Show indian wars in oali Cali california frnia much is ig said in the california journals the hostilities of the indians on walk mis eis river which have been occasioned as is by the intrusion of the settlers upon their cultivated grounds but nevertheless they must bs be annihilate a d instead of inducing them to peace in humboldt Ilum lium boldt and other nor hern counties there are difficulties with the indians and some five hundred of ab the e california volunteers were mere recently recently in that county huntin buntin hunting r driving and killing the ab aborigines 0 whenever they could be found but they kept out of the way wry of the troops as much as possible by fleeing from th h in into outer otter locations la in a recent fight in tehama county between a party parly of pitt river or hat creek indians aud ami a company of hites whites bites thirteen of the former were killed and two of the latter the inda indi indians ans are accused of comm eting murders occasionally and of stealing and killin killing g cattle and other stock and some of the whites make a business oz of s cahng indian children and selling gelling them the herald and mirror announces that one woodman has been convicted in mendocino no county for kidnapping young youna indians and when nheu arrested had lad six teen een children in his possession and anaw was as on his way to inai inal market ket with them the mendocino referring to the manner in which some of the white villains in that county treat the Indi alis alls say the fol owing circumstance which oc cu red in lorg boig long valley vailey V iley about a I 1 ear ago wiil alil il 11 lustra t e the cruelties cruel ties which are uro uron th the indians deans an indian woman with her child came into the valley returning some articles which had been stolen by the indian indan alleging that she did not approve of the theft she returned them and ased as ed the mercy and ad protection r I 1 te cr tion 0 of I 1 the settle e s buethe buk but the appearance of the ch child ild iid so excited the cupidity of some of the indian di a catchers that they welt ahr ab a mock tr r al 1 being themie bes hes accusers witnesses r judge and aud jury after which they took b ber her er into t a kanyon anyon where they made another indian cut cui cut t her throat several beveral bu bullets liets were hen ab shot t t through her dead body and her carcass was left to be devour devoured td by wild beasts the child which was halt hait white was retained and we are informed is no now with mith a family in long valley though thle this th i is an isolated isol ted case hundreds embodying equal cruelties cruel ties occur every j ear ay to the foregoing is added that when the inc ind indians lians object to such treatment treat meLt indian wars warf are binau inaugurated for the protection of theat re y white whit e |