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Show Thursday, September 28, 1961 Page 8 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Granger - Hunter Town Council Announces Election October 13th Harvanno Produce Vice Chairman Willard oJnes heads Jonathan Apples Lb. 10 Delicious Apples Lb. 15' ICE COLD WATERMELON Closed Sundays a-- n nounces the coming elections for the Granger-Hunte- r Town Council will be held Oct. 13, 1961, at the Granger High School. There are three seats open this year for one representative each from the Hunter, North Granger and South Granger areas. Anyone who desires their name on the ballot should submit a written request to J. Leonard Harmon, 3575 South 4000 West, Salt Lake City 4, Utah. Merrill Hymas, representing the Hunter area, and J. Leonard Harmon, representing South Granger, have announced their candidacies for positions on the Granger Town Council. Both men are incumbents. Jack Laird, chairman of the Council, has stated that he will not be a candidate for another term as other business takes up too much of his time. At the last Council meeting, by unanimous consent, Wayne Cole and upert Dobesh were appointed to the Council to fill out the remaining terms left vacant by David Lingard and Harold Hymas, who resigned because of other commitments. At present, the Council consists of Jack Laird, chairman; Willard Jones, vice chairman; J. Leonard Harmon, secretary-treasurer; Rulon Jenkins, civic improvements chairman; Merrill Hymas, schools chairman; George Fairboume, recreation chairman; Robet Dobesh, public safety chaiman; Dr. Kenneth Hill, health and welfare chairman; Wayne Cole, public relations chairman. These are some of the things that have been accomplished by the present and past Town Councils: 1. The land has been obtained and plans drawn up for a Post Office in Granger. 2. The land has been obtained for a Fire Station in Granger. 3. Street lighting program GRANGER NEWS By MRS. JACKLYNN NELSON Realizing the need for additional street lighting, the Granger-Hunte- r Town Council has set up a committee to study those areas that need street lights the most. The reasons for the need of street lights are many. Soon, many of our children will be leaving and returning home to and from school in the lark. Many undesirable things happen in our neighborhoods after dark because of lack of proper lighting. For example: thefts, molestations, an dtraffic accidents. The committee seeks your support in the form of a written statement describing any of these dangers which have happened and which might have been prevented had there been sufficient street lighting in the area. The statements concerning these serious problems should be in the hands of Wayne Cole, 3090 South 3080 West, Salt Lake City 4, Utah, no later than Oct. 1, 1961. New TV Repair Shop oP ens In Kearns Mr. Paul Smith announces the opening of a new radio and t.v. repair shop at 4164 West 5050 South in Kearns. Mr. Smith has moved to Kearns frmo Conton, Ohio, where he has (been in the repair business for the past 15 years. tt . 0 ir I II 0 .(i m mps mrnmmm a Reward Offered re-tur- - HUNDREDS OF ROCKERS, CHAIRS AND EVERYTHING ON SALE FLOOR SAMPLE LIVING ROOM SETS. ALL MARKED DOWN! SOME BELOW OUR COST! EVEN FURNITURE DEALERS CAN'T BUY AT THESE PRICES. IF YOU WAIT, YOU'LL BE SORRY! Factory List 2-P- c. - 179 Sectionals Factory List $329.50 3-P- FABRICS Factory List i 2-P- c. $519.50 Bumper and Arm Beautiful 14 Eight of these in black, brown, biege, rose, fuschia, green HEAVY - Sectionals $289 c. UNITED SOLID OAK FRAMES $259.50 - Sofa leds 148 2-P- Gold, green, brown, lime, taffy The Best Construction Danish Mod. 12330 c. Price Includes Both Pieces Biege Stripe and Gold Chair Durable Fabrics 2-Pi- OCCASIONAL CHAIRS (5) $ 680 Factory List ece - $296.00 14700 Mohair Frieze We paid $24.00 for Some Not So Good ! n, A reward is offered for the biof two in good condition, cycles missing from the Catholic Recreation Hall, Tuesday evening during scout meeting. One is a 26 black racer with the front fender off; the other is a new black and white and red Evans 26 model. if you have any inCall CY formation concerning these two 08 bikes. Gardeners . . . '(Continued from page 1) Frischnecht, head of the Extension Department, Utah State University; an educational film on conservation and protection of birds, supplied by Mr. Ulysses S. Grant; a workshop on timely garden club subjects in the afternoon, with professor Ernest Reimschiissel; Dr. Stanley Muli-a- k, Ulysses S. Grant, Mrs. Erven Day and members of the Utah Judges Council are coordinators. Many local residents have served on the board of the Utah Associated Garden Club during the past ' year. Mr. Walter O. Bostwick is past president; Mrs. B. W. Moore, assistant program chairman; Mrs. Thurlyn R. Christensen, junior chairman; and Mr. B. W. Moore is a candidate fo rthe office of mem-jershchairman this year. All are residents of Kearns. ip This cover will be hard to wear out ROCKERS, HI Backs (5) $2470 Plastic Head and Arm $3620 $3880 $5840 ROCKERS RECLINERS, your choice - LUXURY ROCKERS MAPLE UPHOLSTERED LOVE SEAT Maple Upholstered Sofa & 2 2-Pi- WE CANT LIST THEM ALL furniture 1 NORTHEAST CORNER KEARNS 95 Nylon Crescent Black, Green, Grey, Lime Triple Deck Springing w Factory List - $309.50 Dream-Ana- y $5777 LIST - $105.00 - Factory List. $420.00 ece Chairs $148.40 Fireside Rocking Chairs FACTORY Eighteen to choose from $ 49.33 - Triple Deck Springing Makes a Full Size Inner Spring 6ed NYLON FRIEZE FABRIC WEAR-EVE- R YOU WILL SAVE $100.00 OR MORE ACT NOW BEFORE IT'S GONE NOBODY ANYWHERE BEATS OUR PRICES Kearns Phillips "66" Service Phone CY 8-24- 81 Expert Motor Tune-U- p Brake Work - TUBES ACCESSORIES TIRES Northwest Corner Kearns AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAj' AUTO REPAIRING and WELDING BRITO'S GARAGE All Work Guaranteed 5752 So. 4270 W. - CY 04 Blackie's KEARNS LANES BARBER SHOP NOTHING DOWN UNTIL DECEMBER PAYMENT NO CY f & 8-35- 29 Blackie Blackburn - Dan Lujan KEARNS BOWLING LANES |