Show REMARKS REAMS by dr Prell preil dent denk 1 YONG xong bower iyo ilo werf weri a ms nl september 3 2 1660 r BY 0 0 D WATT are our minds framed to receive anda and profit by those communications which the lord would give through his servants we are so constituted that we can receive but little at a time though there is quite a diversity in me men n as to their capacity tor learn learning and also in learning inT regard to retaining what they learn earn some S compie comple comprehend liend their lessons quickly while others c re not so gifted I 1 have also policed that some bome children commit their lessons quickly and well but ask them the meaning and intent nf of what they have committed and arid they cannot answer you while others pay more atten non uon to the intent and meaning 0 of what they learn such Is the case with all persons no matter what their age and arid some are capaci bated to receive more and faster than others when the latter day saints and those who believed in the coming of the Mess ness messiah lab iab a and nd those who believed in him when he came and those who have believed in him since he came see eternal things by the vision of their minds being opened they will consider it a great mystery chyall people did not understand the chinga of god they are so easy to be understood and so congenial congenial to our capacities and situation on the earth so admirably adapted to 0 o our nature that mankind do not trader irader fiand the things yf cf god is marvelous to an enlightened person per and that what truth they do learn the they y wish to have it understood that t it is by their own wisdom the wisdom that romes from god they do not desire we observe in some of the latter day saints a dull stupidity in regard to learning I 1 ele elb ae things that pertain to life for persons person to understand themselves their own organization they must understand the character of hat that being who has organized them or they never can understand the their ir own organization this mankind are unwilling to admit no person can follow the thread of llis his own exist nce nee without inseparably connecting it with the father the supreme being Z who dwells io in eternity we are inseparably connected and must be to that eternal being who produced us you will therefore readily understand aa aidt t without the principle and spirit of cevela slon lion lon ion it will be impossible to communicate these principles to the people the gospel of jesus christ is the opening avenue the open gate in the road or way from fi om earth to heaven through which direct revelation comes cornea to the children of men I 1 in heir their various capacities according to their callings and standing in the society in which f apy hey ney live the gospel of salvation is a por non llon of the law that pertains to the kingdom where god resides and the ordinances pertaining to the holy priesthood are the means by which the children of men find access to the way of life wherein they can extend their travels until they return to the presence of their father and god this no person will dispute who has faith in the character of the delty deity they will acknowledge that god is true that his system of salvation is correct corrects that his law is just that he is equal in all his ways and that the ordinances of his house are I 1 rue and faithful ul but wb when en you speak of th tho 0 gospel as preached by the elders of this hurch the query arises in a moment Is this true yes as you have often beard heard stated it AL is a fact that earth and hell bell cannot deny tile the sound souna of this gospel carries conviction to ewery heart that has beard it iti ity it carries an fluence influence ia and power that no other sound has but though they are thus convicted yet they will vill query Is it true I 1 it it vere were not that he conviction of the almighty pervades even the sound of mormonism you would not bee armies arrayed against this people this is the most moral people upon the face of all the earth with all the rascality there 19 ia in a few the gospel net gathers both good tid nd bad we have both here bere but this people 3 a people are the most circumspect and i oral people that now lives it bas has been said at dt we ire are a low groveling lav lawless less people there is not a man in our government iho kho mho who bas has a good sound heart and ard brain but what kli mil s 01 say siy that we are uie oe most law abadin abiding people in the united states all so far as they have heard beard are convicted hat that the work in which we are engaged is true that it ig is the gospel 0 of f sa salvation I 1 the i oice of god from the heavens to all people hear it 0 ye inhabitants inhabitant s of the earth the lord has again spoken from the heavens and ri healed the holy priesthood to save the children of men from impending din ruin though this his is true they fancy that taley they can devise systems by which they can sae save themselves enter into the gate of rest and secure to themselves that ea anal repose the heart aches for a through lie hie there maybe may be some excel tins tida t DS to th a general buth but the existence exis tence of a suan being is universally ie le ged by u c rn n this is to be found in the lowest of t ip heathen nations and they worship according to the best knowledge they tase tave the inhabitants of hindostan hindustan Hind japan ea eie ete r are di dc devol devot vot vol onal people though they shw shy before ilges im not knowing ietter better better the anol ivines of ins dis country also aiso worship accord 1 inq ini iu rui i to their traditions as do all the heathen I 1 na u s they pey make their graven r a rqn image images s of bra wooi bliver silver and gold golf to represent the 1 y they seik mik elk eik to please the roman catholic church uses paintings and images of jesus chilst chiist and the virgin mary but ask them if gaev worship those pictures and images and toey wiil will tell you na the picture or r image only ohl ohi V represents to the eydthe being B eing I 1 ive e wor alip 1 I sott so it ig is with the worship of the heathen nations do not worship the inanimate inanimate 1 image but that kf the god they worship Is in eternity wed we do not bt see him but our fathers have haie taught 0 ai us many things which we wish to retain in memory you present to your cL children ildren lidren the mage image i or picture of the savior or of any good being and teach them to imitate his example ahe ane an by this means strive to create the best possible impression im upon their young minds and which Is lest iest est to do this or to present them a pack a c k of cards and teach them the us use e of le them in then do not depreciate the heathen worship nor the brethren of our former christian faith for the majority of them worship according to the best knowledge they have intelligent beings are organized to become gods even the sons of god to dwell in in the presence of the gods and become associated with the highest that dwell in III eternity we ive are now in the school and must practice upon what we receive wickedness now dwells upon the earth but as we are arc exhorted from time to time by words deeds and elaml examples les aes and by the fauth faith of the good let us continue in in this labor of love until we overcome the evil that is within ourselves with all the rest of the good hood that you can commit to memory be sure to recollect that the gospel of salvation is expressly designed to make saints of sinners to overcome evil with good to make holy good men of wicked bad men and to make better men of good wherein vre vie are wicked wherein we have evil passions the gospel viii will vill aid us in overcoming evil it ives mes us the influence Inauen ce the power powers the know fledge tedge fedge the wisdom and the understanding to overcome our rt weaknesses eak nesses and to purl puri purify r y ourselves before the lord our god how often we ye have heard it said that ita ila a saint will be a saint a devil will be a devil aud the wicked will be wicked people should understand that there is no man born upon the face of the earth but what can be saved in the kingdom of god bif if he is disposed to be there is not a word to contradict this in all the sacred writings when the wicked nicked man forsakes hi his is wickedness though he has rolled it under his big tongue as a sweet morsel he can be saved if god has foreordained fore ordained certain men to certain ends it is because he knew all things from eternity as in in the case of pharaoh who he knew would do wickedly consequently selected him to be put upon the throne you are determined to tode be wicked and to carry out the schemes of the devil therefore I 1 will use you to promote prof note hote my kingdom on the earth and to exalt me a among men for I 1 know that you will do wa all ou can against rhy my children against my work and against my grace to save the children of men god raised him to the throne of egypt because he foresaw that in this position he he could ue use him to the greatest advantage to his cause not because be he was foreordained fore ordained to that position I 1 there is no person without evil passions to embi ambi embitter ater their lives mankind are revengeful passionate hateful ul and devilish in their dispositions s irions it ions lons this we inherit through the fall tall and to the e grace of god is designed to to enable us to overcome it the grace of god is bestowed I 1 upon all and the kingdom of gjoa gad is planted on the earth expressly to enable mankind to overcome the evil that is in them and to save all ail if the latter day saints live livo in e their religion they will boraske iniquity and overcome the e evil vii vil that the enemy ot of all righteousness 1 1 causes to rise riser within w irbin them until every ev ery passion and appetite is is as perfectly under tinder their control as a patient animal they hold by the bit ye wise men ye great philosophers do you comprehend and know what is the origin I 1 1 of the intelligence we ire behold where did it iti spring from who is the author of our existence who has brought us forth upon the I 1 earth and oven given us this intelli intelligence genge genae creating ua us erect given us ability to learn and ana and to con timie to learn to all eternity and to reagh reach forth for the hidden things that are in the future can the wise men of the day define this intelligence can van the chemist analyze it no it cannot be searched out by human i wisdom ji edbin we must admit that god is is true that his law is just that his hib kingdom is just and pure and that it is now set up upon the earth I 1 or there can cin be no bein being T saved in his presence we are his children this is is obvious and ard is is easy to be understood by those who can only understand simple facts we are his and to him we shall return this beirl belll being so we shourd should BO so live as to be counted worthy to be again received into the family of heaven to be participants of all the i talo tilo glory e excellency xcell ency and power that pertain to i ria the e family m ily liy of god in eternity and to be joined with those who sing hallelujah to his name in in mansions of bliss let the wicked world pass on n and the inhabitants of the earth rail and I 1 ret t the wicked imagine a vain thing and the heathen rage and run to and fro yet knowledge will increase and they cannot prevent I 1 it the kingdom of god and the ordinances of his honse are again restored and we vv e are made happy participants thereof praise his holy name then brethren and s bisters sisters I 1 and acknowledge his hand in in all things improving I 1 mp roving your talents and ands making yours yourselves elv es worthy to receive more the kings queens queen nobles and great areat men of the earth will yet bow to the gospel though rot hot not until they are obliged to I 1 we have lot not much history of therise the wise uise men of the east after they saw the star and found t the h L chi child d jesus lie he had not lived two years I 1 before a an edict was sent forth to slay all the children in certain regions under suh su h ail an age thinking inkins th that the child jesus would be caught amon among them thern and ands andi slain lain but joseph was warned in a bearn dream to escape with the young child i I 1 where then were ware the wise men who naho came tol toi worship him they had gone their way gayy and were still there mere are mariy many wise men of this I 1 day dax vvhs v 0 feel so influenced influence di they would woi wor 1 the saints but w wll wil 1 tot nut endur the s ts t s I 1 opposition fon ton they mus must ti receive elve eive if they dey should do ab mier neer was the kingdom of godda god so israel privileged eged as it is now the children of israel had jue tue gospel and the kingdom in their possession but out they were so wicked and ungodly that oni only joshua and caleb of all the adult males who went out of egypt were left to go over and possess the promised land they were we re prospere prospered d and slew their enemies but after a while they went into bondage were again agrain made free and a again ain aln went into bondage i did they enjoy the privileges that we do no we can travel and preach from island to island and from nation to nation and can travel and preach in our own nation for god has prepared the way we are blessed more than afi aft the people on the face of the earth and are therefore under the deepest obligations to praise and serve god it matters little though we have many times left our houses and other possessions having been driven from them by our enemies for the earth is the lords and the fullness thereof the gold and the silver they are taking from the earth are a all ail in his hands to dispose of 0 at his pleasure ile he sets up kingdoms and casts them down at his pleasure leasure the fullness of the earth is in his bands hands but it cannot be en joyed in the full sense of the term without enjoying enjoying it in connection with his Ling kingdom langdom dom when put to its proper usey use gold instead of being made a god of will vill be made into dishes and all things will be prepared for jesus to reign and rule and live here for he is the heir beir of tina this earth the galdwill gold will also be used for paving streets for us to walk upon all the faithful 1 will have the privilege of walking the golden streets of the new jerusalem I 1 I 1 feel that this is the best day I 1 ever saw and were I 1 to give ive lve vent lent to my feelings I 1 should jump M abd and shout like a methodist hallelujah god reigns reins his kingdom is upon the earth and he will save the remnant in the latter atter days I 1 feel happy mormonism has las made me all I 1 am and th tha grace the power and the wisdom of god will make me all that I 1 ever will be either in time or in I 1 eternity do you think that Isuf I 1 suffer fera affliction filic tion no for I 1 am happy when in a house or in the mountains moun or wherever whatever wh etever I 1 chance to be our reli reia religion 1 i on measures weighs and circumscribes tle tte all the wisdom in the world all that god has ever revealed to man god has revealed all the truth that is now in the possession qa q the he world whether it be or religious i the whole world are under obligation to him for hat they know and enjoy they are indebted to him for it all and I 1 acknowledge him in all things Is it not reasonable and highly commendable to worship IP him unto whom every knee shall bow aih vil th a pure heart I 1 and conscience uncontaminated by the sins of the world 1 the greatest weakness ignorance and foolishness of the human family is exhibited in their denying the savior denying the tha hand of god and not submitting to his bis supremacy on the earth 0 fools and slow of heart to believe I 1 let the tile few abo have received the truth |