Show from front our foreign correspondent FROM erom THE rocky HOOKY MOUNTAINS TO THE ALPS THE DEPARTURE no matter how much a man may boast of his self control 1 and all that sort borac of thing every one fl finds ads out once in a while that parting is to say the least of it a very unpleasant business and the sooner and quicker it is gone through with in some cases the more satisfactory it will prove for all parties concerned passing with this profound 4 observation over the last hour of my stay in our mountain city I 1 remember myself walking briskly with one of my traveling companions towards emigration canon to join our train which had left already inthe i n the tha morning before me lay my mission in the far oT Europe as a witness of the truth of the latter day work as a messenger of the gos gospel 01 of peace and good will to all men b behind ind me the home of my family and of my people I 1 found myself at another turn of my mv lifes path not knowing what sights would present themselves to my eye around the corner and I 1 knew khew nothing of the future but the aim alm and purpose of the journey and a safe return if I 1 would be faithful talk of feeling bad when a ivi zvi INI mormon ormon elder leaves his home for many searel it is said of the great french revolutionist danton that he be refused to flee from france to save himself from the guillotine on the ground that he could not take his fatherland with him on his shoe soles A mormon elder sir knows better than that he takes his country and his people along with hini him in his heart if the name of plymouth rock lias ims been made madd imperishable in american history calling forth the memory of those heroes of faith who sought on a then desolate shore refuge and freedom from the persecutions of their native land the mouth of emigration calion gallon as tue the gateway through which our heroic pioneers entered into the valleys of the mountains from similar causes but for greater alms aims will also remain a monument of the guidance of god to a home homi of freedom and liberty everlasting as the surrounding hills what hands have built can hands destroy again the e house home has the lord erect edl soh sob Sch luters william tell with this comforting reflection I 1 cast at the mouth of emigration callon gallon my last glance back to the city I 1 love so well wishing asa farewell benediction to my people them to become in strength and independence as their mountains in loveliness and beauty like their valleys and in purity to resemble their clear atmosphere transmitting unbroken and undiminished the rays fio fao from m the source of light that a journey of many thousand miles cannot be without its incidents was demonstrated to us at the moment of coming up with the train in finding two of the wagons upset into the creek and their contents carried down stream there was water again on the mill of the superstitious to grind one of their favorite themes in regard to be beginning inning a journey aljourney on a friday the first night camp although our company was not quite complete yet terminated my home life and with the waking hours next morning commenced that great journey which should carry me across the continent the atlantic and around several countries of euro europe p e until after some years I 1 may return a again min to my dear mountain home incidents nei nel dents sights and impressions as they may happen to me during my and anything instructive or of general interest zat mat that I 1 may come across I 1 will endeavor to note hoping you all will kindly receive from time to time the sketches of a traveling travella k elder on his trip from the roeuy rocky moun mountains talus to the alps raun KAKL G MAESER ST UIS mo aug 0 30 10 EDITOR DESERET D NEWS my desire is to magnify my calling and do a good work A young man raised in the church taken as cl I 1 have been from the plow and canon canlon not acquainted quain ted with the corruption of this ungodly generation and sent forth in the world to preach regeneration to a degeneration like the present cannot help feeling a very great contrast between truth and error light and darkness as its the two opposite influences come in contact superstition and ero erot leous tradition are among the main weapons that satan uses to battle with truth and thousands of poor souls are bound in the chains of those grim monsters when I 1 look upon the state of so many ciany would be good people I 1 feel to say father forgive them for they know not what they do blind leading the blind and the precipice is only a litt laway leway from them 1 I feel full yes full to overflowing of gratefulness unto my fhy father in heaven for he has blest melin mein my labors when I 1 have called upon him to turn away the wrath of my enemies I 1 he has heard me and when I 1 have asked H him I 1 m to use me as aft an instrument in his hands to aid in the construction of his great latter day work that his own will might be done in me he has filled me with peace on earth and good will to man my I 1 desires are to do all the good I 1 can in n st louis and I 1 am called to labor since I 1 came here good has hag been done although I 1 have had much opposition there are good people in this city and if all is well the coming year will bring to pass the emigration of several from here and other parts of the states L D RUDD HOW counterfeiters COUNTERFEIT ERS ARE ABE DETECTED AT THE BANK OP OF ENGLAND when a counterfeit is presented at the bank of england the gold is instantly paid for it if it comes from some soine known pe person he is only asked where be he got it if from a stranger the cashier cashler signals to his bis detective always in waiting and the officer follows secretly before many hours the tile bank is in possession of the strangers biography the offender once arrested is likely to be tried convicted and sentenced within two days wherefore great britain I 1 is 8 not an inviting field for that branch of industry GEO FRANCIS TRAIN ON T hii DEBT george georgc francis train accompanied the congressional party who went west to look after their land speculations and made a speech at the iron mountain in it which in reply to a question what about the debt he lie said do you want to know well you yoa shall shail have what you probably have never seen before a debit and credit of the war a profit and a loss account first you should know that we bave have had a grand rand exhibition of or fireworks nire lire works and mo mortgage otga e our farni farm to pay for it coh foh second the so called wealth of the farmer consists in it his having his soldier boy in the graveyard and a seven thirty in ht his pocket in exchange sensation 3 3 of national debt a national curse to everybody but jay cooke ad 1000 state city and county debt aebi born of the war ad able bodied farmers mechanics and other white men dead worth a piece ath black laborers worth 1000 each hisses ath black laborers mem mch women and children that it took three generations of white civilization to utilize into profitable labor totally demoralized zed and disorganized forthe for the timo time being applause and considerable dissent the radicals getting uneasy and endeavoring to stop trains exposition of national afna afra affairs irs train talked them all down made fun of their hisses and carried his points to the evident disgust of many present ath of shipping that it took fifty years of american industry since waterloo to whiten every ocean with our commerce completely wiped out by english neutrality applause and too true ath worth of plantations houses farms factories real estate personal property wasted burned wiped out completely destroyed the accumulated militated industry of a hundred years ath and lastly an amount of swearing gaming drunkenness prostitution demoralization that cannot be enumerated by figures this will do for the debt and when fanaticism sleeps for a moment the nations eyes will open and a reaction will set in that will emancipate my constituency the white people of our land applause and dissent dissen tj so much for debt what for credit gentlemen I 1 have no figures you must be content with ideas here the audience getting uneasy uneasy over trains expose of the debt of the war began to move off and vainly tried to stop him but train said gentlemen I 1 have r refused to speak at every station not notwithstanding with the repeated calls for train I 1 have applauded all your two hour banquet speeches laughter now you must listen as you see my voice will reach to the bottom of fhe tho mountain applause and laughter besides you will see all this in print crisis FARMERS in various sections of the state complain of a new enemy to tho corn crop it is a small white worm with a red head having considerable of the appearance of a skipper it enters the main root of the corn about even with the ground and works its way up the stalk which soon dies in somo some fields acres of corn have been killed by these little borers st louis dispatch CARE carb CARBOLIC OLIc ACID FOB FOR exterminating MOSQUITOS A correspondent writes that car carrolle carbolic bolle acid has recently been successfully cess fully used near ganway N J for the extermination of mosquitos mos and flies A small piece of cloth saturated with the acid was hung up in a room and in two hours the flies had entirely disappeared in the evening the acid was tried in the kitchen where the mosquitos were very troublesome lesime with ie success |