Show grom prom from the 2 1 ashe T ax ATLANTIC CABLE DESTINED TO 1 RE ESTABLISH reestablish ENGLISH SUPREMACY supremacy f OYER THE WHOLE UNITED grates STATES ile tha ati atlantic antle antic telegraph cable ig is certain certainty lito to ibe aie le tried acain again I 1 it a ppearl that the indica ind inde ifa fa mr air cyrus field bas has just come over from england to new york bringing a specimen ofa the new cabe manufactured by miss awre ri glass ellott co arld and yankees bre are largely taking stock in other words that ihal thit thal stupid and blinded people are actually fi iju money mosey to forge a chain for its ita own I 1 limbs limba aa before the location selected tor for or the cable places both ends of it on british ground and therefore absolute y under british control it signifies little what may bethe be ibe the conf I 1 n and bylaws of the company as to k 1 teto it entirely neutral and equally at acy ai tessible ces sible to the two ho nations all that kind of arrangements is good only for peace times let iet war brea breas out b tween england and ana the yan yankees kees and the atlantic cable will fillba be about as the royal artillery and the channel fleet and the horse guards the bri ish statesmen are look 1001 looking ing forward to ohp recovery of the american colonias colon leos itol les its and ki aling to avail themselves of the echaus tto u 1 and arid anarchy which must succeed the present war to attain that cherished purpose Js is simply a matter of fact highly absurd perhaps this design ani expectation must appear in the eyes of the conceited yankee ria nation tion but that nation is doomed to have its eyes tyes opened upend upon that and bome borne other subjects before ra idov ears go by no political maxim Is now more firmly fined fixed in inthe the mind of europe ebah that all american republics both on the northern and southern continents are des tined to pass pasa through the same stages of fac gon GOO war I 1 ana anarchy reby weakness utta utter weariness of popular government and final absorption ekback back into the original european monarchies which planted them th ihm m spain has already hon holl hou of 0 st domingo and naturally thought that mexico also was waa fairly due to her when it should ill lii rile nile ea i but a stronger power has haa come in before beeb hers england is looking on at the resent regent war between the two fragments of the united states witla ditl patient bone hone believing 1 that she sees in the federal af pf rt of the toe desu disunited cited mass those vry very lymp bolms goles geonis which duly fostered and skillfully fully treated are sure to ripen into that aba condition ct or bloody anarchy at which republics utterly ruined abd add an d bankrupt deprived of law and bathed in blood held out their hands bands to any trong power u which will do them the favor to I 1 I 1 come in and take charge of their affairs hence the highly virtuous and conic euticus british neutrality and the warm words of cheer and encouragement bestowed by turns upon u PC in each belligerent hence the persistent policy of recognition non re cognition while enthusiastic IX ug gliozzi writers assure the confederates that they can never be conquered and that re union anion nn lon ion is impossible and others no le ies less les s warmly bound on the fede rede federals rais rals to a vigorous tion of the war and add tell teil them that they caye cave have 8 all ali 11 the civilized world with thea them as a champions human lu an freedom 11 a W eay y that such is the settled theory and 5 caim calm teady steady purpose of not he the english masses misses tor for the they know nothing but of such statesmen aa as ard lord palmerston the revolt king george the third though ap parent patently ly 8 successful acce for a time is to be cn shed by h hi is a g granddaughter nd daughter ar or by her successor for t there he r e is no hurry british policy is in no kilch buch buck haste as mr seward and can let its bills run longer in inthe the meantime A tle tole graphic wire across the atlantic one end of the control of the war dep in london the other at f the commander in chief at halifax will be a good preparation for the final winding up of the plot and a word ot of command whispered at the horbe horse guards will ill lii then reach american shores about three kours hours earlier on the same day the moment this cable is laid both ends of it will be guarded by impregnable fortresses mounted moui moul ted with the longest ran raiffe e guip england will ahen ihen have cast her fetters over the hands bands of the Yankee nation and can snap the lock if nothing were concerned in all this but the fate of the said yankee nation we should care tire but little we might even look on with complacency while our stupid and trouble troubie 1 y some neighbors to the north were weaving bigfor stor themselves the web of their fate for we hoped to be secured by the i ditze plize nature ot of our institutions against that acute malady ot the Amp american rican republIc republics es which antkes them tov rov at the heart and fall before they are ripe wt we hope with gods blessing to hold fast our liberties and our laws to pay abts and pre present serse serie order outer within our bord era EO so as all not to afford to kings and queens those excuses and opportunities which the and napoleons Nap oleous count upon so confidently yet it cannot be without some degree of concern that we shall see the brittell power establish reestablish re itself on the north bank bany of the potomac Poto mae map who are to be our next door neighbors ia a matter matten of some moment to u and we confess we should prefer the yankees toabe to the english in that situation they woud would le be a legs lets danger to us simply because they arb ara 13 icis strong and less wise give ua us dignor ant and semi bemi berm serm barbarous enemies to deal with krit irit hit yit we must have enemies and on the north bank of the potomac for ages to come we can lo 10 look ok for tor nothing else but enemies therefore we strongly incline to hope that this time tine again arain ae ain aln the atlantic cable will break and fail fall better for us u that the yankee nation should run the whole course of its raging fever lehr and end in the natural way than that should come in as 13 louis napoleon j it is doing for tor or mexico to establish a permanent and reg res responsible pons le government under european guarantees la iq the meantime it ought to be agree alile aisle to ius lus us to reflect that between us and newfoundland larid lies liea the whole mass of the yankee nation lation |