Show BY T E L E G R A P r AND 3 X map nut net FROM THE STATES i i 1 I the pony express from the east with dispatches from fort kearny up to the M th arrived here early on n monday morning ml ly y 9 VIRGI VIRGINIA kIA ass irs th announcement of adjournment cf of the virginia convention convention sine die ap pears to 66 have b e 1 n iri ire pre m on the ath the fo following lowing r resolution eso lution was adopted deeply 3 aply deploring the distracted state of the country and la lamenting mentin g the wrongs that have E ave biome states to dissolve the tricon lection irth the federal government but seni ben 1 sible sibie of the blessings of the union and impressed with its importance to the peace prosperity and pro progress ress of the people we earies an adjustment by which the may mak be bd reestablished established re in its integrity that thab reace peace and prosperity may be restored throughout the land A report having been circulated that the richmond whig whir had hal hat bat gone over to the feces zionists I 1 a dispatch of the sah ath states that there was good authority for stating that the richmond whig would not advocate secession but would stand by the policy of pres presenting entin t an ultimatum to the north the commercial says a commission of lead ing virginia politicians had had an interview with the Pr president eident and the secretary of state and assured most positively that the president contemplated no hostile movements and should not attempt to io collect golle ct the revenue reye reve nue for the simple reason that congress had withheld the power from him to do it alerding house bouse in irk walt wait street sart new york had been detected in dealing 0 in forged virginia ba bonds rids A dispatch says forged virginia Virgin lar state bonds were sent to liv livermore amore plews flews wason ivason by a man named E 31 barbour clias glias james elliot who is under arrest for the far forgery ery 1 1 the virginia delegation e was headed by byj J minor botts mr 13 advised evacuation the f of sumter the post learns from a virginian wh who 0 had i major mccullochs mccullochh lochs own lips that he bad an organized force of men to seize washington 0 n the instant the first blood was split L THE SOUTH washington dispatches assert that the president was daily receiving 21 numerous telegraph dispatches from all portions portion of the country urging no surrender of any forts and offering to volunteer attempts of reinforcement one man had bad offered to reinforce sumter at ten days notice for five thousand dollars the government was still without intelligence whether the reinforcement of pickens had been effected and naturally was very as orders were sent weeks ago Aj dispatch to the tribune from montgomery 0 states that the southern government was determined to take fort pickens at all haz zard sand if lincoln attempted to obstruct southern commerce all northern nor Kor thern ships in Sou southern waters wafers would be seized A washington dispatch to the he same paper states that instructions had hai been been sent to the siu squadron adron off to be on the alert to operate cooperate co with lieutenant special dispatches from washington to the post and Cominer commercial cial say it was report reported pd that anderson Ander son sou having refused to surrender sumter the bombardment bad commenced the dispatches froin from charleston direct make no mention of it and i it t is probably incorrect tle uhe special bays says lieutenant talbot had arrived from sumter and the cabinet was in session on his bi dispatches the same authority says bays col abert the head bead of the topographical bureau at washinton Washington ton llad had bad been relieved from duty and major bache appointed in lii his bis stead thab that an order had been is gued for the dispatch of the steam frigate mississippi to bea sea immediately also aiso thit that minar botts bottand aind other prominent n c n t vj vu Igini gin ians lans ans say that president lincoln declined g to c commit amit himself as to his policy or anten eions also that the report that the president had concluded to call on the loyal states for troops was untrue and that it was wa not thought any collision was likely at pres present eilt governor morton of indiana and washburn beof of 31 maine udine aine alne had had bad a along long iong interview with the president urging 0 the holding 0 of all forts at the south and the speedy adoption of a definite policy j governor curtin of pennsylvania had a dong hong ion lon interview with general scott scotland ilna lina secre tary cameron camero n on th the e ath it if was rumored rumor rumored cd that pennsylvania would immediately assume a war footing bootin 1 lle lie lieutenant stenan t gilman had an interview with secretary Cam cameron eror and ana general genera scota and left immediately for pensacola A charleston dispatch of the ath says that that war is s expected within 24 hours every man was ordered on duty the excitement was intense the eastern and western dispatches were becoming very unsatisfactory and contradictory I 1 on it was denied that major andersons sons bons supplies bad been cut off this denial I 1 comes codes from dlf dit terent different quarters it wa salso saibo said the southern commissioners expressed the belief that a peaceful policy would prevail it was also denied that they had taken a house in washington or intended to do so A new york dispatch of same bame day states that the steamer illinois had bad been chartered by the government and adds that it appeared i that the only steamers yet chartered by the j government were the atlantic and illinois the former was fitting to carry troops and provisions for sixty days the tan wab was detailed to convey them to their destination ti the corvette savannah would probably be put in char charge ge of workmen that day A charleston dispatch of april ath says that the final vote took place in convention that day on the adoption of the fhe permanent constitution of the southern confederacy the whole number of members of the convention was of whom voted for and ad 16 a against 0 ainest the constitution 10 were absent there was nothing new up to that date as to fort sumter or other matters the post says it was wag rumored that government agents 0 who were sent to england and france had bad returned and reported that both governments would set their faces against the southern confederacy Conf conte deracy and in no manner recognize or assist it and that the president and cabinet were determined to take immediate and rigorous 11 measures to enforce existing laws at all hazards TEXAS A dispatch from baltimore states that h a large body of volunteer s had left that city to rally around the blagof the union in texas under houston I 1 0 miscellaneous I 1 the tle regular dispatch from new york on the evening of the ath states that the government had chartered the steamers baltic and arlela and they would carry troops under sealed orders the baltic would carry capt barrys company of flying artillery 90 men and the arll ariel beven seven or eight 0 companies of infantry and marines the steamer atlantic had also been chartered and cleared for or brazos that evening with provisions and horses the property of the government the frigate powhattan Pow hattan battan was wab to go to sea on the morning of the gab fully equipped and provisioned and would probably take three compan companies jef jei of 0 troops A company of men on governors island had received marching marchin t orders and others would speedily follo follow there are over 1600 at the different stations in the port A ape cial dispatch to the post states that the pawnee was going to charleston two companies were reported to have left lefi fort 11 hamilton amilton the night before the steamer katr witch have gone into comm commis ls alon aion at philadelphia on th the e same 6 day y y the post davs the postmaster step genera genena had iad finally decided to 0 o retain the present post fost 0 office C in new york and that thit a warrant had bad been drawn for the purchase money molley at the navy yards and army de depots great activity and bustle prevailed and laborers were working day and ni night bt at the former on war vessels large numbers of navy and army 1 officers ivere vere continually continua ly arriving t and reporting themselves for duty 1 1 A new york dispatch of or the ath states hat hit sixteen double banked boats boat s for landd landing 0 troops tro 0 had haa been lye iye en put puta aboard boar id the atlantic ahe 1 he powhattan Pott hattan had lett iett the navy yar yard d fort lafayette in the new ie york harbor had been ga garrisoned soldiers eis els from fron Gover governors nori island would iv ida proceed focee a to yott yort fo ra hamilton to I 1 embark thence 0 on n steamers steamer 4 for posts unascertained taink large quantities of army irmy stores hid hla had been shw shi shipped a from the pier bior on board the atlantic cat ca pt luet 1461 L gs s of the ibe corps of topographical I 1 ji I 1 engineers deft in command of the gom kompany any of carpenters and a d other mechanics lately ar rived irom from washington navy yard their destination t ti na tion was unknown meigs L in reply to a ques question t ion lon where his orders d directed him remarked you will know all about it in ten days bays A large number of men were at work on the frigates wabash and roanoke and bebr hebbig hebr lg perry I 1 the Pow powhattan hattan battan had received order sio sto touch I 1 at fort hamilton for troops on her ber way to sea troops at forts hamilton and columbus were packing up for immediate movement captain barrys battery was on the atlantic orders had been bein received from washing ton top for an immense quantity of sani sand bags and were now bein heln being manufactured for tor tu as the attorney general was considering t the legal aut authority bority hority of the president to collect revenue r on ship board and also his bis authority to call for volunteers the th sloop of war pawnee washington left 0 on tb the oth th for norfolk where she would re cene cehe orders it r A 13 doston boston oston dispatch of the eth states that great activity was manifested at the charles town navy yard persons being employed the bri brig t bainbridge was ready for sea and was waiting a for her crew the steam frigates minnesota mississippi and colorado were also ready ex mayor delph delphy the vr working mens candidate and a union uhlon man had been elected mayor at louisville by about 1200 majority the report that war vessels had been ordered to the mouth of 0 the mississippi had created considerable excitement at new orleans I 1 the excitement ivas was hourly growing bore more more intense all sorts of conjectures 3 were weri afloat as to the point where the first blow would fall leading republican members I 1 expressed the opinion thit that an extra session of congress would soon be called the express states that etwas it was sl supposed in wellin formed quarters that texas was the point where the troops would be landed and that that they were sent out at the request of general houston to repel the indians aa and mexicans in that state the worlds til liw special dispatch of the oth says that many consider the naval preparations now going t onas on is intended for demonstrations 1 on ean an Domi domingo higo figo while others contend t illat that the re venue revenue is to be collected at all southern ports also that commissioner brawford cra ora rord ford bad been informed by authority au hority that it was intend intended ld against the south the tribunes Tri trl bultes buttes dispatch says the authorized statement is made th that atthe the spanish government was not responsible for the demonstration at san domingo also that no DO orders had been issued for a boc blockade kade kado of southern ports comodore Coin coln odore String 11 hams hama commission had bai a different purpose A dispatch Jo to the alle express says bays that the attorney general had decided that there was nol leil ieli manner of collecting the revenue in i seceded porta dort short additional oti le legislation the th e express states that the secretary secreta r vot of the treasury had authorized tha th sub treasurer to sell a portion or br 1 all ali il of the five million Treasur treasury yi notes noted 9 subscription for the notes at 1 premium is being made up among banks banker bankers trustees and saving banks and anh the sub treasurer would without doubt beable to place the whole i amount it california appointments a ants are Ran rankin kini collector col coi R J stevens stevins superintendent mint cynt D IV cheeseman sub treasurer SH parker postmaster at san francisco robert denis refiner at the mi mint I 1 nt Bro mudge appraiser general an officer from south carolina carolita is said to have arrived at washington for thee thae of recruiting for the southern army i i it was understood that the secre secretary of the I 1 I 1 treasury would receive offers jor for for treasury hodes nodes notes redeemable in two years for the th e balance of the loan not taken under thel thelast abt ast notice an offer had been made for two enill millions at the ei eighth C ath per cent premium the interior department had under consideration the subject of thet theor organization tg an odthe of the tha lan lin lind d offices in the new territories of dakota colorado and nevada dr fisher of farquahar Farque har ar county had been beau appointed marshal of 0 eastern virginia the woolen mills and machinery of the tha dunlap manufacturing company at fyall ryall river mass was destroyed by fire anthe on the ni night lit of the ath the stock of dry goods wab was as mostly saved insurance appointments for the district of columbia will be as follows brown of maine navy agent colonel lamon of illinois marsia marbia marshal marshai ij W wood kod of new york commissioner of public buildings major holmes commander of the forced forces at washington had resigned also major johnson A georgia dispatch says that little reliance was placed jn in tb the e dispatches respecting war reparations preparations but it was universally conceded gig that all prefer such a policy to suspense |