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Show Page 4 Thursday, September 21, 1961 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS e minion Mew s A Farewell Testimonial was held at the Bennion Ward Chapel Sunday, September 17, honoring Austin M. Burton. He will leave for New Zealand next Monday at 7:55 a.m. at the Salt Lake A'rport. Austin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Burton, Sr.f of Bennion. Congratulations to newly weds Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood who were married recently in the Salt Lake Temple. A beautiful reception was held that evening at the Draper Ward house. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Howell are the parents of the bride, Joan. Mr. and Mrs. Stem Wood are the parents of the groom. We wish these newly weds the best c MIS They will leave for Texas October 1. We wish these boys the best of luck. They are Lloyd and Boyd Steffensn, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stffensen, and Sam Mackay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mackay, and Denise Edmunds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Edmunds. AMherst 6-95- PICK & 3225 South Redwood Road 51 B AMherst 6-95- 51 We Buy, Sell and Trade Guns The opening social of MIA was a huge success. Everyone that attended danced to the music of the Clark orchestra. Refreshments were served. The dance lasted two and a half hours. Ready for the Hunting Season --Get t WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF GUNS IN THE AREA . . . Rex and Colleen Bennion and family visited in Bennion this weekend. They stayed at the home of of luck and very much happiness. Barbara and Easton Blake. A party held at the Blake home Saturwas A speedy recover yto Carolyn Lunt. She hurt her foot when she day evening. fell down her basement stairs. The Saturday night Stake Dances at A PTA meeting will be held have started for the 1961-6- 2 season. the Plymouth School Thursday, Sep- The dances will be held each week tember 21. Everyone is invited to starting at 8 p.m. for dance instrucattend. tion and 9 p.m. for the dance. The new stake dance directors will give Four boys from Bennion have instruction each week and they inbeen recalled to the National Gaurd. vite anyone interested to attend. SAVE ON CITY PRICES Browning - Colt - Weatherby Winchester - Remington - Ithica and Savage Guns Bausch & Lomb - Lyman - Weaver Leopold and Bushneil Scopes 4 -- For Your Convenience Utah Power and Light Bills MAY BE PAID DEER RIFLES AT DECS DEPT. STORE in 10 and - up S OF USED Kearns a TO CHOOSE FROM Harvanno Produce J17 NEW FOUR POWER SCOPES 50 FANCY delicious Apples 19c EMPTY CASES 30-0- 6 FANCY lb. Per Hundred .25 MATERIAL V2 x 4 X 8 Sheet Rock - $1.69 ICE COLD WATERMELON CEMENT - $25 sack ALL Hardwood Birch & Walnut Paneling AT WHOLESALE 2' x 6' ALUMINUM SHEETS Ideal for closing in Trailers, Pafios, Carports 1.25 M and Roofs ASPHALT FLOOR TILE COMPLETE LINE OF MUTTON CHOPS or STEAKS 0 OOc 0 lbs. 07 JOHN McCOLLOUGH 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. - CY Open: If you don't know your meat know your butcher SCHWINN BIKES LAY-A-WA- Y 22 I FOR CHRISTMAS each 5e |