Show ARRIVAL DEPARTURE OF malls MAILS FROM SALT LAKE CITY POST OFFICE departures DE eastern mails malls for fsr all places east of salt lake city close at I 7 pm each day 4 WESTERN MAILS marns for all places west of sit lake city closs cloa at 7 pm each day MAILS for bannock city east idaho on mondays at aon am ain for all settlements in northern utah and soda springs idaho on mondays and thursdays at am SOUTHERN M for all settlements in southern utah including the cotton country all settlements in county for alpine city ad cedar valley on thursdays at 0 6 30 am IF for or fillmore city and all settlements between salt lake city and fillmore on mondays days a and thursdays at 6 30 am A ARRIVALS R ap I 1 VA la 19 eastern MAILS arrive at salt slit L live lake ive ike city each day pm WESTERN MAILS arrive arrice at salt lake city each day am soh WOH THEnN MAILS malls from bannock badnock city east idaho OB on saturdays 4 pm from ail all ts in northern utah and soda springs Sp ringo idaho Terri territory tervo terro on wednesdays and saturdays 4 pm SOUTHERN MAILS from all settlements in Sout southern lacen mali matl diew diem advertisements to insure insertion MUST bust BE ne PAID raid IN ADVANCE one dollar IN ADVANCE ia is required for marriage notices there is DO no charge for tor notices of 0 deaths buke PUKE LINSEED oil OR sale SALK at OFFICE and at WILLIAM F por FOR PITTS paint faint shop lath ward five dollars dol doi birb a gallons gallon la in coin or its equivalent qui valent la currency aitt asber C HAULING bauling WOOLLEY ts tj D dvis to get lumbery lumber lath ricke pickets toy tog shin Shing tle tib tie lesy act aci hauled from their mills lillis la in little cottonwood tanyon and will pay 17 per 1000 ft to haul bul from the ulala to the city a di digance sance gance of about 1 0 miles for further urther inquire of JOHN M X WOO alvr bishop atthe jtb ward gal L olty city april 2 ibm eluding the cotton country and all settle ments in sanpete co county tinty on wednesdays days 5 pm from fillmore city and all settlements between fillmore and salt lake city on wednesdays and saturday saturdays 5 pm from fron alpine city ani arid cedar valley on fridays 5 pm LUCERN nile lle lie bubac tiber tIter has FOR SALE a few pounds of LUL T CERNE beed SEED GOODWIN t leht U T MILLING MILLING I 1 A WE LVE have one ol 01 LEFFEL 3 DOUBLE TURBINE I 1 WATER in at t our mill will doing aarel work both ID in quantity and quality Farmer farmers sp and all alt camers comers attended to upon the short estu otice W D HENDRICKS 0 high creek flour mill richmond cache valley P S jacob croft fellmore noreA A 0 smoot G 9 L city are agents agenw tor for Leff cla els eis double doable turbine water wheels wheel 31 10 that what loom and Spi spinning vining wheel I 1 very VEnY BODY should know of its 18 whereabouts it la Is E evert EVEnT everybody situated it iro iri mountain deris deits a rew few rods aas ot of L W wardya hardys station we the thi under undersigner undersigned signed having by recent purchases purchase be bce 1 came sole owners of the above and ani sni are prepared to inake to order looms arid grid spinning wheel wheels with all of their on bbott notice and on the most substantial and improved style i rating a good bw saw MILL WILL on the we will gaw caw logs legs on shares LUMBER constantly ON nand HAND those de desiring string a good article in our line will do weli veil to 10 give rive us a call before purchasing elsewhere thanking the public tor past favor we solicit a continuation of their pi patronage pj stock home rome manufactures arid arld od all kinds of grain groin and produce taken 31 tt tf J G HARDY BLACKFOOT BUTTE ferry TERRY W atte alte E take pleasure in anno announcing to the public that we u have the BEST SAFEST and CHEAPEST FERRY on snake riven river and are prepared to transport any amount of stock wa golar freight ac on the shortest notice EMIGRANTS edir EDIT aRANTS and to BOISE ROISE MINES EAST UA BANNACK and aud CITIES will find the main ullin traveled nearest and best roads broadi iy ay way war of mis ferry oiher other ferryman ferrymen ferry men and their thelt sti sli runner tay tar to the contrary riding we return our i hanks thanks to tle tte public for or their patron petron age during last lift eummer summer and have DO no doubt but bat we will m rit continuance of the sarn earn as we are running at PRICES THAT DEFY DEFT competition MEEKS GIBSON 31 am of lawer liwer L iwer ferry ARMY PROPOSALS commissary DE PART sli xii ENT V U S A PROPOSALS FOR SUBS suds subsistence I 1 STE mice VICE SUPPLIES sun sen orric cay CAI b t mr M r lt lot 1664 Q dai CAI daled CALED ED PROPOSALS 13 ww will be rec received elved at the afa aaa of 0 tio tho the U ri 8 commissary of 0 for the D brict of utah la in ubi ibl i his hia olty city until the day of 0 it alft lift a 9 18 tor for um the follow following lOg praed e VI eresh FRESH ire lre neef BEEF EF attree hundred ani and twenty SIX ix 36 pounds more or less of freb freh beef killed ano rye gye greed ed in the te u uusi url usi manner necks necks shor chocks ika iks and kidney klam y tatlow tallow exclude ex lude i lr for the troops Stall OLed at camp carup U V lugas to be delivered at that place placey at such time hind and in n eu aal h aa as the officer may way direct thle the delivery to commence comm ence ecce on the fart day lily of july 1664 1864 and end on the ibe 30 h day of june 1865 1665 and 2nd FIO fro url UIl five rive hundred and ani fatty houi hoai ind iod OCO pounds more bornor or ress lees of A no I 1 flur flor in good arid brid rl tacks containing lbs ibs each and kuo quo et to inspection to be delivered lo to lucli ana at guch such times 8 may be ahr jbf delivery to 0 o commence on he it lot day of july 1861 and the whole lo 10 be delivered on or before the dy day ol 01 Jiu jin Ji uary usry 1665 pro Plo provide videl that jot less than nifty fifty thousand pounds be deil dill delivered vered durina raer fart ot of the tile munt mont lisk trim july to 10 december 1864 inclusive ard 3rd POTATOES two thau than and 20 0 bushels of potato s the delv deiv ery to commence on the theist day of 0 july juls 1561 and the whole tobe lo 10 be delivered onoe once on or before the oth day dar of november 1864 1854 rhe tee delivery to be made maite at the coram comm stary seary warehouse Ware Warp hous bous in great grest bait balt lake city camp douglas as the may direct ath 4 til ill SALT two hundred and fifty bushels bushel ot of A ko no I 1 fins fine billed sat eat in sacks racks on or before be the iet lit dy day of november 1864 at the harhon el e provided thau that as least twenty five alve 25 bu buades alies be delivered euring during each of the months or of july august and september Sept Septet emter riter 1864 1861 silt and pot put potatoes does doeg will be estimated estl eitl mated and bid for at the tha rate rats of sixty 60 0 pounds to the buhat bushel payment will be made fu sech each funds as the govern meat ment may mat have hava on hand for nir dir lii lif good and sufficient bonds will be required tor for or the tha ful ddll fill willment ment of the contract or contracts and swa the nimes names of 0 sureties must accompany any each bid contractors and sureties willbe will be re drefin quiren red to iske tsie the oath of alleg lance larce in all cas cass cans s except hat hal ct of fresh Beell beet beef birs bids will le be en for furnishing the whole or a part of the ho i above named provided fuff part bhail shail not be less nan man tho fifty thousand thon ibon sani fani potions riona two huldred and fifty fifty ac 1 bushels bui heis hels of salt sait and each uld old must mast state specifically ule uie tila ile ar lali and amount proposed to be dei del delivered vered and the price the government reserves to itself the right to eject I 1 any or a ali all bids bidders ae are invited to be present at be opening of 0 the propos propoF proposals ats als at the he office of the at I 1 pm oa on frilay friday the dav of may 1561 1661 bils bids wil wll wilba allba be i ih roush post past offida or othet other wig wisp to badt chas n U hempstead C S great salt like city chy n U T and endorsed proposals far 4 beer heer I 1 flour potatoes hoep I 1 or G sait osal sal SalT as lb the tha e cae caie may mat maybe dee bee ciras CHAS ZT 11 capt and ot ol subsistence district tt f utah 51 4 quartermaster S department V U S A PROPOSALS FOR euel FUEL F U E L ami ard F 0 R V E QU orfice OFFICE great salt suit laka lake ully cily VT U ta march 21 2 1 it ibi igi 64 BALED PROPOSALS will be received at this thia c boffl 1 e S nert next next cert door to the thu post rust office until 12 mas map M the day of 0 may 1854 1834 for famishing the following supplies of Q stores flores to be delivered at camp digits U T in such quantities aa required provided tha thai two of the th whole amount of or each artt artl ie Is re tin rin ired ghail be delivered by the I 1 1st ast st day of december 1861 and all ail U to ie te delivered prior to jude june 1565 WOOD Four your thousand cordt 11 HAY AY two The thousand usand 2000 tons rons ran tax OATS one haldred thousand floo COOJ nus rus easby hehs heus aa A 1 tile the articles of the best and bd det del deib deis a wili will PO so pealy in ther their bid also god and end bonda booda will be required for tle the lib lie faithful falth faith fai fal performance of the contracts and names of tn atles must accompany each bid bids will ba be received for turn furn labing the whole amount of each article required re aured anred in one bid and also aiso will wiil be reea reet tred ired tor for nog not artless jess less than trin 0 bushels bubels of oat ost or tons cf of hars hari or 1000 cord cords of wood in any one bid payment will wiil be to anade in fuch mch funds unda aa ns the govern ment may furni furnish fh contractors and sureties will be required to take the oath of at allegiance the government reber reser reserves tea vea ea to itself the right light to ta reject eject any or all bids IT bidders are requested nested to be present at st the of c proposals at my ray office at 12 M x the tue day of may mays 1964 1684 bids will be through the rost port omm oate or of to capt D B R stover quartermaster Quart ermas ermag er great S suit silt uit tit lse late cy city V U T wi emd endors encored end ored edv edg popo ropo als ais tor for or woo hay nay or oats oata an ast the cage cae dasy nay beg K IN D B STOVER capt and aud ast bryt DU lirt f atall 31 lt 4 |