Show NEWS ITEMS and beautiful constructions for the naris paris exhibition seem to rise up daily in the champ do mars I 1 between other monuments of art the workmen 1 ha have e now commenced building foundations of a beautiful glosque on account of the turkish government and also a splendid mosque and a turkish bath of course on a small scale in the interior of the building the workmen are engaged in finishing a rich and splendid gallery of architecture and decoration aften after danter the best model of the turkish oem JEm Ernp pire piro lre ire the new now ambassador ambas sadon from t the h porte mehemet djemil pasha im lma mediately on his arrival in paris gave for fon the execution of these works spite of the short time to elapse before the first of april there is rig no doubt they will be completed by that thai pernod period t i 11 tiye TIIE new orleans ore Gre crescent scent says that beveral several of the vicksburg merchants made up a purse of for the men of united states infantry as a testimonial of gratitude for the great greata service rendered by that comman command d at the late disastrous fire the gallant immediately turned the amount over to tiie tile the tho mayor for the relief of the suffern sufferers A ci inious application was made to the government the other day on behalf of the chinese at emerald hill one of the melbourne suburbs at this place the celestials Celesti hIs als have lately erected a joss house and as the new building is is or purports to be a place of worship they claim exemption from all municipal rites in common with other places of wo worship and as our local law allows this exemption to all sects indifferently tiie the attorney general may find that state tate aid to religion will comprehend P paganism a 0 aniam itself times T correspondent the T he vast desert of sahara in africa by the bones of hundreds of unfortunate travelers who have perished on its arid sands from thirst and hunger before another century has passed away however it seems likely that the desert will be changed into a rich and beautiful country cpu cou the only cause of its barrenness is the absence of water this want is to be supplied by means of an enormous quantity of artesian wells A great many have already been sunk and a number of new oases oases created in consequence TRADES UNIONS AND THEIR influences alarm is ia expressed in the london standard as to the effects of the continued operations of the trades unions it is is said that england is summering suffering from a cause which is likely to toa tol occasion a permanent paralysis of her industrial energies and that until this evil influence be removed we are not likely to experience again tire affe buoyant times which have been known in thelast the past facts are daily making themselves manifest which tend to show the t gravity yra Tra vity of the crisis and which may well weli serve to excite the apprehensions of choso who in the character of englishmen gl ishmen w watch aich atch the markets of the world and the fluctuations of trade the evil is said to be of our own making and therefore the more fatal labor has leagued itself against capital until capital tal tai and labor have appeared as combatants ba ta tants instead and like the two noble animals in the fable I 1 having wasted their splendid energies in a deadly struggle have the mortification of seeing the prize for which they fought carried off before their eyes by eme some sagacious and hitherto despised interloper british industry has been wounded by the hands of englishmen and the foreigner is reaping the harvest which ought to be our own at present the greatest rp idest damage falls on the workman but others besides the workmen en must ultimately suffer unless a radical change comes over the entire system what we are now saying is no bare speculation it springs neither from the prejudice ofa of a party nor the interested feeling of a class we can scarcely take up bp a single publication professing to be a mirror of passing events without meeting with announcements odthe of the extraordinary tra ordinary rate at which the foreigner is competing with english manufacturers the lesson is too stern to be gainsayer gain sayed and if the working classes of this country are not yet alive to the facts and we fear they are not the beat friends of the million are those who utter the words of warning most dis windily in thel their rear ear |