Show t V - I L THE OGDEN STAN 4-- A- mine? PUBLISHING COMPANY a L GLASMANN EDITOR AND MANAGER -Oreenweil Associate Eflltof D "ank J Francis and AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Sunday Morning Without a Published Eery Evening and Club Muzzle or United Press KEA Member cl The Associated Press Service and A B C la exclusively ntied to the use for The Associated Press not news dispatches credited to it ornews otneJSfie c?tmed in this paper and also the local j By Carrier Nevagarfl SUBSCRIPTION PRICES -to Be Paid a Month By Mali— Must Utah -Idaho $700 a Year In All Other States 1100 a Month wlomtog 75c - CALL 252 FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS '!' The Platform Standard-Examiner- 's ' i ' A Modern Cltyj and County A New City High School Building j 150-0Control bf a Pure Water Supply to Accommodate Persons Vigorous Campaign of City and County Road Improve- 00 ! ' ments Scenic Road to1 Mount Ogden and Road Prom Ogden Canyon to Weber Canyon ' Another North and South Arterial Highway An Improved Highway to Great Salt Lake A Central JPlace On A Transcontinental Air Route i In substance the association can show that the development and maintenance of fishing and hunting grounds is one of the best business stimulators operating in behalf of increased trade and the circulation of currency The fish and game people have gone into the business of collecting business statistics on a wide scale and they can tell you many interesting things about the cost of catching aA fish or shooting a deer For instnace there wras a check made in Ogden canyon during the ten days of the deer hunting season October 20 to 30 last year The automobiles used by hunters traversed 28541 miles which at 5 cents a The £uns mile amounted to $142705 ammunition sports clothing and camp supplies cost the hunters $198502 An additional $820 was spent for groceries and meats More than $400 was spent for horse hire The license payments alone amounted to $1482 There are more figures but what the readers want to know is this: Those Ogden canyon hunters spent a total of $6294 for their ten days of shooting There were 762 hunters and 118 'deer were killed by this group making the price of each slain deer $5334 The check in Logan canyon disclosed 1482 hunters who spent $10236 in killing 237 deer at a cost of $4319 per deer Those are interesting figures not only for information on the abundance of game in this territory but from a cold dollar and cents standpoint The automobile gasoline and accessory dealer ought to be particularly interested also the butcher the grocer and the clothing store man not to mention the dealers in sporting goods : Yes the fish and game people make out a good case for their argument that everybody should support their organization Their objective is to insure that the fish and game areas are conserved as a permanent and valuable (resource in this pleasant region and the attainment of that objective is beneficial to all of us OUR JOB PRINTERS the code BY loyally supporting-- work have Ogden found printers doing job themselves in a precarious situation Unscrupulous printing establishments in Salt Lake and Kaysville have been using the code restrictions as a means by which to trick and undermine local shops Setting up fictitious connections with Ogden the outside printers have pretended to have affiliations and have posed as "Ogden printers" Then they have proceeded to manipulate things By deception they have obtained within the last few months two of the most lucrative of printing jobs in the city including school: annuals Filled with indignation over the manner in which they have been duped the Ogden printers are calling on the chamber of commerce to help save the industry in this community from the piracy which has been practiced Thej chamber should thoroughly investigate the' charges made and then fearlessly RE KIND TO ANIMALS ANNIVERSARY act regardless of whose toes are stepped "Be Kind to Animals" upon for it means the rescuing of a group THE twenty-firs- t anniversary will be officially inaugurate of Ogden's skilled workers from the schemed today which is Humane Sunday Here ing trickery of Outsiders are some of the things the local humane society submits for a more kindly considerj TRILLIONS VOTED has passed the $4880-- j ation of all animals: I last congress AT That a dog cat or other pet need not relief bill which aims to end the H be beaten as punishment for wrongdoing dole and provide employment The measure should have been passed at A reprimand or a tap with a folded news( i'the beginning of the session if the admi- paper will bring sufficient humiliation for nistration was worthy of the qpnfidence of the animal and is 'just as effective as a se- DARD-EXAMINE- R SUNDAY EVENING APRIL 7 1933 NATURAL RESOURCES AND HUMAN CREED pj Sunday mmmm&mmi I 4 exhausted j w 1 w iitiP wonders who is going to buy the - Instead the bill has drag-jge- d through months of controversy during f which the administration has been under fire from its own party members Nothing has so tended to weaken the f president as this internal discord and the expressions lof distrust which have been jfback of the group of Democrats fighting against the enacting of the measure When the relief bill was finally presented the j house by 317 to 70 and the senate by 66 to 13 approved the compromise measure The j vote in senate and house showed a breaking away from party lines 1 why give help to game Association? j I ! i j "UHY should business men who neither fish nor hunt join the Weber County Fish and Game Protective association which is a society for the preservation of fish and game? Members of that association can supply any number of rugged answers to the ques-tio- n and at present are winning new mem- bers and financial supporters by reason of the figures they have compiled—figures which must appeal to any business man whether or not he is interested in hunting or fishing - j : s o vere drubbing mnrff8L5qIe c£ScS A2iath ?3 i j j P RESS Sttsboro rlt cory con-fnL°- Llc f coSuSSHf if? lS? lrf i SiSSiH S °utSf : lJ tLV s ve ta££tg PARIS STYLES By AHTIItlt BRISBANE (Copyright 1933 King Feature Syndicate Inc) "The well dressed gentleman's day" was celebrated in a consider able number of newspaper The really gentleman has an intelligent face and Clothing inconspicuous The French say "the style is the man" meaning style in writ ing Common sense says that style in clothes create the first impres sion as to man's character taste and Judgment Youth should dress carefully sim ply and neatly Age should think of dignity A flashily dressed old man is worse than a carelessly dressed young man weU-dress- ed women wore clothes for ornaments long before they wore anything for modesty or even to keep out the cold Ladies had rings in their noses bracelets on their arms before they wore clothes When Darwin went to Patagonia ladles quite undressed rushed mod estly into their huts and came out smiling proud their hair and faces done no clothes on Wise men have appreciated the importance of wise dressing Vol taire said "Dress changes the man tiers" Lavater "Dress Is an index of your contents" and wise Ben Franklin "Eat to please thyself but dress to please others" Ben Johnson put it well: "Out of clothes out of countenout of countenance out of wit" Which translated means poorly ' dressed you lack and lacking you lack wit Dress well that others may say of man you "He is a and asked rwhat did he wear?" re ply "I did not notice" ance self-confide- self-confide- nce nce well-dress- ed It appears that tax payers in New York pay thirty dollars a week to a' Miss Wllcoxon born in Indiana for conducting class es free for young New Yorkers Ths horrifies some that would not be norrmed n toia now mucn it costs to "keep up park bridle paths that teach young and old New York ers how to bob up and down on a trotting horse at an expense far beyond the cost of the ballet danc ing lessons If it is all right to teach one group to bob up and down why is it wrong to teach another group to dance on the big toe? Is the difference In wealth so im portant? i I old i old-fashio- - - - ned White-head- ed - :: 'lZizkh 1 1 Cut in Tex- 'Fear Farm f j will be set next August at about the market price as the marketing year Washington Correspondent begins WASHINGTON April 6— SecreJAPANESE GOODS FLOOD IN tary Wallace hopes a kind providence loves him better than the polThe 25 per cent production cul iticians do Otherwise the AAA will for the cotton textile mills is a rebe sunk sult of KRA's insistence 6n preservDrouth conditions paralleling ing the existence of certain high those of last year would make good cost mills which would be forced the assertions of those who insist out of business if the government the farm program already has col- laid on restrains on competition lapsed Contrary to what seems a Even the administration would be impression it wasn't caused tempted to Join those who insisted by a flood of Japanese imports Nor the 1934 drouth was punishment! is there evidence that the proc-- j any for transgression of a divine law tax cotton has been an on essing against crop reduction important contributory factor in the Given a break by the weather industry's position however AAA probably will conIncrease in imports of Japanese tinue with no great change Curgoods has been startling enough rent political attacks from cotton In fact the national industrial restates and popular reaction against board had the the covery high food prices aren't expected to other day when it foundjitters imthat to interfere grow Strong enough AAA and processing taxes are ports of Japanese bleached Cotton had leaped and bounded from the best answer to the farm prob- cloth 3960 yards in January 1934 to 2 lem the administration has been 633000 in January 1335f andc 4 348 able to think of and the other pro- 000 in February grams suggested are too radical for But cotton cloth Imports are still its present mood lf of one per cent about Wallace has a statistical hoie ace only And Japan domestic of consumption Which he thinks will help stall off conwhich the is country only the cotton state senators though he tinued to buy its normal has of quota ' isn't talking about it Cotton exports American raw cotton to the accomplishment of loud wails have fallen to 60 per cent of the FEAR FARM CHISELING previous 10 year average Drouth in the corn belt where But foreign consumption of American cotton has - dropped to but rainfall this' far has been normal 80 per cent which indicates foreign would be about the worst blow the buyers purchased heavily when cotton was cheap and have been using up large stores er ng ' i wide-sprea- I i one-ha- f ' ' EXPORT RISE EXPECTED Exports according to this the ory should be rising again by April or May Industrial exports have been only 66 and per cent of the 10 year average Southern senators are seeking a nigh government loan value on cot ton abolition of the processing tax ana an export bounty Present In dications are they won't get any of tnose things though the politicians may be able to force a higher loan figure than Wallace would prefer Pressure last year caused it to be set at 12 cents a pound Instead of 10 as Wallance wanted Other tilings being equal the loan price - two-thir- — " i - old - ¥--- Wallace Pins Hope for AAA on Kainfall tile Production to Save High Cost Mills Chiseling Standaxd-Examin- By MARY KNIGHT United Press Staff Correspondent PARIS— (UP)— Nina Riccl makes an evening gown called "Carioca'' in violine with large red dots the size of a quarter printed all over it The skirt is about five yards around the hem with not the least effect of fullness anywhere around the waist or hips The material Just seems to grow from nowhere until it IMd some one send to President attains the desired width at the Roosevelt news about the hem: Russian girl Marie Aikhenvald Another novel feature of the dress That young Bolshevik person pilot is that the skirt is cut so that a ed the Russian dirigible Smalny single row of dots forms itself ev- from Moscow to Leningrad m sev enly all 'around the vast hem like en hours and did it safely The a border J The sleeves are Short and ship i3 used regularly to train young puffed and there are wide ruffles Russians as pilots "Capitalistic over the shoulders The decolletage cities take notice is modest and Russian girl can in front If a and to the nape of the nesk in pilot a dirigible without smashing back it many Americans hope the United For Madame Jacques Bouillons States navy will not decide that it lafont Edmond Courtot has made cannot do as much a summer frock in silk chiffon If our navy doesnt knowhow to printed with red flowers and trim- run dirigibles the president surely med with cire satin in the same can find somebody that does know bright color The skirt is diaphan- how to run them Perhaps the 22- ous and the corsage is draped grace year-ol- d Russian girl Marie would fully from shoulders to waist The come over flowers are bright red poppies with fragile green stems and the Consider the aged German Eck- sash ties in a soft loose bow with ener whose dirigible short ends at the left side of the runs back and forth safely as it waist There is a leghorn hat to cas done for years between Berlin accompany trimmed with poppies and Brazil earning money while and sprays of wheat and a band Germany builds the greatest dirig of bright red velvet ribbon It is a ible ever built broadbrimmed affair with the back turned up and caught by the velMayor Stewart of Camden New — vet Jersey telegraphs the - news that i Z BY RODNEY DUTCIIER The Well Dressed Man Bobbinf and Dancing Young- Marie's Dirigible The Mayor of Camden : V-sha- ' The Inside of Washington ODAY - somewhat restricted or at least that they be not slaughtered merely for the sake of the slaughter It urges more consideration for animals by those who drive motor cars Millions of animals are killed and maimed annually by careless motorists The cooperation of the entire public is asked in the protection of the stray cat and dog by reporting these strays The homeless dog and cat are among the great est animal sufferers It is a real kindness to report them to the animal society All owners are urged not to leave their pets behind when they depart for summer vacations Animals left to shift for them selves can only suffer starvation disease and slow death iThey are also likely to contaminate wanted pets "Be Kind to Animals" anniversary is primarily a plea for animal kindness not only during this week but for the other fifty-on- e weeks of the year as well "'P!"r- - s--- and a lot of fishing tackle guns and pipes around to give it & homey look and a homely smell "I suppose there are times in both a career and matrimony when the woman wishes she had taken the other fork ef the road But at the end of one there are pussy cats and long lonesome evenings and at the end Of the other are the laughter of children and tender hands to tuck a lacy shawl around the old girl en chilly mornings "The woman who has a career may accumulate a bit of fame and enough money to keep the : wolf from having pups en her door matf but when the checks? are counted at the end of the game she has nothing left but her money The girl who takes unto herself even a third-rat- e husband has lived loved laughed suffered worried and maybe cried herself to sleep a lot of nights but around her when she is Wrinkled and will be a lot of people to love her and give her the proudest title a woman can wear— 'Mother "Any woman who does long time looking can make quite as much of ft career Of matrimony as she can ofinterior decorating music art er literature Making beds is no more monotonous than psychology — ' is not one Whit less interesting thar the study ef color line and forms and has infinitely more thrill and the making of a budget and carrying it through IS fully as thought provoking and just plain provoking as trying to decorate Mrs Bottle-beer- 's j - began to trouble the It isnot neces- — ciicuirLSfcances oi tne trial Its conduct admitted were-oa rt to make many §S2bF £ of accused but far thii ?£eal guLlt: at they had beendeniedthS made the victims of race prejudice ftVrif i° to the supreme court appealed tgh?!HnitS th£c£sls that ther constitutional point w£?ch waiSS i negroes were systematically excluded namely from t tfken— Juries For this reason the original and a new trial ordered That was had dSetinTe tBs £Sm was to the supreSI samePPeal taken an? ?e court that again b£en deprived of their constitutional tSev had righSvsolS entitled to a new trial which the court ordered Jnmlt Hughes said that there was no disagreement on thePrSnt at was that negroes eligible to reWarlv exl eluded the trial was vitiated In the conWutional the erdict would not be allowed to This judgmeS Sous the highest court in the land stand is the rights of the humblest citizenanxious The 5ief finally feemd ? importance But witrfthe tf£s JMatIvelymtle the Proportions of a celebrated causef The tSt ak:eS under the supreme court was placed has beS e:met in the finest tradition of Judicial &del'el&: have showed that loTe V1 justice the smallest as the greatest The aswell they have made in this case cannot fail SnnTeStne whole country People may well hope to be spSeaenlwal ? in m?f the lower court Sght not Proceedings S!°nnffa state find sufficient reasons ?H-nalrfadv in what his i a pardon in order to do f°r issuing julti and atP'i same time free dufcroi courts the Ioin?o5 from the tith a case which ha howu Jhat may be jr0Ught prciuSice'isl lowed" to :ace Impartial justice? & jt' Remember that dogs cats and other animals to be kept healthy and happy must be fed and watered properly and given The history of men is written in their clothing Every intelligent tall regular exercise The society pleads that the slaughter of or should read Carlyle's "Sartor Re sartus" animals and birds' by alleged sportsmen be Scientists tell you that men and JUSTICE FOR NEGROES (Detroit News) four years since the case 'of the negro boys at r i ' - ballet-danci- PINIONS of the -- if there aren't any men's clothe: f fun scattered around where they fell liniment for her rheumatism when sh$ has to retire to an arm chair beside the epen fire f "The girl who looks into the future realizes that ft career may be fun while she is careering but one of these days she is going to wish she had a few- lucky sons and new home daughters around to look after her and a few grandchildren to look woman can a fine "Any and the career out ef 6 man make after when they have colic All she has i ii croup to do is be careful ln htr selection Th lmg tims thinker mong of her raw material and she can women knows that the prettiest furnished apartment a career can his clay she can direct him like a earn for her is not going to be —any musician directs a symphony she can develop him like a physical the AAA could think of now when the education teacher develops western edge of the wheat belt is bodies of a class ef girls and she can have the best fun of all by dothe chief Jprospective sufferer bushels ing all this without ever letting the Another? cut of a billion dear dumb creature know that sht meat mean would corn in the crop ever gave him the least push in of so the that theory high prices r crop reduction probably couldn't any direction "A bachelor is always In 'demand stand the strain as fourth at something and can also have Current higher prices led AAA to fear secretly that it ask women to go places with him will be harder in the future to but a career woman is an eternal can sit all evekeep farmers from "chiseling" on fifth wheel She for her telephone to ning waiting reduction contracts does and hot she can't if it a ring Combined with relatively a do It One of the about thing this city purchasing power en books chosen is never work her of return ft to lead partial might atas as some warm the of hand the surplus conditions existent when tractive man — AAA started "Then there Is the one bis argu Wheat farmers now that crop re- ment favor of matrimony instead strictions have been abandoned of a in career There was never a are benefit to receive and they or a bad one a wise1 Woman good not do reductions for they payments er a foolish one a sophisti-make may insist that the arrange- woman or a simple woman who down cated are ment be continued though they her in heart did not sigh for deep reducan anticipated signed up for arms around her feel of the baby tion program next year touch neck the dimpled baby to The reason AAA continued pay hands on her face ofand the snuggle with was had that it them signed up of ft warm baby body against her them for a three year program Meanwhile Wallace and his men breast "No picture no piece of music no find some comfort In the belief that possible piece of creative art can meat prices aren't going much high- ever be as much her very own as er if any Housewives are finding her and the woman who has baby substitutes for meat many people not had success one no not is can't buy it any more and: this is one knows it bettera than sheand does" the season of year when consump"I don't J like the thought that wo- XI tion is most likely to begin Jailing men must iiiuuiu iiiuuiutud meir off in any case The combination careers" said Father ponderously of factors tends to keep down the "If a woman is smart enough t£ prices mould her husband's career she is (Copyrighi 1935 NEA Service Inc) too smart to let him know she is doing so!" laughed Lucy glad of AUTO THIEF GOT 'TICKET" opportunity to be flippant to hide Officers HOUSTON "Your mother never in any way William R Allison and Ernest A Boehler give a smiling motorist a tries to influence me" said Father "All of which goes to prove sometraffic ticket for running a light took and the slip thing or other!" laughed his daugh"George Dixon drove away A check -of license ter smiling lovingly at her mother Copyright 1935 McNaught plate revealed "Dixon"- had JustJ stolen the machine Syndicate) i ! ithe lawmakers lVIombg Oreakfast ! ! ! n Sonia told me last night that she is going to be an interior decorator remarked Brother Fred at the breakfast table "So sbi has decided on a career" replied Lucy flippantly 'Coaimend her" said Father laying d4wn his paper There are many avenues open to women today in which they may make careers for themselves It is my belief that a woman's place 1 in th4 home To the women ef my day matrimony was career enough But these modern girls are unfitted f or th6 serious work ef motherhood and housekeeping and the ones who make careers for themselves at least show that they do not want to be parasites" "it aa? depends on whether they or the scme-- of have the right-no" mind day type laughed his daughter "I fear hat all too many of them hare wha you term the right-notype ef mind and think only of matrimony" said Father "You have your money en the wrong horse said Lucy "The right-no- w type of mind is the one which goes in for a career The some-da- y type looks a bit into the future and j I c d j un-restor- ed 4 1 1 — J! — 1 f Tex--(UP)- — -- 5 ds Camden launched a two million doi ocean-goin- g tank steamer This completes in ten months Camden's five million dollar shipbuilding uro gram a cheerful prosperity straw in tne wino mings are better Why xiub say so CBeairaed lar Six weeks ago the placid allies Deuevea mat Germany was unarm ed Sir John Simon repeats to the commons Hitler's statement that Germany fighting air fleet- is as great as Britain's fleet Almost as easily as a racketeer prepares for action by buying a revolver a nation can now for war and destruction by prepare swiftly building an air fleet - Mow tor o Vl©dIy W ay P©o O supreme service gives your clothes longer life brightens coland removes all dust dirt and ors grease without harm to velvets taffetas crepes sheer chiffons and other fine fabrics! AND ODORLESS SAFE iThis L 'A - ! In Onr YOUR CLOTHES STAY CLEAN AND LOOK BETTER LONGER WHEN TREATED BY OUR MODERN PROCESS! Laundry Dept Liu Those that know President Roose velt and remember that he would stni be commander and chief of the army and navy for two months af ter the election of any dictator- do not worry They are convinced that by order of the president such a dictator would be more apt to move into Atlanta prison than into the White House' TEd© Be deadly - The Methodist Federation for Service says the three most con spicuous broadcasters at present are rivals "for the leadership of our developing Fascism" and sends out a warning that three radio contestants "seek the leadership of the unawakened masses If this country is to have a "Fas cist dictator " ' and anvthinsr can happen would it not be wiser for the Methodist federation to buy a microphone and groom its own dictator candidate? In a dictatorship everything depends on the dicta- - ! Dept 0 m fill - 19 pounds In Our Laundry ivy nsM Tlasfi AH Hat Pieces Ironed lb liV |