Show nural notices POWERS NEWMAN NEIMAN co BANKERS lin 1 E EXCHANGE WILL PAY tire THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR COIN AND alyd golb GOLD BUST DUST Or drug store building est bost temple brer bret aalt talt lake city 28 am JAMES JAMB S LINFORTH ORTH 0 commission O MERCHANT BATTERY STREET saat SAN FRANCISCO california sight drafts on salt lake city U utah tall tali territory 64 4 austin nevada ie territory particular ATTENTION alven GIVES TO VVS lit nit CHASES FOR rde UTAH att tt oil CIT C 1 1 ER E R 1 jare JUICE of the he APPLE arple for P PURE purr also by J E B WALLACE 19 tt tf lath ward STRAW MRS C R SAVAGE announces that she Is R respectfully ing a first claes clae article articie of GENTS LADIES LADIE sni and tod CHILDRENS STRAW HATS in the lagest latest and most approved styles cleaning don done to order residences Residence read nce nee 2 doors north of bishop sharps goth 20 wa va d city 32 am amt t that distilling app apparatus aratus yet FOR SALE 1 I 11 vve lve a large copper S sili of the tha capacity of 0 gallo gallons n s with steam coas coar and alpes bici uce for sal sai elow for tor or carb grainy grain stock stocke hc UC or 01 awill 1 alu bell seu on or dine urne to a responsible per person on I 1 wl w i atso sell in connection connect lon foa with ve te above alove or sep parater p pars para aela tel tej a number of 0 large mash rubs of the aggregate ager gaa gae capacity capac itt or 2500 or gallons also a firs tirs class clasa hydro meters with thermometer attach attached fd 27 it E EI I 1 I 1 B R keusey krusey tooele thoele city olty ALSEE BRO BROS 05 maini STREET GREAT SALT LAKE CITY WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR first finst TRAIN OF SPRING GOODS consisting of a GENERAL assortment on the of april our next train will arri arrie arrive e with a complete selection fancy dress goods of latest styles fancy dregs dress trimmings in great variety prints of all ali brands 7 ladles ladies balmoral boots 3 ladies calf se morocco boots shoes gents calf boots shoes miners boots ales mes MEN BOPS all kinds PAIiT COATS VESTS resa rega CLOTHING ETC TEA 41 SUGAR COFFEE DYE stute lilua BRASS SS YM KETTLES mettles ROPE SHOVELS spasa POWDER ETC ETC DOMESTIC DRY GOODS or ALL ALI GRADES AND quantities instrumental MUSIC C J THOMAS IS 3 pep spared p sred to take a few private pupils to teach them string and brass instrumental music at his resl kel dence one block northeast lime lima kiln ward terms menns 16 per quarters quarter two lessons per music arranged arran ged sed for tor or band bands banda s and choirs pianofortes Plano Piano fortes rune tune MAT 36 tt I 1 I 1 z arcil notices WOOL WOOL WOOL woon mh RING your lat last years yearb wool at once that tbt it may be U either cirdes or carded and spun before wa this years yeara wool com comes in the grease hd bad better belter be sent separate to be mida mixed xe d at the factory at t the rate of I 1 pound of clean grease to tom t om cm 6 to 8 pounds 0 of wool wooi I 1 to 6 Is khoh t best TERMS abne gin win of the rolls 3 cents a pound for cardin carding and no tie third of 01 the yarn for carding and spinning 28 tt BRIGHAM toung YOUNG I 1 WOOL CARDING MY M Y carding machine on alty creeks creek near my ray resl resi deuce 9 Is now in operation please send the grease se thi separate arate from the wool wools to be mixed at the factory at the rate of I 1 pound of clean grease to from 6 to 8 pounds ot 01 wool 1106 I 1 6 belag betas thought best i 23 tf heder HEBER C KIMBALL BRASS instruments P PERSONS about forming brass bands caa can purchase their instruments through me mes mey of 0 the very Tery best manufacture yat rat at manufacturers prices and freight and warranted to give giro entire satisfaction david daviu 0 CALDER 23 28 tl tf president H youngs office DAVID 0 calden CALDE Iq 1 GENT for tor all kinds of masl mascal ical instruments and musia A cal merchandise pi piano plano ano fortea fortes cabinet organ melodious an guitars selected by competent and aud responsible persons and warranted to give satisfaction all instruments delivered a at wyoming nebraska outwitting outfitting out fitting place this thia season reason at M fiers prices and freight Al Alway wayson son aon band the very beat qually of 0 violin vio tio jencella Jen cello ceilo and guitar string I 1 23 if 1 MASON celebrated cabinet org orz organs ins lor jor meeting houses schools and faini faint families 1 acs ics T PHE r 1 cabinet organ Is very great improvement upon a all bil 11 in or of the melodeon or kind its il superior excellence con consists tre ere ests in many important characteristics among which are the more organ ilke like character of its ten ad it it lias bias as greatly more awer and volume ot of tone in proportion to 10 its cot ad its capacity for tor or Is made vastly batly greater than hig his ever before been attained in such buch instruments fth it admits of 0 great rapidity of execution adapting it to the perform performance tince lince of a reater variety ot of lively reci sect eucalar alar music ath no instrument in IR leab leaa liable to get geton keton out ont tot lot of ordet order 6 h b atwill it wull will remain in tuna tona ten times limes as long aa as a ria o fotte for tuil mil description see advertisement in the american agriculturist ot of december 1863 and godey a ladys ladya book ton tor april 1864 prices 85 and upwards according to number cumber of stops and style ordera orders received and illustrated badale gues gnes fumi thed by DAVID 0 calden CALDER aff aft a tf PreEl dent office SALT wat MAT AY be had bad at M J ath ward alboy also alro sale saie r attis for which h h all bit kinds kilda of grain will be taken in exchange 43 12 m W F ANDERSON DID MD hid SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN OFFICE and residence best Besl dence two doors boath south of match factory I 1 itt tt tf 13 persons knowing themselves indebted to me for professional services the last two three and four years rears are respectfully invited to settle their accounts ali il kinds of taken W F A UNITED UNITED STATES main MAIL AND EXPRESS LINE B east idaho salt lake late olty city utah I 1 aud and na baunock bannock Bain coclE city I 1 1 I obrie tr tim 6 days chour four borge borse coaches leave salt lake alty for city east matjo and anil all intermediate pints p ints on mondays sod and thursdays at 8 A at X close connection conne clion cllon maje made majeno to and from VIrgInI virginia aj nevada and gallatin oltie and the be new dl dt pings on the yellow stone of the fort bendoni kono koho 30 tt NOTICE MR johs jouk B FOSTER formerly of the ward informs hla bra friends and patrons that be has rented room rooms ID its MR G D WATTS WATTIS house in the ward te will continue to manufacture cloth upon a ercale larg larger scale he Is 19 now well provided with good new wide vide and narrow icons and every other apparatus needed for forthe the manufacture of good cloth C oth jeans eans lin deyso shawls blanket scotch plaids linen linens etc etc he ile promises prom lieg lies to give entire satisfaction to those who may entrust him blut with their work rj 23 ile na will take talce WOOL er or ROLLS to manufacture on snares suares 23 lt austis austin M clabe CLARIC kern KERR MILTON E olat clat E X CLARK CO 33 A KT ZT bec 30 SS y great salt ilailo lake city DEALERS IS IX COIN GOLD COLD DUT and EXCHANGE MONET money RECEIVED ON 0 DEPOSIT with metropolitan bank new yort tort clark dark co clark dark goy gey 0 denver refers refer by to B butk bunk kak of commerce Comia erce new york tork drexel ngo oo 00 philadelphia 29 20 it ua rahal ranal BAHAL it G ann avi e 1 W WS 19 GODBE GODEE hag ilag haga a afew few TWO HORSE WAGONS MAGONS yolk roil FOK vor SALE clie cire CHEAP all early and examine at the DRUG len jeneral jen crai cral PURE linsk LINSE linseed ED OIL oin F por FOR OR S SALE A L H at the TITHING OFFICE and at WILLIAM LI A M PITTS paint shop alti ward five dollars a gallon gallons in coin ooin or its la in currency a 0 KIMBALL I 1 1 ca I 1 0 BR T efflo 19 CHEAP FOR hilb CASH 3 B aie axe TIP n neall neail calland and SEE ao a 24 tr tf JOHN F KINNEY ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL COLLECTOR WILL make collections la in any say part of europe and la in ar any ary y locality in the loyal states on reasonable reasons ble bie terms I 1 nl ud promptly remit proceeds ile ne will also act as agent and attorney in the sale of I 1 ret ter state ani in the sett settlement lement ot estates in which persons pencils lo 10 utah are interested WILLIAM CLATTON clayton esq of salt lake oky city wiil will prepare the necessary powers of 0 attorney and forward to me at t washington city JOHN F KINNEY kinner toz tom city an auz aug 1 1863 NOTICE T AM AN paying 50 cents a pounds pound in cash and Sto repay for good goods clean raw cotton colton 29 tt YOUNG I 1 B M DU RELL HELL WM B HUGHES voise boise city idaho san francisco ca cal B D 11 BU DU RELL HELL 05 CO 05 ix WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS I 1 IN is I 1 dry goods groceries liquors boots shoes I 1 Cl Clot ciot liing 13 provisions and ana OUTFITS generally BOISE CITY IDAHO TERRITORY in addition to 0 o their general business B M D co will pay part particular leglar attention to sales of consignments Consign ments of the products of utah it rf quiren required on commission inbusch in such guch clr liberal advancement will wiil wlllie be mag mae on const agn and we aoi eol I 1 eit cit persons bringing such articles to 0 t his maket to g give lre ire us a call persons from utah bething de BACK BACS freight such as wll will pa pay par a profit such men as TEA COFFEE SUGARS ac will do well wll to examine our stock pr evlona to making pure haser baser as owing to the tact fact that one member of our firm flim resides at san francisco we are able to budoo buy luy on better terms and therefore can give better bargains than any in these mountains or valley valleys boise bolge alty idavoy idaho march 10 1864 27 cm cal f 4 r Q 91 ll 11 izi 0 az g P Q ul 00 03 to all whom it may concern wpc S the undersigned undersigner under signed hereby give noti nott gotlie e of our faten maen tion tn to take up a ciaio claim in nta nea one mile booth sooth of mill creek K koloc st and nd open a road la in said kanyon kinyon it being at unopened uno pend d jonn ARROWS SAMUEL rlou RICH WEAVING INGI WEAVING I 1 I 1 HAVE taken the theroh 2011 ward ard factory the property po perty of the late thos lyon lyons deceased where I 1 am M prepared to weave all kinds or moth coth and will kuar paar antee ont out as good an article as Is aida aide in any part of 01 the territory I 1 will vill work wool or flax blazi on ab shares ares area into jeans lin beys jerseys kerseys Ker een sheets blanket blanker etc etc those who wish israel to be should encourage cou cen home M manufacture anu facture come on with your orders orden and alid I 1 will accommodate you yon jl A few good S spinners wanted sa lif lit t 1 ED edward mma RD folt BOLT myal statues W H u hooper uen hen her 11 S ELDREDGE rooper HOOPOE el LDREDGE alain slain street salt lake zake city nate hate JUST OPENED AN NEW OF or STAPLE G consisting I 1 in part ol 01 noal DOai ESTIC TEA COFFEE DENIMS SUGAR HICKORY llan IlAn HARDWARE dware DwAnE CUTLERY meltos MELTON CLOTHS GLASS PILOT pinot CLOTHS QUEEN HATS TOBACCO BOOTS and SHOES SOAP soar CLOTHING CANDLES which we are selling oile CHEAP P FOR FOB CASH GOLD 1 DUST U S T B BOUGHT 0 U 0 lef lif T HOOPER 4 s ELDREDGE SALT laue LAKE CITY sept 12 tf JL as CO I 1 IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or AMERICAN AND FOREIGN HARDWARE CUTLERY F FARMERS A R M E R S 1 M MECHANICS E C H A N I 1 C sa s1 AND MINERS TOOLS kee kec fee d and battery street california and sacramento SAN FRANCISCO 1 itt tf tt NEV ibi 1 GOODS my NEW ram ROODS w B R wish to call the attention ot the tile citizens of this territory to our oun new stock of gootis goods just received ived comprising everything usually brought to this tills market which we shall shail sell at uniform low prices our OUT stock consists la in part of 0 a tine fine selection ot of STAPLE DRY GOODS HARDWARE BOOTS AND SHOES GROCERIES QUEEN PAINTS OILS DYE STUFFS NAILS GLASS TOBACCO SPADES SHOVELS GRAIN AND GRASS SCYTHES STOVES hollowware HOLLOW WARE ac ac ac 6 KIMBALL LAWRENCE laj c 4 0 0 J cov COO 00 0 21 g 0 SQ P g as Z g is w ka 0 bana Q 4 g 3 J S 0 M w W 0 m R ts laj S S p pa d L 3 A a Q P 0 y sy fa t j s Q 1004 CA s 64 6 4 i bave in may ray the following stray oat isa pale paie red ted oxy OX 7 yearb rears old oid DT cut cat on the left horn and white under belly beily A red OX 6 years old branded with a square squire corner up on the left hips hip woodmansee an the left leu horn and bennet bennei rever reven reversed on fame tame horn bora A red oxy OX tar star on forehead foreheads branded D 11 co on the iett lett hip and 11 co and gold on the left horn born it if not claimed will he e disposed of law pound round keeper ogden city |