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Show Page 10 Thursday, March 16, 1S61 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS North Jordan Stake Announces Conference greet at the door. Aaronic Priset-hoo- d will usher and count attendance tickets. Elders of Hunter 3rd North Jordan Stake quarterly Ward will park cars. Music for two general sessions conference will be held, March 18 and 19 at the North Jordan Stake will be furnished by the combined choirs of all wards. House, 3900 So. 4000 West President A. Theodore Tuttle of the first council of seventies will Cup Classic Copper 'be the visiting general authority. With one week remaining in the Sessions of conference will be new names conducted by President E. Verne Copper Cup Classic, over took the leading spots. Breeze and counselors, W. Wallace Ohms took over the lead in Ray Bawden and Dean Farnsworth with the scratch series with a 1443 folassistance of the members of the lowed by Bruce Ludlow,. 1435 and High Council and Stake Clerks. Borich with 1396". Pep Sessions will 'be held as follows: Fred Laker, Gale McCardy and Sat. 6:30 p.m. Priesthood leadAllgood have high games of ers and Melchizedek and Aaronic Larry 149. Frank Lingren 247 and Mel Priesthood and Stake Auxiliary Wilson, 246. heads. Handicap was taken over Sat 8:00 p.m. For all husbands byHigh Gale McCurdy with a 1525. He and wives in the stake. A film will is followed by Tim Creasey 1502, be presented and a message by the Bruce Ludlow 1498, Danny Lane presiding authorities. 1490 and Ray Ohms 1485. Special Session: Sun. 8 p.m. Meeting for 'Stake , i High Presidency, Bishoprics. and Council DRIVE IN CLEANERS Sun: 10 a.m. 2 p.m. will be a youth conference with emphasis on youth problems and youth will participate. 7 p.m. MIA. Attendance will be checked by wards. Priesthood Presidency will and wXv.vvav.av.vavav,v,v.v.v.v.v.v.wmvav.vww.v.v.v.v.v,v.v, 5-- Was $295.00 Was $319.95 DELIVERY ALTERATIONS PRICES East of Shopping Center UTAH KEARNS, 41 Now Dream-a-wa- y Black & White, Wool Blue Was $299.95 Why is one of these whiskies insured for TREE LAMPS Was $16.95 One Million Dollars? & Calvert 40-inc- Calvert - Was $12.95 i 4 ft ' Was $26.95 W' Bunk Beds V excep- Why then is one -t- he whiskey on the right -i- nsured for one million dollars? Because it is drawn from Calvert Reserves Standard of Excellence-t- he whiskey that sets the standards for todays superb Calvert Reserve. This insures that the bottle on the left and ever) bottle of Calvert Reserve you buy -- is the most rewarding whiskey you ever tasted Uniform quality like this means skillfully blending at least 18 selected straight whiskies, uniting them perfectly, through the use of rare grain neutral spirits. The reason: All straight whiskies vary with each new distillation. Standard of Excellence,, the of taste Calvert Reserve never varies always Good as Gold. Shouldnt But thanks to Calvert Reserves (Turq. - Now 3-p- c. 7-p- c. DINETTE SET 65 Now $239.95 COLUMBUS GAS RANGE Reg. $19995 - Now $129.95 Reg. 3-p- c. GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS 1961 CALVERT DIST. CO.. N. Y. C. $339-9- - 5 T.V. $7.66 PORTABLE T. V. $644 Brass) $18.44 $58.45 $28.50 $44.44 $ 6.65 $99.95 $74.74 All Seven Pieces Spring Set fr'm $39.95 $299.09 Living Room Set Mattress Reg. $199.95 - Now $159.95 PHILCO PREDICTA T. V. Reg. $289.95 - Now $189.95 ZENITH 21 -- inch CONSOLE Reg. $329.95 - Now $229.95 Nylon WASHERS HOTPOINT AUTO WASHER Was $229.95 1 - Now $149.95 "Special Order' 2 Speed Hotpoint Auto. Washer Was $329.95 Now $188.95 w.t. NORTH EAST CORNER KEARNS Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. FURNITURE 8 Is i 1 P 1 I FREEZERS 15 cubic foot UPRIGHT Was $429.95 - Now $269.95 I 10 cubic foot UPRIGHT Was $229.95 - Now $189.95 I & Brown $298.00 Giant Oven Deluxe Magic Chef $7.56 Maple Dinete Set ROCKERS from RECLINERS from Occasional Tables.. ..from Bedroom Set $398.00 GAS RANGES Innerspring Mattress ece $169.95 i. 9.95 - U Deluxe Hotpoint with Rotary w.t Reg. $399.95 Now $249.95 n 30" Hotpoint Range, Push Button Reg. $269.95 Now $169.95 $5.46 You deserve Calvert Reserve PROOF Nylon Green $88.00 Both the whiskies pictured above have exactly the same tional flavor, smoothness and aroma. MU 86 & Now - S239.95 Delux Hotpoint Double Oven Reg. 42995 Now $269.95 w.t PINK TABLE LAMPS 5-pi- WHISKEY Now - lt cu. ft. Refrigerator . LAMPS h Was $19.95 SOLID GOLD BARS courtesy of Handy & Harman, a U. S. Treasury Department licensee BLINDED Now fe ELECTRIC RANGES BRASS TABLE LAMPS Was $18.95 11 Reg. $489.95 - Now $239.50 Now and SPRINGS $59.95 Frigidair 13 cu. ft. Combination (Black) - POLE LAMPS you enjoy it tonight? $239.50 Naugahyde & Now - 1 BEAUTY Reg. $629.95 - Now MAPLE LAMPS Was $1695 I I I Hotpoint 14 cu ft. Combination Now $199,50 - Now $149.50 Reg. $289.95 - Now Tan Naugahyde 3 Only M&.- Hotpoint Was $299.95 - Now $104.50 2 . piece . LIVING ROOM SET - - Reg. $399.95 - Now Wool Frieze Was $319.95 NoW $99.50 $ 1 Hotpoint Ref. Freezer Comb. $244.50 2 piece LIVING ROOM SET - EXPERT "We Repair all Makes o I RADIO - T.Y. and STEREO" Now - - REFRIGERATORS Brown Pink Nylon and Reliable Service MATTRESS Now $249.90 2 piece LIVING ROOM SET Was $309.95 - Now $237.50 2 piece LIVING ROOM SET 61 99.95 AMERICAN - Now 1 Was $$209.95 Turquoise - $ 8 Only LIVING ROOM SETS Now $199.90 2 piece LIVING ROOM SET - Was $329.95 LIVING ROOM SET ce Was Gold PICK-U- P Give 2-pie- 2 piece LIVING ROOM SET CLEANING CY piece SECTIONAL 2 In Wool and Nylon Fabric Black, Lime, Brown, Tan and Green in EXPERIENCED REPAIRMEN Phone AM Help! Please Help Unload Us! Was $319.95 BEST 99 STILL COMING IN Cocoa For the 4822 SO. REDWOOD ROAD W MODEL HOME FURNISHINGS SHIRT LAUNDRY GRANGER ELECTRONICS LOW-LO- UMOIMIOT DURFEY Regular Sessions: :ylvAvXvX-A',KvXy)AWfrA- Phone CY 8-35- 29 |