Show wesley and his preacher ile he prescribed the minutest minutes 1 rul rui rules es of life for them even such as concerned their physical habits halit Ille faund found tha that t some became faur douall ous oua more probable by too much work than by too lattire lit lieh tiie tire though he thought otherwise he gave them advice on the subject kouch touch vouch no drink tobacco or snuff E eat at a very light if any apper grange peel tea lie down do wn before befar e ten rise before biere five every day use as much exercise as youcan scan bear or murder yourself by inches 11 nesa thesa kesa rufes rules he add didds 6 are as necessary for ftfe deop people ler ier as is the rr eachers he itinerants however to drink of oje alez ale aie at ait night hight after preaching pr abbing ile lle interrogated them closely in hit bih printed minutes about aboia th eln ein habits do you A he be asim deny yourselves youra every useless pleasure of oti bense tense bens im imagination a honor akre re you teza tesa la all thili things gs to tot take one for fon instance dodou do you use usei only that kind and am that ahat depe deve deree which is 19 best both for the body and soul do you see ee the necessity of this thise do yo teat seat no flesh suppers no late suppers thes ther natu naturally fally faily tend to destroy bodily health do you eat only three meals a day it if four bour afe are you not an eu excellent ellent pattern to the you u ake t ke no Q more food than is necessary at rachmeal each meal you may know if you 40 tobyia dob bya hya xia yta yia load at your stomach by drowsiness or hia hka heaviness vf and in a w u hile hiie by weak or bad neri nere e do you use only that kind and that degrie degree of bf drink which is best both for your body arid arld soul dodou do you jou drink water why not nia rid TL did y you 0 evel why did you leave it ii off if not for 11 health eal th when will you begin again today how oten olten do you drink wine oreale everyday vary dalp do you want or waste it far stev stevens ens history of af |