Show ugna Ht na 1 l far fac fsr the D seret news s REASON AND INSANITY lt JB kiy ity BY ALEXANDER OTT i reason enables man to compare one fact TA th another arloe as well as ideall ties tirs with reali fieg fies that is internal interval expressions ions lons with external ones for instance at he si sight ht of a retty pretty cottage nestlin nestling as it were amid the luxurious foliage ant an I 1 shrubbery of f rural Bc enery not only one but a serles series ot of senti indents or ideas are suggested and und transferred erred ob comparing the concrete physical with the tile abstract results or conco I 1 whereof thereof viz pal pat and arid conjugal coi cot jual love iove av ll 11 hap lp einess elness and filial devotion are ident identified ifie d with ivi abe the t e peaceful abode in which kindred hearts baarts are dwelling in lna ina erene serene and on thip here we trace the connect alo tio ns ar ald d t so as s to show the lefiti 11 t A diate ma t e resul a or inferences es at arising ising from one fact and the other a d thus reason m voil ill iii prove the necessity of a harmony existing between abstract and con conc concede cete ete between everything tangible as well weil es intellectual Ip iery very true that very often misery dwells where wh ere happiness would be sui supposed posed to hold m ben agn sceptre tre but that is owing to the corrupt unnatural state in which the majority of inari mankind kind are placed the design besig of the creator Is to have harmony beauty intelligence and happiness throughout the immen alty sity of space lma ima healthy state of mind we vve can change sur pur odb odi mental train as otten often as we think proper ize yve have the power to continue one subject uana gand 4 ana and commence an entirely new one always controlling cont roling our tb though thoughts td and impressions and i endeavoring to discover the relationship ex asting between the dif dlf different derent i ems of the in intellectual and physical w world orld 11 fr for but an insane person is as remarked be jj fore entirely governed by ideas and imbres blons blons which rise within him like igney ignes faaui I 1 ea dirig g him more and more into err error or arid and ih here arii is is a remarkable analogy t between dream ing and insanity sanky in viz in noth loth conditions im preb pres slona and thoughts are believed to be 4 real it appears viz that in a dream images tre jre vr and visions arise in fit the mind which seem to 1 represent a life and world oe of iti own hence lord byrons passage oar our life is two fold ep has its own world 11 these mental isle doula ioula ile tle operators opera tons are generally the embodo of our feelings a id d emotions emo tiona tlona with a aA distinct or faint 0 atline oe of some event or fact jh during iring the procesa of these mental phe bomena no mena reason holds generally a very di nate office as the associations aa ana collona motions oe of the various scenes of the dreamland dream land are entirely beyond its control and bear often athe uthe the impress of the greatest absurdity and in consistency sometimes the veil vell of futurity joity vilty is a drawn aside and vial visions ons with revell tiona eions and other manifestations from the man mar above or the regions below belliv are un folded to the mind I 1 fa frequently all an oppression at the or the stomach itself will start a series of thoughts which have hase been slumbering and a dream will be ballel into existence at the very viry time that the bodily unea uneasiness is experienced I 1 perlen perien ced thus dreams of murder graves and arid ghosts chosta talking grinding of the tte ste eth convulsive movements or of the hands and fingers comatose drowsy browa sleep with ravings nightmare deams dearns of travelling tra velling of danger fire and water of seeing objects which in chiase crease and decrease in size are r produced by an oppression at the stomach or aernum breast bone in what manner the alip J manglion gan pan glion and sympathetic nerves are prodoc alv tiie tile e when affected by a local complaint of images comes cornea within the domain of idilo A ical y and animal chemistry aliface it to say reason has baa kotbin nothing or little addo tad 0 with the peculiar phenomena of dream afrig 1 frequently ideas and memories pre called u ID by mere bodily sensation without a eal loial local indisposition as in in the following at ain air hectically recorded lna ina ance dr di Greg gregory orys oryo ta eminent philosopher and physician men f t alons of himself that having on one occasion kone gone to bed with a vessel of hot at his feet teet he dreamed of wa king up the crater of 31 mount bunt etna and of feeling the ground warm under him ile lie hail bad at an early period of his JM life ilfe visited mount vesuvius and aati actually all ail y felt fell laca imma a strong sensation of warmth in bis his feet feel hen wi wa king kin kid tip up the side of the c ater but it L ds remarkable that the dream was not of vesuvius but of emai t cf f which bich he be had only read rad some tra vetna velna account this was y i probably from be he latter impression having 0 xi been een the more recent bw the relationship excising ex existing I 1 tating between dream insanity is really the 4 mental v quo of the rt ng exactly ane sanle sanie as that thit of the latter latier when perfectly developed into mania t absi ibri ile lie the beggar beglar dreams being a k king ing over powering is his hia imagination that entirely left hi and be he cannot b by y means t IW or judgment compare his real rea jositas with the vla lia isi imi ionar lonar otie one hence he is 18 deceived elte g himself surrounded burro united by all the f and splendor of roya royn royalty ltv t till tili I 1 I 1 I 1 the dream burst the maniac f himself an ait empero erm ero pero 1 1 h all the paraphernalia of that high pou I 1 and an although alt ait bouch bough his physical c al organs 11 are I 1 play th tt hallucination hall ci nation is by no m mean eana eang corrected or removed by the sound of clink ing chains and the sight of his hia miserable abode the the fi fist st men menta menla tai tal 1 derangement or transit mit pil 4 from a healthy state ia Is which co 0 elita in la ing oo 00 much stress pu oll oil a small trivlan trivial point ur or circum circumstance stancl t C er ering other facts and thiu thins things s in connection with it I 1 remember two interests inte resti g specimens of this kind two painters who ell eil joyed enjoyed a high professional emu ence in prussia pi were v very ery much occupied with the cons ruction of a certain peculiar machine y of a very complicated nature in the shape of 0 a locomotive which should do away veito the present artillery and in fact they believed the desti active power of their designed machine so grear great that they actually imagined war would come to an end and general peace pea cebe ibe abe established they corresponded with elabu Burntt applied I 1 to the prussian and other german govern I 1 ment but on an examination of thir plans i I 1 and designs s by competent engineers the en 1 tire and utter impossibility f was yas discovered h escove red the two des designers ners had bad only j seen important tant advantages without consider 1 ing or noticing the difficulties so great however however was their eccentricity in that par point that the could not be convinced of or their error but continued their useless speculative theories about a great re reforming formin infernal machine up to the their thein I 1 r end there are many other cution and remarkable I 1 instances of this kind of insanity on record amuel samuel warr warre in his diary of a I 1 late physician relates the following chourn stance A bachelor of 0 amne ulu nou e who generally was of a vry very lively disposition a nt for me on day his bis negro servant ser insina A athal hla hia master ws was in great distress in consequence of his hla head having literally turned round on en enteria terin the bed room of my friend I 1 said but pray my dear sir air when did this thia drea ful accident happen sit down doctor and I 1 will tell you 7 whereupon he commenced as follows you know I 1 have a plantation a on the i iland mand land of barbadoes well weli weilt last 1 a a t lui lul dight light bt I 1 dreamt I 1 was waa ther ewhen all ft once a terrible tornado arose and while looking around to see the toe destruction that was A as going on my head w a sudden y seized by a violent current of air and literally turned as you cm cin see for yourself it shocking doc Poc doctor tor toi very I 1 re replied led dryly dryl ui ut then my dear sr sir look aha f you will bo be well in a few lays days but bow can I 1 I 1 am bilged obliged to look backward all the time and I 1 am actual ly a walking lie 2 to make the matter short the invalid was speedily cured when he confessed to his hia professional friend that he feared his bis mind had bad been rather out of order next k to eccentricity comes lunacy a violent sort of insanity wherein the patient is apt to lise use force it was BU su posed to be lullu en ed by the moon hence the name lunacy from the latin luna tuna the moon madness and ironia from the greek mat mai to rag rage implies insani insanity tl or lunicy in m lia ius ila most tullous and confirmed stage 4 stir how hoo 01 in many any perhaps do know that a drop of 0 water or a small tiny leaf is the arena of miniature worlds ot of busy microscopic insects enjo enjoying enjoyed yin m themselves in the ratio of their intelligence li gence gencel f t from the greek ratter gaiter the belly the abdomen and the preposition I 1 e epi i I 1 about around signifies the region of the e stomach ignis jal fal faibus utts literally translated signifies all an erring light better known as a ajack I 1 jack 0 lantern 1 I it is a fiery el atric exhalation of swampy places these phenomena which are apt to lead tile the unlettered superstitious wanderer from frem the right road are frequently observed after a thundershower thunder shower 4 I 1 quote the above article merely from memory |