Show zith aith CONGRESS the election of a speaker by the house of representatives being one of the most imbor tant items of newby news for the benefit of ohr our read fa CT demake ee I 1 the following extracts from the f proceedings 0 of the House during the last three days previous to its effecting 11 an organization jany the galleries were more densely crowded than at any former period during the session kes ies sion slon by 11 not a seat was to be had crowds were wed wedged weded 0 ed in the various doyr doorways door ways while the lobbies were alike uncomfortable with persons of both sexes the seats specially set apart for the diplomatic corps with the exception of the front tie tle tier r were occupied by ladies members and others were gathered in groups on the floor the general scene was charac by unusual excitement many stran strangers 0 X lad bad had arrived since saturday to witness tb the e proceedings consequent upon the election of a speaker the rev mr kennard who acted as chaplain on that day in the course of his prayer implored the almighty to come to the deliverance of the country from its present excite men tand danger and to renew the bond of confidence which formerly existed as to our confederacy the clerk stated the pending question to be ad ori the motion made by mr windslow on friday to proceed to a vote viva voce mr davidson ad dem la asked leave to offer a resolution that the doorkeeper be directed to exclude all persons not entitled to the privilege under the rules of the house from the floor except employees actually engaged an in the hall mr clemens demons ad dem va gallantly allied ask ed mr davidson to except the ladies from the operation aeration of the resolution alg pla y mr davidson said there were more outbid ers erb on the floor than members mr smith ad dem va also desired the ladies ladles now on tb the tha e floor to remain 1 mr air stanton rep 0 remarked that if they athey permitted them to remain here others would claim the privilege mr addeso Ad DemO said that if p persona dersons were here contrary to the rul esthey were liable to expulsion by the doorkeeper but it was too late to exclude the ladies now althey as they had been invited here mr air David davidson sorl sori repeated that there were all kinds of people on the floor the time had come when they should be stopped mr air john cochrane ad dem dim NY moved that the ladles ladies be excepted from the opera bion lion tion of mr davidsons David davia sons sona resolution this was a i higher privilege than belonged to the male sex laughter mr olin rep N Y reminded the gentlemen that we have no rules mr smith va replied we have the p parliamentary paria parla law amr montgomery ad dem pa said that 0 some weeks ago C they adopted a resolution for the preservation of order and the doorkeeper could raould therefore enforce the rules mr phelps ad dem mo said the seventeenth entee nth rule excludes ladies ladles and all those to whom special reference was not made mr kilgore rep ind was for excluding all ail not privileged to the floor t mr Craige dem NC amid the anfu ovet a call of the house mr rep ohio obio if you will ex clude elude the ladies I 1 will vote against the resol ution mr burnett deaky Dem Ky said it duty of the Doorkeeper to exclude all not entitled to the privilege of the floor ile he had as much gallantry as mr cochrane but if the doors were thrown open to all it would be impossible to transact business the hall was already crowded to admit apart a part of the ladies would be dealing unjustly toward the der of hem to favor the former would only make the latter mad after further conversation mr stanton rep ohio offered a resolution that the allep doorkeeper borie aper exclude all persons person snot not members of the house many wany voices said except the ladles ladies dont p ut them out 2 this seemed agreed to but the fact was doubted bt d by several gentlemen mr ashmore dem S C yielded to no po mab man man in 11 g gallantry al lantry but he did not understand 31 r ita ata antons resolution to except the ladies mr garnett dem va objected to a call oillie of the house being proceeded with until all outsiders were excluded from the floor the clerk decided that it was not in the power of any member to arrest the call mr ashmore insisted on the enforcement of th the krule rule ruie unless those unprivileged persons were nvere excluded the house was here as a mob if the ladies now on the floor be not excluded the uhe wives and daughters of others would claim a similar courtesy applause in the galleries liri le dies ries es the clerk said eaid he had bad no power over the doorkeeper the ladies about forty in number here bere began to retire from the floor mr curtis rep iowa said something amid the confusion to which mr garnett replied there should be a strict and impartial ex execution of the rule mr air killin killinger Killing turnes er cr rep pa said as the ladies ad les ies have been turned out the men not cot here by privilege should be put out mr ashmore I 1 go with you yon oli mr hickman A L iia lia pa aa as a remedy for the pressure suggested that all the mem bers tiers withdraw for five minute minutes and let th the floor be cleared then the doorkeeper could distinguish as they severally returned who were members voices that would be the best way mr briggs rep NY saw no necessity for such a course if all the members tave tak e their seats it could be easily ascertained who were not privileged here the house was called and the only absentees re reported were brown of ky C B Co cochrane cErane and stallworth mr air van wyck rep NY asked the democratic mo cratic members from the city of new york to amford afford a pair for C B Y mr air cochranee craige ranAe ranle dem N C suggested that mr Coch cochrane be paired with mr stallworth mr van wyck objected to this that among other reasons mr stallworth has never been here john cochrane dem N Y said he could not consent to a pair with his colleague unless it could be shown that he was under some peculiar personal obligation to do so ile he felt feit that a superior obligation of party aswell as well weli as patriotic trio tle tic tie considerations prevented him from ra tending lending e d himself to a pair mr air delano rep mass referred to the I 1 fact that he had on a former occasion paired with john cochrane three days with the understanding understand im that the latter was not able from sickness to attend he thought the same courtesy and humanity should be exten ed to clark dark B cochrane from the democratic side during these proceedings the floor was cleared of ladies and many unprivileged persons of the other sex mr clemens demons dem va in consideration of the courtesy always extended to him by the republican side was willing ili in a spirit of magnanimity to pair off with mr cochrane if the ae republicans would furnish a pair to mr Stal stai stallworth lwort no understanding was wag arrived at on thiis this subject the house decided to proceed to the election of a speaker mr sherman rose amid profound silence ile he said throughout this prolonged contest he had been supported by a large targe plurality of his friends they till now had adhered to him with a fidelity and devotion which he respected and which he believed had received the applause of their constituents they had stood here undismayed amid threats of disunion and disorganization conscious of the rectitude of their intentions firm in their adoration of the constitution and the obedience to all laws they have been silent firm and manly on the other hand they have seen their ancient and national adversaries broken into fragments they have seen some of them combined by a written agreement to prevent a majority of the house from prescribing rules for the organization bation of this body they have heard glan gian oh others ers proclaim that if a republican should be elected president of the united states they would tear down this fair fabric and break up the union of these states and now they have hare seen their ancient adversary broken dispersed and disorganized unite in supporting a gentleman here in open and avowed hostility to their organization I 1 should regret extremely and I 1 believe belleve leve it would be a national calamity to have any one who is is a supporter directly or indirectly of this administration or who owed it any allegiance 0 or favor or affection occupy any p position position in this house I 1 should regret it as a public calamity to have the power of this house directly or indirectly under the control of this administration and it would be it seems to me a fatal mistake a fatal policy to trust the power of this house in the hands bands or under the control of gentlemen who have proclaimed that in any event and under any circumstances they would dissolve the tile union of these states I 1 regard it as the highest duty of patriotism to submerge personal feelings and that every man should sacrifice all private f feelings ee lings and all private interests for the good of his country I 1 proclaimed here a few days ago and I 1 have always stood upon the po position 8 it 1 on th that at whenever any of my political friends or associates could combine a greater number of votes than I 1 could I 1 would retire from the scene and give him the honor if there is an honor in the position I 1 occupy I 1 believe the the time has now arrived I 1 believe that a greater concentration can be made on another gentleman than upon myself of those outside of the republican organization I 1 therefore nie I 1 respectfully withdraw my name as a candidate and in doing so mr clerk allow me to return my heartfelt thanks to all my political friends who have stood by me in this contest especially to those with whom I 1 am not connected by party ties but by the higher ties of mutual 9 sympathy ym pathy respect and affection sir if I 1 had one more favor to ask of them it would be that in one unbroken column with an unfaltering front and an unwavering 0 column every man of them wheel into the line and cast his vote in favor of any gentleman belonging to ou our r organization who can command the majority of this house or who can be elected speaker of this house applause the house proceeded to vote whole number necessary Hec t v a choice mr fr penni ilton is mr smith 12 if kr r davis of ind ini 3 2 mr allen alien I 1 mr bocock I 1 two other ballots were taken the game tame day d I 1 with the game iam results jan the galleries were densely crowded on lae ite the me meeting 0 of the tle hij fio house u 1 s e but the excitement was not so intense as on the day previous I 1 on motion of mr stanton there was a call of the house it appeared that the following gentlemen were absent boyce stallworth brown of kentucky sickles kunkel somes and mark dark B cochrane the last two are republicans mr smith S am N C rose when there were wera cries of sit down order quiet being restored that gentleman said mr clerk I 1 cannot find language adequate to convey to the members of this body my deep sense of obligation to the honorable gentlemen of the var various political organizations constituting this house for the honor which they endeavored to confer upon me by placing me in the chair and in trusting me with the high and important responsibility of presiding siding over this body when I 1 recollect taro how much vouch of self sacrifice must have been incurred how much gentlemen have given up in the patriotic effort to concentrate cen the votes of this house on some individual who stood on national and broad comprehensive ground and when I 1 remember that 1 I myself with a name unknown to fame now making my entry on this floor for the first time have received the honor of so large a vote as was conferred on me I 1 shall only say I 1 shall cherish the kindness during the residue of my official term and while a member of this body and carry with me into the shades of private life when my public service shall have ended a grateful grated al and abiding sense of the deep obligation under which gent gentlemen Temen yemen have placed me but bat without intending now as this is not the proper occasion to go into any mat ter of detail I 1 will here take the liberty of s saying baying ayin 01 that I 1 am satisfied that the presentation t i 0 of my name longer before this body would not contribute toward the success or wishes of those gentlemen who have so cordially and steadily sustained me I 1 therefore beg leave before another ballot is taken to withdraw my name as a candidate before this body and to say that I 1 hope that the indications which are now presenting themselves may be the harbingers of the return of good will among all the states of the confederacy and that in preserving intact and inviolate the constitution we may find the guaranty of the rights rights of every part of our confederacy in in our g glorious orious and blessed union perpetuated to the remotest period of time applause mr air smith at the conclusion of his remarks was enIss privately riva tely congratulated t by many of his bis f friends ri lm impatient tient cries from the republican side of awa cali cail C call the roll mr reagan dem Tex texas assaid sald said there had been a combination of various elements of the house with the view of securing for speaker a man of national and conservative character the democrats he trusted have a name for liberality and readiness for any sacrifice which the present condition of the country requires when the name of the gentleman from north carolina alir mr smith though differing wilh with the great body of the democrats was presented they supported him satisfied that his purpose was to maintain the constitution and the integ integrity rity of the government they i voted for him on friday and thrice yesterday they were now satisfied he h e could coul d receive no more votes in presenting the name of another gentleman they thought they had a right tp to expect that those differing in political sent sentiment from him would make a sacrifice of their personal and political preferences in order to 1 secure the election of a conservative rational lat rat ional lonal I 1 man as S speaker eaker of the house if eighty democrats said they would vote against mr air sherman till gabriel his last trump 91 and that mr stevens of pennsylvania had declared that the republicans would adhere to mr air i sherman till the crack of doom the canon of prophecy had closed mr More morehead head bead rep penn congratulated the house and the country on the fact that they were now ready to proceed to the election of a speaker they were informed at an early day odthe of the fhe session that there was to be a smoking out process before such an election he thought the smoking out process had been pretty retty effectually gone through with today to day laughter liter ilter mr clark dark dem mo acknowledged ed he did make that assertion and the gentleman from pennsylvania now felt the effect of it his resolution has had its effect at least so far that no in dorser of the sentiments of helpers book can be speaker of this house he ile wished to tell an anecdote which even the gentleman would enjoy ile he had heard of a hunter who went turkey hunting bunting he found the turkey on the top of a high tree he fired and the bird fell but got pot up and run with one wing sving broken the ile hunter failed to secure his game but said he 1 I have one consolation you will have to roost lower the remainder of your life laughter the roll was proceeded with and the result was announced as follows whole number present necessary to a choice pennington mcclarnand ernand ili ill scattering 26 mr winslow moved to adjourn mr english moved that the house again proceed to vote i mr florence said they had better adjourn and reminded the republicans of the fact that the democrats last friday consented to adjourn at their pressing request the ne house |