Show MAY 18 SUNDAY MORNING This Group Leads In Summer Health Perry Bishopric Honored At Program social i 9-- C STANDARD-EXAMINE- R Work of Round-u- p P-- A T CAMP REUNION President Returns Ex-Mexic- an IS ENJOYED BY FiSRRY May 17— A program and social was given on Friday evening in the ward hall honoring retiring members of the Perry L D Bishop H bishopric S ward WalCounselor Eugene Perry and lace Wilde Gifts of appreciation were presented the guests of honor by BishQuale and responses op 'Douglas were given by the retiring bishopric and their wives A social hour of games dances and songs was conducted by Iva Lou Nebeker and Ruth Barnard The M I A served a tray lunch the large crowd present Oo THE OSDEN 1941 T 1J 1 Donna Maud ureuge oi omil Citv ana Noall Steeper of Kaysat ville visited over the weekend the home of Mr and Mrs vv rv Tr an Mrs' Lewis Hunsaker and family of Ogden also spent Mother's day at the Dreage nome in Perry 1 TUlie Mortimer and Mr and vr Ralnh Tockver of Salt Lake home of City spent Sunday at the h juu-uMrs inomas Mr and Mr and Mrs Hyrum Thorne visited Sunday in Tremonton at 'the home of Mrs Merle Oowther f a GIRLSCOUTS V 5 1 Mr 'i Annual Party Conducted At Weber Gym and Lester Park '5 i ¥ f - 4s r t I : v I i I it- ' 1 - i 1 rt - " V i ' - 1 i - ' Camp Reunion! That's the dav of days in May for Ogden Girl Scouts It took place at Weber col lege gymnasium and Lester park xne day began at a m with community singing led by our director Mrs Olga C Brbwn At eleven o'clock Lee Kay of Heber City who is connected with Utah State Wildlife association showed beautiful pictures of wild life es pecially good ones of birds Following the pictures and Mr Kay's entertainment each troop directed by the girls' own leaders gave stunts on camp life Some troops really excelled in this "stunt 1 :: i : fk2i -rf-- ten-thir- ty i' s V- - L 5 Here are the summer health round-u- p chairmen of LEADERS (seated left to right:) Mrs Ethel Kichins Tingree the Mrs Harry Caughlan Quincy Mrs Agnes All red Lorin Farr Mrs Marie Lucas Dee Mrs Daisey Atkinson Lewis Mrs Clyde Hull Council (standing on the back row) are: Mrs M G Pantone V Caldwell public health nurse Miss V Baker public Miss Lewis health nurse Miss J McCain public health nurse Mrs O Walker M B Hadley public health nurse Miss I public health nurse Mrs nurse Mrs W G Hall Polk Mrs George health Lawrence public XV Terry Hopkins Mrs T S Edge Washington and Mrs Katharine Eckenbrecht public health nurse Those unable to be present when the picture was taken are: Mrs Gibbs Stewart Mound Fort Mrs II J Middleton of Grant and Mrs Edward C Hall of JMadison A Officials At Plain City Hold Swim Party I L D S Officials Entertained At Swimming Party P-T- A " i ' " jir ! business" ' t i I y f - T-T- A M ' 1 K r - ' I t I- j ? ! ' - - r-- 4 it- Folk dancing and games followed Last but far from least troops 'of girls their leaders and council members enjoyed a picnic lunch in 1 r 1 J 1 'i ? Lester park PLAIN CITY May 17— The M I MALAD Idaho May Ah- t enteri - i A A officers and teachers together boards ihe committee who so ably ar- - "1 i M I the tives of i :f swimmema was tne Doara Mrs with their partners enjoyed of the rest the ranged day pleasant taihed 3 ! ii chairman Mrs u j ming party at the Utah Hot Springs Mm bers the stake presidency and me- k on Tuesday evening The party was fc hicrWminril advisor James H Wil- Carroll Mrs P A Ballinger Mrs 3 a swimming party at Hot R J Spain Mrs A B Knowles and 4 U anA f flTttilv at given to climax the attendance liams M I A sea nuci ivua neiiuein nernngtov Mrs Aaron Peters and baby spent contest for the past when General Flutarco Springs Monday evening Five years of exile in the United States ended to the a was Also an activity of Saturday was A served son luncheon motner enjoyed of the her guests home swim the at of Mexico left ban their Man" ''Iron and fnrmcr T7flio Sunday nrpsidpnt P-Tfollowing: Mr and Mrs Vern in the lunch room Otto the cake sale which a local store Mexico in 1936 by A from banouet was Mrs Melinda Allen in nyrum He Mexico for expelled Calif City Dieeo i unuonu Palmer Mr and Mrs Levon Pal couts in auieu Torreblanca and Visits Cousin Dflnr stake Hortensia sponsored ijin Mrs superintendent His daughter President Cardenas By MRS R SPENCER BURROWS Mr ana Airs t rea eingieion hini as toastmaster 1J xv oimons was amea in me saie ana proceeua weic Torreblanca accompanied Miss Jeneal Wight of Salt Lake mer and Mima granddaughter Mrs Albert Sharp Mr nY htTY18lTI Mr to our at local ironoral here weekend given the organization spent cnua oe given a :pnysicar exAfter several weens or organiza-eac- n haps some girls who've been wish of her cousin Joyce and Mrs Frank Skeen Mr and nCity nnm to determine his de Hull of amination Mrs directed Clyde Mrs tion by of Mrs A E Charlton Mr and Jones Lester Mrs and Mr ing for a week at Red Cliffe this J cor council the i Mr and Mrs El- - the Parent-TeachwiShes fuK Clark-Stok- er have th announce tart°SC fr'Taiirft Goetz of Chicago 111 Howard Hadley and McCammon S3U round-u- p of kinder health summer Mrs Clifton Mr Maw vin cu of w the home wiu i - Of their daugnter ufvau miP— — I thrP visiting here atAlbert t— is ready to swing Rmifh said r oimAhn iha r'Oiro cam i — - i— rLt Weaver Musgrave Mr and Mrs Ray Cot- garten children Mrs lOof at cnildren Crowded riioVi- tix-- fnllmtra Mr and Mrs Walter Moyes into action With the cooperation WeMrs Goetz and Mrs Weaver just tle nurses the health SinMiss Leah P- - T the Hunt Vivian Mrs public where returned from Calif ronia Medical association and Mrs ber B Knowles Mrs Florence Mrs A County and Noble Butte Don Simpson neth Mrs for and Mr gleton services of that it ia uf ?lSS!?ir? home they attended a funeral Chugg Mrs the school officials Superintendent sr A dinner was served for mem- - leaders son of Mrs Goetz lone Coy Mrs Doris McL" Ebert Goetz Miss Sarah and Mae Karl Laura Mrs Hopkins Fisher "April 21 we went for a hike in hers of the wedding party and the CLINTON May 17— Mrs Mr and Mrs Milton Mecham Dorothy Milall schools are participat uraniums CLEARFIELD May 17 — Mr " Mrs ml Maw fil- - thP fnMVi l urnnnd th reservoir Cracken Miss June Burke Mr ifLICO LO Till and HrlrpTi of Ogden necesliHviivij W Reese of Sunset was elect preventmg miecuon The eirls took their lunches and we and Mrs Edward Clark announce Mr anH Mr dred Hart and Miss Neta England ing in this drive Feeling1 the and Mrs Charles Dredge spent enter"When 12 all children film a showed T of Dr Fish entering Freestone A William an having Mrs time D had H sity May Jones ed enjoyable or Air anu president of the Clinton P--school-housMorgan of Ogden the marriage of their daughter on Wednesday school in the fall for the first time Bobby Goes to School" which fur- - Qien e to Sunday at the home went home We at was her a Hartained at held a the Mazie and at day Jones pleasant B meeting tt Jpan of son Stoker to Reese Mrs LeRov White and family Donna the health best of in Miss the me Ruth of to enter honor oi need in tner stressed afternoon Hot Springs swimming ilamnurg Rf Tnhn pnysicai Monday afternoon She chos Mr and Mrs Albert Weaver were Marsden of Murray Utah Miss council and local P-- T A organiza- examination were cooked over Mr and Mrs A O Stoker of Syra as her vice presidents Mrs" Fred er welners and nBh the at Sunday Marsden leaves on May 29 to enter tions organized last year a health We hope to take more cuse The ceremony was performed Parker of Sunset first Mrs Carl TTinP Arts club met Tuesday the fire On Anril 25 a nartv was given to n hnmo nf Mr and Mrs Parley the mission field Dinner was program for the summer AH moth- raise I evening at the home of Child of Clinton second and Prinfunds to begin a hot lunch evenine at the home of Mrs Laura swimming trips because they are Friday Melvin G Wood were Deems of Ogden children served to the following Mrs Ivy ers of kindergarten in the ran xnis was very j0nes with Mrs O H Mabey and not oniy tun dux many rwnicu Bishop cipal Henry D Call third Mrs project Visit In Willard In I to to receive school to Holder the intend Invited Mrs We Marsden T Marjorie Tr in as successful money badges that hostesses swimming Patterson enough had served two years as vic Reese t: Mr and Mrs Harper H Billings Mrs Isabelle Charlton Mrs Edna structions from the public health was raised to pay for the vegetables Election of officers was held and j have a court of awards soon for Mrs Rachel Anderson of Lehi and family visited Sunday Mrs Gibson Mrs Erma Penman Mrs nurse of their particular district and fnnts for the summer can- - tv fniinTirincr wor Relented for the many of the girls have Deen worK- - spent Thursday at the home of president to Mrs F LeRoy Davit retiring president f the home of Mr and Lucille At this time questionaires were disMrs WPA will furnish the ensuing year: Mrs V P Garst ing on their first and second class her daughter Mrs Verno Larson Mary- - Thurgood The Those present inspected the newWillard ning in A Mothers' day program was Harper R Billingsncm a Charlton Mrs Bernice Carver Miss tributed to the mothers on which cans and moor duc xne scnoois president Mrs John A Kvans oaages ana omer prujeuu -u- cici — improved lunchroom in which wnere me iamuy the Clearfield L D S ly v Carver Mrs Florence Hodson they filled out a history of the ill must buy the produce to can It Ina A Siple Underwood scribe by sponsored V Mrs was and recently Installed a new removing srroub Various S Carl with Mrs Irene nesses of their children and stated will also be necessary for the P-- T school Mrs Harold Maude school ward V Mrs Polk Sunday treaEngland G L Troop Mrs Tapper secretary: of the family Skeen Mrs Arlene Alvord Miss what immunizations if any had A to furnish cooking r utensils UrrrsiCtures were taken Bennett Green superintendent in charge frigerator and Mrs John Fredrickson Olson and Mrs Kenneth Mr Call reported the purchase of - trnnn fit a iMiii IXTnffa i r Helen ail auciuwi commit and —r was presented with flowers inrno umw oicifail t been given Then a health enjoyeo Freestone Miss mother Each vv vv snenrer and Mrs tieien u ana Margaret Knives mates iui Ars which will be planted on iuikj Members of the Amitia Bridge Freestone Mrs Jennie' Cook the tee from each school directed by nrniet ina scnooi Doaro win iur- - i riimon ant nn tho nrnornm rnm roiK scnooi mis ween "u uicacm a potted plant ti Funds for the flowers on the grounds a party club enjoyed the public health nurse of their nish the other equipment for the mittee Seventeen Bee Hive girls irom were raised through the sale of ed some pictures which we enjoyed guest of honor and the hostess of Mrs home Wayne the at D Brown district weighed and measured if iff hen Beraiisft funds fall short Mr and Mrs Herbert mv Friday Trmeo fnfmprW ttR very much They were the New the Clearfield L D S ward will candy bars t Nelson After bridge was played and Miss Ruth Brown cf West Og- each child At the bottom of each of those needed so that hot lunches Velda ' Williams World Fair Ogden Loyalty graduate at special services SunYork Mr of daughter an attractive lunch was served at den were guests at the home of questionnaire were questions to be may be served immediately In the ana Years Two Ago Last Year s day at the Ogden L D S taberrs David J Williams who Parade Mr and Mrs E E Frasier and small tables Mrs Elizabeth Robson on Monday answered by the family physician fall after the start of school volun- - i aa wn mnlnvM ns renorter afciParade and last oi an me car- - nacle Bee Keepers for the group sons Elmer Frank and Mr and Mrs Johnny Williams afternoon concerning the health of the child teef workers will canvass the Pin- - fva ToVin TTIntornrlon Ifiinl news- - toons"— Shirley Ann Hillis scribe are Mrs Wilmer Barlow and Mrs their the at Ralph attended a welcome-hom- e and small son spent Sunday church and Mrs Leland Carver an- Again this year this service will ptpb district in the next two weeks non Methodist Mr VIII Tniiarv' Criddle Lvnn resfsmert in Troop her given in honor of Mrs home of Mr and Mrs John Daven- nounce the birth of a son at the be performed by the child's family for donations to buy the necessary position with the paper and left Miss Anne Corneliussen and Mrs of the Jbmanuei testimonial members Thirty Elder VerU nephew Dee hospital port and family C J Wilkerson leaders of Utah will join Frasier's physician for the nominal charge enniriment No contribution is too TtuH t tn 4oJn her hitshand Hanks family returned who Breinholt recently Mothers of the ward were hon- of one dollar '"U1-otn our uusm Idaho members to celebrate th from the southern states L D S small and If as many as possiDie Reno Nevada She was married "May n a We san birthday anniversary of Mr Hanks ored by the Sunday school at proQuestionnaire Returned inst a little it will not be nec- - Aii began at ward in were The questionnaire is returned to essary to wait to raise money be- directed which by at Burley Idaho Sunday Those mission in the Wandamere some "Louise gram on" Sunday morning Mrs songs new Is the Miss Lykins Lake City Sunday night Ralph Rosa Vause was honored as the the school and this year for the fore starting next school year Pin- - reporter on the Enterprise She Is Velma Roush Carol Carson read from Clearfield who will attend Salt a piano solo dur offered Fraiser a Mrs oldest mother present and first time will be incorporated as me minutes num are Mr and Mrs Emanuel Hanks gree onicers wisn to state tnat the daughter of Mr and Mrs the program moth each as record ing the health of Ruth Rogers youngest we are zomz to wtiie enuug" uiuucjr Mr and Mrs Florien King and permanent there is a real need for hot lunches of Malad est Honored Mrs child which will be added to each and it is ieit tne added neaitn or y Lykins er out of the treasury to buy some of Garth and Colleen King West was honored Richard Mrs as he receives inoculations or the students will more than com Mrs Lola Child and daughter the new girls their Girl Scout ties PRESTON Idaho — Mrs Farreli Karen and Mrs Atholeen Way year 3 on MOtner Dy ner vnrcw oay contracts a communicable disease pensate for the work and effort put I 1 ' We went to our patrol corners and CrviU Beckstead was hostess for the Fine ment of Salt Lake City were guests These records will be helpful both forth families Mr their 1 and 1 3 11 our & U daughters O made plans for a — May party May At the Grant school where LO Art rlnh Mnndav evenine when at the home of Mrs Elizabeth Roo to the parent and to the teacher Mr and Skeen S Mrs Frank and 12 Today we received our merit hot lunches have been served this i j i elected Mrs were Mr Fields and and Mrs Ellis to Mrs Robson had be able consult on the will we son been who ytfficers have Sunday working absences on account of 11badges that Mrs Elmo Keller gave a review 27 children and grandchildren call record If Johnny comes to school year Bowns or Chester tne Most the on year during ness have shown a real falling off of the book "Sapphira and the at her home during the afternoon with a rash or a bad cough which and health Mrs Loretta Child and her son in the White Swan patrol school of- - AnniVeTSaTV nurses girls and U were dinner guests of Mr D P Derral Slave Vjrlil HI1U icuwuiiiv-iHThe Plain City Camp passed their second class badge might be measles or whooping ficials feel this Is directly attrib- served Mrs Lee Olsen in Plain City and received their held a Bunco and White Elephane cough but is not because Johnny's utable to the hot lunches 17— Mrs and the older girls BRIGHAM CITY May Theron party on Wednesday afternoon at health chart shows he has had both Mrs Mrs Beckstead SUNSET May 17Miss Lou Jean hostess and foot travelers badges Stewart Tingey formerly Miss Beth Sunday Mr and Mrs Ray Mulr and their Seeley and Mrs Keith Campbell the home of Mrs Cerilla Palmer of these On the other hand she Smith daughter of Bishop and Mrs We sang 'God Bless America' and Palmer presided over a trousseau Executive Session are the new officers replacing Present were Mrs Jane Poulsen may be able to send him home to sons Louise Kenneth and Darrell and Mr o'clock"— five at dismissed tea Sunday at the home of Mr and d Mrs Thatcher Handley Mrs Mrs Mrs Francis Moves Mrs Sarah prevent contamination of others if a and scribe Mueller with Clyde Lowe and their party Mrs Orson Tingey was held Tuesday birthday anniversary Larson and' Miss June Larsen Hodson Mrs Annie Wheeler Mrs his chart shows that he has not den city councilMrs Donna and Norma two Mrs Matt XII Browning daughters "OII1 Troop y "er R R Tonks It V Vlul at the home of Assisting in receiving' the guests motored to f i and Copper- Jones Elizabeth Lund Mrs Florence had either of these Becker Mrs and Bingham were s Josephine Mrs Palmera"a were Mrs James was decided to hold the next and piae? and members Mrs partners Carver Cordelia was Last this the time afternoon first ton leaders Faculty year Simpson Sunday in the nature men were served to zi guests Orson Tingey and Miss Ida Tingey was at last council meeting At Presbyterian church partici Mrs participated in a party at Downataa Mrs Vivian Hunt Mrs Zella Cot- summer health round-u- p MarMiss and Packer which Lowell installation at social a of of In- the tle Miss Ina Carver Mrs Neta tempted and the results under the Tuesday evening Swimming and flag "raising ceremony ion West of Logan assisted in the A Mother's day program was glv pated place with Mrs chicken supper were followed by Charlton and Mrs Florence Olsen direction of Mrs Joseph Freestone officers will take on last Sunday This trousseau rooms Mother's day school state vice president en by the Sunday Sunday is one of the Earl Vause of Salt Lake City were very gratifying More than Clifford Doxey dancing Bruce Wallace Lucille early morning good tea table was covered with departments deeds of scouting Woodruff Rulon Stanf ield Miss spent the past week end as the 65 per cent of the children enrolled from region five Installing the of- - morning with all thewere and the girl3 vol a The cloth and centered with a ficers Talks by lace given - unteer to attend" taking part Hill and Miss Edna Coules formed guest of Mr and Mrs Joseph Ful in kindergarten had an examina BishMason Garritson cake topped with a minia Beth weddine Betty more and Mrs Rasa Vause the committee in charge tion by their doctor before enter Troop XIV Grant school Mrs X30RINNE May 17— Mrs Thomas Natlonal Posture Week op LeRoy B Smith Bishop Leo W Leonard Diehl and Miss Marian ture bride and groom Pink sweet v Mrs David E Davis left last week Mr and Mrs Bill Jeffers of Car ing school In the fall This being entertained Wednesday with Anderson annie and white Child obt Darrel Shupe snapdragons National Posture week was peas and for White Bluffs Washington son City Nevada spent the past the second year it is hoped to in Smith leaders In honor of the seventh afternoon were tne at Child vocal candles sung numbers durschool completed served at Lorin Farr iwhere she will visit Mr and Mrg week visiting at the home of Mr crease this percentage "The girls of troop 14 met Thurs Marcella Mrs birthday anniversary of her daughand Mrs Vern Palmer Ing the week of May 5 to May 9 by the kindergarten department day night at Grant school There trnHvp settine The Parent-Teachioyd Porter council ter Louise The guests were enterMrs and with a full week of activities soon- - Betty Lou Jordan and the congre- were 14 present We talked about Palmer Mrs Lorin Tingey chairman of the summer round-u- p m tained during the afternoon with were was orof Logan given by going to camp and we are getting Jerald Palmer gation a reading Mrs Clyde Hull wishes to thank sored by the junior Red Cross and later were served a all the local chairmen who have ganization of the school The pos- - Donna Jordan Booklets or poems ready for a second class badge charge of the serving Miss Donna games one table centered at unch William By aided in organizing this project ture poster contest decided by were presented to mothers of the Three girls were chosen to make up Tingey had charge of the guest with a birthdaylong decorated in cake CURIOUS WORLD won was by Marlon ward a stunt for Saturday the annua! book the Weber County Medical Asso- nooular vote Ferguson Small cakes white and Laurence Stettler who left re Camp Reunion day" — Sofie Stathes One hundred and fifty guests pink a white candle on pink ciation for their cooperation In be- McArthur An interesting feature of were each with of pos- - cently was assigned to work at and Beverly Horspool scribe called during the afternoon ing willing to make the examina the week was the wearing were Present for each guest placed tions for such a small fee the pub ture badges forfeited by a student Vallejo Calif Anderson Delores Craner RichPoulson Speaks lie health nurses for supervising when seen by a teacher In an in- By ard Bosley David Hewlett Eleanor Elder George Poulson was the this work and the school board for correct posture The final feature Nancy Stallings Rulon Smoot Jane school week was an assem-- 1 speaker at sacrament meeting SunGalbraith incorporating these health records of the Bruce Bosley JoAnn Forsgren m the schools bly In which the value of good pos- - day night Elder Poulson who re- An Raine Moore La Joan Stevens ture was told in speeches and illus- - cently returned home from the L Donna Anderson Dell Von derson trated in three snaoow piays Na- - D S Hawaiian mission where he Fin ere Meeting Donald Anderson Lewis Peters The Pingree P-- T A under the vine Williams Red Cross president was a companion of Elder Leon and Richard Anderson Max Peters direction of Mrs Dan Marshal was master of ceremonies One of Child was the guest of Mr and Anderson Louise held their last meeting 'on May 8 tne snaoow piays presented was Mrs Leo W Child Sunday Dr Leslie Smith and Dr Merlin "Dr Quack Came to ' the Rescue Carolyn Stettler and Merilyn 'HESS GUESS' QUERY Fish of the state board of health of the Crooked Man Friday be- - Cook will dance at the Reed's was a the day parade Loyalty discussed the summer health round ing dancing school revue Saturday OF HOUR FOR ISLE nums cnnmA iu iiauuwu posture night and at Ogden high school for children up kindergarten NOWAGREE THAT THE activities Mrs Clyde Slaughter gave tne stated that it was essential that week SCJNJ WILL NJOT BURN AT WEAPONS WEEK Relief society social service lesson ITSELF OUT FOR SOWE daughter of Mr and Mrs William "Do Our Neighbors Like Us?" at LONDON May 17 (UP) — M Daines left Monday for Wash the meeting Tuesday afternoon Home Minister Herbert MorriThe closing social will be held May D she where will be C ington T M son inaugurating War Weapons -23 EG U S PAT OFF Is kJZircome the bride of Orrin Merrill week in a speech at Hackney toMrs Aurelia B Servoss Mrs Mrs and Mr son of O B Fannie and Mrs Child and Mr day said that "The question of Jr P 1 the hour is "what is your Hess Horace family their Burnett and Vv-PRESTON Idaho — Mrs Joel Merrill Mrs Merrill accompanied were i '1 Guess?'" of Mr and Mrs Peterson entertained members of Miss Daines to Washington where Charles guests "We can at least be grateful Reeves of Brigham City will attend the she While at ceremony to the deputy fuehrer for pro- the and club week Cocienda last guests COPR 1941 N£A SERVICE INC £ viding the British people with the home of Mrs Spencer Condie there she will be the guest of her Can wcxj naaae a great deal of entertainment HISTORIC EVEfsJTSpV Mr and daughter and Friday afternoon in the midst of grave times" Mrs Merrill Gee Morrison said "He as been the First ward M I A officers enA session of the Ladies Literary hero or the villain in a piece CAN 0I£TIM£01SM of of real life melodrama that would tertained members the ward club was held at the home of Mrs BETWEEN won rounds of applause in have LEWISTON May 17— Mrs Nelda Aerial Eames Thursday from four play cast the bishopric and partLane gallery in the the Drury COLOR to six p m Flowers added beauty ners at a social Thursday eve- wneeler entertained her bridge old days" club Members present to the rooms A three-ac- t play was ning Games a program and re- were Thursday Drury Lane is a famous LonBlair Zelma Telford Beth were freshments don featured theatre reviewed by Mrs Phenoi Edgley Gwen Nielsen Lima Sthol Alta served were Mrs Monson Ena P accomand refreshments Rigby Genevieve Swinvard Eva The home of Mrs Carl Nielsen panied Dr and Mrs Ted Vernon Layne Lorraine Karren and Ann Crop Losses Loom Jr was the scene of a charming to Pocatello on' a trip to Sun Val- Rawlins Special guests were Leona — Fifth As Rivers Overflow Blair Delva Wheeler and Beth party given by a group of a where attended dental their of ley they honor Nielsen ward mothers in Prizes were won by Alta Fri- convention Sunday Monday and mothers and mothers-in-laand Eva Layne Kigby DEL NORTE Colo May 17 AP) in pink and tapers Flowers day Tuesday Work projects administration Don Van and white were artistically used and Sr Joseph Dyke workers were taken off other projDr Katherine Foss Roberts of A Ransom as a center for the table at which week in are a ects today to build levees in an spending ANSWER: 1 Battle of Bunker Hill 2 Crossing the Delaware-a candlelight luncheon was served New York Mrs Catherine Foss Washington to keep swollen tributaries effort REG ' Von Ransom and La Mar Nielsen rT Off Nf SCBVICE INC T to 24 Lovely torsages were pre- Mrs Van Ness Hansen and Mrs BB OJ Lindbergh's Atlantic flisht 4 Gettysburg Address of the upper Rio Grande from visited with" Mr accompanied the North Cache band sented to the guests and a pro- DavidMrsMcClun an additional 40000 acres flooding Tom Foss and Milford at and orchestra to Ogden Friday and V i NEXT: ilow Ions docs it taJ eJej&aais to iave Ss3iac to tool gram was enjoyed at ball Colorado j southern in sleep go games "How comforting They Misa Dorth Daines f Logan Utah last week Saturday 17-Exe- cu- News of W eeK p I x-- ir — — Mrs rrUs "bSX'Sr er er — Tr-nn- V c ??e'a? 5Ji°"an I A 4 1 I I I V Tiiatlw ±Z — 1 Named Head of A Clinton Nuptials Held At Clearfield I v I RReese w aw " i o-- - vice-preside- Vot-hPf- " no-ho- st - ii so-oa-i nt I 1 - " I f S ?- Mrs Beckstead Hostess to Club four-fiftee- tc j 1 1 1 1- 1 1 Mrs 1 Tingey Honored At Tea nOnOreUj Vn ' o - -- Gay-lor- - Louise Anderson - Feted At Party -- lie-hte- er - 1 THIS SIDE GLANCES - 3 SCIENTISTS Cocienda Club Entertained R m BY these son-in-la- w 'human eve -r - j Mem Mrs Wheeler Entertains Club OOO 2000SHAPES i i w - - 3 M Y s 1 U S- A 1 |