Show ds di wigi tt JM swwila u da bu aa P ir tr ri L J i aristocratic FEAR band DISTRUST T bira fira w OP OF CLASSES THE WORKING oln olm qin 01 f OP NEWSPAPER sf one of th the most and yit f 1 facts mth illustrated by the re ri which has hns prevail prevailed dd in th thier country during the last twelve months but which there is every rea son sona q ne believe belleve leve levo must be continued fo for r au hn idi iri dennite nite period pail od with greater berven fervency cy th er urcie before the the tho just fight rights s of the coill toiling 11 loii elfi ledfred 1 e bulhe legislature I 1 Is ald C croHn lib edl edi straat and the terror with wal WAI whish filthy privileged classe regard t 01 din fin e aran posed fellow subjects i 0 gip ghi ota hayed nayed truthfulness tle tie the A this that 1 I ad 0 riu rid d ag the wooing cusses it any actuate tuat luat 4 b v bf s p ord 0 r W wise is law lawa 4 I 1 inthe i sfa spa th t e estl esti estimation I 1 of his bis rulers and anid tho th C r from which 41 his rulers ruler sara aara ara are taken UA aly afy matal english working gr man ddn ia Is at ua heart a robber ull uli au dil incendiary y and a i wilo wiio for the gratification bf malignant nal nai ignant passion would not perpetration of the grossest outrages on the per persons solli and property ar t those who happen to be obnoxious to 10 higi hemf 0 neither the fear n nor or the loveon G god neither the hate hatefulness fuin ess of cri crl orime crime me bior ule uie attractiveness of virtue is Js sunni nome ceiply cej cei pry ply ry potent to prevent the cill cili sed in illiOns from plunging into a satur nala naia 0 of f hio rio i t ah confusion opo po lapan and mass massacre lher ller whenever lver lter the opportunity pont port unity or ti temptation emp emi tAtion present them bulves akl yes ye in n the th of our lie lle hereditary hili tary mier as shawn if it not ilot I 1 by their tche blu biu ageon eo of the the ther gyves yvis and ett er ff e gabler nd ahe the rope af atif 1 1 a alethe abot aret 14 nial maiji girr adole re ugh ahe fhe of tho the 3 lowe pa OF fi orders Qi me dera deia as ats th drones drope of the combar community ty 0 contemptuously and habit u ally design aee aie e the h ard working men and aud gwen dwen wa lunen irien who create the thi n ids revel nevel irhe irbe proofs that such ische 19 estimate 6 entertained job jot pi thel the buik bulk 0 f the working cirk ing classes whigs 9 by classes clisbe ar afo 6 paipa pa palpable i ipa and hid to 0 o any akson earson einson who iino chooses to look for them it may however ba usefull use fili fill fo fd glance tiance at a few of them about ten months a aab tho the reformers of london in order to refute calumny of indifference t ud adf 1 1 ing na 6 franch franchise isei isel resolved to 0 m e 6 hanl ak k F h IP qa coples 1 park ark because ec ause anbe jit it has ha ben beon bough ought ta pod sod is ju ii li 11 y the money tee eaf the ibe and tand topi togi of the tiia ruling classed classes took instant hilm bilm la rm atas tance thab that the Y object oath reformers was fas tp lff iff loose the demons of spoliation admas mp alc the metropolis therefore inest elaborate full military itar y preparations 1 1 us were made mido to shoot own ithe assembled reformers in ili to this the gates of the park were shut in abate the s face we all ati know hedma m mediate result the he iron fencing af the ip d down wn under the in mighty af aty jk arar as easily as aa a alerd fie fib f 4 of rubea bends benas beneath th the A winal a as asija but much mgr ampre q ai I 1 ess y for wb breeze has bas 1 the rushes hut but tle Q of hyde ryde H ydo yde nark fell felito to rise risa no datu data that the tho military gry ary pre pr e gau pau lioni iloni were unnecessary j and ad we the ph utting utting 0 o of the park bot bol boun both ille lile galand unconstitutional ail all and suo sue such sueh h an infraction infra C ef of public right as in other ohen ages might night have cost a nain rain minister 1 ter his head h ead anda and a sav idy sovereign breig n his throne wrone yet this thib year after the ign of the he blunders 0 last year more norg exten avei alvel military preparations ware were made against the working classes ahan than han those of la las year thousands Thousand of special constables were swore in and armed i ads of such of the working classed a ii manifested their determination f to 6 pr procuro d oure cure t the he frane frang franchise filse more than th n 0 policemen were assembled bl e d in an and around the par this with aih the ahe special constables I 1 be abo about W would give a foroe force of oooo 06 me men alm aim most as great greatus as the purely eug lish force engaged at waterloo arrayed against the workingmen of london but gutc even this huge force did not suffice to allay the terrors of ihbe ihfe privileged casses so A a huge liege military array ha huge 9 a absolutely and j relatively to the atao standing g army pr this t jis country was vas ap to lwe lie b e EV aimable available at aea afa fi luw lub ments menta notice large reinforcements Inc lne including lading several regiments af pf cavalry were sent from these in addition to the usual household and other troops gave at the tely vely vry f least leaah a force of regular troops so that what with the special constables the metropolitan ethe the regiments of foot fool horse and artille artillery ry gathered in london here was an army aimy of from to men arrayed against the reform league and the tho london work ina ing el classes clashes asses ashes i but the strongest proof of df aristocratic or ov ruling class distrust of their fran tran countrymen is to be found in the various re reforms fornis introduced by successive governments during th the e last fifteen years everyone every one of 0 these bills its object to exclude as many mandof of classes as possible from tho the franchise This thiis avas was the central anid arid fundamental principle of df every one of thebes theses bills even mr glab tones billias bill WAS no exception 4 our rulers acted ike uke I 1 a man who I 1 instead of cop considering 41 darin and endea v ning tb 16 P pay as muchas eh h he oriade use olf every dirty gish fish dishonest ain u ra means n in a fg w with ith the ballot possible installment instalment of their gla pla psalms ae 0 of course every person persy with brains in his hir hl 8 head heat knows that this distrust and terror terron are utterly unjustifiable everybody out of the pale of conservative stupidity knows that if the working classes were the mad destruct ives which aristocratic reform bills assume them to be public peace would be impossible for the property of the country is is at the merey mercy of the them working classes and were the they either elther incendiaries or robbers not all the policemen special constables and soldiers at the disposal of the government ern ment be they ministers will g 0 or tory would be able abie to save society for a si single week if out of the six mil ilgis of adult englishmen now branded as political pariahs paria parla hs thre three millions ml lions lor ar even one pill million ddn were vere animated with anarchic and a antisocial anti antl nt i social aspiration poth aoth nothing ing less than a militar military V despotism of the most rigorous descilo description eption could preserve pae serve servo for the upper ten thousand theli their present monopoly of political power the great characteristic of the working vor king el classes ses is that they are ate preeminently praet peace i loving and excessive excessively N patient udder ln insults pits rits and injuries which would have provoked edthe the other closes to rebellion indeed the working classes are too averse from the theE short hort sharp and decisive measures to which the other classe classes s have frequently resorted and nov not in valli vain for the redress of their gift grievances vances the working classes have nevery never yet etin in england rebelled against the throne they neither secretly murdered nor judicially executed a crowned head however deserving of pf sueh such a fate fato he ha might be they never hever as a class app baled to the sword or plunged he land in ia the bloody sea of internecine strife to relieve themselves of an obnoxious tax the never plundered the established church robbed convents confiscated qt estates ates changed dynasties no nor effected ff acted I 1 glorious revolutions but alj all ail the these s e things I 1 the aristocratic classes classer hayed have dane ane I 1 W will ili ill not pot stop here to ask whether if the working classes had 4 dono done ono these things they would now be th the debise despised a ap apa 4 aown downtrodden down trodden mass 11 that they are I 1 only point to these historical antecedents of lof thie afie the two to ftfe utterly ground lessius the distrust entertained by our rulers iud end ud ind legislators of the c ih illions this distrust I 1 is Is for part the prompting of accusing cusin consciences it is is natural naturi indeed inevitable tha that the au authors of injustice tu 11 should he be afraid of their vlot vict uns our U r rulers know that they are do doing 1 ing to the woin working classes what they not have lia ila ve tb the working classes do unto 9 i I 1 them the belie helle believe belleve q that their own ira safety tyis is bound houna b up with th the iniquitous s institutions institutions and anif cruel one sided ja jaws ws which now exist therefore they will tto the utmos the extension to the working man af political privileges which the lazy and worthless classes espow now enjoy 3 I 1 I 1 i w tye THE german girman beet sugar co are succeeding teedle better in weir enterprise th than in they anticipated they have made about pounds of sugar and used up about one sixth of their last years crop of oN beets the sugar made mide at th their air works is of a superior quality we see no good reason why illinois nois cannot be a sugar exporting state deoria peoria transcript THE theta THET JAPANESE pain APA IN ns FRI VATE j awit WW it in the modest ca raven sary bary on the comer corner of oi fourth avenue and fourteenth street northeast north east eghner cohner corner corder are domiciled a party party 0 af pf o coppery colored men inn women a and aud d children I 1 pug mug ranging ing from the dge ageo df f forty ta the tender age of ten years by pra dpn inn j th they acrobat tricksters trick I 1 boks s musicians n agars washers ironia irona ir onra rs tumblers and posture theli dress in publio public is ft gorgeous or ageous in private plain ar or nothing jt was avas our fortune yesterday meet little all right and his hta father with name in the j street arvet they were surrounded by curio ous b boby boys young n nd bd old and seemed 1 i anxious to get to their lodging to vo gether gather we rode to their hotel nna una accepting a courteous invitation ise ive ve entered and examined in ip the tho passage way wyat at the head stairs two serva lii ill awash hing bing ing in fhe the adjoining were werd bodkin g in a a rodni 2 beyond yand the young people were varlo vario variously thIV employed m loyed and in a room across neross the hall hali a IT the older people were preparing for 3 the eveni evening Dg Thinking It in might ight be of interest to the public ta know how these peaceable stranger live and noticing cing that they in no ulista instance ee ad adopted ofed the american style we ve made the following notes in the cook room one geeki reckless ess culinary artist sported a simple almae black band of cloth across his barkand baek back and one of white across his loins while regardless of v visitors he picked up some cold codfish cod fi alst h from a huge specimen that hung bung on the wall between between portraits aits Alts of washington and jackson OH the table by his side sidd was a dish of chopped clams lettuce mustard beets and f pickles and near it a large tin bowl full of steamed rice t 0 be highly esteemed by the japs each particle article was separate distinct from the X others and the mess of rice was not only savory but toothsome A second cook cooky with hair enough on his head to furnish grace church with chignone chignons chig for a season stirred lazily with a long stick mck a augy mussy looking pre caration pa ration the name of which we fa failed i 1 ad to get but it was very long and soun sounded d ed nicely this cook cool was older and wore wo re more clot ciot clothes hips in the second room we saw little AH light 1 and half a dozen other jitsue jitt ali ail all e monkeys of both genders all right eight wa was kneeling neelin down bya by a trunk counting his money A fe e had just come in from a walk and lud distributed among the ch children ia d some large horse chestnuts which they ate with arelisa one boy was on his back feet in the air balancing a long roll of throwing the roll high up in the air al arso so that tha he in might I 1 turn a summersault summer sault before it came down own the little girl who assaid is said sald to be an expert top spinner was poking ing rice nice riceland aud and salad and clams aw and tol iol nuts and pickles and candy into imo her mouth as fast as s two sharp chopsticks chop sticks would carry them A third was asleep on the floor laid mattress the others were pla pia playing 1 ng with ah an inflated balloon while jh a chinese inese boy about 14 years of age looked on with a sad expression and a downcast countenance the c chief h lef top spinner was looking through ah aili opera glass at the people in the street on the floor of the little three cornered cramped bedroom were laid half a dozen minia hure hare mattresses ma tresses on which the japs sleep at night in the room across the hall ball which must be twelve feel feet long by six sli feet wide we found a young gentleman cross legged on a bed turm mum turn tum turn in hand ha accompanying A ing his sister alster who sat at on a bed hynais side aide with bertuni her turm turn tuni turn in handtke hand the two making the most outlandish carrica ture of music musie we have ever heard beard he was anine afine looking fellow with much development of hair but aabye brows to speak speak of ore or lothes clothes to criticise criticism she was by no means meau ugly hugly but her hen haita was divided ott off into a species of landscape gardening suggestive 0 at once of geometry botany and a great deal of patience on a bed adjoining those was an older woman berba perba perhaps s thirty whose e forte ie is tricks she showed usher photograph and thanked 1 ua a for jor saying it was wis very Ivery pretty 1 which it her har har bar arrangements were also very very exten extensive give somewhat complicated and quite greasy greaty her clothing it would be impossible to td describe de scribe for we saw only a sample sampie of it at another bed sat a melancholy jap with a sombre hued turm tumtum turn tum in his hand from which he out leisurely burel surel at intervals a series of ear split ting tones quite effective but by no means pleasant this youth whose front head is miraculously shaved is the identical nhe the loose loos tightrope tight rope and aud swings himself in I 1 the most abandoned manner courting a severe fall and a sudden death at every turn no wonder that he plays a dismal tube near him and wholly unmindful of any one onie were two tumblers not discs bud hut flesh and blood boys about twelve years vears years yeara old they were ali all 11 very polite the ladles ladies smiled pleasantly sang as best they tuy could R tum tuni cumi tumi bummed ned very hard bard and very long Show edus pictures thank you the men bowed very loaf low showed us a r variety of pre pictures tures tried ver very pard mard to understand our out ohr 1 brokers rok U r eny english lia iia and deaf aud add dumb bs OV F ed us rice mhd ill in default of forbs forks 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 chops |