Show THE wait wall IN MARYLAND within the ast abet few days the news from the seat of war in west westan rn maryland has been considerably I 1 interesting for although b the accounts 1 ot of the battles which have been I 1 fought ous OuI lyt tit t there between the numerous numer nume rova oes ors hoats hosts of the coni federates under general lee and the federal army under general mcclellan are exceedingly in ly va vague ue and evidently highly seasoned WL with th fiction for the eastern market there ihas has enough licen been announced to show birely that the commanding generals could riot not well wih with all heir their state y avoid fighting i general lee seemingly having been bein unini dined to the potomac without mea I 1 su au lil ili ing ams a mos ros with mcclellan and BO so the t two 0 i 1 armies have met en on various fields and fought several bloody battles but bat no decisive conti 1 ct had occurred up to latest dates by mail although it is quite certain that the confederates crossed the potomac several days previous in considerable force according to the he published reports the fact f act that they had occupied frederick city was not known in washington till the evening of the eth and then there was much surprise and alarm manifested and large bodies of troops were put in motion for foi the upper potomac immediately imme dia dla tely the federal force at frederick on the approach of the confederates forty thousand strong under Jac jackson ksor as reported retired t to harpers ferry after they destroyed the hospital and commissary stores the whole country around was thrown into the greatest state of excitement and especially the state of pennsylvania Pennsyl vania rania and great preparations were made for defence of the he state scale and particularly of harrisburg philadelphia and other cities i which were in danger ot of a hostile visit from the bbb invaders inva derani derand and every able bodied man in the state was called upon to be ready to go 0 go forth to war gen Alc bic mcclellan Clellan arrived al at rockville did md on the morri morning ing of the ath and the troops which left washington the evening before boon soon after arrived and matters and things shortly assumed a warlike aspect in that vicinity the confederates under Jacks jackson took tool possession of on the afternoon of the loth according to one statement and according to another on the morning of the tile I 1 ith lith gen lee soon after entering maryland isred a flaming proclamation to the peo people pie of that state assuring them that the south had bad long watched with sympathetic feelings the wrongs they had suffered and believing they were too proud to submit to such oppression assion oe he had lad come coine with an army prepared 0 o assist them in throwing oft the yoke and I 1 0 o assert and maintain their rights of which had been despoiled some few it is announced noun ced cea flocked to his standard but not as many as was expected from the numerous tales of disaffection which had bad been previously pro bulged on the he as per report the confederates were ejected from sugar loaf mountain near frederick by a federal force detached for that purpose A confederate cavalry ca airy alry force the same day visited westminster ani made quite a display of barbarism as stated I 1 by firing 0 upon non rion combatants other skirmishes forays and raids are reported as having beo bec beon beta n trai tim 0 daily if not hourly and troops were being put in motion from pennsylvania and other states towards the field of strife the lightning constantly an bouncing noun cing for the comfort and consia consolation tion of j the people of the north who were more than a little alarmed and feared that the results of the invasion would be all that the confederates desired that the invaders were retreating and had retreated across the potomac I 1 which to use a common phrase was not believed in official circles and which aich subsequent SUD events proved to be untrue friday and saturday S the 12 h and 13 b were evidently days of preparation the confederates evacuated frederick which was I 1 immediately taken possession of by gerie Getie general ral rai mcclellan me clellan ad fell back to the mountains mount kins dins I 1 towards hagerstown Hagers town where gen lee had bad established bs it a headquarters head Lead quarters the tae fo federal deral derai cavalry cai alry airy from froin the showing shooing annoyed the va v ar a r rious divisi divisions divi siota ons ae aa they moved off not lot a little capturing a few and causing the destruct destruction loni ioni by the confederates of some of their baggage trains traina during which movements considerable powder was burned but no gerlous serious results were reported sunday sept from what has been made known was a most sanguinary day and f orn om about eight in it the morning till long iong arter after r nightfall the storm of battle raged alo ale g the eastern slope of the blue clue R ridge I 1 from froin to the potomac and at harpers haepers har Hat pers ferry and vicinity south of the river gen burnside commanded the federal I 1 left and attacked the confederates under I 1 gens longstreet 0 and hill and fought the battle of 9 S uth mountain gap general franklin commanded the right ming minx uin win and ind fought the confederates at burkittsville gap six miles mires further south the fighting ion on both fields is represented as having been of thein most moat Os t d sperate desperate e ord r done principally mith with A ith musketry and resulting in the federal army in both instances occupying the hill tops at the close of the day the ene enemy my fal fai falling back but not nov far down the western declivity cli vity gen lee and arid his ila subordinates haai haal selected selected tho those s e positions and awaited general attack it is said the retiring 0 foe left their dead and wounded on the field fieldy how many in number is nut known so con coa are the reports made that it is impossible to determine the extein of the casualties on either side but from the leng ieng lengh h and fierceness of the conflict conflicts sj they must have been exceedingly exceed ingy great the reports of the movements of the two armies on the lath and iga are so vii vit various rious that nothing definite can be deter determine mind in relation to them most moat of the sta cements represent bat that the confederates fell bak bark and made for the potomac which they crossed re in great haste baste while the federal armies were in hot pursuit and taking takino g prisoners by thousands most alost of the reports put in circulation during those flose two days were subsequently contradicted arid and recent announcements set forth that the great battle ol 01 the war thus far was fought on the atter after which the ates occupied the south side of the river lut how bow much their armies decreased in numbers from the thelme time lime they crossed til tilt crossed the potomac if known to the com commande camman comman mandl dm i ilg generals has not been and probably will not hot soon be announced to the world it is under however that the number of the killed and wounded on both sides particularly in officers some of them of hi high h rank was UK accountably grea |