Show WOOL wool WOOL woon oring DRING R ING your ur last y years ea rs wool at ance anco once that it to g U may be ea either elther t h er ca carded r d e or carded and spun bemore before or this year years w wool wooi 1 com comes e in T the tho 1 grease re ae had better be sent separate ca r to be mixed aed at the factory at the rate ot of 1 pound d of f clean grease to atom from 6 to 8 pounds nd otwool of wool wooi I 1 to 6 Is thought thought best TERMS one no sixth biath of the rolls or I 1 16 cents ent a 1 nd for carding and one third of th the yar yarn f for fon r ng and spinning 23 mtr tf YOUNG WOOL ury ity alty Y carding machino machine on city creek near my X aji residence Is now in operation ulea please r send gend uuie e grease separate from the wool to be mixed sit ait the factory at the rate of 1 pound und of clean to from 6 to 8 pounds of w wool wooi iol 1 to 6 being ht best K tf HEBER lieber C I 1 NOTICE TO DAVIS dasis will be given at the office of L t the he ass assessor wr and collector in farmington er ery wednesday and saturday all taxes due I 1 tsi isi be paid before tile the first of december next ARTHUR 1 ift it at i assessor and collector NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS PAYEES rahe territorial county and city taxes are JL now due and payable all persons inter are r requested u to settle their taxes at an 1 day and d thereby by save gave additional cost mst dayment 11 ent can be made at my office at the urt house 0 on mondays thursdays and sat U ya of each keeli eek ROBERT T BURTON assessor and collector city sept ept 13 51 aft BROOMS HF you want good brooms bring on your 0 K L broom r m corn aa to abranam ABRAHAM M rom liri iiri hays hayy aa y ng ad ward ochs eest kest of jhb mill I am WANTED L UM UM B E R L LATH nath A T H and SHIN ES in for BOOTS shows SHOES and mui neather LEATHER at E R B cos gos TANNERY WARD G S L CITY E every very description of LEATHER LEATHE R of a superior duality always on hand for 8 SALE L E or EX Si HANGE E for produce 44 the tho T highest h t arico paid for BARIC BARK HIDES OL al 01 and TA TALLOW L 0 IV 52 aft DAVID 0 ealder CALDER A GE GENT NT fot for f all nil 1 1 kinds hinds of musical instruments A and ana asu aau musical s i c al merchandise fiano ilano jiano ano anoh F fortes t ortes ones cabinet jadin jaoin ei organs lons ions anu ana and tars selected by competent and responsible persons and warranted to give ve satisfaction all instruments delivered at wyoming ye nebraska braska gut out tatting fitting place place this season at manufacturers tees ices ces a and n freight w oil on hand the very best q quality of alln violoncello and ings MILLINERY AND fanoy FANCY GOOD OF or THE MOST SUPERIOR QUALITY AT MRS maklan MARIAN pilots one block north morth of union square mard ward country people are respectfully invited to give her a call 1 am PRODUCE TAKEN von FOR SALE A GOOD HOUSE HOU 1 and LOT in farmington ift 41 a davis davig coun county ty h half ad a jat block k Farn of the an court t adase use for or particulars inquire of 11 II P RICHARDS at ity kuy ny ga 6 G Es store city 2 at NOTICE mue rde subscriber has forty acres of goo I land lan J JL two miles above gardners gardeners Gard ners mill mili on jordn jordan twenty acres meadow and twenty plow land with a house abiouse which he will sell cheap for stock eash vash mcash KU ft E W V VAN ETTEN rew NEW STORE A sia SIX vhf r gf U hate JUST OPENED a complete assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY D boods G 0 0 D S BOOTS SHOES k HATS CLO CLOTHING GRO G R 0 CERIES C E R I 1 EA S ac ac which they offer atthe lowest price for cash on EAST TEMPLE STREET aza A few doors below Groosb comor nor a SALT balt slake LAKE C orry otry barties battles parties purchasing goods in sait rait baie laie lake city will I 1 nind find it to t tu M ir advantage vl vantage to ml oal and soe boe sie as us bt b 1 0 ng ei enc w lre ire r ty T y it on and judco for fer yours S suf tf tt NOTICE T AM ali paying CO 50 cents t a a jw pound adi in n C cash h and L Sto SOe repay pay lor ir g good clenn clean 1 raw cotton t t 23 20 tf ti Y YOUNG 0 UNG C II 11 BASSETS nawl M BOLIVAR ROBERTS dassett BASSETT 61 ROBERTS AVE OPENED in their NEW STORE next HAVE door doon south of jennings a complete assortment of desirable goods suitable to this Tn arket market we dont pretend to sell spit cheaper than ev everybody to lyl but we confident confidently lay tay lay that we have ah the b best bost goods market that could ile lie be procured in the new york OUR HICKORY PRINTS FEINTS and TICKS are the ther heaviest and best manufactured OUR DYE STUFFS are no one especially our INDIGO and MADDER OUR TEA the tho very best in market WE have a fine lot of BOOTS AND SHOES OUR CHILDRENS CHIL DRENIS SHOES are very superior OUR HATS the cheapest in the market 4 aej C maxx ZT 47 3 GOOD AND CHEAP IN AND SEE US VS E za si basser BASSET ROBERTS 2 am reformation I 1 11 I 1 0 WHO W ha keeps horses and carriages horses and buggies or saddle horses FAUST WHO T H 0 keeps the farmers miners freighter freighters and traveler 1 FAUST hene HERE is a HORSE MARKET W ly where stock block of all kinds is 19 sold bold WHERE W HERE do you go to get your stock yr insured on a ranch r 1 aft administrators NOTICE TM mile mlle peen been appo appointed an ad JL mtnor of the estate state 0 of jonn JOHN M i WOOLLEY deceased late of great salt lake city ity hereby dereb give not notice cc to all persons concerned e or who 01 may have ave unsettled accounts with t the e sat said sald es estate to present resent them for settlement pro properly erl eri all ati authenticated t d and those whose are indebted debt to tile t le estate s te to call cail 11 and liquidate the same sabe el immediately e I 1 ea the e business of settle settie settlement eri erl will twill at present be e atte attended to by samuel A woolley on oil the premises or at his residence one door west ot of the late residence of the deceased west side of the ninth ward G S L city punctual attendance to this notice is requested as we wish to close the business of the estate taie tale as soon as possible EDWIN D 6 WOOLLEY ISAAC GROO I 1 administrators G B S L city oct ct h 1864 4 af W F ANDERSON MD SURGEON BURGEON AND PHYSICIAN OFFICE and remmy lath ward wo taw doors muth south of match factory as az persons knowing themselves indebted to me for professional services for the last two three and four years are respectfully invited to settle settie their accounts ALL munds MINDS OF PRODUCE TAK ifft 1 aff W F A MEDICINE I 1 E AND DRUG STORE WM PIDCOCK to inform th the inhabitants of ogden WISHES VY C cuty city ay and adjacent country that he has haj oll on hand a choice olce oice and well selected stock of MEDICINES AND DRUGS which he offers at a very low price lil INI edical medical advice given gratis and medicine prepared according to the Thoms onlan practice the public will also find at his establishment a nine fine assortment of mr dr jonn JOHN Find lays celebrated MATCHES for sale bale yb NB roes wanted 1 laff aft olty CITY moed atwil OPENED ap N 1 n price pa paid adfor for jor cheat wheat iao iro hops 8 1 aft 01 A AND STOCK OF GOODS no 81 cog F P to open in a few days the largest and best selected STOCK af of pf all kinds of GOODS goi gol ever brought to this territory in 0 our U r NEW STORE 91 opposite the overland stage line office jf we shall always keep en on hand a well weli selected STOCK OF D nry DRY RY R Y C broods 0 O 5 buch seen AS PRINTS ioni 1031 DOMESTIC ESTIC HICKORY DENI DENIMS and FINE DRESS goads also afine a aine fine sook stock of BOOTS SHOES furnishing GOODS HARDWARE CROCKERY GLASSWARE aso AHO C 40 ME 3 ma R 0 wo we also shall koep hoep OUR STORE WE AVE OCCUPY NOW where we will wui ommer offer for SALE in a few weeks a FINE STOCK OF CLOTHING AND furnishing GOODS zay ZEY CALL AND EXAMINE ohr OUR GOODS for produce of all L hinds kinds the highest price will be paid N S co I amt f CR storks STORES I 1 I 1 0 nie THE PEOPLE NORTH AND SOUTH WILL I 1 FIND IN A FEW DAYS dats v A COMPLETE STOCK OP OF G 0 0 AT MY BRANCH establishments OGDEN weber county 1 k LOGAN cache county SALT SILT CREEK juab jual 1 where th the same liberality in ter Pur purchasing dasing gond GOLD G 1 cig cis P etcy atcy WILL BE CARRIED OUT i a nn i f A ra BS s M T f woj A EN E NINES I 1 NG S 5 63 aft NUMBER bit NOT H ERS 0 we have just opened a well selected STOCK or GENERAL merchandise ome One Jw north morth of telegraph officer efly 14 oon Con consisting kisting in part 04 0 FANCY staple dry goods good S CLOTHING etc to which we invite the attention of the 1 h of this city and territory 1 kur GOODS are of a fine selection and good 1 1 1 quality prices to suit rie rhe flie lie himes times gur pur ir FALL and WINTER supply bupp lyof of DRY GOODS ild tid ind AAD GROCERIES 51 aft WILL vill I shortly arrive NOTICE OF dissolution tug mile mlle banking firm of POWERS rowers NE JL C lids hits this day been dissolved b by VW mutual conson conar their bu business bustness siness gIness will bo be settled up by their mac mae censors ces sors I 1 scott kierr co at t thin thir old place of bustness business ept stift SCOTT 8 C 0 T T moe TOE kei rit CO ba dankers bankers S successors of po powers ers newman I 1 obb 00 I 1 I 1 y EAST str STU G B S I 1 com GOT A at godbee I 1 I 1 money 1 received on deposit DEALERS IN OOIN COIN GOLD DUST and EXCHANGE 0 I 1 I 1 metropolitan bank bauk new now nark rk drexel 00 oo philadelphia scott kerr kern co leavenworth leavenworth llansa kansas IC ansa 50 aft A AX M IV kerp KERB 31 E R claes clams CLARK CO C 0 0 A al 61 KT M am MR 2 great salt rake lake city DEALERS IN COIN codr GOLD DUST and 0 draw dr w on alt all parts of europe 1 11 10 NEY ret VED OK ON DEPOSIT 14 1 4 I 1 correspond with bank new lr deriver gilr clark dark co leavenworth clark co lefer lafer by permission pennis sion eion to bank of commerce how hew york drexel co philadelphia 1 trl JAMES LINFORTH commission MERCHANT 08 BATTERY street ET SAN sam peano rEANO ISCO CALIF california J blekht drafts on salt lake city utah territory 11 austin nevada territory particular attention armittie arnen ATrEN TIO TION IT ro 10 iun lun i UR fon rob utan 2311 23 tf pure PUKE LINSEED oly OIL tor TOB 01 SALE at the TITHING OFFICE amud ane ani ung lat V P I t millir r PITTS paint shop waa va five doma dowa a gallon in coin or ime ite lent in currency 31 81 tf HEBER CL a |