Show from by the western maii mali mail which arrived on I 1 thursday the loth behave sacramento and oilier other california dates to oct 22 general scott arrived in san francisco on sunday morning oct 16 on the golden A age ae 0 e As the steamer neared the he wha wharf rf several overal bands played splayed see the conquering hero comes J so great was the rush of A all ail I 1 classes of citizens to see the old veteran before he landed from the bt steamer eamer thatis became necessary to close the wharf gate he did not make his appearance for some two hours and d when he ca came on dek deek he was loudly cheered from the shore by the thousands of citizens there assembled accompanied by a salute from the artillery of the california guards the commander in chief with his suite walked ashore and was escorted to a fine baruche barouche which had been prepared for the occasion drawn by four milk white horses horse and f followed by another conveying gov weller and geni berill clark dark U S A commanding t the department of the pacific preceded b by several independent companies of citizen soldie soldiery bands ac under the direction of Brig brigadier adhn adUr 1 general haven the chieftain was escorted through c the principal streets of the city and dila then to the oriental Hotel amidst the applause of the people who were anxious to see the theold old oid hero and to welcome his arrival in their city by every conceivable expression of 0 respect they speaking of his reception the national says everywhere along the route the gallant old hero liero of lundys kundys lane was received with the most vociferous acclamations of delight 0 the house bouse tops windows and streets were densely packed with our citizens who all seemed eager to td get a glimpse of the war worn warrior bo were showered upon him in abundance and as he passed beneath the triumphal arch erected on montgomery street a wreath of laurels and flowers which depended from its centre cent refell fell feli over and encircled his martial form on reaching the plaza a grand salute of thirty three guns was fired by the Monumental sunder gunder the direction of george Hoss efross the old general seemed to snuff the smoke of battle with real gusto as its blue clouds rolled over the grass square towards hims in fact throughout the whole proceedings he seemed del dei delighted 5 eted although the continued exertion of b bowing ng to the multitude must have fatigued him somewhat it was a complete ovation and t triumphal entry which must nave have been as gratifying as unexpected by him speeches were then made by th commander in chief of the 17 S army governor weller and others brief but pointed general scott apologized for not a appearing p in reli rell regimentals i men but the tre whole affair was so unexpected that he had not prepared himself ile he said lie he was delighted at his reception but regretted that it must necessarily have been on the tire sabbath as it interfered with his going to church which he had not omitted for forty years ile he felt a glow of undisguised pleasure when he be saw around him so many of his old gallant companions in arms through the diex Blex mexican ican campaign governor weller followed with a few remarks the gallant old chieftain and rejoiced that the people of california had bad given him such a reception general oark dark of the pacific department said ine ins in substance abstance 1 I am no speaker it is one of the happiest days of my lire life to welcome my superior in in arms to california god bless y you 0 u all you vou all know what I 1 would say He seemed much affected col E D baker then came forward but had to re renounce Dounce ilia ins intention merely saying rny my iny heart is too full for utterance 33 me assemblage sem blage then dispersed an and d general scott retired to the appart menta merta which been provided for himself and sute su te 1 general scott left san franciaco francisco Franc teco on the se seame amr am r northern Nort herD r a 5 6 p m on monday 01 0 0 0 r 17 on his Ms way from ti oriental 11 el to tu til wharf h 1 wis ats w is says the national fo tonel lovei by bv a tre tic aldous uudo Ludo of per so sos 3 ge gitar a er by f fr r than when he a rived ILs ha bulla aas 4 aag as shan shah n by thousands thonsa thorsa ais nis aia as he ha rode a the anan tj ty of all to shake hands with t i 11 a and ald nd hi 4 w i ilin llin gness to oblige them IMP lap r 1 1 the tiie ilves lives c S f many mally and the general f fe tuen quen ily ay warned naiem to take care of me fh ahe aap i 1 I 1 horses boist a hoofs ile he went on board amid t v e eldous cheering and the steamer north N arh 11 i r eflowly ba eked out t the artillery band columbia happy land TL rick nek at tats moment having on bo borl the be president and board of supervisors he the chef of oi police the commissioned officers of the second brigade and a large number of distinguished citizens members of the judiciary members of the bar etc approached the tha wharf and nd rounding rounding 7 too fired a salute and accompanied the northerner to the heads deig deeg the following a letter was addressed to gen scott ben ten monday by the members of the volunteer regiments that berred served under him in mexico |