Show THE OGDEN Tiorothy fDix's fetter (Milk Cf ox by Mary Raymond PARENTS SHOULD DIVIDE THEIR MONEY EQUALLY BETWEEN CHILDREN BUT IF ONE IS A SPENDTHRIFT THAT CHILD'S SHARE SHOULD BE PLACED IN TRUST BEGIN HERE TODAY After the death of her parents lovely DANA WESTBROOK child of her mother's second marriage comes to America to live with her grandmother MRS WILLIARU CAMERON g DEAR MISS DDC— I have two fine daughters One is never thinks of saving for the future has earned good money and spent It as fast as she made It She married a man of the same disposition and they have less now than when they got married The otner is very industri ous She has earned lots of money but she has always saved a portion of it She m i ji' i married a man who is also thrifty and fine Now I haven't they are getting along to give my children a great deal of money on Easy street one either but I could put make uiemserves what with they along DAD What would you advise? - easy-goin- Dana's half sister NANCY WAL- feels resentful towara Dana - Jiu LL LACU STANDARD-EXAMINE- £ove was CpynjKt 4 the devil Dana thought Rainwas pouring against the windowpanes as though a giant hand were dashing buckets of water from above Now and then there was a roar of thunder followed by vivid But there streaks of lightning was a feeling of security in the cozy unpretentious room with the firelight playing softly on the satiny surface of old wood and bringing out the warm tones of the rug "Let me help" Dana offered "Can you cook?" "Try me" Dana boasted "Nobody can make a better omelet It's one of my specialties" TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY 7 1936 R ase Recordsi Ps y c h o o f s t nunr-'issnEc-m Your Health By Dr Morris Flshbein 1 NEA I m s IV JUMPER TAKES TO HIS HEELS G£OQG£ W COAN£ -- When previously moral men of fifty jldck over the traces and sguarider their money and affec tion on wine woman and song it shocks their wives and friends but it has & definite meaning to the psychologist and physician By THORNTON W BURGESS Of what you have make best of use For doing less there's no excuse '—Jumper the Hare to FATS hard digest made WORSE BY BEING OVERHEATED IN COOKING It is difficult enough for the average person's stomach to digest the fats of the foods that are eaten as necessary as they are but some times poor cooking can make such digestion even more difficult Of course you needn't be re minded that taking too much fat will cause digestive disturbance Foods that are excessively fat r in stomach than the stay longer do those which are not so fat When foods are cooked in fat the fat forms a coating over other foods and thus delays action on these substances of the ferments and enzymes which are necessary to digestion many men as well as women become On top of all this if fats are frightened at the thought of grow- overheated in cooking substances ing old They fear that youth and develop that may irritate the lin virility are slipping away of the stomach and or tne inIllicit sexual affairs stimulate ing testines point out that their imaginations and vaguely res this is notDietitians of the food fault the urrect some of their youthful feel- but of the cook who does not know ings of romance Their ego is flat how to prepare or use fats prop tered accordingly for they think erly they are young again Just because they are doing what youth is capIt is safe to say that as many di able of doing and experiencing the troubles are caused by bad gestive sensations of youth as by improper foods cooking Their philandering therefore is most easily digested lat The not in search of love but reauy a next to that of eggs is that or quest for fading youth They are milk This is because the fat in afraid of the future so they try to milk is already emulsified or flee into the past via sex indiscre- broken up and held in a suspend tions of youth ed state In addition milk iai (Dr Crane will give personal at generally contains more vitamin tention to questions on psycholog A than any other common food fat cal problems Write him in care Among the common food fats are of this newspaper enclosing a 3 those of butter oleomargarine lard cent stamped addressed envelope cottonseed ana otner vegeiaoie ous NORT H W£ STC BN UNIVERSITY 0 f Mrs Ada B aged 43 Case thoroughly Yes sir he does so came me about toe unusual see In to lives up to it at all times He Mrs Cameron secretly hopes husband aged 46 her of behavior rH a hin of Tair innr Dana win make a brilliant mar married wWe been use ncn haveM rppily ana the best makes certainly riage She is elated when nave 25i she 7a nn ihi tt fViem years began moires for RONALD MOORE becomes Inter husband two My grown daughters better use of his advantages than ested in her young granddaugh naa musn Hm JiimTir with thr Inn 1m never ter ' was good worker and tn upright love of his her Lonely Nancy masks "Just for that bragging I'm go!"man for Ronald behind an antagonist ing to turn the kitchen over to Holding his breath he sat mo ANSWER: tionless highly respected by his attitude tio just outside the big windfall "He was and I don't think that a father should you" Scott said UK was in Green He the by his friends and watch and Forest Meanwhile Dana call employer I'll and But "All first children his right atplay favorites with does the others wide-eye- d He two become enemies of always treated me STANLEY his SCOTT to neighbors ing Grandmother and tell her not give one more than he was PAULA and well was very fond of our to One Owl other each the tracted very Snowy Whitey Your two daughters have equal claims worry" with dausrliters love I had been a teacher LONG desperately in what She got Aunt Ellen on the phone down from the Far North for the before? upon you and you should divide them Dana in interest was Scott my The watches his other Shadow the marriage and he admired The receiver aeainst her ear winter between have to give equally you and insisted that our education coat wm his of Weasel winter in white an my flannrhtAF ivfinm followed deepen vnii J crackled alarmingly by to storm a college which they Dana is caught in Either of them would have been daughters go ominous roar of thunder i discriminate against will naturally feel XJh carries and overtakes her did srlad to Scott ' have eaurht Dana said quickly "I'm having pxceedinrlv that you lack affection for her and her to his home nearby Aunt Ellen Jumner Neither of them knew that 1 "But about three months ago I friend a with dinner have treated her unjustly She will he NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY I'll be home later" Jumper was anywhere near Had was almost killed to wlearn that be hurt with you Also she will be alienated from her sister whoms arouna go oegun has de recently they known it they would have It wasn't possible to go into she will always suspect of having used unfair means to get the lion CHAPTER XI no time with arh other with Ja woman tavern keeper She wasted about storm a with tails roaring share of your estate Dana repeated Scott's words her vour ears Besides it would re Whitey had attempted to catch has been meeting hirii on the road WherC y°U have hf is a salesman nd they 1 quire a lot of explaining to tell the Shadow because there was no bet- - for Tf im earv tn imAfrstaTlti that VOli feel SOme hesitation about giving — ( ruu xjluw riotous r in money been live them in use squandering He food No ter have wouldn't whole worrying sight to your thriftless daughter because you know it will run through money "I was looking out the window" all forstory When they heard given Shadow so much as a glance Jiving uvr nothing v w fincrAr come nas imuua monev into all the other tnai o r : he told her "and cursing my luck just how it had all happened they had he seen Jumper the Hare His employer learned about it tv it money awy done It seems almost like tnrowmg me come up couldn't blame her this like to storm a thinks my husband must be and T haye VJ uau ouyxmuJ you oestow uPu x1Ci And mv the while to d h frind5 He doesn't saving daughter who will take care oi wnai shop were next day Newspapers use tnose long legs or his " to desire There wasn't any record give permanence to your gift and make it or some account 01 then j gaw dome home over week-enany that the storm was one wanted to leap out and away It even He after to do is but then and go town you" ugly morej except the rarely thing worst struck had that the who encountered could do to keep from -- "v x narrtnt miAnrtttanA what It is a familiar problem that all of us have Dana was looking about the in years to describe the uprooting was allsohe But ? he n doing kept perfectly — have tried to help people Those who most need our help seem im&irh with in was and tA wide cozy room' It trees and how tops were lifted still You see he knew from experi) does them any real good a fireplace and book of chairs possible to help Nothing we ever give themwhereas easy frail houses and lines or com ence that the instant he moved he man i Dr Crane what is wrong?" from to we when give old An because they waste it and throw it away books shelves filled with niAONOSIS: for reply) munication blown down Floods of would be seen but while he re- those who can help themselves our assistance counts because we room Dana saw but it had escaped water had is a fairly topical case of This Butter provides most- vitamin A (Copyright 1936 by the Hopkins tempestuously poured mained motionless he was Jikely to boost them up the ladder faster than they could climb alone shab'oiness even hundreds of It even had distinc- over the city m from natural sources in our diets Syndicate) seen escape a sort with its mellow being of tion break to men V of each thousands year Dana Certain fish liver oils as those of gayly prepared Scott and onaaow ine vveasei awo!f However that refers to outside people Not our own and especially wood paniing The rugs were old their mri disori orvnarntlv Scott or cod are especially rich dinner" halibut "breakfast tired of dodging Whitey vanished sob£i life following a quarter of a not our own children They have a right to our help ±iut 1 tnmK mai- but they had once good A covered some in Jam A and far richer in vitamin in strawberry when parents give to their children they should take their tempera- lamp glowed cheerfully on the table the icebox to add to the meal of in uii reroarKaoi? manner cu nis century of apparently happy marD than vitamin any natural food You know he an hide under al- riage! and begin to ments into consideration uo uie inrniy iney can give immune um Where books and magazines were savtheir thin and substance golden bacon coffee spend eggs most nothing at all and he is so those who have holes in their pockets it is folly just to nana over xne sCatteredj Nevertheless nutritional authoritcast ings i&nd lose their good name by movements his in "It's it that monev that represents Jthe labor and the savings of a lifetime to nave folquick appreciatively sh nojded thunder of are convinced that the vitamin riotous ties crash A living terrific a indeed to keen takes eye it slip through the rent leaving them as poor as Derore oome sinugs a nice room" very of have habits and D streak butter is a factor of real immoral vivid a in If lightning sobriety darted follow had This he him time should always be attached to their girt Scott said T wanted you to like lowing a For to a Scott man's characterized sent Dana running personality portance for ordinary health hemlock fnr irVl it And now we'll have to find you moment her head was hidden under a norirW ' whv thnnid Simply because of these facts TORONTO Ont— (UP) — Uni and get you out of So I advise you to divide your money equally between your after and tv traces so to sneak bough dry looking OVf Whitey ki something k h shoulder authorities are likely to nutritional his of Toronto students and co versity to flown reback about had those wet things I'll build a lire against you have to give the spendthrift into came Scott's vainly daughters and to put what this Isn't as look askance at any attempt to he approaches fifty? "Steady there!" arm eds are undergoing a "purity test to dry your dress and shoes Then assuring some sort of a trust fund so that she cannot touch the principal and his former perch on a snow-co- v discreof be his artificial substances for voice to tightening the age supposed The test is a set of 20 persona substitute will only get the interest In that way you will save her from the ered stump I'll call a taxi" fats which have oeen natural the her about tion?! which by delving into questions want that the extravagant always come to sooner or later Most "Oh no" Dana protested "If you a time "And For face white a long nothing hap PIPER mentioned Dana lifted paying: the! past life of the students is de women should get their money in monthly checks have a coat you can lend me I'll I've always said I liked Mother Na- pened There was no sign of Shadow are several causes any one the There It is interesting to Know mai to determine the state of DOROTHY DIX signed of a As matter fact Weasel the said she just slip it over my dress" old mood" the fat of beef also contains a fair in ture of which can explain this radical their morals or their "purity ratio any "listen1 Scott said nrmiy "im amount of vitamin A althought it "Mother Nature's got a jag on Shadow had long since gone on his chanke in a man's character In the DEAR MISS DrX- -3 am 28 For five years I have been going with a a doctor but I don't want you as tonight" Scott said thoughtfully way He is not the kind to remain first place both psychologists as For instance so many marks are does not significant smoking drinking and for amounts of B provide I have worn a diamond ring on my left a pneumonia patient" He flung He still had his arm around her in hiding for any length of time well as physicians would suggest a lost forkiss D C and young man For two years Then after truthfully hnnd which was eivento me Dy mm to De worn on mat nanu a nave npen tne aoor 01 xne aajuumis but dropped it abruptly "The old Whitey the Snowy Owl sat and sat blood' test of such a man for syphilis every aU the questions the to answering Men-hievenr evening and every day during that period He says room "You'll find a dressing robe girl's nas sat sat Yes he sat and and sir and TODAY'S HEALTH QUESTION drunk with power it of the central nervoiis system may number of unfavorable marks nH his Actions rjrove it that he doesn't want me to have any other m the closet" me that I didn't sat He wasn't asleep and Jumper lie dormant following an infection tal to occurred iimt kindly tell me if q —Would you harmful added are sub is then the total Ant Dana found herself obeying She put my house number on that mile- - didn't make the mistake of thinking in but never has he referred to or even hinted at marriage for us are there make its drugs in any appear tracted from 100 What is left is youth and then other people to 'get married Do you stepped into the next room caught ong list— though l aouoi u uixu he might be He had learned long ance medicines? headache though he thinks it all right forlove middle life fin the purity ratio me and doesn't intend to marry me? a glimpse of herself in the mirror will be think it possible that he doesn't A — Most headache remedies conin a storm utte ago that Whitey is one member of victims often begin to lose Such navigated across Already nearly 200 students have tain her and to wet men Her hair all Are men? straggling marriage opposed such generally Are there some coal tar product the who Owl as hunts the well as day this" by family their! moral perspective been "tested" with widely varying continued PUZZLED GIRL white cheeks and her beret was a use of which is injurious have to be sold on it? does as as much he by night their! financial quite They judgment So far both the highest and Such remedies should not results sodden ball atop her head Her When while be used a was lifebother doesn't He gone quite Whitey'S squander their savings of a lowest percentages have been obdress clung to her body Water was he returned his expression was sob Sunlight of ANSWER: advice imunder at all physician do aj except and fashion eyes time In reckless — —i— by the males with the cooozing from her soaked white sanIt is just as sure as shooting that this young man has no idea er last Whitey spread his great moral thincs which do not harmo tained At she was course an more middle a of finds eds Scott and No dals likes right he doubt probably you you holding whatever of marrying you went he and said "Dana wings away disappear nize with their previous good char "The phone's out" he of burdening change might be ill if she didn't uncomlike a little acterl trees agreeable companion but he hasn't the faintest notion the the If serious is oi this among ing afraid I'm was And besides it mighty himself with you as a wife and obligating himself to pay your bills come to life "He's gone!" treatment snowdrift heroic let and immediate storm doesn't up—" wet r Holds Box Sales fortable being wringing "Don't worry" Dana said try by a l good physician may stop the is onown ft cirl and intends to marrv her vwrvian w renllv in -love with '' UVU a man ia men own concern s reveal her victim to decline not in the further laxing a few minutes He Dana emerged he doesn't have to have anybody sell him the idea of marriage Corn Keys SANFORD Me — (UP) — Rec"It can't be very late It can't keep tality and morality and even re uiiro ?f r fnr V5molf anrt h has ft million tmod reasons whv It is er in a eavly Stnpea areuig juu the but f to much store him longer" again and society up v Free ords from the toal tntA fnr man and whv he is cinders ashes and dust with- - wraDDed ftbout her slim body "You'd treatment must be ftiilly carried out it would nave DiownCAMDEN Ark (UP)— Revenue Will Baptist church revealed that out It And he doesn't keep putting off the wedding day He hurries securely tied On her feet were itself out think vioTHEIR FINA1 FLING long ago with such — Commissioner Earl Wiseman ad- the first sexton received a salary Scott s DCdroom suppers ft up can ten never reason to explain such ministrator of the Arkansas new 2 of But ence " "T you Another "that exDlained a year He had to take thought" she There wasn't a doubt that Scott behavior changes is the fact that per cent sales tax will receive a care$987 of as long as I was ordered to change was the building and provide There are many men whose attentions are without intentions And Dana worried thought too" on these well as next he when month wood and oil put the i opens to I might surprise such as your friend's though his technique any I have superior Aunt Ellen was all her fault it face over Scott's V 44of a of return local tax A Hare because no the the there is when spread a escape in of grin heard grocer'colJumper giving you phony engagement ring was niceiy there warned her had "I 90 a little to make said used to seen ruefully is aid in the Cotton Dana per The merchant his white coat He had Whitey engagement in order to keep you pacified That is a new ringer in to be a storm but she had ignored know I'm Owl almost catch lection of the tax placed a large tin cent of the world's clothing j Snowy the the game but the game is the same old game and it ends in the "Yes you are" Scott agreed the warning same way— In the girl who is sucker enough to play it losing out Shadow the Weasel because in his can near the cash register for cusScott said dryly "Storm or no d "Rut even in that outfit you're tomers to drop their pennies in white Coat the big: charitable" storm folks aren't very to now I'm adorable going TVi m man n!lr auite nut a unseen cond home Donations up to the present in been Shadow had nrttv attractive cirl who has hunter by an- "Gossip you mean?" " thought addition to pennies include: A dolboth "It! Vays works and a good Job and he devotes himself to her He monopolizes all of change my suit Lucky I have — whatever you "Gossip scandal one! Whitefoot "I did thihk that I want- lar watch a corn plaster two safety her time He is always seen about with her He cuts her off from all other to call it That wouldn't be want w ocuu wnne ed a Ivhite coat but I guess I'm just pins three rusty keys seven butother men so that people naturally think they are engaged He makes t"""" tne Drass so very nice for you Dana as wll off without it I guess most tons and a corn cob pipe but he never gets to the proposing point and this spread her wet dressheronsnoes lovs or near-lov- e Stop it (leet ©tbera— nyb tba children — near "Or for you" Dana said gravely catch it) by the with n we need can and us! the what of insists have kind of The that goes on for years and years until the girl fender and placed grocer really jty (now all you're starting a career After the famous FOLEY'S HONEY 4c TAR me some or hecHn tn In or crows lire h of knows tired her clamorous lnnkji will be sent to Wiseman "as is" intensified ith A other pe4 ingredients that be prejudiced He was making use of those long that Old Mother Nature J quickly having and people mightmixed Scott returned lso help correct euse) Irurtmtljr relieves va us can — as he is to what! run best for of ± his a only in stranger dawns cn the'scene and then he just fades out of the picture contrived legs doctor a up somehow to looK im against faaokinK of tickling eonghinc jfod spell Thisre is wisdom you see in that New York City has a greater poprating Spoonful t niRht ineuree sound ipeeto maculate without appearing stiffly scandal"shook his head "That's all saueaked Whitefoot the Wood smalt head of Whitefoot e states of And it is nothing to him that he has kept the girl from marry- -' nine No ulation than that sleep Scott to groomed He went to the telephone "dope" Idet for ehUdr — but the worst of it would Mouse "Thank goodness he's gone! (Copyright 1936 by T W Burgess) combined : Arizona Delaware' Idaing that he has wasted all of her youth and left her deserted and Refuse substitutes nd delayed reooTsry Only numoer right a called and see him never I'll DaI Mexico North New hope again" forlorn Any girl who lets a man hang around her more than a year Nevada ho FOLEY'S HONEY TAR esn d what Dana heard his voice protesting fall on you" He considered ' her "You probably will and I warn without filing a bin of his intentions is just simply lacking in natnext story: "Whitefoot Is kota Rhode Island- South Dakota FOLEY'S HONEY A TAR does At all drugThe I've an frowning emergency is Rnt this gists only 30o Get bottle today sisret that you better see him before Overbold" ural gumption Give this gentleman the air before he leaves you out and Wyoming Dana's natural optimism came to you cot to have a taxi Get one out the sees he DIX DOROTHY in the - cold replied Jumper you" "Let's not get upset here and I'll make It worth your her rescue eaten dinner- - Anyway Hare "I hope Shadow the Weasel we've before while" too Now I'm going This DIX— one has DOROTHY articles of DEAR In you say: With the your He hung up and called anotner it Just isn't possible for such a is nogone forties comes to women th realization that youth is almost over that number place for me around here" with no greater success torrent to last much longer" his action to his words Suiting before ths table £ge is almost upon them Soon theirn good looks and their physical Then he came to the door and Thev drew the went attractiveness will be gone A that Jumper the Hare with beauty expert says fire which was' still burning bright- away stood there frowning a little p not a is of is bounds one's of the best It age question good beauty making merrily as great Dana sat on a footstool near tne ly the wood crackling use of is those long was He MAUD Which or making the gloomy right? points fire the light Winging out me though in defiance to run he can "as his of only legs She elements in hair itisotnc i lir believes one of who ANSWER: is those dishes Later they washed the Jumper looked very slight and boyish with Both because we are talking of different things I was speaking 'I fceitea aooui ner dried them and then came back to in running away from danger He i' :PTSk fl robe man's the of the beauty of youth of a woman's physical attraction for men is those believes what that oearoom that legs the living her feet lost in Scott's leatneT what the French call beaute du diable That goes with youth Scott tried the telephone again were given him for and so he room slippers have and reported failure Meanwhile makes the best possible use of them the taxi places say theymeans I know many women who are old women women with gray hair a "All Whitefoot watched him go He Dana had put on her dress and It mile a list long were and false teeth who are beautiful because their faces are so filled with anwaiting declared still remained in hiding under the she which sandals hour's wait at lease sweetness and tenderness and wisdom and gentleness but theirs is not for he was as yet by no windfall "Well that's rvans said cheerfully the beauty that rouses romantic love in any man's breast There Is one door means certain that Shadow the and front Scott Once the — I'm now opened good that but met such a wild reception from Weasel had left those parts He had glory of the moon and another of the stars and there is the beauty of MLJ right Jli w youth and the beauty of age But they are not the same the black furies outside that he seen three white coats the only 01 an laiot "I was all kinds DOROTHY DDC " j closed it quickly He came over to white coats in the Green Forest said slowly Scott vou here hrir? i fire and sat down near Dana and now they were used He had seen mav the iacitne (Copyright 1936) jvAi oi "Regardless looked sweet and courageous She hearthstone are an ornament to my Tm crninw to have to get you home he thought seemingly unconscious could call one The worst of is of her rumpled linen frock her Lead Poisoning From Wasp Sting in a hurry While we're waiting blow all hurricane this may night" the cab lovely eyes meeting his calmly for vour dress to dry andsome Be Continued) (To a sim knew in other he eggs girl stir Any I'll up shrink to list Notes ' and make coffee Sorry there's not ilar situation would be having hys f' much else to offer The only meal terica SYDNEY N S W (UP) — An exSott said slowly "i m arraid a WORCESTER Mass (UP) — If a t have here is breakfast and I would couldn't get here even if we car taxi traordinary case of lead poisoning few organ notes at the Trowbridge didn't foresee that my from plants has been described by Memorial M E church were a lit- ? elements wuiuu vuw w r— Dr E T Brennan of the New ue neavy one sunaay morning it tne deviL" Guinea administration in a lecture was because Organist Ralph M he to the International Pacific health The elements were still playing Warren was stung into fortissimo conference in Sydney A wasp alighted on the third fin A woman was admitted into a hosNew in Guinea pital suffering from ger of Warren's hand Just as he vague abdominal pains and an in- was taking his place at the console termittent temperature It was He service with Beautiful — Soft — Natural thought that it might be caused by a played through thea as as doorknob FIRiE A phone call And help in a few seconds Small wona recurrence of malaria but blood yv big finger tip jryr J I :U2£ C V tests proved negative der that the rising wail of sirens in the night is often as It was then discovered that she MODERN WOMEN lived in a house which formerly had I No Cooking! Easy! Horns-MixNot Stiff ef mo&thly pain and delay du to Nd nervous spectacular as the blaze that fetches them been used as a printing works On colds strain exposure or itniiar cause found hAusewives have MiiiiTi Brand Pills are effective digging the vegetable garden hun- ruiaoie ana Diamond tvr miTinsr their own cough medithat give uuick Kur BOK1 Dy dreds of pieces of lead type were uaruggiswior so dramatic but every bit as sure are the results you'll a over tho-oNot mnch more effective rmt years Ask (or were lead of Traces found found $4 Wave remedy They use a recipe whiche costs S200 Want Adsr If you want to in the tomatoes and beans grown with The Standard-Examinas much as get only Wave for $5 S250 in the garden Blood tests revealed medicine but which really has no equal amo- tmi biamono rent that garage or that spare room if you want to find that lost for hrpakinff ud distressing coughs the presence of lead ounces This marvelous new home From any druggist get 2 $105 Box of Face FREE Powder if you want to swap buy sell or lease —if above all you of Plnex Pour this into a pint bottle s e r v i c e saves with dog washing every fill and add granulated sragar syrup to money for you— there is no Permanent Wave want to do it quickly— just Phone 252 ask for Classified and the pint The syrup is easily made up on or depreciation upkeep water OFFICE SPACE with 2 cups sugar and one cup equipment to take money leave the rest to us SHAMPOO AND ntfrrwl a few moments until dissolved jgri'A out of purse—no your at trouble no CHARGING FINGER WATE No cooking needed It Rear Postal Telegraph washing powders— lt cuts all and makes the most effective remPhone for Appointment down on your gas and edy that money could buy Keeps per- ' or Day too Why not love its taste bills children electric and fectly Suitable for office of any AD! Its quick action in loosening the EX-CET-CSYAnDAQB-EXfmUni- n try it IS v TXT- ' kind Includes half of win phlegm helping dear the air passages and soothing away the irritation has dow display on Washington caused it to be used in more homes BEAUTY SALON avenue ' "' than mr other couch remedy ' Washington and 23rd Ogden Pinex is a concentrated compound Phone 653 of Norway Pine famous for its sooth-in- f membranes Phono on Money effect throat or Main and Broadway Salt Lake "refunded if it doesn't please you to Wasatch 1196 m o B-17- ing He has he 9: B-- n Pi — Jf (Sj - 1 1 1 1 I -- - -- T1!"! - car-s-i- — 1 v- n L ds - -- 1 - i Colleqians Take Quiz to Compare Moral Standards w snow-cover- w ed I f s 1 t -- -- - annual oaiary ' Tax Plasters " - - — — T 'c j I Jim w ror aexion 103-year-o- ld -- funny-lookin- g" That Couch Stop Before It Becomes Something Worso broad-winge- ( v pseudo-devotio- "quiclreet-by-test- " hr ' eough-fre- hsbifr-fonnin- f stoxaaen-upsetti- - well-know- Fire? on Garage lipperty-lipperty-li- -- i ( ©DUO - I 1 - Makes Sour Organ Vegetables Traced i Garage j Vacant? i £j I 4 ' End Bad Cough Quickly at One Fourth the Cost : January Specials ed Chi-chea-t- - - one-four- th 1 l if ready-mad- A PERMANENT WAVES At Half Price Your Money -- er -- -- ur Night - mr UAUTS - sell the goods 252 2208 pp i every way n? |