Show THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINE- THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 31 1935 R C nation's credit This credit is in fact merely 3 away with a pound box at a sitSIDE GLANCES a deferred use of the government's power to By George Oark ting take the money away from its citizens by v For the expert or even casual taxation In the end the bill will have to be PUBLISHING COMPANY ISV! :!WM: ornithologist bird life is packed with interest Every yard has a bird bath paid and in some way or another it will be By ARTHUR BRISBANE A L GLASMANN EDITOR AND MANAGER 1934 Features feeding lawn and friendliness s and (Copyright King Fran Is Francla and D J Greenwell Associate Edltora found that most all of us have contributed of the birds becomes a feature cf Syndicate Inc) " to the payment according to some measure AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER the al fresco breakfast After a come to time the many table Dole Better The right Than our we come Published Every Evening and Sunday Morning Without a of ability to contribute If PALM BEACH Jan 31— Among There are innumerable doves jays Chickens and Chipmunks Muzzle or a ciuo the comical chewink Get a New Idea through right side up it will be worth it for worldly callings is that of chief cardinals Members of The Associated Press United Press NEA flicker and now awTSw humming Smaller Earth the too clerk at a smart resort hotel Ej then a flock of bird will Service and A B C consequences of long a continuation do a sU quail ) must know his of the chronic unemployment of a great Social across file a The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to tha use for as march gle clipclosely Register Americans old and young Many of all news dispatches credited to It or not lawn republication Also well as birds the Almanac de Gotha and ped and mocking number of the people may be dire Disease feel that the best way to solve to cmerwise crecutea in tnis paper and also the local news is to let government be an adroit differentia ter He must a profusion of wood sparrows At problems day's ' death appalling suffering finally reach the pay the bills SUBSCRIPTION PRICES I watched a humming bird while handling the patron a regis breakfast By Carrier 75c a Month By Mall— Must Be Paid In and whirr fly backwards about a an? Is The "dole" word stasre revolution n chana nnrl unpleasant of disorder Advance— 65o a Month $700 a Year In Utah Idaho — w try the pen hibiscus J bush They are1 i separate from — Japanese sheep Nevada and Wyoming All Other States f 100 a Month uiau uas come iu aescnoe ait govfools the end the destruction Of all safety and ernment an appetizing for not the spiders goats' employment and govern breakfast CALL 252 FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS thought ment Aman is emergency should he snot fnrnew order is built Instantly charity tha security until a erican Institution- popular with mil nunter ir tnese gleaners find iune "So far the national credit stands the lions growing more popular My chair 'boy "a ringer for Bill lodgement wealthy patrons for the Robinson The Standard-Examiner- 's Platform boasted today he was are season however There other and with ways attractive daughters charioteer for strain put upon it It stands it because means of Douelas Fairbanks nn will move out Then there are the dealing with the depresA Modern City and County Building a r recent visit you mean Fairbanks is confidence there in the as sion government con recently observed by the A New City High School adventuring ladies the profession- the scales man?" I oueried in a on to a writer al California handkerchief dronenrs th puny effort to clown trip fidence Control of a Pure Water Supply to Accommodate 150- will not to resort that it the He puzzled attempt 000 Persons lODoies wno make a oolite formal a to ana create moinem worthless with which down and to of repueai xassan the Mojave desert note pay enormous blackmail money Up City and County Road ImproveVigorous Campaign over them" scales ments Leaps things at houses of ranchers and Exclusive inns house the slickest stopping pay its debts Scenic Road to Mount Ogden and Road From Ogden homesteaders a voune man hauls of the international fishers for From my window I see a fishinar Canyon to Weber Canyon a behind small sucker money In the relaxing traila automobile nowever meantime ine in popular Another North and South Arterial Highway smack slanting home on ah ever of tea or verandah rung breeze bridge golf An Improved Highway to Great Salt Lake runs riot with astronomical cal- imagination sky tumbles into rocking contacts otherwise dim the ocean's The A Central Place On A Transcontinental Air Route blue in a larv deen dilations of what the government can af-- ors the farmer free a neat sign cult are easily made Big hauls that crumble A cricket goes of marigold never reach print are made in such into Ior conviction TTa "IlZaouars ford to SDend PeoDle whose actual — lonely obbligato and somehow oe luxe surroundines 01 trespassers tie aerrees to rtav ALIBI WITNESSES seems tremulous and a bit tne world enue wiui money consists 01 tne nanoling of ine Iuty dollars Thus the chief clerk must have too exauisite for achey a Scotland Yard er He is well paid dubs As hauntinelv TTHE alibi is being worked to the limit by dollars and dimes consider billions as tiia-Second he offers free an instru- roseate reverie the expands his for season brief and often 1 the defense in the a hunting lodge up north in sum- you rather expect a stern traffic cop to:' Hauptmann case The they could-bplucked out of the thin air mer Or is manager of a swank to congeal out of the mist with: of implements This establishes own- statement is made that Reilly the principal They think that it costs nobodvJ anvthins- PTKhln "Hey you pull up there i at the nnH Vkuul6' rsmlnHs Knrrnnlnn yacht club In other days he got curb " Such dreams couldn't last I nuntne tor defense has had many At the best they think of it as a bill that neighbors to brmFback the hoe valuable market tins A numher are lawyer (Copyright 1935 McNaught Syndl- independently well off dred criminal cases in JNew x ork and New somebody else will have to pay who can snovel or pickaxe catej house The detective too here is Jersey and has not lost one of them If that afford it" Finally the young man offers a above the averaze He must hav n is true his record needs looking into to de year's subscription to an asxicultur- -l photographic mind for the world ai weekly in exchange for "four col termine his methods In the large cities it KEEP WITHIN BOUNDS and his wife who drift through the ored hens" or roosters They must eiaDorate foyers One of the oldest 1935 be colored he will not take leghorns T is nor dimcuit to get witnesses who for II7ITH OFF the revenue of the state estimated at customers of the house dicks is the white- 1 V Ml not will them they vZ money win swear wnite is DiacK and if $49274fi75n th rfiffprpnt Hotn0nf ar too u&m An buyn William "We haven't met one really interesting person We may as M casey 'dothe for I iarade nmll In this case a crime would be committed cf the state have asked for annrnnri ti nn watching avfowl Years Ago !rwUI wi nave outjrcu uuini 20 years During summers he sleuths sixteen irom to waging-twenty homes nf the lanr? ' nWt the nnnrn aainst — aoout the race tracks which are From Our Files 7 ? T pounds in weight for the Jour sell- tuutuiig $Qooux)to nests buzzards for who live their as by u uie Kidnaping itseir oy persuocKing A meetiruf of business men of Gar wits Palm Beach hotels have had 1 4 ks4c VJ± t nnr ux xxvio den and Salt Lake City will be held but two big hotel robberies and they o JuiJr dollars ' IpoiHojuowuc wcic UdCdUJU 114- uL'it oiwa UV LillCj Uine (jiwiui ouiic iCKliSldlUiB '"o in the uxjui latter place next Monday to were more t"h than ten years ago nnvirnr fnr iwcsHiT discuss — the prohibition bilL and the other inducements" Fpw vuvjr vauuut cAwmii yvjfooFOREST SERVICE BILL beach instead Milady's armers najamas have money nearly JdbYb out of the of Utah for the desert of the usual full length with bell J O Waneseard and others of desert farmers have hens state senate on Wednesday passed a property owners taxpayers THE otheYs and now bottoms Huntsville have formed a rnrnnra not have strike the the — midway 1211 I — m i rii t Mn nmny x i ntrici vuuunr f Jt nr T"viUwun nAim knee tion and ankles — for establishment of a peaar the and give m appear a iavw partner west noiiywood uiuucy wiui wnicii to meet tne aemand j ance or a snort skirt most and The vegetable canning factory in ththJF ty giving the United States forest service There is only one thing for the law- striking are of snowy silk serge with vaiiey a few more daring in brilliant red uu auuc ujr pm- - maners to ao and tnat is keeD within the Plants tne correct number hand and purple C M Rand and Frank Reed horse They are worn with maae chase any private lands its cares to add to ability of the people to pav oi ouiuwjr aim Buusuanixaiiy a shirts fez and sport concrete on the lawn before each of Garden City Kansas are buyersTIIE BLACK FOX the forests This bill was passed in exactly in ogden buying animals for the itetrenenments must be enforced and house selected Bridge hounds have eliminated European war zone He does not disturb the house By THORNTON YV BURGESS the form in which the author said the for economy practiced in every Jaraneh of gov- - owner the great hunt known as looking but leaves a polite note saya est service people desire it to be passed A ernment ior lourth A variant of the game ing he hopes th number on the Possession gained by stealth or L Blosser has returned from was -launched here several years aeo hisJ old lawn will "the owner house desire to amend it to a form in which the please home in Kansas by one of the seasoned veterans" J He calls after a few days to take Dothmight not establish this right-by fish and game association of the state was NOT PREPARED Leonard Replogle and this season back the number or get his tav —Old Mother Nature Licenses to marry have been tne game has reached proportions of and a makes Bhe income favorable was firmly and definitely voted CRANK N BELGRANO good Issued a by the county clerk to Clarfurore The called is the compastime Jr national Glutton the Wolverine was havence H Spider of Ogden and Sarah down name "Towie" mav be and silly A iman1oi sC fVin A wnmon : T At California i ji Robert ing a good time Yes sir he was so Hodge played by three persons or five in E Moore H E Harmon and Rose This measure is of great importance to America Heckley fifteen years old has signs He was living well which in itself deed anyv number And thus elim- Olsen of Ogden and to Claude Huss "one of the is na- on tne highway at some distance was worst" prepared to make feel him one enough good inates the us: 1 bickerings and dirty and Marie Zelta Walker also of interested in the work of checking tions in the world every on either side of hir father's side considering that it was the time j looks between partners as well as Ogden of his father's farm gate reading of year when food is scarce for erosion along the waterways of the state mortems Many enthusiasts be post uesert turtles and chipmunks for most of the people in fur and feathand wm make possible the protecting of the correct lieve State Senator C R Mayby of it will supplant the horse — sale Also chipmuik cages Chin ers And he was oF a mean outwitting contract I Davis b county will be the principal munks headwaters make fine pets" nwr arH fVir Duuamg a navy — -some- his and - T of thftOen robbing traps s speaker in the Sixth ward chaprflih none and find mak-the caees timos rfoaHncr thA utfor Young Heckley nrf streams which are receiving the attention of the lilt' One WVVWLWmUUW have his VJ cake and here may liv Sunday: ovi n er °°ys lo Deip ar hie miserable for him So Glut too eat A u MrMW Or it rather it stuff the conservation forces of the forest service mands an was having a good time If I can't get that fellow and he who pass up cake elsewhere People invar- a water main trench in" In army of sufficient strength to pro- - plenty of the big desert turtles For tonThe trapper keeps on with bis mischief I'll was not He was havwoir Mrs it Fiske to Ogdendigging used laDiy ne it was found that tect this country against invasion with a cnipmunks recently charges twenty five ing anything but a good time He to have give up this trap line round in just for a few morsels of frost had penetrated cents each ior desert turtles fifty knew who was thirty-foSPENPING national guard and a trained citizen reserve cenis and one dollar acord'ng to robbing his traps proached the trap which had held cake and there are some who have inches of what they caught and of the rECLARING that certain limits must be sufficient to meet the for breakfast Coconut cake Robert has taken in one hun bait the black Fox he was m a rage You slices demands of war He size course no one when of is world famous but oth been had caught can guess how his anger increased dollars this season buys his He knew who was Wheat in the Chicago market is placed on spending an economist says: ers same melting succul have would increase our air defense and in every dred the he it and doing own ciotnes has money in the savwhen some discovered he at the highest price since the of tufts quoted ence did his to "Some people have the idea that because wav sret readv for the Hav wVi best The horrible concoction known civil war catch that Wolverine ings bank on black snow hair the It is selling at $152 a or to shoot him but all to no pur- and knew as French pastry is never served a bushel what then he had t0 prize it He was getting very little fur lost Then with a lingering P°?'Cr challenged by an enemy or a number of en- - "The dole" is not the only de- pose his anger gave way to Another all because and taste Devis of Indian that wiai tucjr nave me power 10 create lu rseuei emies grapefruit candy I did pression solution for Americans of il as he called Glutton complete discouragement He had ' Local aItalian organizations are a no certain kind doubt that in time he could "get The thing is to have e oi txus power and tne temp- fund for those in This country" does much raising "If I h " a new idea and carry it to suc can't get that fellow nd that Wolverine but meanwhile he oil cod liver oil extracts or irra distress in relief & swprin — 00 native the land tation tn hsp if Vinvo hnon" cn efnnr& of he on cess with ca his mischief I'll keeps would suffer too great a loss He diated milk and also to make cer X without ioreign of diplomacy any IZ: thought to give up this e and Would give up and go back to his tain that their diets contain enough The dlfflCllltV ?S that could not be resisted Disaster has beriP-o hl— W Trttonrr have back to' the old trapping grounds old trapping Motors' chief calcium to take care of the crowth to Ogden Valley farmers have falle of General f° engineer XCiSCiiUlXlg ground The Toss of the or been the invariable result Paper money is our contract for sufficient acreage of 1 d last himto said he out bones and teeth silver Fox was the last straw year" in Good Housekeenw points in foreign affairs intermeddling self as sugar beets to warrant the Amalgahe started out to make his (Copyright 1935 by T W' Burgess) good only so long as it has something of magazine is tnat "a man cannot If we are to continue to tell other na have mated visits to the traps "He has Sugar company stressing the new ideas when he is scared regular Another interesting substance value back of it As soon as governments tions what to do me robbed of project least at half new catch we and ideas are what the world my have learned much The next story: "Glutton Was Too about which and what not to do this needs is Iron The administration of already and he has been too cun smart" now" lately attempt to stamp paper with values unback- country should be The Ogden High school ning for me to even get a" glimpse iron was found helpful in curing prepared to meet all ed by the ownership of anything it becomes eventualities team defeated the North Cache infants of anemia and at the same General William Mitchell com- oi mm time these children suffered a great county high school team yesterday worthless Repeated attempts to get away mander of all our flying force In Far ahead of him Glutton was deal less from infections of nose witn a score or 22 to 10 the big war knows more about na also making the round of those with that kind of inflation are based upon and throat and disturbances of the tional defense than anybody in this traps Presently as he approached King Zog of Albania has failed to find the stomach of where Place to the and be one knew he was It is reported by livestock men country consulted persistence fallacy that things which an intelligent American heiress with $1000- - He writes to ought set are a a source Fox a saw he of iron that the price of draft horses will be Eggs friend °r good seventy years something are free cost nobody anything As a matter uuu to Liver is also a good source but much higher because of the demand piacK against the snow He squint her because he asks too oio as loiiows: marry of fact somebody invariably has to pay for much Can't he be milk which forms the basis of most irom Europe By DR MORRIS FISHBEIN "During your lifetime have come ed his eyes that he might see bet satisfied with the mil ter or the infant diets does not contain much electric the of sun on the and glare telegraph a resort to printing press money when a lion? telephone iron snow nurt tnem tne gasoline engine with its accom- FEED YOUR CHILDREN ON OUSTS DOG SLACKER A diet which gives the growing Ha! exclaimed Glutton ' as he government tries to pay its bills by creating iVrx paniment of automotive vehicles the SCIENTIFIC LINES EXCELSIOR Mo- SPRINGS child hurried substances forward must the and must be submarine world 'That The tha airplane ) right money instead of taking it away from its Ferdinand Pecora has become a New is now only amount of (UP)— Even a mother doer knows1 as large as Mack Fox who stole the bait from Instinct About Diet and Growth have a considerable citizens by taxation It all finally comes out York state wnen you appeared If this develop- - anotner trap tne other day and Has Given Way to Knowledge milk certainly from a pint to a that relief is not given to families court supreme Wall or member at least a pound of that list an ment justice on coasted smart how was '! is he He it goes to difficult Based on Years of Experience quart daily of the same end of the horn say street is a little happier to report who refuses & to Brownie 'work a also and wnai may tase place in the next probably doesn't think himself so vegetables Witu Youngsters "The present national administration is female smart calls as of such tomatoes for her din fruits row" Will seventy years mongrel pound the biological was the black Fox and he bananas and apples or ner each day from a local philan oranges of the supremacy races ' it domyellow The in time a is when' any past engaged i gigantic undertaking to pro Wilbur Glenn Voliva predicts we're in inate or will the military suprem- wasn't thinking at all for he was formed person is fruits thropist She steadfastly refuses to to claim that dried should likely mote economic recovery and to prevent for a lot of trouble so also Schell a stranoinff nun to It dead The cereals not far had of been acy race visited the permit provide white be trap ne able knows what is some meat fat and since the to maintain our culture this instinctively year for several a ho and and her on the trip apparfrozen had sugar accompany days acute suffering through a liberal use of the world is and standhealthful and is not healthful little cod liver oil t& an extra ards? The world Is crowine so small to death It often happens to the in the way of what she will be eliminated supposed to have ended last fall ently fearing ana so increasingly populated that peopie caugnt in steel traps dread-on- e There are foodsome women irom "relief" the toil still who ful as it seems or ODAY I I U 1 X i - I : TLfy t 'Sto'XSP- I ffi - I -- ! - (£) BY NEA SERVICE IKC M o BEO U S PAT I I V ed old GDEN 20 I 1 - edge-vest- 1 - 1 -- I I - — " 1 1 "T 1 -r M —V I 1 i JT&nJfSSd'SSf uwviuuo fw - - -- " ffu -o- trap-pe- ls o-- I L A -- ' i ur silver-tipp- ed fulu13 tid-b- -- -- V lll - — trap-lin- TVTr HEALTH TALKS' j one-six- th able-bodi- well-assort- ed ed - - The coat of that oaa at a distance seemed ai believe however that they know black It wasn't So many of the instinctively what is best in the Five hundred million Asiatics hairs were tipped with white that way of food and training for the united building for themselves the tnat coat seemed to have a silvery cmid While it is true that many lower necessary air transportation - and sneen xnat jfox was what is called animals seem to recognize instinc fighting machinery might bother f Silver Fox really a red Fox who tively the necessity ' of various us considerably Just happened to have a black and food substances to them in keep silver coat instead of a red one This richest nation elves a ennd it has been well established imitation of Persia Just before Alex- - like those of his parents And this health maoe tnat coat one or the most by scientific feeding experiments anoer arrived of human inteUi By the "biological supremacy of valuable in the world a coat that tnat application to feeding animals results in tne yellow races" General Mitchell men would pay large sums of money gence oetter nutrition even for them means their excessive fertility and ior you are really serious about course This of Glutton did not theIf best ability to endure hardships and ex for your children know as on stood a he ist lower standard of living looking down at you will nutrition do well therefore to in that Fox It wouldn't have made form Not content with beine reduced any difference if he had known To of i yourself about the basic facts diet and to feed your children was just anotner fox flying irom a great empire to a small aua according "backyard by the last Hapsburg there another meal for a hungry developed to the knowledge already Austria thinks it wants another em- - wolverine Glutton went to work It has been proved by controlled peror and Prince Starhemberg'wlll When he had finished there was that is it possible with experiments say wnen utue Prince Otto shall utue remaining to snow wno naa the kind of feeding to develop right en caught in that trap mount the throne That will mean cmidren who are better chyslcallv Ifc was Just as Glutton was unhappiness eventually for the trying every way young prince and a good actor to decide if he would carry off and insome hide the trap that the faintest of Puerto years ago children in spoiled for Hollywood Rico were observed to suffer — v j lamt sounds caused him to pause little with because it was President Roosevelt disnlavs sound and stand motionless as he listened their habit rickets to in the outdoors I There it was play er Judgment annomicing that he will again a faint with little sunlight very clothing moclack Glutton turned und in a nobody for vice presidential on their bodies In this way they ima cusappearea xnat trap- - developed running mate m 193S except John rmeni' enough vitamin D in earner irom Texas Mr Garner a er was coming I was the trapper and he was in their bodies1 to prevent that first class American knows mora about taxation amoner other th in ° I anything but good humor Each of These children did however suf i— i oeea naa huan anyooay at present m Wash- - I ! itui' Aive sprung fer from malnutrition of a severe imps but he had no fur to show for it degree ington simply because they did not in one had been thefoot of a Mar- - get of the right kinds of I ten and enough by the signs he knew that food Everybody who thinks he Vnna ttmt I Marten eaten been had about money has been watching the by Children in the United States in supreme court wondering whether I s woiverme one trap was missing most do not get enough viits decision on the subject of sold and three others had been sprung tamin cases rvai--f because in I um aa P? our wouia unoo an iresident Roosevelt's I luw cities sunlarge hardly enough finaricial plans such as taking ail comes smoke the ngnt through the gold away making irold almost I screen to permit them to develon double its nominal value giving the ly knows anything about money the vitamin in own bodies their -country temporarily a sixty nine is like electricity we know it It it- therefore becomes necessary cent dollar etc is there hut nnt krw in this country to give children viThe situation is somewhat cpmpli- -i is tamin D in tha form of cod liver wecome OPINIONS of FRESS JUST WHAT INSURANCE MEN ARE SAYING (Baltimnre "Rvpnlnfr ctmt I used to wrestle with human beNow I wrestle wi'h thoueht George Hackenschmidt one-tiwrestler turned philosopher j tionNto thrDridPen?i1nSe2PPositlon' P""!? vigorous opposl- - ings — me ' Vr — Z— 77 — " "ooui""'-- auciety c 15 taKlnST na Dart in it In a statement on the leacues to rememhpr what subject this observer invites his rni risk insurance of 1917 and 191Attkat were frightened half to death Herwas ithe SvSSSSSl rnmnanv would r to a Pfyatem w aij a rate tnat im Iiem ed sharply as ng m retMr Parkinson reminds insurance men that on th — — nwiciw hp i ? thltTenerk-tiTved- " De The men in the navy are sound and do not take the ideas of the Reds seriously — Secretary of the wavy ciaude swanson The nation has tried to accomplish in one generation that which unaer ordinary and prudent circum stances it should take a country a hundred years to bring about Percy' II Johnson New York - olthi : i S ( ccUnStl : ' ujt THESE PICTURES SHOWEDM odcrn Ease Sore Throat Ease Pain Rawness Sorenes? Almost Instantly ' t 1 9"Sh-- 4 BAYER Aspirin in a third glass cf water o-- s la-e1- Here's a safe modern and effective way to relieve sore throat A way that eases the pain rawness and irritation in as little as two or three minutes Many doctors advise it and millions are fol lowi n 0 th ! wav Trv iL All you do is crush and stir i5AXhii Aspirin Tablets in H glass of water and gargle with it twice-as pictured here (If you have signs of a cold take BAYER Aspirin and' drink plenty of water) Get real BAYER Aspirin Tablets for this purpose They disintegrate quickly and completely making a gargle without irritating particles BAYER Aspirin prices have been decisively reduced so there's no point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want — click-consid- " Way to Three-Minu- te I nrrr What actually happened wis EVevr owas immesely widened s owwp impressed tne value of ance on the minds of four million Si I am not really very familiar with prospects and did fectiveness that the most eloquent solicitor could Sot3&iL It the American people or their insti We msurance ever tutions Perhaps it is because I am in the histo o?fhe coBuSrf not a movie fan — Sheila Kaye fi?-fSmith tta British author espresident Is C CPTitiallv — """" Si wmaaues oner in their policies The government is saying in effect that evTry marTSSt Profit is the reward of the smart have some provision for old age even If it has to hfm in a world of inequalities operator consentwithout his That is what the insurance coSpanies — Dr Paul H Nystrcm professor of been now always arguing they find what has merelv been ihZr marketing at Columbia University argument about to be written into the law wonaer the prospect moves Mr Parkinson to declare: V 'Just as the business of life insurance received tremendous fm EVERY SHOT COUNTED petua from the successful efforts of the government to a ANDOVER Me" —(UP)— Ralph sizeable amount Ql insurance on the Uves of all called to G Waite of this town makes every so do I believe that social Insurance agitation forwarded Presi- shot count For the past five sea dent Roosevelt and his official associates will result to bv sons wait has shot at least one renewed appreciation and great stimulation of life insurance activities both deer with the first bullet fired He individual and group" bought a box Cf 30 cartridges tht ° PPPOsed it would be first season and still uses cartridges from the priginal bos 1 P i the other will undoubtedly master" 4 Carets Thoroughly— throw your head way back allowing a little to tnckle down your throat Do this twice Do not rinse mouth - : - H V y°y tisve a cold taka 2 BAYg Tablet Aspirin Drink full glast of water Repeat if neccjsary faiwica ecticra in package 15 W $adinl Genu aa Reduced tayar Aiplrin en JJl 5kj |