Show A cheap john in full blast ka our neighbor nn n the fhe he right iq a lively specimen of the tho tilbe cheap jack when he be came camo first amongst us lis we thought of looking for another but after a few evening experiences we resolved to let him alone and to let ourselves alone he is not a vulgar fellow and never pol pot 1 lites ites lies his mouth with reprehensible language llis wit is of the first order ad atad it if he had been born a statesman orator instead of a statesman bc jack a k lie he would hao hae haie been the most popular ar L on record every body who ile lie hears him blin ei to hear him again ilia wa ea appear to be every where and he professes to sell every thing from the hie of a ships crew down to that ve feces cesily ity ily a corkscrew cork crew fie ile is a particular favorite of the thie better class of laborer laborers and doea does the best business in lit the city cily his ilia con und ruins are first late and too loo good to be given up we report his first essay which we do him the tiie justice lo 10 say is worth it weight in tadpoles now I 1 am graig to bentar upon your notice lle ile lie the wonder of if the day a rale rate genuine pair of carbina car vina articles arti artl cles a knife and fork look at the kniff ils lis ills the otly oily one in the city that can be warranted to cut eight and forty sies elizes out of a leg of mutton alid and yet leave enough for a many country cousins as you would wish to entertain afterwards here is the fork islat it enough to mke make you fork out oula H hillo llo ito you I 1 say walk w ak out anat shall bhail I 1 say for this vest theres an investment for you kiy it on man now id advise you to go and see sa ly one mure more and if she do ent consent to such a i handsome fellow this firme tiree why wily then id give you leave to tosy say that I 1 am ain no forejudge io more judge than a lawyer it sit fir said the man from pike not a fi father abraham and all the prophets look at this not this a fit why it beats your new york broadway swells into fits why even solomon in all his glora could neier neter boast of uch such a vest vesi and ai for a fit taki taking tig hold of a good handful of it I 1 3 oure no lude judge ask saly she shall decide the matter you wont have it hen theli yu yiu yuu shant have this quire of letter writing paper which all my friends are wailing to bid for here it i a most invaluable article teaching how to addres address ones own true love my lly dear nancy you never did a man see fee ee 0 1 o much to byoir fotr fancy rancy ai the writer of this can see heres another for a senator my aly dear relation Rp lation im in lit such a situation of gotlif ration about the arrais arral s of this nation that ill take the first occa occasion sion siou to get out of this thia station heres another for fora a lawyer D ar S r if you yon please hand fiand us lis out our fees or eise else phie we shall tease you out of your peare peace di do this thia ier for bour ease or eo down on your knees like a ilaf liaf haf made green cheese hens hers one fr a foresman So dear sir none call cuil sell I 1 know it well so chip as 1 I step in and try whether it be as you shail shall see soda candles batch hatch hatchet et han handle handie dleo cheese or butter i sausage I 1 en culter culler tier bla blacking aking brushes of beds eds or rushes r twine or rope starch or soap W wooden bowls quid or rolls rails elseman Ml seman peep pipea lawyer blies e wipes sites salt balt or mustard e begs s for custard brooms or mop lollipops lolli pops ca cande candea 11 clef 3 toys toss toy s for girls or bova now wha ii my parner jo cordin up tip that box like a girst first rate ree lawyer B baue cau ches hes a re corder cord er when I 1 takes this lamp off thi this sheavy heavy erand can you understand what ahat this sand becomes alaine A lamplighter lamp lighter what is the ditl difference arence going in in and coming out of a agin gin gln store when I 1 goes in lit I 1 tips but I 1 come out tipsi tips i 1 why aie aia you like a chewed pill when you cant guess my conundrum conundrums now lad look out for a bargain it if any of you want to open a store and commence genteelly heres halt half a dozen pairs of for your stock in trade each one is warranted rever never to have a hole in it if bought at the hole bolf aie wie R ale le pr price ice oil 01 that mans of good hose F friends I 1 ends ill recommend you to pass judgment oil on the calutin double pressure fire engine to have a hose imse ion enough and trong enough to 0 o pump out the tha water of the pacific into the tho atlantic to make maki the tides even who goes in for a pair of razors now man you dont mean to say yon you intend to kiss boty with such stich a beard and mustache as that thai you may mayas as well attempt it through a corn sieve 0 fie for shame get shaved and let her see what a beautiful mouth youve got for a kiss well buchanan is a great man and no mistake but ive got a erbter crater in thi box that ill sell you for a tit lit or ill consent to be bit by the first mad road dog you like to lay hold hoid of puts up a nutmeg grater go 0 o in next for a pair of I 1 tin in japanned candles candlesticks i icks A collar dollar a pair a quarter a bit I 1 take no more I 1 take no less how can cari 1 I in california friend youve got a bargi bargain iny and if you dont say I 1 stole stoic ern em to sell at that then theu ahe when they walk oft off ill my pay they are no candlesticks candle sticks but walking sticks sin siu hinss s blind judge mac ban was six score and tou ton had an ugly torn cat as vi b i d its s a bat and a jay jav that squinted quin ted led this way any that thai 0 such was their state not one cuu cou could id look straight 1 now for the next lota sw saw a a hammer a plane and a chisel chiel what shall shail I 1 lay pay for the f ur oliree drillars two nid aid anki anil a hf lonk lo 10 at the a no nn sim alm id glois gooba her hert ati sil 1 first rate ah lonk at it again you never saw caw esaw a edw saw as that MW saws ive seen bow paws saws and ad rip saws alip saws gaws and hami hant gaw SAW teron feron erion baws saws keyhole key hole antl anti nunsel paniel pantel saws sawia fash yah fah saws cir I 1 cular saw cros erwa cut awit bliley sawo aad and gang aws wood sawa stone sawa saw bone botie saws raws and ment baws saws iron inon sawa and steel saws aws mill smal m ill sil sia fla saws vs aad add larg large e saws sit sli short orts ort s saws saas a a t thick ai ick lck an saws w 9 a and und it d i i thin saw and both hird kird aw and ami soft saw blit bill of all tb th 3 aws to seiw saw that ever I 1 saw paw saw I 1 ev JA w stich a saw 10 lo gaw saw as bis his ilia saw is to S dr I 1 girst first saw cawa pawa nair sair wand sa jawand and I 1 saw saws i 1 taw scott after I 1 first sa saw baw and tand for the hammer why youve only to take the first half of it and have harn ham or breakfast if you yeu like to eat ft it examine the plane its plain without axe nin niu would be rough work I 1 gues eues its lla worth all the money As for the chisel ill pil be chi selled out of the whole if I 1 sell le em for less right tight young man and as youre a carpenter can you tell me chalys that a barber lives ilves by that a carpenter loses by do you give it up shavings talking of shavings 11 heres a bargain shaving pot lookingglass looking glass two razors and soap how much shall I 1 bayl bay say three dollars ah I 1 dont mind putting la in a good story worth ten times the money thank ye oid old old did fellow you have a good sto story ry I 1 see well here goes my old dad was a barber and a rum fusty s caper too loo one cold night when the od gent had hist just rust got one foot in til his bed and it hid J lust just put the candle out there came a I 1 loud oil oti bang at the door enough to knock the house lot 1 se dow down 11 chos there says he be tom save says the file knocker e r well what does doea Tom torn want beard cut and wig shaved 1 why its just one cant you call tomorrow to morrow no I 1 wont says tom ill smash your door down and you too loo if you dont open it so dad opened it and lown iown down town tom toni lay for the operation the ch charge argell why said my old dad a dollar for such a head of hair and beard as youve got for his hair was war like a cherokee indians and his bis beard a rope swab A dollar doll dr says lie he well weli then give me half a dollars worth good says my rather father so down tom sat and bing being precious drunk lie he ston ston sion fell asleep now daddy who loved a jike jile as well as tiny any man proceeded to give 11 him ini int his half dollars worth for he cut one half halt of his hair off quite close and never touched the other and then slaved shaved in the same manner the mus fache lache and berd beird now says da dad dafter after lie had got his half dollar wake up old fellow and make yourself scarce for I 1 want to go to bed give me a looking glass I 1 says bays he to add all correct 10 0 says da 1 y you ou have had too many glasses already and with that pushed him out of doors and from that time ever after he was called hal dollar doliar tom 11 |