Show OR putrid SORE THROAT th very prevalent disease ilas lias swept from the parental lap many a sweet babe and to prevent its further ravages among tho the little innocents should be the larnes sarnes fc object of fathers and mothers A friend has us tile following recipe wo take jake pleasure giving to A poultice mado made of the yolk of an egg and nine fine salt sait of a paste like ilke consistency to be put on tile throaty and kept on 30 minutes unless sooner dry drs if the child bo very feverish tho the poultice should be repeated A wash or gargle gargie should also aiso bo prepared and used consisting of equal parts of nue hue sait salt and alum mixed with J vinegar for n very severe ease case make mako a wash for the tho throat of blood root goiden golden seal and pulverized bayberry hayberry we are credibly informed that in every evory instance where simple simpie remedies have been applied the sufferer has recovered |