Show DOIN doln DOINGS GS OF CONGRESS I 1 in the senate on the of december mr kennedy offered a joint resolution which was referred in relation to the mileage of the sena tor borsand orsa sand cd representatives of the present session nir air mr mcdouall of offered flared a resolution which laid aid over requesting the secretary of war to inform the senate whether any tribunal had been yeen constituted to report upon the operations of major general D C buell in kentucky and tennessee and if so to state the character of such tribunal whether it was a court martial or a court of inquiry and if not under wh t law it was instituted and whether that tribunal was in session in secret ani and had attempted to exclude from its sessions major ge general buell bueil whose conduct it was to investigate and whether the said tribunal proposed to the said major general baell buell to take an oa h that he would not disclose any ot of the incidents n connected with this trial or any of the evidence mr nir powell called up his resolution t to 0 I 1 inquire of the secretary of war whether an any y oath had bad been proposed to citizens who have been arrested and imprisoned that they would not sue or bring c any action against those who arrested them which caused a lengthy discussion cus sion in the course cour seit of which mr air powell and mr morrill had some sharp words worda in relation to the matter the bankrupt bill was taken up to which some amendments were made in the house on tb the e 19 b mr air L law aw a resolution v hibb after some debate instructing the military committee to inquire into the e expediency X ped lency ency of reporting r a bill by which soldiers who have been rende rendered red unfit by wounds and other disabilities may at once discua discharged aged from service and that all soldiers at the military hos bos hospital ap ital utai fit for duty be te returned to their respective spec tive regiments also alto establishing a board of medical otric officers ers to examine into such cases by visiting the hospitals and examining into the physician physic ial condition of the men with the power to this return them themi the results of such examination to be reported to the surgeon general and congress in the course oe of the discussion a letter was read from the sol soi colliers liers convalescent camp near alexandria describing the woeful condition of affairs in tha that t camp and the sufferings endured by the sick a anil na wound wounded ed soldiers tb there e e who preferred th the e perils and horrors of the battlefield battle field to the filthy disease c creating beatin t loathsome condition in i which they were placed under existing ar ran range emen menta ts on motion of mr air sargeant a resolution was adopted instructing the committee of waymand means to inquire into the expediency of providing by law lar for the office of assistant commissioner of internal revenue for the pacific state and territories who shall have general control of matters on that subject under the direction of the commissioner of internal revenue Il evenue the bill for the payment of invalid and other pensions was passed without debate after bein being amended on motion of mr duell duel that no part dart of the money appropriated shall be paid to any person who has given aid and comfort to the enemy mr air stevens made a lengthy speech in favor of his financial propositions after which the house went into commit committee teo of the whole on the state of the union and when the committee arose the house adjourned as did the senate till the following monday in the senate on monday dec the vice president Pies Pie ident aident presented a communication communicate 0 from the secretary of war relating to the charter of the vessels for the expedition under gen banks with other documents pertaining perta inin t to that matter and mr grimes grimea offered a reso lution ulion which was adopted pro providing providen 0 for the tb e appointment appoint mentoE of a committee of three to inquire into the whole matter mr hir grimps grimes also offered a resola resolution reso luion ion lon which was adopted instructing tija the C manittee on naval affairs to inquire into the expediency of abolishing the united states marine corps as a naval orga iz atlon and attaching it 11 to the united states army as he twentieth regiment of la III lantry fantry A bill was based providing for the payment by government of the funeral expenses of the late gen E D baker in the house on the mr hir pendleton offered a reeo reio ution that the protest of the thirty six members of the house against the passage of the bill to indemnify the president for certain arrests under the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus be entered upon the joll joil journal anal mr ashley introduced bills proposing a temporary government for and t to 0 enable the territories of nevada utah and colorado to form state governments preliminary to their a admission into the union they were referred to the committee on territories mr air may offered a resolution aich was tabled by a vote voie of 03 to 49 requesting b the Pre president silent Jent to communicate to the ro house use a copy of the order of the secretary of state dated datel about the of november last and which wb 1 c 1111 iiii he e caused to be read to the state prisoners at fort warren forbidding for biding them to en em ploy counsel on the ground that such a course would be deemed by the government and the state department as a reason for prolonging their the deficiency bill wab waa taken up and passed A resolution rego reso luton offered by mr air mallory that the senate concerning conc erring an adjournment take place to the first monday in january 1863 was passed by a vote of 79 to 47 tilean THEATRE RE the tha representations durn durd during the past pasi week ol 01 the 0 charcoal burne burner r were well received the principal character arden was particularly well played by mr caine and the tha leadin leading characters were ere credit creditably ably sustained by simmons margetta Alar diar getts and maiben malben tho the th 0 old miser er matthew afa ala ethew esdale sdale was wag wa u a piece of exquisite acting by mr me xe kenzie kenzle anzie mrs gibbons gibsons Gib sona aona first appearance on the stage t with a part committed to her not two days before was very creditable the mana management ement announces an ounces for ta to tonight night the fine classic play Virgin virginius fus lub or tho the roman norian father mr bernard snow representing virginius mr snow has many admirers ol 01 and his playing will dougless dout less attract a large audience the play is an excellent representation of the nob noblitt lity and honor of the uncorrupted ancient roman citizen Dunbar dunmars Dun duh bars 8 comic song the perfect cure with D nt nat judge by appearances are to follow virginiaa Virgin lua iua they make an attract ve bill yesterday the tickets for this evening were going rapidly we were glad to hear less coughing than on former occasions A few more children sus suT suffering ering from the epidemic coul I 1 very profitably to them and to the general audience be left at homo home PEACE CF indications the most sa s1 sign 0 n of peace we have observed of late Is ia I 1 embodied ln la the follo following whim whig important announcement tom sayers Is out of ha the ring for life lie he thus announces the fact in tifa the 11 newspaper of f london tom sayers baab begs most respectfully to state that hs he will wilt never agala fight or second any man mad wh who 0 may oay aih fight |