Show next story: The Too TenSally Sly's right iut of the nest" derThe Heart j Robin iiecifxes? Weican 257 X- - W JSux-es- s) THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINE£&fyrigi£ i ISC £ioolc taer Mrs Redeye &j Hal X5? VJNS OGDEN UTAH THURSDAY EVENING "I wouldn't dare' try it" said she Fliers By THORNTON W BURGESS Few women swear according "I would be alraid of kicking a pastor Maybe shedding a to and ' was own first Roosevelt out one of my-eggs Theodore tears brings the same refew Warbler low A LOT OF FREE ADVICE there are onlv Shree oi those of the U S presidents to fly to said Mrs she sults dear" "My now Sally SlyTkicked out one! while Franklin Delano Roosevelt Free advice without excuse what can tell "I you just Redeye Seldom is of any use she laidjfier own m us was the first to fly while serving Not to be outdone by every Dolomites to do You should do just what before — Nature in Mother Old Pioneered Climbing term his place man who has his price every English — One after and?her the Old Or-- i Ran" 'news always travels fast! I have done" a siiidii wuiiiti COFFMAN woman has her figure RAMON t "Tin vnn mean to sav that Sallv chard folk offered advice and! By 'pitr Dolomites were given their how quickly The " mounProtection was Odd It small surprising with A country In some cases there's one adSly has laid an egg in your nestr none of it was ood It was of- name because they contain masses folk in the Old interrupted feathered is so the of all some the of Mrs the prod-iceMouth lea the1 dragon intentions best Redeye with has fered vantage in a TV set over a wife tains of the dolomite This j "of rock called the and Orchard edge cannot other harm hismeans" she is what it small that of didn't That it world You can turn the TV set off just climbers in help! the bit famous mountain Fnrest knew what had- said Sunshine who had justj Redeye and its for from itself known defend even is or rock all at fish dense hard j tory I am thinking of England colorAny hefty person can tell them "We have just fin-- j In the end they "decided to make enemies Its scle protection lies happened to Mr and Mrs Redjoined uau tit itW hnTAv tr think of Ensland beauty it is streaked with round me tuwuuu you how easy it is to eye haiiy biy ished taking care of that egg so the best of th 'matter and to in its astonishing shape and apjet veins all at She ful nest mountains in their on three squares laid an egg as having any that it will never hatch" pendages hatch out all the'fggs so that they would this done DoloMrs had asked There are low ranges in the Lake do?" did the are "What How you high Q By FAG IiY & SHORTEN "My Dear" said she to Mrs hatch that egg with their own Redeye eagerly District and the Penine Region A LAW BE OIIGHTA THERE more mites? tell can you just eggs and then take care of the Redeye" I hut only a few peaks rise "Buried it" said Mrs level all A- - Some of the peaks rise to what to do' save her and Cowbird than half a mile above sea MounSO WW AT' baby a lEEDAVE WHY LICENSE half and uua one ZiSn'WG- 1 from SEX A resident of the Rocky of oi troume uumg asked i mean?" do the "What heights you neigh-Aftthose 5-call of the would peaks a area 'Mf lot Adams course Mamo- Congressman tain SC'Ss' 5' 0f Mrs Redeye moun- to two miles One peak X HAD if than AvEs" it out -to find CJ-rather S hills" over GET f T "high built a second story on his term as president o? jbors flew lata is just short of 11 thouthat our"We found When true tains was over they We it nest built John States Quincy level right United sea the very rea- sand feet above a unico nf it was true each of them haa that egg so it really is buried" Perhaps that is thehave DETAILS? Dolomites j the of sides The taken to o f Among explained Sunshine son why Englishmen advice some to 1831 from the and and Representatives jagged special interest in the mountains are steep them was Mrs Sunshine the Yei- "But what about your own 2343 climb to hard are peaks countries cf other eggs?" cried Redeye Those who climb mountains During the past century WILLIAMS R Br J "They are buried too but it rope difficult usually with — slopes chief British subiects WAY OUR OUT had really doesn't matter They to the themselves together Usually we have O MY ly Englishmen —crossed Now EVE laid been HIM to SlVE ieet VOU'EE COMMA just mainland of Europe with a spe- they keep from Id IF HE'S 60MMA HAVE some more eggs in the upper part A RATH BEFORE NOO TAKE the to went TRAMP1M FUKI TH OF cial purpose They SOY "THAT S CBRfcAT— v r our nest Why don't you do of section of TRAVEL your ME For WITH the I'M &LAV TO SEE VOJ Alps Mountains and climbed W the same thing?" said Mrs SunCETTtKl" PIRTFEP Uf FlKlALLV TAKUsKS A LITTLE rWetterhorn the Monte Rosa the scrapbook &C7WMA IKI ALSO shine HES SOUR WTERE5T Matterhom and other peaks TAKE TH' COMSEQUEKlCEISi -' of Chinese People PAL'S The "I don't see how I can" Mrs Story iK Ai UAk r i ' iclimbed high parts is a leaflet offered free to all Later they Redeye said "I don't see how e Mountains JAJX fva klC Pvmnppc who send a readers Uncle Ray anybody could put a second story On the list of their conquests envelope on this nest I'm sure I can't" stamped we should place the Dolomites to Uncle Ray ruonsners syndiShe was auite right The nest Dozens of peaks in the Dolo- cate 30 North LaSalle Chicago of the Warblers was deep And v mites were climbed first by Eng- 111 ft a second story on it was to build lishmen between 80 and 90 years not difficult The nest of the ago Redeyes was a little woven basAll Meat Not ket with onlv enough depth to Q What and where are the meat The beef animal is not all keep the eggs safe from rolling Dolomites? 580 comes out I 'K''V"' A They are parts of the Alps —from 1000 pounds I would do" said 150 know what meat "I pounds lean of as known district pounds the in are and Welcome Robin who had come of bone ana a iew the South Tirolese Alps mis fat 85 pounds and Z'CVfiGO DAVIS over to see for himself what had to are lost shrinkage district includes land in southern pounds i r 117 also happened ? cutting Austria and northern Italy do?" asked would 1 BARBS STORIES BEDTIME R UNCLE RAY'S CORNER i i rK-l- j d I Mr-Redey- I — -- " u A'tV' M'h- er hun-Ar-a- YWAtfuz - m j A 57 WELL-BEIM- -- -i X WELL-e-e&JG- — m A JZZ ft T ft 1 — X self-address- ed "What TIZZY you' Redeye "I would kick that egg of By KATE OS ANN "By ALFREDSKDEIOi A KERRY DRAKE THE WORRV WART L vo ADC AlH I ONi VACATION — H ii -- i ii i i I With Major Hoople A i UTT 6t6 OCIfcTY BUT IT YOU MISS RANSOM WOULD HELP IF Wfc Hftu A PICTURE TUP ODDL0CATIOMFOR A KERRY?- - A HIGHLY INTELLIGENT y)PERTiTfO'& WOMAN ABOUT PHOTOS SGT DRAKE THQUGH I DID eivfc HifA UNC OP MINE V1H WRITING OH XT! LIKc HcK( HANyiNU OVER HER LIFE'S SAVING : VOl ! ww TfVULk'll UNDER- - ACI "www i gTOATNGEyg STAND win mv It -- i 1 ) f rm$ irlcKc OF A HOT& fcVfcKy J HE HAS OE 6£RVAtfT WHO TkAiut? HIM ALU uct VJITK AN) AdM IKMY EVEN OM THEr KinsrrvA vsioO"D5 Pika-f- ffN6S AND H& FF i CATARRH 0F rvnUKM AK-KA- FIND THE Tfi WiCLAj3 OUR BOARDING HOUSE iEGADbU5TER'lHC?utHtutvv we'll do our best to MAN WHO ROBBED SHE WAS THINKING OF MARRIAGE WHEN YOU'RE ON IN LIFE FRANK AND YOU GO HOME NlfoHT AFTER NIGHT TO AN EMPTY APARTMENT1 up TUINKING OF wwat HENRV SAID H7 WAS 1 Jit —— Pj-I- - - uJ - : 4 WARNER BROSTCARTOONS BUGS BUNNY 9 ' r ' rvr DO SOMETHING QUICK ! MY TWAlLwK'5 (BUGS r-- pJ s3 Jf - P'UNLAXPOC-LEAV- E " YEkV YA GOTTA KEEP HEAD IN THESE KIND ISC SS i A- ' a- V 8 4 m K: I J Arent you athamed sir to accept money from aj woman?" BMP strange rwca 1ST br W By CARL ANDERSON HENRY MAV pop "5TOP COHDiSMUND THE- SUMMER - -- TCt ' YEAH?- i tvm r vnn WAS NOTHING WRITTEN tucdc BY WAV OF AMICE DID NOT GO OUT SKETCHING) THE pARK1 WHEN VOU II WfTH ME PIERRE TOOK ME TO THE FOKTKESS IN HIS WE AO VEW By SAUNDERS and AVOGGON STEVE ROPER t1Og M - UTTLE BO DARLING LEFT SKETCH-PA- IN D m iMTxrrrlX SMALL FErB —A COOL TTT WFVFC ABSENT-MINDE- D £13vMOSit Kill MAMA' HIS CAR— 5 VnwF PIERRE' wi'ui"iv j INCIDENTALLY- I HOPE YOUR INTEREST IN THE DAUGHTER HOT MAKING YOU OFT-HEART- ft: I KN0W5 WHEKt AN OLD MAN MIGHT 2s :" CONDITIOMED WT" -- — NVOULP VCXJ THEr I - — j a By V T HA51LIN ALLEY OOP By BUFORD TUNE DOTTY MM-MAV- — A-y size BE mo SWOULD FtCK UP A JIGSAW PUZZLE REGLJLAR j ?- - V r ro muss FOR THE KIDS- - Cfe r-- ! r—'zLlM size?WAULJI V—r T7! f miff y WALL-T- ITLI O -- K- FOR YEAR- S- X TIME NOW I M jT-n-A pr- - J j- "Z -r- rs n4s7 r t r m V ii j— H Ho By AL CAPP LI'L ABNER Fl HEX MORGAN ANOTHER FT f?CU&LE ? y D r-- SAKTENDER' T VES 5fK— BUT YOU PCOVE UP CALL ME A CAS V v( IN A CAR PlPhT ?fr TClfLE iSw By DALE CURTIS R TUAT T I r4t — I SlfT WHEN HADN'T BEEN PROVE IN NOW THAT PRINKIN& BEEN PRINK1N& XM NOT PR1VINC? cPPO-'TvJAR- NfT ViUFFOFA secret weapon: DAMAGED AT ALL v : a-var- X'Yfc j) Hi rV l" ''- III II lll trUtHl'lllI By FRED JJARJIAN RED RYDER Af sorr -- -G- wSi ICAC5 coThEcS V3i?-- 'liii ' V NO ON lAkl-Ua II ' MELRfc I IM r— 4r SH? C ii-- NOT T AT FWJ5ETP SiM-- E c£ i 7- rv V - jjXgffciinr n ft Tf -- tlwhmi— tu' MrxviSTER uwrv-- u YvnHI U S ARMVV By ETiGAS MARTIN vmrvs 7—- l S GOTTA BE USED TO LICK THIS 4 BOOTS AMD HER BUDDIES I r i USE THIS 'WEAPON WILD 1 - SHE JEST DIDN'T UNNERSTAN CIM in f- - r |