Show cape race 29 cash payments are suspended by banus banks at raili brazil 1 war has been beclar ed by y BrazIr brozost against uruguay Ur aguay hea rea arters army potomac 30 sin fin inc inq J lre ire 0 army returned to their old quart r ron ton on friday nothing of imbor tane tune e 9 s happened As our troops rethe t ur tj rebel cavalry followed us cion clon closely iv I 1 but did not do much damage tay made repeated attempts to charge hut but were repulsed with heavy loss so jouas 61 as ascertained our losses reach 1500 the ad corps which did the most lost 10 meers officers off omm killed kilien and 31 wounded the cavalry division it is thought lost ioa about doo the loss of the enemy is is sevc vre re some say g greater reater than ours we have 1828 prisoners and 4 battle flags new york nov 1 I the times nashville special of the uit sa direct communication with atlanta ly by railroad is open and secure although C the re are swarms of guerrillas between atawa river and big shanty guerrillas are exceedingly trouble ome f nie oil on the t mayerland ma ra herland berland river and oil on ile ilc N a railroad army potomac Po tomac tomae 31 6 am aue tue tj e debels rebels a alt ait ael ati apted to play a sharp trie ai k last lit night on our lines which only tardy the main object of talt taek tack laek was defeated with a considerable loss to them at tile the point of con u between the ad and ath corps tl alt pickets pu bets of the rebels made an en tr arar a e v and passing from one post to r otar olar i antar t wr took all the men prisoners they thoy then sent forward a heavy force to charge our line of breastworks in the hm hope of piercing our center but our men ila iia had in tile the meanwhile formed behind our works and received the rebels with such a fire as drove them back ili in confusion with heavy loss repeated attempts ended with like results though firing was wm kept up all night our loss was mon captured capture in killed and wounded voun ded very row tow the tle loss was heavy as they advanced within range of our batteries though it being dark our men had not a gool range baltimore 1 the emancipation was celebrated here hero today to day by bya a salute of guns at daybreak day break accompanied with the ringing of bells fit flags ag t were displayed from the tile public buildings and many private dwellings washington 1 the navy department jias lias information that thai tha the rebel ram albemarle was blown up on tile the morning of the I 1 by the picket launch no 1 the destruction was complete tile the launch was vas subsequently nty sur sui sunk nit nil by tile the shot the ram had long been a source of annoyance to our fleet in albemarle sound new york 2 the correspondent oil on the left of the army of the potomac under date of 3 says 1 a new angle of a mile and a half southwest south west which was acquired aired on our left by recent stra getic remonstration demonstration ae is being strongly fortified I 1 understand that the army line road road is s to immediately push out oil on the left two or three miles beyond its present terminus buffalo 2 t T the he following dispatch was received receive dk M his is p m bythe by the mayor of the city washington ashington kash 2 this department has elved dived ived vl A information I 1 from the british evinces N inces to the effect that there is a c acs aes Q acy on foot to set fire to the tile prin CI aties atles in the northern states on t h 11 odthe of the tho presidential election SEWARD new york 2 the says slaves were set sot free yesterday jn baltimore in pursuance of tile the the court court under the constitution otMa ine Ane lie lle br dr ross a cl entman eneman ettman gan man in S 6 says the entire stat state 0 kov as well as ga is alive with r reiel e 01 deserters who in most cases are armed r ed are abundantly y abie able ble blo them elves helves fc in the western part df dt tile the state they reign supreme they make repeated raids on wealthy planters and rebel depots for supplies supplied and glie give protection to runaway slaves who are also armed the authorities have given up all hopes of forcing them back into the ranks and have been repulsed in all their efforts to this end jeff davis said when in aleigh raleigh Il that deserters of the confederate army outnumber the confederate soldiers in the field an extensive conspiracy recently brought to li light ht in raleigh kaleigh implicates many prominent officers of the conservative party who now openly threaten to head these deserters and their frein ds and take possession of the state government of N C and all railroads ili in the event that gov vance fails to institute at once a separate state of action for peace with lincoln the dr says it is now apparent to the rebel authorities that grant has been affording facilities to lee to receive reinforcements when grant by a sudden spring has a trap that will close up the I 1 last ast gap and oblige lee to capitulate tins this gov vance says is grants plan which has given jerf jern davis bavis much concern who is in favor of evacuating va having respectfully informed lee to aa do so and not incur the risk of the capitulation of his army new york 3 tile the commercials special says in information of plots to destroy the northern towns comes to the state department from froin official sources in the provinces the authorities of the various cities have made ample preparations against all raids chicago 3 A nashville letter of the says hood has crossed the tennessee near florence with at least a portion of his forces and sherman is p promptly moving in troops to meet the new order of things chicago 4 A nashville letter of tha tho ad says hoods army is now on the north side of the tennessee the estimate of his force is of all arms aud he has 01 61 pieces of artillery mostly 6 and 12 he effected effected the crossing of tile the river at cypress creek two and a half miles below florence which point is better suited than any along the river for that purpose he has lias no 40 supplies save such as he collects in the country as he proceeds and that involves the scattering of his forces A well informed st louis corre correspondent pon of the journal says what price accomplished during ilis his raid may bo be summed up thus he received 2000 0 recruits er the same number of conscripts and captured about 1500 15 00 stand of arms paroled 2000 prisoners and destroyed 5 worth of property on the othen other other othen hand he lost at least men in battle besides many hundred de deserters sorters about 15 pieces of artillery I 1 wa wagons ons with their spoils and several th thousand 0 u sand horses and small arms he carried but little out of the tile state except a number of horses and the clothing on the backs of liis ills thieving followers the raid has been marked more for damages to the people than benefit to the tile rebels another correspondent says I 1 have been in the wake of the deliverers as prices army is called and I 1 cannot find an instance where private property was respected age and ana sex vere were disregarded in the towns thy they passed through women were ra ravished lavished ravi shed negroes killed white mon mob were torn from their homes and forced to jein join the rebel cause and in ii many any 1 instances boys of fourteen years were 1 ere ero conscripted A chattanooga letter of the says the ath corps are leaving for huntsville gen thomas corps is in tile the neighborhood of nashville and the and corps are axe on the move washington 4 A note from tile the army of the potomac yesterday says the situation is unchanged hanged the men are ballain building lo 10 log hous houk and severe storms pre prevailed vallea new york 4 vessels have arrived hero here with officers and crews of a number of vessels captured by the llev new pira pirate pinate to chickamauga commanded by wilkinson which left wilmington october with two other steamers she is painted pea green lias has two smoke stacks carries three guns and men st louis 4 the steamers chippewa falls and alone of tile the idalio idaho fleet arrived at st joseph oil on monday they report sully and his command at sioux city part of them came down the river in mackinaw boats and the remainder marched overland sully left his adjutant capt paes pace pace at fort sully to negotiate Z with tile the sioux loux indians indians k who were anxious for peace the tho lead head chief and some other chiefs were there and only waiting tile the arrival of other chiefs to make a treaty washington 5 admiral porter repots depots the capture of the blockade runner lady sterling oil on october she had on board bales of cotton she is now at beaufort with her engines disabled her engines are horse power she is reported to be a very fast vessel and her cargo is supposed to be worth soo aw new york 5 the french mail steamer louisiana carried out tile the first installment to maximilian of the european army consisting of belgians enrollments for this army consist of frenchmen austrians Aust rians and 2000 belgians made by volunteering thus far the offers of service are much slower than was anticipated new york 6 the heralds army of tile the potomac special says the regular kr rainy weather ia is successor to indian summer and appears to have set in before richmond and petersburg causin causing a temporary cessation in ac active five operations lons ions the tile latest dispatches from froin sherman state that the road is clear and railto railroad ad communication reestablished established re from the heralds correspondent it appears th that at sherman has sent tile the ath corps to decatur to operate against hood while winie birli tile the remaining five corps of or his army he has moved to atlanta and is in all probability about to inaugurate an offensive campaign from that point new york 7 gen butler by direction of the president and by assignment t of gen dix comil commanding landing department of the east has assumed command of the military forces of this state for the purpose of preserving order until after the tile presidential election and preventing I 1 the execution of tile the supposed design of the rebels an drebel sympathizers to carry outa out a systematic plundering and burning in raid in our principal cities mastern EASTERN ea ITEMS most of our exchanges are full of flamin flaming C articles on state and dental elections democrats are rejoicing in 0 over what they assert to be a gre great at triumph in the keystone state and they speak with almost equal assurance of a majority in ohio and indiana republican organs are confident of success and say many strong things about their antagonists anta the votes cast for electors on yesterday doubtless decided who should occupy the white I louse house in washington for the next four years we expect to print the result of the great campaign 0 in our next issue an old indian trader informs the st S t joseph herald that tile the sioux indians have some ten white women in ili their possession as slaves which they treat in the most brutal manner and will not part with for any amount of money it is to be hoped that sallys expedition will succeed in rescuing 0 the unfortunate creatures A party of mechanics passed over the tile hudson river railroad last monday monlay on their way to tennessee chero they are to be employed by the government the U S steamship kensington acting volunteer lieutenant commanding win will G from mobile oct 2 arrived here yesterday morning there was no si signs lis ils of fever either at mobile key west or pensacola when she left she brings home 77 discharged and convalescent freamon from the west gulf Squad squadron roh Oni omalia alia alla oct 13 nebraska has haa a elected union delegate 0 to congress by a lar large largo e majority 1 the I lie lle richmond examiner tells tho the following story of tile the capture and death of the notorious john morgan it seems that lie he was waa oil on a near greenville east tennessee and using tile tiie prin privilege torl tori of his iii ill highway lovay mavs maws mans practice took lodgings az at all an inviting house near tile the village this pleasant little house was the residence of a mrs wil wll williams m s whose husband is 19 ta an officer on general e ne ral rai burnsides staff mrs willia williams in S ike kept t quiet until the guerrilla chief telf fell beil asleep asleep then sho hastily procured a horse honse rode rodo rode full speed for fifteen miles and returned with a small squad of union soldiers just as they arrived morgan awoke and seeing ills his danger broke from the house but was confronted on all sides by bayonets desperate at being thus caught by a woman lie ho drew ills his revolver swore I 1 lie ho would not be taken alive an and undertook to break through tile the guard they fired and john morgans career of infamy and blood was finished IMPORTANT snipping SHIPPING CASE IN A FOREIGN PORT ENGLISH ENGLIS lil VALUE OF OP AN AMERICAN DOLLAR an english paper of recent date says the case of the nonpareil came before the court of admiralty on july this was an action brought by the mate of the above vessel to recover the balance of wages due to him at the time of his discharge at liverpool ill in march last the plaintiff an american Mil by birth shipped as mate on board the english glish ship nonpareil then lying 10 at new york on the ath of may 1863 on which day articles were signed by liim him for a voyage to china and thence home to tho tile united kingdom at 1150 50 per month on the ar arrival ri i val vai of the ship at liverpool and the consequent discharge ch arge of the plaintiff he was w as offered the balance of his wages in english money calculated at the rate of as 11 s ad per dollar this he declined to take considering himself entitled to be paid at the rate of as ad per dollar the thu question in fact was whether the word 11 dol doi dollard dollars larZ in the article must be taken to mean paper money greenbacks green backs or metallic evidence was given to the effect that it has been the invariable custom in paying shipped in america at so many dollars per month to allow the them in as ad to the tile dollar in a this tilis country such was the case before the tiie civil war and up to the present time no alteration seems to have been made in the practice his lordship held the evidence of the custom to pay as ad for each dollar ili in such cases aa as tile the present conclusive had it been other otherwise wise the decision of the court would still have been in favor of tho plaintiff it is an invariable rule of the court of admiralty where doubt exists as to the meaning of a contract for wages 0 to construe the contract most favorably to the seaman and against the if there be a doubt in the wording of the contract it is the ship owners duty to clear it up v he can do so the seaman cannot decree for the amount of the wages at 48 ad per dollar with costs GRACE GREENWOOD in her iler late lecture in chicago drew the following picture in the future back on these troublous times will our children look in reverence reve reverence rince and awe the sons of our brave bravo soldiers will vill date their patents of nobility on grander fields than agincourt dagincourt Agin court or bannockburn such patents of nobility as no royal ryal heral beral beralas heralds her aide alde ds office has symbols fymbo Is sufficiently glorious for many a coat of arms in those days will llave have one sleeve hanging empty wo we may picture to ourselves a group of young eads fads some ten years years hunce hance was proudly accounting ingbor lor their orphanage an orphanage which the coU coultry country itry should see to is not desolate says on one L jaal daal jy father fell ili in beating back the tile invaders at gettysburg burg 1 11 says another iny ju father teil lell on oil lookout mountain fighting above the tho clouds 11 says a third my hary father suffered martyrdom in |