Show THE OGDEN 2-- A H "AN APPLE A DAY-- MADRID FORGES SINGER QUERIED -- PLOT QUELLED J Plot Hinted In DisappearanceOf White Russian ‘General ' ia t is f rev ' vT JC v V -- ' “ - FIRE AMONG TRUCKS ' At the peak of the congestion Japanese bluejackets opened rifle fire among the trucks on what they said was a Chinese spy who eludec them by diving into the Whangpoo river China’s' greatest cities except those under Japanese occupation were subjected Saturday to devastating bombing by Japanese air forces ranging over nearly all the eastern provinces of this invadec land Hundreds of Chinese died damage ' ran into millions Property of dollars Terror and anguish ruled half a dozen great communities with populations approaching or passing the million mark The Japanese embassy in Shang hai indicated the bombings woulc continue although six great occidental powers including the United States have protested against ' them An embassy spokesman in spite of reports of widespread killings of Chinese civilians insisted the bombers attacked only military objectives Nanking the capital was punnon-combata- ished by five successive waves of Japanese air raiders whe remained overthe city a total of seven hours Officials said the death toll in the bombings part of Japan’s announced campaign to destroy the center of Chinese military resistance would approach 200 EARLY MORNING RAIDS Hankow Wuchang and Hanyang the Wuhan cities of the middle Yangtze valley suffered a new series of early morning raids within a few hours of the terrible air attack the Japanese airmen made on these same cities comprising a great industrial center ‘ late Friday Chinese officials revised their estimates of the dead in Friday’s Wuhan raid upward to nearly 1000 and said more casualties had been added when enemy planes again attacked Hankow’ 450 airline-Inilefrom the coast before dawn Nanchang capital of Kiangsl province and Chinese aviation center was heavily bombed and Canton the great metropolis of the south was subjected to a series of minor raids In the north China campaign Japanese army spokesmen declared the columns which Friday captured ts Paotingfu and Tsangchow of the main Chinese system across central Hopeh were" consolidating their positions preparatory to fresh advances Down the Peiping-Hankorailway a vanguard was marching on Tingfisien 115 miles from Peiping and the Japanese said hoped to( ‘ s key-poin- de-fe- ns ’ w -- rv K i jj I w r s' i ) r1 v lr kt - - : - r i s: ' I N ( 4 - 4 ‘C i ’V JT V -- (Continued from Page One ) any possibility of food or materia reaching the Chinese army of Hundreds motor trucks brought out more than $10000 worth of American and other for eign merchandise including medi cines The heavy file of trucks caused a serious traffic jam ? V Y er DEFY PROTESTS s- s- r S -- NEWJAP RAIDS - y (rv e e vW ‘ ' V- t - - t-- ’ x V Vr X - 7 - rH ' Dull season for doctors Is forecast In a bumper HEALTHY" MISS in of Virginia’s Shenandoah valley Here’s Jeanne Miller apples crop luscious harvest just picked from heavy hanging to the in neck her up trees in Berryville Virginia job accordreach the Yellow river before snow have a falls ing to his needs and without perIn the far northwest the Jap- ceptible harm to the Interests of anese claimed an important vic- free industry and labor” Among the many projects sug tory in the capture of Pingtichuan gateway to eastern Suiyuan prov- gested for the prison were print ince 75 miles northeast of the pro- ing and binding sheet metal and metal stamp work furniture makvincial capital Kweisui were ing hardware production foundry The air raids on Nanking has the the greatest yet work broom making mill work capital textile pursuits soap making shortly Beginning experienced wtftk auto re after nine a m the Japanese bakery and laundryand paint prodpair work paint warplanes came in wave after ucts lumber ‘and timber products wave dropping hundreds of bombs and causing greater material dam- brick and tile making NEEDS OWN OUTLETS age than in any of the previous the on attacks “Since the prison is denied acNanking although casualties were less than on other cess to the open market it is only occasions At least 80 planes took fair to enact a law making it com park in the attacks pulsory for the state and its in SEVEN SHOT DOWN stitutions and agencies to turn Chinese said there were five first to the prison to supply their distinct attacks but to watchers it needs” the board explained seemed the bombardment was al“It would be a waste of money most continuous For seven hours to continue to repair or to at the sky was never clear of hos- tempt to renovate the present an tile planes Chinese said seven of tiquated institution” the board dethe raiders were shot down and clared “We believe it would be sounc foreign observers saw three plunge to destruction and practical for Utah to construe Ambassador Nelson T Johnson an institution which would combine watching with his staff from the maximum medium and minimum roof of the United States embassy security features” saw two of the Japanese planes The board added that it might flL Their pilots biled out but be possible to salvage the cel their parachutes fouled and they block construction at the present plunged to death Another plane prison in 1911 for use at a new was seen to fall in flames into the institution for prisoners requiring Yangtze river The nearest bombs maximum security detention The fell a mile away from the embassy rest of the present institution it Nanking’s $1000000 power plant said could be junked on which some 1000000 persons deIn discussing the needs of a new water institution the board said: for and light pended “It should be surrounded by a facilities was reduced to ruins by a spectacular attack by much larger tract of arable land — a Japanese squadron leader who the present prison has approximade a vertical dive to release his mately 160 acres much of which Is cargo of bombs directly on the not under cultivation — and should take into consideration the various plant Three blocks of the city’s best types of men who would be conshops were wiped out by Japanese fined in it” bombs NOT REALLY PROBATION Projectiles rained about the national health institute and The board also recommended the nearby hospital sheltered 1000 that a separate building be conwounded Chinese soldiers but structed for women prisoners there were no casualties Chinese After looking over the Utah prosaid another hospital had been hit bation situation the board made but without serious damage Bombs these observations: “Utah really has a system of susnarrowly missed the home of T V Soong former minister of finance pension of sentence rather than and brother of Madame Chiang probation in that" there are no ESCAPE CUT OFF probation officers to study and folIn Canton bombs fell near the low up cases” station of the Hankow-Canto- n railway important route of escape for American and other foreigners in central China but with little effect The American of Canton telegraphed community Secretary of State Cordell Hull protesting against the Japanese air attacks and urging that American neutralContinuer’ From Page OneJ ity laws be not applied since they would weaken China and aid Ja lined up at the station holding back the crowd when II Duce arpan self-respecti- trais-portati- ng on IL PARIS Sept 25— (AP)— Baffled Surete Nationale agents questioned a veiled Russian singer for several hours tonight seeking some clue to the mysterious disappearance of two Russian Czarist generals Mme Nadine Plevitskaia wife of missing Gen Nicholas Skobllne was placed under arrest Questioners failed to shake her assertion of innocence TWO DISAPPEAR ' Skobiine dropped from sight Thursday morning after reporting that his chief Gen Eugene de Miller head of emigres who belonged to the late czar’s armies had vanished after starting for a rendezvous he feared was an ambush Surete officials worked on the theory Skobiine might have engineered his chief’s abduction Investigators declined to disclose whether they considered a foreign power had plotted the abduction CHARGED AS SPY General Constantin Erdelli who presided over a White Russian court of honor n 1935 said that Skobiine was tried on charges of being a Soviet agent since 1919 and of taking part In the abduc tion of Gen Alexandre Koutiepoff In 1930 Koutiepoff was never found “The court of honor acquitted Skobiine because of lack of proof but it did not establish his inno- ir--i A t political Baring Of Overthrow Plan May Make Franco More Cautious Belief MADRID Sept 25— AP)— The Spaniih government tonight announced an important victory on the north Aragon front near the French border while behind the a front officials told of crushing Madrid-Valencthe to overthrow great plot regime Two hundred persons were arrested The government accused them of using the Chilean embassy for headquarters HUNDREDS IN JEOPARDY Other hundreds of insurgent sympathizers who have hidden :un-in der diplomatic protection Madrid legation buildings since outbreak of the civil war were believed to be in jeopardy from Government dispatches Aragon said insurgent concentrabeen antions near Huesca had nihilated - on that middle-bordfront enof truckloads” of “Hundreds were soldiers trapped by emy aerial bombers declared the communique (Insurgent dispatches to Irun near the frontier confirmed a government advance east of Jaca along the towering Pyrenees but did not disclose the exact extent) Government bombers converged on the insurgent troop trucks that were so closely packed “not a bomb was wasted” said the com“Men and materials munique were blown to bits” KEY TO BORDER The Huesca front lying at the back door of rich industrial Bar celona holds the key to the cenborder Gov tral Franco-Spanis- h ernment dispatches said capture of Jaca resulted in a government push through a dozen towns and villages of the region along the Callego river and the capture of many prisoners Disclosure of the widespread plot led to immediate demands for quick punish ment of conspirators the government said were headed by 17 army officers all now under arrest Leading a force of 5000 they were to attack Madrid’s government de fenders from the rear while 2500 cohorts took over internal contro of the besieged city according to the plans disclosed Government quarters believed however that disclosure of the plo might deter Insurgent Genera Francisco Franco from attacking Madrid for the time being since the conspirators were to facilitate such an attack by striking from the rear u DUcfsiiLES AT NAZI SHOW cence” Erdelli declared (Continued from rage One) It Is more a professional market than ever before and more nearly reflects the view of the Insider who have axe to grind Business generally does net get alarmed because Wall street np $ears to have the jitters For some time the government has been i laboring to prevent a runaway condition leading up to Inflation and the present slight set back may be due tothe holdbacks which have been applied However the Industrial ' life of the nation is humming with a momentum comparable with 1929 In some industries the record of 1929 has been exceeded proud Ogden has a right to beassociaof Weber Central Dairy tion’s plant at 2551 Ogden avenue It is operated by one of the most successful and therefore in the best managed United States At-it- FAIR SPOTLIGHT IN GRIOFESTS ( Continued from Page pne) villa exhibited the best three watermelons BECKERS HONORED were Other F F A winner Harold Fulmer Centerville Russet Burbank potatoes Kent Francis Loyal Morgan - Trebi barley Howell- Garland Dicklow wheat Sterling Ballard Garland turkey red wheat Grant Richards Gar-ap- d federation wheat and Stanley Nelson Kaysvllle best tray Span-s- h or Valencia onions The Becker Products company of Ogden won second place for the most artistic booth among manufacturers’ displays PLAIN CITY PLACES Eldon Thompson Plain City club member took the grand championship in the junior division dairy cattle judging Earl Hipwell also of Plain City took a first place with his Holstein heifer calf and the Pleasant View Jersey calf club won ( Continued from Page One) 2 while Vanderbilt’s running game turned back Kentucky J2--0 WIN BY 59 TO 0 Pitt ran up a 59-- 0 count on Ohio Wesleyan as Dick Cassiano Ya sophomore from Albany N scored four touchdowns and passed for another Minnesota used 55 Mayers including fleet Andy Uram n a 69-- 7 rout of North Dakota State Southern Methodist’ trailed Den0 ton Teachers after three periods but came back with a pair of touchdowns In the fourth to win ui 4-- H 4-- H asa first place head is James R Beus s FOR POSTAL JOB ( Continued From Page One) chairmanship of the Democratic party NOT IN WASHINGTON Of the three topmost names in the speculation for his cabinot job Flynn is the only one who has thus far had no official connection with the administration For years he has been the Democratic leader in the Bronx to which post he went after representing that county in the state assembly and serving later as sheriff Mr Roosevelt chose him for secretary of state in New York in 1929 They were closely associated during the 1932 presidential campaign and have been since Flynn has been a frequent visitor to the White House Of the others Walker has been frequently in and out of the administration The president has picked him for several tough tasks in the past He has been mentioned often in the guesses of who would fill Farley’s spot when the latter resigned HAS FILLED POST Howes has served on the Democratic national committee since 1924 He was a lawyer at Huron S D before coming to Washing ton as second assistant postmaster general The resignation of Joseph C“ O’Mahoney to become senator from Wyoming left the job of first assistant open and Howes moved into that office He served as acting head of the postoffice department during the time that Farle was away on leave of absence to direct Mr Roosevelt’s campaign for -- SCORED ROUNDLY ( Continued from Page One ) number of probation officers to permit careful consideration of each case and the development of probation in place of unnecessary commitments to prison “A change in the legal status’ of parole from one of executive clemency as now required by the constitution and the supreme court to the statusof an administrative act so that parole may become the final act of the classification of the offender “Coordination of the functions of the department of adult probation and parole which is to be established under the state board of corrections with the functions of the state board of pardons which remains responsible for the granting and revoking of problems” DIFFICULT PROBLEM The board asserted Utah had a difficult but not unsolvable problem of helping its prisoners on the road back because state law forbids the contracting of prison labor and the useof prisoners outside the prison grounds except on public works under the direct control of the state The board said it felt certain that if Utah followed its recommendations as to ' prison labor ’every man in the state prison will ( be given All of the 80000 pounds of milk being daily delivered is testec for sediment bacteria and flavor and must pass a standard of wholesomeness or is rejected Not only must the milk be clear but two tasters are employed to pass upon the flavor They are skilled In the work as are tea tasters in their calling In the laboratory four to five young ladies are employed making chemical and bacteriological tests of every can of milk arriving from the dairies of northern Utah 1008 First Security Bank Bldg 674 Phone 6 fI 7-- IY NEAR HILLSBOROUGH 25 — (AP)— William 76 nationally-know- n YELLOW RIVER at his home here tonight after a long illness Crocker had been active in the Crocker First National bank of San Francisco and numerous other interests associated with his name until the first of the year Then a general breakdown confined him to (Continued from Page One ) Hopeh and in the northwest indicated hopes of an early Chinese surrender They said that while it might be too early to talk of peace flying sparks soon turned eucalyp- tus groves on the other side into f a raging furnace At the stadium in Berkeley' where the California-S- t Mary’s game was in progress loudspeakers summoned all Berkeley firemen to report for duty immediately SEEK AMERICANS Three and 15 men Paotingfu 80 miles southwest oi were reported trapped in a blazing Peiping was taken by storm Friday canyon unable to fight their way drive that cov- free after a rapid ered more thanx60 miles Japanese military officers said they were making "inquiries conHear the cerning six American ‘missionaries fire-truc- ks 10-d- ay 4 including five women who were 'in Paotingfu shortly before the city was stormed GOODRICH MUSIC MAKERS Over Radio Station BLAZE SWEEPS ICLO MONDAY WEDNESDAY OAKLAND HOMES FRIDAY AT 7 P M An Program of Piano Numbers All-requ- est es 2661 Washington Boulevard Phone 795 3 The business of the MOTOR LINES was purchased at Court Sale in the United States District Court at Salt Lake City Utah by R A CONYES on September 18 1937 While the purchase was made in the sole name of Mr Conyes it is intended to transfer same as soon as legal formalities can be completed to a new corporation in which Mr Conyes will be half owner and the J F Shea Company a Del- aware Corporation will be the owner of the other half J F Shea Co is managed and controlled by Mr Charles A Shea and was one of the Six Companies which built Boulder Dam for the United States GovernUTAH-CALIFORNI- from the milk The plant on Ogden avenue has the latest equipment including pasteurizing vats of stainless steel which are automatically controlled by thermostats A 3 ment For a short period following the date of the sale the business will be operated under the old name and under the custody of the Federal Court until a complete legal transfer can be accomplished in accordance with the regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission and other public bodies However the operations during this period will be under the di- The human big toe has a temBy this system the temperature perature range of more than 50 can not vary more than half a dedegrees gree from the required 143 degrees entire point by point according to car manufacturer's specifications Chek-Cha- rt System using Goodrich de DRAIN flush and refill cooling system Tighten connections ie CHECK lights horn windshield wiper tires his home the Japanese army would welcome “any change In the atmosphere” which would permit cessation of hostilities In spite of their confidence that an advance to the Yellow river would be comparatively easy they said China may he "Given a chance to think things over” negotiations TO THE SHIPPING PUBLIC AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: Among the bacteriological tests is one dealing with the health of the cows This is made by a microscopic examination of films made f Calif Sept Henry Crocker banker died September 20 1937 homes Railroad men on -- westbound trains arriving here Saturday reported about one inch of snow at Laramie Wyo and on the continental divide Steam heat was necessary in cars instead of the usual air coolTrain undercarriages were ing coated with Ice in some instances when the trains reached here H Crocker Of Bank Fame Dies Salt Lake City Utah -- Ice Coafs Trains On Western Run nt i rection of Mr Conyes and will be fully responsible in the same manner as if Mr Conyes had completed acquisition of the properties It is the plan of the new ownership to immediately reorganize the personnel and operations of the Company to achieve the highest possible degree of efficiency and it is also planned to immediately add the necessary new equipment and facilities so that the business will be conducted in accordance with the most advanced principles of proper transportation of property It is realized that certain patrons of the former business prior to the sale to the new ownership sustained losses through failure of the former owner to make remittances on C O D shipments It will be the effort of the new owners to satisfy the claims of these shippers when the validity and amount of same have been satisfactorily established and it will also be the assurance of the new owners to all patrons that in the future no illegal practices of any kind will be tolerated in the management and conduct of the business and that the highest moral standards of "business conduct and honor will prevail in all relations between the management and its patrons and the shipping public It will be of interest to all to know that the new Company will be one of the strongest if not the strongest company engaged in motor transportation on highways in Interstate Commerce in the United States of America and it is hoped that everybody will be pleased at the opportunity to transact business under these conditions' The cordial cooperation of all is requested in our efforts to make this business one of the outstanding operations of its character in this J O territory and battery - COMPLETE 2661 Washington Ave Ogden Utah Office 2025 Wall Ave cf0cdv3D XDtiliT&djD Equality- 3 tie with South Carolina but otherwise form was closely adhered to Tulane had to work to gain a 0 decision over Clemson but euch other southern Tennessee Alabama powers a Georgia and Mississippi State won about as they pleased Navy rolled up 45 points while blanking William and Mary and New York university steam rolier-e- d Penn Military 37-- 0 13-1- - -- ANNOUNCEMENT The aim is to so thoroughly on the milk as to assure purity of product If a can comes in and fails to meet the requirements it is rejected and the dairy from which it fs supplied is notified and if necessary subjected to an investigation By that careful supervision the milk has been brought tjp a high standard and kept fit to enter the 35-Poi- E HUGII FORD In the south North Carolina was check - ’ BE! HERE'S WHAT —WE DOI chassis H 14-- 3 NIPPis - juvenile court “I believe a psychologist should examine the hoy and plan a course of future development for him” Miss Mapes said Miss Mapes was shot through' the abdomen when Robert told po- lice he became angry because the principal refused to call a girl classmate from her classroom “I Intended to' force Miss Mapes to buy ice "cream cones Robert " said j Both Miss Mapes and the boy who has a bullet wound through his head are expected to recovery 3-- fire-engin- Sc LUBRICATE valuable thing in these days of careless driving TOLEDO O Sept 25— (AP) 59 Mis June Map® Arlington school principal said today she would not prefer charges against Robert Snyder pupil who shot her and then turned the gun on himself Police said this indicated the boy may escape punishment After two day of Investigation they announced Jthey would leave the case to the ( Continued from Page One) ing around 90 the hottest afterHe in his coffin lay noon of the summer hundreds of The preacher couldn’t say a thing volunteers rushed to battle with Excepting ‘Let us pray’” the blazing brush and tinder-dr- y grass Nothing more valuable than By four p c m at least eight health Nothing counts when health houses in the area were ablaze and vanishes more had reached the scene Palestine has placed an impor Hopes of halting the flames at duty on wooden shoes Pine Haven road were vain and” They stood side by side on a reviewing stand to watch 10000 crack troops of Germany’s new army stiffly goose step by There was a smile on II Duce’s face and he chatted casually with the gravefaced Hitler as the armed units picked from the finest commands of the army passed their stand PAIR WELL GUARDED Mussolini and Hitler boarded separate trains at seven-te- n p m (11:10 a m (MST) for Mecklenburg 600 miles from Munich a rail line guarded throughalong the night by thousands of militiamen and police That’ll be good news for the wife — How about you — Are you fully—covered with auto insurance You know it is a very — W 25-1- shocked by a ?j CASE DROPPED 110-00- on REGULAR $175 YALUE club as president with S RAID OH GAMBLING manager Both men are outstanding in their field of activity I have known them over a long period andihave learned to highly regard NETS ARRESTS them for their leadership and integrity The first gambling arrests In Ogden The association disburses $7200000 madein approximately one year were sheriff’s officers a year handles from 80000 to 23 Bill Saturday 37by and G THlotson has a milk Bryan of day pounds 30 were hooked for allegedly optrucks operating throughout four at counties 8 trucks in the city and erating a 21 or blackjack game h 315 the local Twenty-fiftToastmaster the in 60 plant has employes They were released on $?5 bail borrowed each Deputies James Larson and Having started on now Weatherston- made the arhas a George money the rests for is which paid $200000 plant Sheriff John R Watson said he has instructed his men to watch of It is a remarkable example for closely signs of public what farmers can do by united gambling He any said he believes there action is a little gambling going on behind locked doors here but that its ’ Manager Pearce was pleased and extent are unknown when in August his creamery was position selected as one of twenty in the entire United States— and there are This makes for perfect pasteur4000 to 5000 creameries in this izing county— to send butter to the world “Feeling like 30 at 4ft" and godairy congress now being held in ing like 60” is a quotation dealGermany ing with the rules of health to On the basis of quality the seleo which this poem is dedicated: tions were made “A man there was in our town And he had wondrous health On Saturday I saw a grading certificate from the department of But recklessly he squandered it Accumulating wealth agriculture California U S division of markets at Los Angeles And when he saw his health was gone reporting on a carload of butter With all his might and main from the Ogden institution He squandered all the wealth he’ of the tests won one of the Every To get his health again 27000 pounds of butter was marked “Fine sweet and clean” which And when with neither health nor wealth is the highest grading that can rived UTAH PRISON IS BOY SHOOTER UPSETS FEIY - THREEGOESSES -- SUNDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 26 1937 R NEWS And VIEWS ROYS HOG UTAH GENERAL LOST GAIN VICTORY ‘ STANDARD-EXAMINE- UR R A CONYES For the new Owners Phone 688 Jaservice 24-HO- ' v SERVICE ' 1 !- t - k r Phone" 795 A P |