Show FOREIGN NEWS t j r awo two the latest advices advises from europe elvey rec re e 1 v last mall mail ire are to the ith ath of Nov november hber caliari italiani Ita liari 11 aff affairs aira alra were unchanged and continued continue to attract the attention of the european powers most likely to be involved in the further progress gic sl of lof the revolution I 1 th the i lowing following ol are the principal items deemed sufficiently 5 for publication ENGLAND the earl of dundonald dun Dnn donald died in london oct 31 aged eighty five parliament had been further prorogued from the oth ath of november Nove hber to january 3 earl dlan blan blankers vers verb had died at the age of 82 the chevalier bunsen and admiral sir charles napier were so ill that their death was expected the failure of the warsaw conference is variously discussed the london daily news of the says the emperor of the french has placed four ships or of the line before gaeta with orders to prel pret present pent lent an attal on that fortress by admiral Per persano bano gano and it if necessary to sink his ships under these circumstances admiral persano will take no part in the approaching belge beige of gael a the dalit daily newn news I 1 denounced this as durec tec rec intervention by y france and baya says eu eq ropp rope must mast not be allowed to remain a 4 victim I 1 to all tais talis mystery and repeated surprises the same paper publishes the dispatch from lord john rusell to the british minister at turin dated october lord john says the great questions which appear to the british government tobe at issue are these were werd the people of italy justified in asking the assistance of the king of sardinia to relieve them from governments with which they were discontented edi edl king of sardinia justified in furm shing the assistance of his army his Loef lordship thip says kays her majesty Blajek tys s government do hot bot feel justified that the tee people of southern Italy had not good reasons for throwing g off their allegiance and cannot therefore bl blame a me the king of sardinia the dispatch closes as follows her Maje blaje government will turn their eyes to the ratifying prospect of building up the ite tte edifice of their liberties and consolidating the wor work wok of their independence amidst ane sympathies and good wood wishes of europe 1 the times considers that unless some unforeseen event chang changes es tha for fortune turie of war a few days dabs must suffice to drive leie trie tiie irle bourbon sovereign agn from gaeta A naples letter ct cf the says bays says that gavazzi was to preach his first sermin bermin sermon in the principal church of the J jesuits the times asserts that Austri acan even now make up her mind that the game is lost in italy no doubt had the northern potentates shown her tier more active sympathy and had her diplomacy been more of a success success she would have done some desperate deeds the great eastern is to remain open to visitors during the winte winter some persons had visited her during 0 her stay at milford haven the prince of wales vales had not arrived arrive d ai at plymouth on friday oct 25 LoraP lord almers aimers p presided edo ov erthe annual meeting of the L leeds eeg sah sai ragged R ed school society his royal high highness nesi prince rince alfred embarked in the Eury atus on wednesday set sept 19 for england erlind 0 his hia reb reception eption throughout the cape colony has been of the most gratifying character sir Will wiil william iain lain dennison is it gaz gazetted ettea governor of madras i FRANCE i etwas it was believed in paris th that atthe the tho objectify object if france tin preventing prevention the bloc bioc blockade kade kaae of gaeta by sea seal is merely to f facilitate ac the escape of the king of naples and to prevent complications were he captured the french frenc hio journals urnald offer no explanation ten additional iron caged eased frigates had been orde redby the french government jt it was reported that the austrian envoys had notified the emperor that unless the warlike preparations of piedmont were discontinued di iscoe and the hungarian legion disbanded austria would immediately imme immediately diatel jv commence hostilities tili ties 1 i me five hundred of the irish papal brigade had passed assed through france en route for ire landa the duke decales died died at paris on thursday oct 25 in the eighty hirst first year of lif his age he was one of the notabilities not abilities of the first empire and ind the restoration the duke has left a mass amass of papers particularly ticul arly his correspondence with the duke dilke de richelieu during his london embassy the tile times say we hear with sincere regret that chevalier bunsen has been suddenly taken very dangerously ill tle the absent members of bis his famil family have been summoned only it is feared to lle ile be present at the death led aed 0 ed of this distinguished man whose loss would be lamented by y a large circle circie of friends in ip england the earl alanders manvers danvers had died at the age of eighty two years according accor din ht to instructions received from count P 0 eig pi aunce ince metternich has explained to M the austrian pol cy his explanation contains four points 1 the interior policy of every state being intimately connected with its exterior policy polac 1 austria will fulfill fulfil with sincerity the reforms announced by the dillom Di of october 20 2 not notwithstanding withstand ing the co complications m locations licati ons in italy austria will maintain he her afine line of defensive policy the present armaments and con cent ration of troops fr venetia have baye rio rig other object than thin that thai of repelling any attack 33 3 austria will vill zol act abandon the s system of intervention nonintervention non 4 austria considers con sidera that the assembling of 0 a congress would not bring about a practical solution of the italian qZ question estion unless the great powers agree beforehand on a common pro ro gramme of which however there ib little likelihood likelihood formidable naval and military preparations were going on and some writers construe the recent council of war at st cloud as is a palpable indication otan of an eventual campaign the emperor on the reviewed men near paris bivouacking bivouac king and all the proceedings ce of a regular campaign were represented captains in the french mercantile marine have been informed by circulars from the minister of marine that in the event of a war they will be taken into the service as secona second lieutenants As the proposition has given dissatisfaction it is said that it will be proposed to give them a pension it Itis 19 reported that mr whitworth has contracted to supply the french with any number of his rifles at four pounds each I 1 the heralds heralda paris correspondent says the tui tul contracted with private ship ui ders for the immediate construction of lao iao iron fron cased caad steam gunboats gun auD boats to mount a gingle tingle rifle in the bows arnd and havea have a small draft of if water twy raw victor emanuel and garibaldi whose operations were combined were preparing f for or battle the landon arning advertiser abs abb ass asserts arts on the authority of an official dispatch that victor emanuel was to immediately Itom bombard bard gaeta by sea and land it was reported that tha eing king victor emanuel would confer ori on gar garibaldi 1 baldi the te title of prince with an income of and would decorate him with the order of the annunciation nuncia tion an engagement took place between the troops of the king of naples and the between teano tealio and sessa the neapolitans leaving many prisoners on the field fell back ori oil on gar car garigliano liano ilano where a severe battle afterward to took 0 kp place acer the neapolitan accounts of or the battle at the ibe garigliano claim a victory and say that cialdini was defeated witha with a loss of 2 2000 killed and wounded and five guns gung the dil official fil cial clai dispatches from turin pronounce these assertions utterly false capua altia was waa a attacked on the instant and capitulated the next nex day the event caused great rejoicings rejo icings in naples it was wast ex expected that gaeta would soon be attacked it was denied at turin that Per persano sano saDo th the 6 sardinian ar 41 nt a n admiral had commenced and suspended firing on the Roya royalists listi near beata victor emanuel bad had crossed the garigliano AUSTRIA it was wag denied that austria had informed the european cabinets of her intention to send an ultimatum to turin on the contrary she lad had reiterated her assurance of pursuing a purely rarely defensive policy count had given explanation toll the diplomatic corps re relative adiv to the warsaw interview the correspondent of the times at vienna supplies information as to what passed at the conference monarchs and their ministers mini stera lad had several beveral interviews but did little more than elchan exchange e 0 opinion concerning the state of europe was drawn drawn up but not signed because the sovereigns and their ministers could not come to an understanding on several matters oe of importance Gorts chakoff failed to convince the prussian and austrian statesmen that it would be advantageous to all parties if the treaty of march 1850 were subjected to a revision russia is exceedingly desirous lesi lesl rous roua of regaining her position on the danube and doing away with the neutrality of the black sea it is related that borscha koff and had had bad an altercation at ii the very first int interview arview I 1 GERMANY at a sitting of the federal diet at frankfort on the alaine maine oct the notice given b by y sardinia of the bloc bioc blockade ic adeff lof ancona was wag discussed the assembly resolved upolu simply shelving this notice declaring at the same time they could not altogether agree with the policy of sardinia in italy the federal diet resol regol resolved ved in the same same rame sitting upon the expediency of equipping the federal fortress with rifled guns an and declared that it gratefully accepted ats the e offer of prussia in reference to the new kind of armament it is stated that the warsaw interview maintained to the last jast a purely personal ch character as re regards ards both t the t e princes and their ministers the emperor alexander conferred upon coune rechberg chberg Re the grand cordon of the order of st andrew the emperor of austria presen presented tid to prince G Gort dorsc t hoff a snuff box richly set with diamonds monds T the e poles displayed such a disloyal spirit while alexander lils leis was at that his majesty was una unable bielo bleto to conceal the vexation lie he felt RUSSIA the dowager empress of russia was dead A son sou was born to the emperor of russia on the of sept he is named paul and has already been appointed chief of the koura regiment of infantry several regiments of guards and the rifle battalion of the tile imperial famila family an imperial proclamation announces th tg fact f act an anda andi 4 gives rives aebi devout ua thanks frn for the he auspicious event y al f TURKEY 1 it was reported that Government the was about negotiating a loan of sixteen sterling at pans paris at 53 14 1 4 A national forced loan is also spoken of I 1 great grea t amancia An ancial fluctuations were occurring mccurr L 19 at constantinople CHINA dispatches received in london bythe bithe china mails stated that the allies ailles made an attack upon the forts on orr the of sept and after a vehement re resistance sistan carried the most important one by assault two hundred french and two hundred english were put hon kom dw combat one thousand tartars Tar tars killed were found in the fort among whom was the general ln in chief the other forts surrendered dereA dered successively y the same evening tile the capitulation gave pave th thrall pallies ies iea the whole country as far as tien strand sin and six hundred bras brass guns gurs of large calibre ra libie the ambassadors proceeded to tien sin iny where chinese commissi commissioners attended them to open negotiations it was that the ambassadors would soon proceed to with a cavalry escort SOMEWHAT the unusually mila delightful weather with which the ime the people of this part of 0 me the territory have b bes ean favored for several weeks a little cooler since sunday morning momi ng g wilen the at a daylight was found coverd with with four foul inches ot of snow on the of thursday ay the oth loth dinst there wisa weis affee a fino fine shower the quantity of water to hair half an inch c |