be limited the minds of those who perused it would bo be more healthy and strong than if they had a wider range of reading of an inferior character the greatest evils which now flourish and under which christendom groans are directly traceable to the licentiousness of the pr press ess it sends forth a prurient and dangerous literature which corrupts and distorts the minds and judgments of men itis it is our aim to check its demoralizing tendencies den cies and in no way can we better do this than by making the knowledge of the deseret alphabet general and by training the children in its use |