Show annexation TO NEVADA after considerable talking and writing about the annexation of utah to nevada the solons of that little state appear r to have concluded they had I better otter not proceed any further in the matter one thing nevada has done through the ventilation of the subject if nothing else she has given the nation to understand that her finances are in a very deplorable condition and the result may maybe be that the state debt will not become much larger lar gerin in a hurry for but few people feel willing to prop up the falling if they are likely to be losers by the operation nevada has been acting noting out the reverse of the be just before you are generous principle there has been a very extraordinary amount of over generous liberality exhibited hi baited the there re especially in the matter of salaries and official pickings and the mining for precious metals however it may have enriched a few individuals has not kept the state out of very serious embarras ments we should be sorry to think that the people of utah would ever appoint as their representatives in a legislative capacity such a set of men as some nevada papers declare their legislators are or indeed that there tb ere could be found among our resident citizens men of sufficient prominence to gain seats in a legislative assembly so dead to every principle of honor and honesty as the nevada legislators are said to be by those who should know them best but it maybe may be that they are maligned for this is a wonderfully slanderous age and rival politicians in their wordy wars are neither dainty nor classical in the choice of expressions bespattering spattering be each other nearl nearly y as unscrupulously as some people do the mormons cormons Mor mons 11 still however luo Iro wever little honesty there may be they have some shrewdness among them probably sharpened by the arguments elicited in various kers lers on this annexation question for they have concluded not to annex having first thought that there was an excellent opportunity to ease case off the state embarrassments embarrass ments by taxing the wealth of utah they have at last come to the conclusion that we might inight have something to ay say an fn hi the matter and in the capice of those who wae were to decide about the of oi means raised by taxes and sagely c concluded included i 0 i that as ten are more than four BO so we might probably outnumber and outvote them and they would miss misa their object we will continue in patience and try and develop our territory and would prefer seeing nevada prosperous to knowing her in her present condition but one thing is certain th tha the public men of that state and other states and territories which could be named might come to utah and study to advantage gaining lessons in economy and in the discharge of their duties as public ilc lic servants that would be invaluable to their constituents |