Show NOTICE one red bald face ox ten years old left horn broke W M on stump W f M on left thigh and II U on right rigia horn one yearling brindle BULL white face i one yearling HEIFER white and roan spots silt slit in left ear one red yb yearling arling stel steer ut white flank crop cro off both ears and one red COW ten years old right eye out lort left horn droops in left ear these animals if not claimed will be sold in thirty days from this thia date hu WHIT EA i county morgan co littleton jap lg sio abl effrom from precinct no 5 payson rayson nj OX 4 years old oid 01 d red and white E ai 4 left hip crop ra night right lt ear aud and upper half crop 1 eft OX 4 years P U 0 old oid d red and white E 4 left hip hips sw swallow al fork right ear left HEIFER 2 years old brown crop and two slits silts right ear precinct no 1 provo I 1 I 1 11 HEIFER EIFER 2 years old red little white on belly beily thigh and end of tall hait half left ear COW 6 years old red roan head belly tall and thighs brand left lomi homi norn horn crop and slit silt both ears STEER 2 year sold white red neck and ears roan sides said stock will be sold at the county pound provo feb 24 am it if not sooner claimed EDSON WHIPPLE county Pound round kee er jan 21 I bainie tomy to my place place a brown PONY about oabie oadie j four fourbears years 0 old oid d branded on right hip ane owner Is requested to prove property pay charges and take him away sigi alor l j THOS HEATH ward st j i Z BY A ELDREDGE CLAWSON 1 11 9 1 AT 1 l U r E LOW PRICES i t 2000 Rounds d UriAR LE yarm yara sD yards PRINTS paints j 1 I 1 2 11 besides a COMETE assortment OT T general merchandise k i ir CALL AND SEE US i p 4 wi wit NV ix rr TO X 0 S sezel I 1 1 and ana audhia will make maue k elt olt it advantageous ADVANTAGE OtTS to cas OAS A S H 11 1 1 a T YEAs T S tf WOOD MANSfiE abro bno BRO added to their extensive stock pit 01 fit merchandise WE by the arrival of their train rain of GROCERIES AND STAPLES offer ommer the iame game same as heretofore heretofore for CASH CATTLE vw avam gr aln ain antl ana flour lom THE TOWNSEND HOUSE om one block wast af pf vie vic creat marut market gal caty JAMES TOWNSEND proprietor class accommodations to travelers and permanent boarders m tta an excellent dancing hall with all the requisite conveniences corrent for rent on ou ve very reasonable terms y tf fon FOB saxe SAIE OR TO RENT NEW STONE STORE recently built by C ANEW L hawkins hawking in Co coalville alville summit county oun utah for terms inquire of C L hawkins hawking at coal ville vilie or to the undersigned undersigner under signed at great hait halt salt sait lal lan lake city lm Z 7 SNOW information WANTED IF TF SUSANNA BRIGHT formerly of knox I 1 county east tennessee will communicate with the undersigned undersigner under signed she sue will learn loam something for her benefit I 1 would ifould also like hire to hear from JESSE HALL 1 of marion 0 a county tennessee 3 WM CLAYTON TAKEN UP FOUR pour DOUR CALVES in brighton ward great V salt lake city by the undersigned undersigner under signed who wants the owner or owners to prove property pay charges and take them away wa 22 2 2 WILLIAMS W CAMP caup VY head NEAR A RAI T 4 ON HAND A L A IR R 0 E T r i 1 AN AND D t t t cl ija A MP pue LETE T E T i stock T 0 C K t i 0 V F es aed jrp oiw 19 Q i i j r 1 to which they invite anite the attention of the 1 KIMBALL i PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICED STELA 4 0 li alb R B G toe E return our sincere thanks to this people W W for the liberal patronage we have received and nd in view of the great scarcity of money and ana the decline in the value of some kinds of goods east we have determined to ocer our stock at a heavy discount for ja we will allow a of TEN PER CENT on all groce groceries ries rles except tea sugar coffee candles and soap JA xea gea A discount discount of TEN PER CENT M NT on all dry goods I 1 clothing and hardware ex except capt nails horse and mule shoes BA discount of TWENTY PER CENT on hoods bublas and all goods of this description including hats and caps I 1 aa diacou discount nt of from TEN to TWENTY PER CENT on all kinds of dishes plates cups and saucers glassware castors cantors Ca ac ac T HIS this we think better for the customer airall than tuan enterprises on the lottery plan these having been tried elsewhere and not found profitable table tabie to the in vesters investors the people know quite well already who sells the cheapest and best goods and when they 9 get C them knowing them to be cheap and then 9 get t a discount of from ten to twenty per cent we think they will come to the conclusion that it is better to have the full benefit of what the they spend at once and on the spot than take 0 ose ONE JK chance in FIFTY of drawing something some time in the future you are not required to purchase ten dollars worth to entitle you to the discor discount int bui buz but we will allow it in all cases whether the pur chase be large or small this la Is to give the poor man or poor woman who cannot get got hold of ten dollars a chance to buy goods cheap COME AND TRY IT ts WHY DO WE OFFER THESE TERMS lRe yge because cause we are like most of our neighbors wanting money badly bossa rossa barratt tf 0 iu srm SAM francisci THE maln main bret FOR au 1 ta acm JAMES LINFORTH ihn lAN FORTH COW commission MERCHA no 3 front st near market f V f i SAN r 00 ahe rela reia hc h c value of CURRENCY TO C JL Is more smore permanent than hereto fon facilities fot for getting goods from callao all seasons of the year with quick dispa have largely increased oblate of late ren render rendering derIn ln K bran fran francisco ji eminently preeminently pre the market tar for cig cie it it Is not generally known to the deop I 1 utah that all kinds of goods of foreign prad pray r t tion such as teas coffees Co flees sugars an and aud spit sp J french rench and german dry D GOB G hosiery and bag materials iron steel at ain vices chains Shoe shapes and horse sal glass oils dils and paints earthenware lart ware ac c c can 1 be obtained talked from S san I 1 cisco at low lower er prices than from eastern easter L keets california and oregon made woolen d botn both pieces goodband go goods odmand and clothing are su to anything imported and cheaper ghe the aper they the been shipped to eastern and other marka marta mar sale with advantage MInIn gand mill machinery of al manufacture can also be procured b berea ere 94 notice GOODS DELIVERED RED ned at carson ginsb in sly siy at austin in seventeen days and at sai sat city in lots of not I 1 less than ten tons tont y five days from an francisco by goo trains at lower rates of freight I f t fore shipments to san pedro redro every tei tel te I 1 i ORDERS respectfully solicited merchants and others desiring p i made b here ere will be furnished with pr all necessary information on applice appU catl cati f I 1 JAMES j 3 no front street san F rai ral i zm aw WH WHEAT EA T OATS AND BARLE 4 0 o PRICE I 1 IN W ME merchandise MER mur CHANDIS j eldredge cla J A tf UR A OAR 0 A R 13 to the inhabitants and inanity of this territory owing to the great decline in the goods in the eastern markets being ed to keep r IN T ratio natio with thema them 1 h a further farther reduction redaction in the prices of goo upon apon examination will speak for th I 1 have also on an hand a grea great t in many F art have laid over for one and two years will sell regardless OF COST ey eve than the present rates in the Ea eastern sterix steril will permit of viz table and pocket rocket spades shovels scythes and knaths B D lets locks and latches tea and table carriage bolts cast blister and soap lye tobacco and an im immense ense vi other goods which are necessities for ev use farmers and country merchants do well to call and examine the stock a ces and as greenbacks Green backs are scarce in tha try I 1 will take for p pay ay cattle wheat barley oats pork ac for which I 1 will price that will guarantee satisfaction EAGLE EMPORIUM WM JENNINGS dal PROF |