Show BLOOMY MY PROSPECT the atlantic cabie gable among other more inore important items informed us a few days ago that the london 77 times 1 I Cs with the complacency which its waning greatness often affects had predicted that the new year would be one of general deaca the opening of the year presented a belligerent picture that would bould lead people to believe the 11 had perpetrated the statement on Chrit christmas filas evening after ali alf an aldermanic attack on roast beef and plum pudding while the prospect ahladis ahe adis indicative of stormy times that may bei expected expected to startle starle the nations from 4 any delusive dream of general peace in in which they might be led to indulge the aspect of affairs at the the tho seat of eur car ur national government is one which deeply touches every patriotic heart and compels involuntarily the question what has the future to reveal the attitude b of the executive and legislative departments too mhd nation is 9 one e which augurs buch serl gerl serious ofis results that ile lle n rt persan ers an can look upon it with within indifference dio dif e nce nee the conflicting policies of ee the opposing parties are anre maintained maintAin iad lad with a tenacity that bat admits of no idea of a compromise the action of congress in adopting the resolution to impeach the president with an overwhelming wh elming majority in that body opposed to him Os is believed by many as but hastening a conflict which seems inevitable there are those among limong the leading journalists of the nation who do not hesitate to say that the country is rapidly drifting into another internecine war compared with which the one that has been so recently passed through 0 would be in significant there is no evidence of either side manifesting a desire of conceding in the least rigid fixed determination is the prevailing spirit and while ithe the war feeling of the nation so roused during the late rebellion pervades a large portion of the country the peace loving view with no ordil ordinary iary lary alarm the threatening threaten leg dan gers that seem approaching beyond doubt the political situation is not indicative of an early return to that condition of peaceful peace unity which marked the earlier years of our republics existence if there was more genuine love of country and less desire for party predominance in those who wield influence among their fellow follow citizens the thie prospect would speedily be much brighter for the nations peace and happiness than it is likely to be but the future of nations as well as of men is in the hands of the great disposer of events who controls the results of the actions of men however sceptical they may be concerning it alreid alaid the stormy times of the present session of congress utah js 4 receiving a little attention from members of both the senate and house the bill of a meagre synopsis appeared recently jn in the dispatches directed against 0 ther citizens of utah speaks for itself the plain and direct infraction of the constitution involved in it shows that if passed 11 the appear appearance i nce of ok adhesion to that instrument is rapidly passing away we have been accustomed to consider the constitution the palladium of our rights the noble heritage bequeathed us by men who labored for and aimed at securing the utmost liberty and freedom for all men consistent with the inalienable inalienably rights common to all but when the legislative council of the nation can repudiate its plainest provisions for A the purpose of endeavoring to compel an entire community to accept a position that is derogatory to maii mali manhood hood and which strips ps them of their dearest rights bestowed upon them by their creator we can well imagine to ta what ahat ex extent tent si strong party feeling and sectional animosity may control them in their political course the only safety for the nation and for all parts of and parties in the nation is a close adherence to the principles ples pies of the constitution for there is no political party however powerful and dominant it may be that is controlled by the mind and will of naan man but will sooner or later become divided and those who disregard constitutional provisions to trample upon the rights of others may be the next in turn themselves to and be smitten in a similar manner this thought should obtrude itself upon those who are so anxious to legislate independent of constitutional 4 provisions against agai agal nit the people who inhabit this territory BO so that selfishness if no llo better motive might restrain them from a course which opens a floodgate by which a wave of evils ia is let in ih that 1 would sweep over tile the nation with over ahel force 4 I 1 I 1 A if the reverence reverence reve rince S which will i hangs bangs upon I 1 the lips 1114 of many for t the h e fathers of our country had d deep p root noot r ot I 1 in n their hearts they would strive to emulate the just and patriotic efforts of those great and noblemen noble men whose party was thel their 1 keoun country and their object the good of all with hueh such holy a desire in the hearts of our public men the tha existing difficulties would be overcome knotty points be smoothed down differences of opinion be calmly discussed and there would be a desire manifestly expressed to act harmoniously for the public good if the strongly marked difference which now exist among those wao who occupy the most important positions of responsibility and add power in the nation continue to be maintained with the fixity of purpose which is now displayed and the constitution Is set aside where it conflict s with personal dislikes or party pry purposes the future before the nation may well be looked aponas one extremely dark and perilous |