Show SUMMARY OF THE PAST THE ruu deseret MUSICAL association IT CONCERT in another portion of his this bis issue a lengthy notice of the juvenile concert from the pen of mr john will be read by many with interest though much gratified with the fine exhibition of the ch idrena pr progress oress in the acquisition of musical education educato on w we confess that we were pained to notice the absence absen sen of many citizens from whom the asao asso c atlon had more thana thama a right to expect very liberal encouragement in th the education of he the young toung of the community for ourselves we avow that thit we never were present at any entertainment either ia in this country or elsewhere that of itself was so very satisfactory we allude in this not balauch BO much excellence 0 the performances as hopes that the education ot of the th e children inspired 1 the good manners odthe of the little ones the order and the precision of all their movements treed freed from the stif stiffness of discipline told a tale of careful training and s in the schoolroom school room which was fast ripening into habit the toe general admiration which was everywhere evey where manifest as the curtain rolled up was evidently preserved throughout the concert and for some time after we e never heard allusion to it without the same expressions of gratification as we experienced ourselves WINTER LECTURES during the present yv inter winter the leventi seventies es hall has been crowded every thursday evening and many persons have been forced to return home unable to obain ob aid ald ain admission the following lectures have ben been delivered deliver edi iet let modern lecturers and writers by mr E L T harrison ad ancient and modern literature by mr E VV aj the new york press by mr T B H Sten stenhouse bouse house ath magnetism by mr orson pratt 5 h history of ireland by heir beir mr geo A smith ath the art of war by mr webber uh electro magnetism by mr orbon orson pratt ath the ile harmony ot 01 chor wotsy byma G M foo footsteps of 0 god in H story by mr carl cari arl ari maeser loth universality of mormonism nisen nisin by mr B H IV lith the study of language by mr bir jas mcknight McKnig bt j the pleasures of the sciences Sc lences lenceL w by mr E L T harrison lath the science of sound by mr air J V long lah second part of footsteps oe of G gd d in history by mr carl maeser tomorrow to morrow evening mr T B Brode ricki will lecture on the pro rss ras of geographical discovery dla Dia covery and other interesting lectures will be delivered during the remainder of the winter session bea before ore the conclusion one night will be devoted to variety music and recitations THE THEATRE the winter season bas baa been we judge alike satisfactory to the management and to the patrons of the drama the house has his gen brally been well attended and the placing play ing generally satisfactory A choice variety 0 of f plays have been put on the boa boards ads and in the he conventional vent ional la language guage of af that class of dinst tu eions no expense has been spared in the get up of the scenery costumes appointments etc air and mrs irwin maintain main taia their hold upon the pub public ac aa as favorites and the members odthe association generally show ebow marked im provement pro to go back to p performances now almost out of mind in order to notice individual players for criticism i would seem too much like hutting huiting for an occasion and the less need is there for such labor as we expect to fird abundant opportunity of saying all that we care to say eith either elther er way th therefore cret eret ore on tb the e past we have done IDAHO our oar neighbors north have been zealously engaged during the winter in riding the young territory of an extensive organization of highwaymen and murderer sp known under the flash rame fame of road agents A vigilance committee was organized some time in december and the work undertaken was vigorously pursued twenty eight persons are baid eaid to have gone up and gone under abathe and the country now breathes freely and travel Js is secure A large number of miners who have wintered te relin in this city have with the first indications of returning spring set their fa faces es again in that direction and from all we he hear r there will be a large stream of immigrants thitherward this spring and su summer bummer miser mider fro from nevada colorado and from all parts 0 oe r the earth A large amount of 0 gold from those mines have been transported through this city eastward for the purchase of goods and no dou doubt bt idaho before many months are over will have a large population of all classes of the human family and enough to feed and clothe them without calling upon I 1 their neighbors the government seems to be distend listening I 1 favorably to the calls for assistance in the developer nent of that territory aa as already 1 bids for a tri weekly mail in summer is called for between virg nia city about the centre of the he mining district and this city we learn from washington through governor doty juat chat an enterprise enter pris ng gentleman well known in this community will put pat on a line of stages between this and the mines early in summer delegations are now in washington 0 seeking the division of idaho into two territories Terri lories the one east and the other west of the mountains that separate the mining districts they are likely to succeed |