Show 11 radford ADFORD CABOT sc CO S aw regi negi lut int antry autry U S A are in receipt U of their spring stock 01 0 GOODS to which they tuv tue attention ot of the citizens ot of this Territory 3 at the oid old stand of aln air oward howard II great salt sat lake labe city V U T ath august 1858 1 21 2129 ago ag nores ROPES AND AIND TWINE tit xit A rope hopu and twine manufacturer W ly i lasso girta and net weaver ads again commenced busia ai at his old beaud lith ward aaril 3 7 S L olty city and those t that hat have bemp hemp flax horse oroz hir har of the tha tails talis and want any of the above worked on baliares or in any other way he Is on band tu to do dolt it 25 4 jonn JOHN 73 OUSE and aad C commission 0 1 u ion agent ha haa for tor or rent or sala two 11 rouse HOUSE or three stores t 0 r es in main maln street streett G S L city also everal beveral fc houses in good lobai fons ions and other desirable property eri Fri enquire quire st at his office adjoining geo Crony ns new neif provision store SE SETTLE UP S A 1 t 11 HU HUNTSMAN take lakes this method of informing worming I 1 all those who are indebted to him lor blacksmithing that he wishes them to call cail and settle up their accounts immediately A prompt sett settlement lemen of these debts will oblige him as be intends to build and aud make other improvements prove ments but can call not do eo 50 until this outstanding means Is paid in alty aug 1858 1853 LOOK OUT 0 from nu my enc erie impudent on provo bottom in 0 june lant last la one red lineback line back oxy OX red rea and white hatra mixed in the face tace ace about five or six bix years ears old branded W B n on right hip any apron delivering said ox to me roe or giving givina Inform information adon about him will be liberally warded rewarded rf re e on middle county road near big cottonwood south cottonwood ward G S L county 26 3 WILLIAM wllliam BOYES BOTES LOST TWO YEAR old black and white HEIFER she eha abut A went out with the rest of my cattle dating my stay at mountainville Mountain ville on the morning ot of of june gince since bince that time I 1 have never beerd heard of nor seen her sha she was two year old last spring has some white on the hips little on the back black ldes sides ides neck and head bead short in the legs brand on the left hip U B V brand upside down like unto this g A a hole in one ear believe it Is the tha right ear Who whoever can ove ulve me any information of her whereabouts I 1 will leward for tapir trouble HENRY P ROBBINS 26 3 kinsville davies county removal rem nEM OVAL ovan mue subscribers wish to inform the public generally arid and I 1 their FRIENDS in particular that they are still alive auva and in business on east temple street streets below cannons nagu errean gallery v a here it you will call louwill you will iud lud ind their museum and variety store open for the reception of customers consisting ol 01 ali all the tha varieties and curiosities that have heretofore cb character ased their establishment with many other additions too numerous to mention 24 4 A TAYLOR SONS NOTICE the hitherto carried on by W WHEREAS jennings winder having been dissolved 2 I 1 take taka this opportunity it of returning thanks to the public the tha age dge bestowed upon u and I 1 also wish to give giva notice that the tanning booi boot and shoe saddle maung Md liine ac will be carried on in all its ita bran hes at it the same old stand and solicit in inspection of mv my stock stoc k WILLIAM JENNINGS WANTED dark barb hydes hides 1 11 II I tatlow tallow butter butters eggs pork ac for which ahe the highest market price will be given NOTICE under izner having baving obtained a grant for the well THE tur known herd gro ground und W st A of af bear river riper in 41 box elder county propose taking from one ts five thousand head bead of horses hors cattie and add mules to herd duding during thi the coniing comine fall fail and winter for and an 1 l water privileges the Is not surpassed by any in iche ahe territory of utah the being beang mm inn of responsibility as also experienced herdsmen meny expect to sive kive entire satisfaction to all reasonable persons who may favor them with their patronage pat nat ABRAHAM HUNSAKER WILLIAM GODDARD Brig brix britain hain harn city bont sent eder county I 1 august angust ad IM I 1 S mu ulf |