Show mails I 1 the california mail arrived about se seven ven I 1 and a half p in of the instant arid and broi brought ight us a few odd numbers of our numerous exchanges and two or three small packages from friend sullivan harper and the devil is to pay some where and we hope those in fault will mend their ways though candour compels us to admit that no one but a 11 mormon could 3 1 for so long a period thus hope against hope it is reported that mcgraw and have given up the contract for i carrying the mail between independence and this city and aad that mail service is discontinued on that route that is a rich item 0 of f news is it note not to accept a bid at so 80 low a rate that a ahoy boy in his teens might have known th atthe price could not pay for the service and then allow the contractors to haul off and to cap the climax deny further service at remunerative rates |