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Show Thursday, September 17, 1959 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page 2 BENNION NEWS Valley Vieu fleuA September 12th Bennion Ward HARRY B. MILLER, Publisher was the host at the stake dance, Entered as 2nd Class matter at the Post Office at Salt Lake City, Utah a fine attendance was there for the first dance of the season. Evunder the Act of March 3, 1879 ESTABLISHED 1954 eryone is encouraged to attend these dances. They are to be held Published weekly by Valley View News Publishing Company at at the Taylorsville Stake House. Salt Lake County, Utah Phone EMpire The Scout Court of Honor was Post Office Box 2608 Salt Lake City, Utah held September 14, at the TaylorsJAREN K. McCORMICK, Editor & Business Manager ville Stake House. It was the first BILL BRICKLEY, Advertising Mgr., EM one of the season. A large turnout of parents and scouts attended. For Classified Advertising Call CY 49 REPORTERS: CY CY AM Elizabeth Yowell Jessie Olsen Arleen Morrill Staff Photographer 4290 W. 5540 South 4911 So. 4980 West 5842 So. Redwood Rd. Phone: CY Jack Olsen full-tim- In the recent Court of Honor held in the Granger District, BSA, the following advancements and awards wer made: Roy Weaver, 2nd class; Terry Sechler, 2nd class; Lyle 2nd class; and Roy Weaver, merit badge for reptile study. Mc-Callist- A Pancake Supper will be sponsored by the C.W.F., September 25 at the church. Price will be 75 cents for adults and 50 cents for children under 12. Proceeds will be added to the fund. building Saints will Christ of Latter-dahear addresses by two prominent The C.Y.F. of the church will atchurch leaders at the Kearns North tend the Rally of the Youth Groups Stake Conference on Saturday and of Christian Churches in Utah, Sepy Sunday, September 26 and- 27th in the stake house, 4660 W. 5015 South in Kearns. The visitors are Elder Mark E. Petersen, a member of the Council of Twele Apostles, and Elder LeRoy Wirthlin of the General Welfare Committee. Conducting Saturday meetings Sunday General Session at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. will be Volma Heaton, 4576 W. 4925 South in Kearns, stake president. The public is invited to attend. Elder Petersen is a career newspaperman. He was news editor, managing editor, then editor and general manager of the Deseret News, pioneer daily newspaper in Salt Lake City. He is now president of this large church?owned publishing company. Elder Wirthlin is a director of the famed Church Welfare Plan. Each of the nearly 300 stakes or regional divisions of the church holds a conference four times yearly. Speakers will report on the expanding missions of the church here and abroad, and give counsel concerning the youth program, priesthood quorums, relief society, and welfare programs. for the General Conference church will be held in Salt Lakes historic Mormon Tabernacle, Oc- tober World-wid- e Dahlberg and family are visiting friends and relatives in California this week. Gus Autumn Brings Wedding Bells KEARNS P.T.A. NEWS tember 19. The event will be held in the First Christian Church in Ogden with the Ogden C.Y.F. acting as hosts. and Mrs. Vernon Walters were elected to serve as deacon and deaconess in place of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Rogers, who recently moved to Oregon. Mrs. Hazel Young resigned as deaconess in order to better serve in the work of Church School Secretary and C.W.F. president. The Young family is also the key family for the Stewardship and Finance Committee. Mrs. Lena Brooks was elected deaconess for the unexpired term Mr. of Mrs. Young. Another Bingo Party is on the agenda of St. Francis Catholic Church. The event will be held Saturday, at 8:15 p.m., at the Parish Hall. There are many fine prizes to be given away, plus a $125.00 Jackpot, and a $25.00 prize in the 10th game. Absentee Bingo may be played by contacting Father or Gene Benvegnu, CY invited You are CY Healy, of the one be and to join the fun lucky winners. MAGNA Russell Larry Marlor. The couple exchanged vows September 15th. The bridegroom is th6 son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Marlor of Magna. Mr. Marolr holds a B.S. in entomology from the University of Utah. He is now a junior in the college of medicine. Miss Shuster is a graduate from the University of Massachusetts and has a masters degree from the University of Utah, where she is now studying for a' Ph.D in the first zoology. meeting of the Kearns Jr. High BENNION Miss Kay Bennion PTA will be held tomorrow, Friday, Bird Gerard were wed September 18 at the school. at the Salt Lake Temple Friday. The function should prove to be The newlyweds were honored at highly entertaining for all of the a reception held at the Meadow parents of junior high students. The Brook Golf Club later that evening. parents will attend a luncheon Parents Mr. and of the bride are e room mpQt:ng in the C. W. 1208 Mrs. Oscar Bennion, of th-- ' school at 1 p.m. A typical 4800 South. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard school hot lunch will be served Gerrard, 4920 So. 1250 West, are to the parents. the parents of the bridegroom. Following the luncheon, the parents will attend brief sessions in the school rooms of their children, with the teachers. There the parents will have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the current years activities. The teachers will explain the aims of the teachers, and what is expected of the students. The students will be given a schedule of the days program to deliver to the parents. The luncheon meeting will begin at 1 p.m. with the classroom sessions following at 2 p.m. The meeting will terminate at 3:45 p.m. All parents are requested to atand tend familiarize themselves with the school and the faculty. gram has been planned for the benefit of those attending. Mr. Joseph K. Cummins, new principal of the school, and his wife, along with the various teachers of the faculty will be introduced at the meeting. Lets make the theme of the PTA, To bring into closer relations, the home and the school. Really put forth an effort to attend and give your support to your PTA. See You There! and-Duan- ys Altar Society of Our Lady of Lourdes, Magna, for the invitation to attend their meeting last week. The Kearns ladies had a very enjoyable time. Classified Advertsing: 15c per line, with a minimum of 45c per insertion WANTED: Stan Katz Real Estate LADY WANTS ride from Granger to Salt FOR SALE by owner: 3 bedroom home with basement, Improved and fenced. Lake City (Main and 2nd So ) 9 a.m.-- 5 Inc. needs a Kearns representative, man See to appreciate. 4331 W. 5175 South Mr. or woman. May train. HU pm., CY Call CY (tf) Katz. LADIES, work at home. Established disFOR HEALTHS SAKE keep clean. For tributor has piece work available for CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS BRING RESULTS. quality dry ' cleaning, call DURFEY responsible women who have a minimum CLEANERS. CY time of 15 hours per week and are free to start immediately. No selling or RIDE WANTED from Kearns to Salt CASH FOR your real estate equity. One Personnel telephoning. Call AM Lake. Working hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 p m. eves. day service. Mr. Katz, HU Department. Call CY HETLP (9-1- 7) (9-1- 7) WILL DO IRONING in my home. 4645 W. W 5215 South. CY (10-1-5- 9) RELIABLE children like to tend days per week. CY LADY would 5 2 WILL BUY good used W party. CY car from private W FOR SALE: 21 INCH Motorola TV In excellent condition: $75.00 CY after 5 NOTICE NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OIL AND OF TRANS-UNIOMINING COMPANY. N NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the stockholdOil and Mining ers of Trans-Unio- n a Utah corporation, will Company, be held at the Newhouse Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah, on Friday, the 11th day of September, 1959, at the hour of 2:00 oclock p.m., M.S.T., for the following purposes: 1. To consider and act upon the advisability of amending the Articles of Incorporation of the company as follows: (a) To increase the authorized capitalization from 2,500,000 shares of nonassessable, 5c par value common stock, to shares of non30,000,000 assessable, 5c par value common stock. (b) In any other respect which may be to the best interest and advantage to the company. proposal to purchase the assets of Goldfield Rand Mines Company of Nevada, a Nevada corporation, in exchange for shares of common stock of Trans-Unio- n Oil and Mining Company. DAN BLOCKER As Hoss Car- twright, whose superhuman Is matched only by a strength gentle spirit, Dan Blocker stars In the NBC-TNetwork Bonanza Western colorcast series Saturday nights. V 53 RETFORD MOTOR CO. Buy, sell or trade good used oars at lowest prices. Come in and get acquainted. Get the family 1st or 2nd car. Mention this ad and you receive a special discount on any purchase. 1940 W. 3500 So. (2 blocks West of Redwood on 33rd South.) THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS has been approved by the Judges of the Third Judicial District of the State of Utah as a newspaper qualified to publish notices, advertisements, etc. as provided by the statutes of the State of Utah. 3. To transact any other busi- ness which may properly come before the meeting. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Louis D. Tannenbaum, Secretary Sporting Goods & Locker Service or mail them with your Place your wants ads by calling CY remittance to 4290 West 5540 South, Kearns. WE ARE AS NEAR as your telephone. For dependable service call DURFEY DRY CLEANERS, CY Legal Notice 2. To consider and act upon a VALLEY VIEW NEVS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING HU ELDER MARK E. PETERSEN Member, Council of Twelve Apostle Church of Jesus Christ Saint of Latter-da- y e multi-purpos- The ALCW of St. Pauls Lutheran Church met last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Dennis Hagen. The program theme for the evening was Christ calls you to Parish Education and Seminary. The lati-ie- s are still collecting can goods The ladies of St. Francis Altar and clothing for their welfare promembership is more Society would like to thank the ject. 9-1- 1. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Parker on the arrival of their new baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Isidore anTonight is the first meeting of Shuster, New Bedford, Mass., the South Kearns PTA, scheduled nounce the marriage of their daughto begin at 7:30 p.m. A fine pro- ter, Miss Estelle Dina Shuster, to than 1.5 million, and the church e maintains a missionary force of nearly 6,000 in some 50 nissions. Members of the Church of Jesus Stake priesthood will be held September 17th at 7.30 at the Taylorsville Stake House. Stake Temple Day will be held Kearns Kearns Bennion Kearns Local Church Mews The theme of worship service at Trinity Methodist during September is Back to Sunday School and Church. Sundays sermon will be based on the following words: Can we know we are saved? Special vocal numbers will be furnished by the junior choir. Sunday, September 27, the theme will be, What does the Bible say about the end of the world? The adult choir will furnish special music. The Trinity Methodist Church will observe World Communion Service, October 4. September 24th. Everyone having a recommend is urged to attend. pm. NEED FLOWERS? For Wedding, Sick Room or Funeral see Oakesons Floral, 1 mile east of Kearns. Low Cost, Designers Service, Delivery. CY 5250 South 3200 West, Murray 7. (9-1- 7) 740 REMINGTON AUTOMATIC Cal 280 Regular $134.95 NOW $107,95 Model 70 WINCHESTER 30.06 Reg. $129.95 NOW $116.9 DOVE HUNTING SPECIAL 12 Ga. Expert Shot Shells $2.90 NOW $2.61 16 Ga. Expert Shot Shells $2.70 NOW $2.43 20 Ga. Expert Shot Shells $2.60 NOW $2.34 30 OFF on BLACK HAWK ARCHERY EQUIPMENT 30.06 PRACTICE AMMUNITION - $1.29 off on 30-5- 0 FISHING EQUIPMEN1 8975 West 2700 Sout FRANK FALVO, Manager |