Show BY TELEGRAPH new york 7 the tiner tines correspondent gives a lengthy detailed accoti account nt of we the operations opera tiona tlona of friday ad U showing that the move was waa the most im of the campaign being an attempt to j push the rebel rebels back from their position en on this side bide the but failed thou though 11 oun our army was oas advancing to new i octlona on tiona tlona the kev key of t the he point was waa secured by bar Bir Barlow barlows lows 3 ani gibbons divisions but was wrested from fromi I 1 them by an overwhelming rebel r serve in a strong line of works the herald sap bap Friday frid ay ya a fight wa was brief and arid bloody moody but a brilliant victory for the ath corps A james river corres correspondent bays the ironclad fleet baa haa been moved up abreast of but berys right wing ning which la is trenched entrenched in on the peni en insua naua formed by the and S james dames ames riven and is east of the richmond and petersburg railroad which road ofir our army has hash been enabled to reach with recently mounted I 1 nuns guns C icaco 8 A dispatch from dallaba dallas ga 33 bays saya the eneany made 7 distinct dist net charges upon sons BOUB lines last night In aking leaking a desperate effort each time tune to gain gain the worl work the first charge made at 10 arid it lasted 50 60 minutes before the rebels withdrew this t j charge was made along the whole line other charges were amade I 1 pon upon the centre held by sweeneys Swee nys division ot of dodges corps and oter oater bius division ot of logaris corps the rebels i repulsed in each f rista nce uce with terrible ter ur t our men did not yield an inch the taie enemy advanced so suddenly that our skirmishers could not reach reaco the main line and accordingly laid down on the ground and allowed allow edi edl the rebels to pass pasa over them two comp compi t inies dies of the cath illinois remained out all night flight in this ihla minner m inner sometimes behind the rebel lines and sometimes between the tha th two lines they report that the enemy advanced in hea heavy heasy columns and suffered terribly from our fire but ut carried off the most of their dead and wounded as they tell some ot of the outlaying outlawing out laying skirmishers were killed and some cap ared atlanta papers say that every train from the north comes loaded with wounded and that there are already more there thin they know what to do with skirmishing along the whole line continued briskly on the new yorla 8 the tint tini special says of the rebel attack on sanday sunday night ath the rebels made an assault just after darks dark in the front ot of smitha brigade of the 2nd and corps the whole lower strata of the atmosphere was a dense mist under cover of this fog the enemy advanced adran ced in a strong line of bat bal baitie baltie tle tie and succeeded in reaching ng a point within pistol ran range e of our works before they were discovered by the advanced pickets no ro sooner booner did the outposts give the al alarm irm than ony one sheet of fire burst forb fon for h from our oar ranks in front and oa an both of the benom enemy i ID halt half an hour he fell tell back lea iea leaving vinz the tha ground riu n d covered with dead and wounded our oun r f ada ismall email brig gen Ba Bar ban barnard bannard nard rard today to day took his position aj chet chef ch ef engineer of the army array the herald correspondent of thy thi lelh corps says ays our line runs nearly parallel with tho chickahominy in its main direction but is exceedingly cee irregular in its ita entire length the rig right richt bt la Is formed by burnsides Burns idea corps the centre b by y wrights corps and the left by ilan iian hancock another correspondent says a large number of bf reinforcements arrived on the eth our reinforcements s outnumber our losses and more imore arel arb comin coming RIchi richmond nond papers ad say that thit on friday ad 14 astl asil assaults aults were made by dy G gant ant on the right of their line held by kenshaw hokes and all were repulsed with great slaughter vhey they they stase stae our loss at from 10 tb with 1000 prisoners sones bones s their men escaping almost unharmed but acknowledge that we wt gained tried a partial success against Breck brech that they subsequently recovered the grAtt crbut ti the tha furth fulth tir tit says that grants object was waa to gain positions arouni aroun Gaine 01 willa and open opera to bottoms Bot dot toms toma brida e and connect with batien hia object was s signalled signal iti led defeated led ted our men aie afe are bally engaged in did dig digging gling towards the works the attack en sunday night was one of our working parties wellington 8 the ile loan bill from the secretary of the treasury reported in the house yesterday authorizes ber borrowing rowing four hundred million for the serece of the next fiscal year andin ending june on coupon or registered registe rel bonds re dee dec maule mauie after an any ans y period not more mere thin th n 40 years A despatch from general grant 3 pm tib ats aa as follows all quiet today to day baltimore 8 tha aco bention reassembled 10 a a ra duil Duri danison laou leou la in the thair chair mr Elam elamond orld olid from committee on n resolutions reported the following first resolved that it is the highest duty of e every eveny ve ry american citi cities zet zei i to ialwain mal mai main nain against al all ail t their thein h e r enemies the integrity of the union and aad the paramount authority or of the constitution of the united states and that laying aside all differences of political opinions we pledge ourselves as euion aaion men animated by a common sentiment and aimin almin aimi almi nj I 1 at a common object to do everything in our power 10 0 o aid the government in quelling by force ot nt arms the rebellion now waging wasting against is authority and in Iiii blinking nging to due their crimes the rebels and traitors trai tors tora arraigned against it resolved that we approve the determination of the united states not compromise with rebels nor to offer any term 4 of peace except such as may nay be based upon an unconditional surrender of their bos hos and a return to their j ut lit allegiance to the constitution and laws lawi of the U eted state and that we cill upon the government to maintain this poil position tion and to p the war with the utmost passi possible lle ile vigor to the complete suppression of the rebel ion in full reliance upon the seif self sacrifices patriotism heroic valor and undying devotion of the american people ti to 0 thir th ir c antry and its free institutions resolved that as slavery was the r luse luse ause and now constitutes the tha strength of thib rebellion and must be always and every where hostile to the principles oe of republican government justice and national oa tiona safety we demand its utter titter and complete extirpation the sou aou ot the republic and ana that we uphold and maintain the act acts and proc by which ilie he government in its on o defense has aimed a death blow at it this gi gigantic antic evi we ive are in favor furher furthermore more of buch auch amendments to th tha constitution to be ra mole mule ide by the people in conformity conform ty win its provisions as shall terminate and for ever p obi 41 it the existence of slavery within be the limits or jurisdiction of the U cited th next res resi lution thanks the soldiers and sailors of the army and navy for their gallant and hero c achievements in the defence of the country the next resolution approve approves a the practical wisdom arid and unselfish unselt ish patriotism of abraham lincoln and end andrs irb irs s as esse bial to he preservation of the nation and within the constitution the measures and acts which be has taken to defend the nation against open and secret foes and especially approves of the emancipation procla procia mitlon and the emboy ment aa as union soldiers of men heretofore held in slavery resoled resolved Re soled that the government owes to all men employed employ td dinits in its armies nies without regard to color tuil lull protection of the laws lawa of war and anti that any violations of these laws by the rebels should be made the subject of full and prompt redress the next uio tie uon favola favors arid encouraging foreign I 1 immigration I 1 resolved that vve sva are in favor of the speedy construction of a rai ral road load to the pacific resolved that the nati national ona filtz f fth jtb be hedged for tor the redemption of the public debt public credit must be kept inviolate and for bis bis his pur poe we recommend economy and rigid responsibility lity in public expenditures and a vigorous i and just system of taxation that it is the duty of tot any loyal state to buntain the credit and pro promote in ote the use of the national currency resolved that we approve the position boshon taken by government that the people or of he the I 1 ur united cited states can never regard with indifference the attempt of any european power to overthrow evertt irow by force oi or supplant by fraud frand the institutions of any republic in government on the western continent and that tiey mey will view with extreme jealousy as mn menacing acing to the peace and independence of our own cou coultry comery itry the efforts of any such power to obtain a military force in near proximity to the united states spates the readi reading of tha resolutions was frequently interrupted terru ted by applause on motion the resolutions were adopted b acclamation cameron moved that lincoln be declared the unanimous choice of the union poty party ai nomine nom lne e for president the wab was for lincoln for gen grant 22 all from missouri oa motion the vote was yas declared I 1 unanimous the convention pro preceded ceded to vote for rora fora a candidate for tor vice president andy johnson hannibal hamlin danl S dickinson and ani T 11 rosseau were named as oie vie ballot pro ceded it became apparent thit that mr johnson johhson would be the nomi nominee lie ibe and before the vote was announced various sates votes had bad been commenced cha tha changing nging and went unanimously for him and he be was waa declared the choice of the convention after the election of a national committe committees ee an i 1 the adoption of various parlous resolutions ot of thanks the convention adjourned sine die new york 9 A new york correspondent say saya of shermana mans mana battle near dallas on the the rebels were entrenched behind breastworks which were occupied by Steven sons division div HioB hoods corps of gearas division which was in advance presse I 1 after them up to the rebel works and were met by a wi withering therin fire of grape canister and anil m iske ry then butter ditter fieldg fields fi elila division cli ili vision swan awang around on their left a general charge was made on the reel reiel line which wa waa received with a shower of bullets the mh corpa corps was badly pressed and staggered back beneath a destructive fire the ah corps now came up beit bat darkness stopped the combat tae toe vic victory tory at new hope was wag won by the hardest fighting ami aud severe loses losses new york 9 tb tog toe e steamer berkshire was destroyed by fire hist list night on the hudson 8 miles below here it la IR stated staled that nearly 40 persons perished in the flames Cincinnat cincinnati ip 9 the rebels are near falmouth on the ky central railroad arid and at williamstown Williams town on the pike 30 miles from cincinnati A large rebel force is reported between crab orchard and anti Stor Storn ford they burned a i large ware warehouse house houie and water station at cynthiana yesterday they now have possession of paris pins germantown cynthiana and aud williamtown William town philadelphia 9 A report har bai been received of the capture on the 3 1 I of the U S steamer water witch in assanow voted soui d georgia by 8 armed boits bo its from the rebel frt art mcallister only one of the crew made his escape he says buys s ays a desperate resistance was vas made by the officers and crew hut but superior numbers overpowered them an expedition has been fitted out at pore port roya royal to go down and endeavor to recapture or destry ber she carried earned 5 grins and ana is considered very fast ers erb army potomac 8 under a doa fia dag 6 1 or of truce trace last evening the dead and wounded between the opposing lines were brought in there were very few wounded at some points while at others quite a number were found A portio portion it of the bith corps is 1 as hiving arrived at a po nt on on the chickahominy near bottom bridge considerable sid erable airi firing n was heard in that direction yesterday pm p m Mr washington ashington 9 the united states court 8 h b passed a decree in 14 cases presented under the co act of july 17 1862 ordering the sales after advertisements of 0 all the right and title in estate of the respective towners owners for and during in their natural lives excepting in cages cases where the pro property perty penty was pernon parional par sonai ional alp aly in in which cass the forfeiture is absolu e among the cases are ta 0 e ot governor letcher of vr V r ginia t Smi thaon and other reb e t rv new york 10 the lit JIt rall correspondent fth says a division of we the ath corps oc scruples a position from the railroad bridge over the chickahominy 1 to Sum S rier nera bidge bridge over the river 2 mile miles bv e enemy is gly posted on iye lye he ite I 1 opposite uie tie side aide with heavy guus gnus which opened fiercely upon our men ben hen they moved were promptly responded to and ed another correspondent says our iines lines have i been somewhat advanced and placed in a stron strong condition for defense def det enie enic the enemy are within talking distarce of our lines our ranks are bein being filled rapidly by reinforce matits merits men s ile he of the ath corps corpy waa yesterday d av ath shelled vigorously for half an hour ony on y 8 men were killed and wounded about 4 pin oth the rebels made another desperate sperate ile tle I 1 charge on this corps corpa works adit ani were again disastrously repulsed nw new york 10 the tribune correspondent details sher marile mans to jure jaire lat may at aid aid d were de devote to rest at cassville Cass ville i on the 22 t an order was wax issued to move the next morning on the direct route to altoona i at the etowah the enemas s pickets and sharpshooters were met atie army crossed the thenie river riven nand rand and pushed on towards hun anile skirmishing on the way and reached burnt hickory teus trus thus 11 linking inking them toward evening I 1 was heard heare in front of ho kera kers era ers position troops were hurried up but I 1 reached the scene after fter dark dirk the firing had ceased hey they foaad found hooker cadou had bad an y fell upon th tha edemy enemy in a swamp and in him back next morning another skirmish took place and the r rebels ebels were vere agin alin forced back rapidly followed foil iwed by our troop troops si when suddenly a masked battery opened with destructive effect on our men who were vare cut cu down by the score our loss was between 2 and on the our army anny was waa in position in front of the enem enemy y strongly posted 4 miles from froia dallas the next day the enemy massed for an assault on our works and for half an hour the fighting was terrible and the slaughter of the enemy great groat be was driven back in confusion at the same time a powerful attack i was madg mads on right but it waa was repulsed the loss logs was waa between 2 i and on the alst a feeble febie attack wag made by the rebels and repulsed and on thursday noon we catered dallas washington 10 owing to a break in the telegraph ther thera were no des deb patches yesterday from the army of the potomac dispatches Des patches thia iii lii mornine |