Show SUMMARY OF EASTERN NEWS BY da MAIL mall A I 1 L by the eastern mail which arrived on 1 afternoon but was not 11 ot ready for delivery till saturday morning 0 dates from new york albany and other eastern cities to april were received unlike the mail ot of the preceding week it was in good condition and had not ilot been suffered to get wet by accident or otherwise while in transit over he plains the papers from the east north and west no southern exchanges coming to hand were vere filled with the accounts of the move people and of the federal and state governments immediately after the attack on and subsequent surrender or evacuation of fort sumter the news of which occurrence as it spread over the country in every direction stirred un up a spirit of coercion among among 0 the people W toa a greater degree than was or could cou id be made to appe appear er in the dispatches that hali hale isaie e been received the excitement produced by the reports from charleston during the bombardment of sumter and for two or phree three days after its evaluation through mit bit the northern and western states were not and could not be more than hinted at in the teler telegraphic graphic edl edi patches dispatches s but those that were vere sent bent over the wires from point to point in the states were as aa a matter of ourse oarse much more full fuli and explicit than those thole were sent westward from the frontiers T the e dispatches from charleston were published in ruil full in all the principal papers of the north as fast as they were received aitho altho but little credence was given to their truth f further than that for foi foit folt t sumter had bad I 1 I 1 been attacked and the expected civil war had bad I 1 an unquestionably question ably the details that were given of the cannonading canno and the th won ul effects produced by the shot and shell sheli sli sll ell eli sf r the carolinians were generally considered as lis gasconade which so far as the real facts in relation to the assault have been ascertained has measurably been found to have been the case throughout the towns and cities of the free states on the receipt of the preside presidents deats tys als proclamation calling 0 for seventy give five thousand men a spirit of war was en kindled kindled that annot well be described the doctrine of coercion at once one became exceedingly boru lar jar and thousands and arid tens of thousands were professedly converted to that faith who had previously been opposed to such measures and had hat advocated a peaceful dissolution of uhe ehe union public meetings were held everywhere o belligerent speeches were made the clarion of war was sounded from the east to fewest west and there were seemingly 0 but few n the land who were not ready willing and anxious to march to the field of strife republicans public ans and democrats vied with each other in their devotion to the union and in their adoration of the national dlag sag and those who were avowedly or suspected of having such proclivities had in some places to olee dee out of the land for tor safety men bien raiding irb ink the south kuth country who were unwilling to join the standard of secession had bad also to flee in haste baste and some who were a little tardy i in their movements if reports are true were unceremoniously from trees wees by ropes rope and grape vines the disloyal newspapers in the free states were objects of special attention several of which thought best to suspend at once others continued their publication but were subsequently compelled by the force of circumstances to holet holat the stars and stripes and cease from advocating the principles of secession end and the rights of the south the herald biily rimes times day book express and journal sf kf commerce were particularly objects of hate bate M new york and on the loth of april a bowd gathered about the herald office which uld wid iila been previously threatened with tion ionn lonn longdin and din in anticipation of ef an attack an ex tra ra police force had bad been beer stationed for its protection As a precautionary measure the nati national buntin bunting wab was also displayed from one I 1 of its windows which did not however seem to satisfy the populace some of whom occasionally sio nally shouted hib his ilia head ought to be swinging therel therell to which would be responded spon ded aye and it will be sooil boon soon in referring to the course pursued by the editor and proprietor of the herald the world of the says I 1 the herat herald doffice office bas has capitulated alarmed by the he rumors that have been flying about the city for the last few days it yesterday hoisted the stars and stripes on its flagstaff and andi hun hung the national bunting out of its windows it is gratifying to be assured that both in the mir bir surrender render of fort sumter to the conre confederate derale stater states and in that of the herald harald office to the united states nobody was hurt in philadelphia brooklyn cincinnati jersey city cry and in divers other places the tiie obnoxious printing 11 establishments were visited ted led and compelled to display american colors and change tactics there being 0 no aeterna i tive tire but suspension or compliance with the i dictum of the populace 1 the flag riot so called which took place in new york city on the was quelled without the destruction of property the loss of life by the timely and efficient of the police the insults that had bern given to the na dional flag in that city had aroused the indig nation of the populace and at about three I 1 in the afternoon a crowd began to assemble around the day book office which at first was not coi col considered eldered indicative of any 1 serious demonstration by the two or three policemen on duty there in a few minutes however the crowd increased so rapidly that I 1 two of the policemen put off for reinforce forc fore e 1 I 1 ments to the nearest station houses meantime attempts were made to deliver speeches on the state of the union and the tao necessity ot compelling the day book to lo display a flag the mob fired up by the harangues and exclamations of violence that were freely uttered were about entering the building by storm when a police force arrived of sufficient strength to keep the crowd from breaking open the doors till the sunday times which owned the building displayed the flag of the OU wigwam borrowed for the occasion which caused a temporary ce cessation bation of the demonstration but shortly they became vociferous ci again and the officers of the police advised the editor of the day dook book to hoist the stars and stripes before the crowd be came unmanageable t convinced of the necessity Y of complying with the demands of the people ale the publishers sent messengers messengers to the times and tribune requesting t those hose papers to display their flags as it would look too much like coercion if the day da mok mol was forced to yield to the requirement of the mob anti and show its ita colors first tae times and also the tribune trib ume une soon displayed their flags anti and shortly after the ule national bunting was displayed from the flagstaff of the day book tremendous cheering followed with shouts of cato to the F erp exy rp ess 2 in a solid body some three thousand men ran to the express office shouting on their arrival hoist your flag show your colors and other expressions said to be more emphatic than complimentary after a short delay convinced that a noncompliance compliance non with the mandate of the crowd which by that time numbered five rive thousand would subject the be building and its contents to demolition the proprietors flung the american ensi ensin ensign n to the be broeze breeze having cr accomplished their object in visiting in the express office the tumultuous concourse started on a run for the office of the journal of commerce which displayed its colors in less than three minutes after the demand was made by the infuriated multitude one of the proprietors with a pale face and a trembling 0 voice uttered three indistinct huz zas and cheers for the union which were answered by groans from the multitude who demanded the waving of the flag several other establishments had to display banners to pre prevent present ent their buildings buil bull dinga from being entered by force fore and their presses types etc from beig belg d destroyed t oyed the herald office as reported having previously hoisted the stars and stripes on the day odthe of the aag dag dig riot with all the xeal zeal of a recent convert had bad three american aag lags 8 floating from its windows from the statements that were made by those who A hd witness ed the scenes ot of that arter after afternoon hoon it was ver yer very apparent that any refusal to display ti the american ensign on demand by the populace would have bendan endangered ered the personal safety 0 of f the I 1 individual thus refusing compliance and subjected their premises to complete annihilation hi lation throughout the entire demonstration after it became evident that violence was intended by the mob the police as reported were at every threatened point and were unusually active and in their endeavors to preserve the peace and prevent the destruction of property anti antl the shedding of blood the mob was at length dispersed after several charges charge wre were made on them by the police who at the close of the demonstration numbered nearly three hundred men several ar resty rests were made and many persons persona including some of the of fiers were hurt by brickbats brick bats and other missiles that were freely hurled but none were reported killed on I 1 the he morning of april st james episcopal church new york city was burned estimated loss about insured in various offices for the same day in the afternoon at montreal canada east the block of buildings known as the ashes inspection stores wa was destroyed by fire loss sixteen vessels from southern ports with southern clearances were on the uit fl ened led aed each the section of the act of feb 19 1783 and one ship from new orleans forfeited besides all its ita foreign merchandise chati dise worth over under th the t same law the st lawrence river from being blocked up with ice rose very suddenly at montreal on april lith submerging the lower part of the city griffen town an and d several beveral se eral other villages ages in the vicinity doing a vast amount of damage the loss of property by the overflowing flood hood in the cit city y was estimated at in the villages it was tion ably great there was a severe snow storm on the lakes and all alon aion along the tha st lawrence on the dight night ot of the loth loti loth and the river was still filled with ice which was fast a few miles below the city but the water had bad fallen some six feet nathaniel J bowditch died at boston on april aged fifty six years the capital of the confederate states is to be called the district of davis it is asserted by some of the eastern papers that it had bad been ascertained beyond a doubt that the secessionists have been turning the united states mint at new orleans to good a account by manufacturing large quantities of debased metal struck with the stamps of the united states the philadelphia bul but ieti leti letiah says that quantities of it have been rejected by the banks in that city it was reported that major anderson would shortly be tried by a court of inquiry which action does not imply a suspicion of his bis fidelity to his late trust in charleston harbor but is merely a military rule if the court deem his case a proper one for a court martial marti alp alj he will hen then be arraigned before it it is also reported that all the commanding officers of the fleet off charleston will be brought before a court of inquiry |