Show at the he irishman and the deacon 1 w A few months ago aa as deacon In ingalls galli of R L I 1 was traveling through the aten nten Mt en part of the state of new york I 1 he fell h an irishman who had lately arrived in and who was in quest of a brother 1 I mt carme carte on him and settled in some of th in that vicinity bat rot was wo a strong athletic man a true catholic catholics ak hd hod never seen the interior of a protestant cwi ewi efured rafi it was a pleasant sabbath Sabbat li morning that bro dro brother drother ther ingalls met rat fat who inquired the rod toil to the nearest church Isi iki ingalls galls gails was a good and pious man roan ile he told pathe rathe he was golf zong g to church if and invited hrs disnew new made maile acquaintance to keep liim hirn company thither his place of destination being a small aig Ale methodist thodi at meeting house inan iwan by anere av was a areat grea t r revival ei ival there at that time ihne and one of t tta a who who by the way was wms very small isaid brother 1 I to taka take a seat in ile ha accepted the on and walked it followed by pdt wiio wilo looked in vain to find t fie fir after hy liv was seated he turned to J ter fer er J ana arid in n a whisper which could be heard a raced inqui inquired ed 1541 te au an lint fint talis 1 s a heretic church hush seid said sid sis trl fri kalts kalls it if you speak a loud word woid they hlll rut put you out ID D vil a word will I 1 at all at all re peb pW per popat pat tle 4 I 1 tie ikas opened with ciui a prayer by lay the pastor pt pit wa s eyeing him very closely when suddenly ud denly an old gentle gentie gentleman rian iian who was standing in the pew directly in front of pat shon ted glory orts ins s l t ye olear clear divil rejoined pit with hid his loud whisper wh sper was heard by the minister be decent and dunt make a blackguard of yourself 1 dixe tite parson pation grew mere more and more fervent in the Avo avotins vo ion tun bently the deacon uttered an a a bk blo groan lia irs p ye black blaek blackguard have ye no co decency bency at all at all said pat pdt at the same some rn in girla thie thle deacon a punch in the ribs ala w ir i caused yefin nearly to lose Us his equilibrium tha tab minister slop stopped pel and ex his bia hind in as golic itin manner said sald brethren we can nat t ha he in this way will some one p put t knur lii tir ruan tuan out kity fily lilleg lIlY eg your Rive rince shouted pat 1 I will cje jle e action 10 0 o the he word he collared the the oie cie deacon acon and iad tp lp the utter horror and rell of the ator pr mator fator drother brother 1 ligang and the whole co him through the aldfo h a kick a ag as the tu lutc g ic i as 09 say he landed him tn in the vestibule of we church ia THE efre effe OT OP or WATER or 01 TAR TAH the ii ie N Y says 11 of the burn of the V wag was alwag greth greih 2 cota catastrophe strophe bhe the rne vable viable almost V tn was if a ve vessel el of burning th tp ats still to lle lie e deck arid water was wag thrown upon cpr it it wai he be fortune of the writer once price to nar ilar n ii ar on obo ird many ti undred miles from to laid id and out of a inu toed tord on h b ety 0 of fire A v 1 pi I of berrang tar ld d hapu dpn alt una une aia nia tr tre tie tte e lilvy i fi fire e was flab g in W ry direct ir ertin imi lri m n creams tr erima of water dashed upon a it by the half balf niantic saili s bat dat the quico pt q the presen m of mind energy and the k 0 lede beje of ty il and i 9 first firs i officer wre were ae 0 o lii iti ta to tile the mel mei ncy ney of th f t tri trl trl ible ihle t T a v ft is s given ai ali 1 obe obeyed M ed ip s f the vr w f ti it e next in tont tant rant every bed 64 r c 1 bd b d i nl id pea j jacket was 0 nr tin fri n 1 i r and urd id in five mini eiju tic fie v t ii en i i five im aites more would v appod 1 hip li in i blimes fl wbk erd erf i dubai lindt i la 10 i fire on board the austria V anni 1011 it anve b i ia 4 edaily conque conquered red rod it ifton boing the i thing filing h 11 roon foon ellough stopped and it thing i i 1 but to these thase were lisit listle ii n V ini oud ond on oi il presence pre bence tence of mind and I 1 tip lip t U uc e them I 1 orto natty the he teen teea in place of tru t ton on bm i the ocean glea merb mere are not elwya lien fier naps haps i g ner aliv tho the lh isaia who saied baled u fashioned ships who knew abel business I 1 ver lost lot leir and eveh if the man I 1 i va iq sent seat down between the I 1 bucket of tar and a hut but iron was one of ekis know knowledge lUge and do no pres preg presence arlee dries of mind b him im ath mth feig as aron oded as a he ke piro pro I 1 bably lamy was stor with steerage poss engers engere gors lofs who in their 1 iau norance orance rance and zad zaT affright right did richely rr chely the bronz wrone thing and did it with their might because became they were sure it was the right thing to ta do I 1 it was n ml na A a time to convince men that there are cases where water will not quench fire 0 |