Show cawal wai aab LAND 7 K the governor and legislative of the tore ton V of till during ring the last session session granted to brigham Briglia tin young isaac chafe tind and fera feramorz morz I itile and their as socia soc rotes tes and successors the ri right 9 alit to mafte a canal from big ci cc tt onwood creek into G S i L city and a strip of land one mile wide an on the east I 1 and a half itri mile ile wide cideon cm I 1 I 1 tye the west side of the annal attl th sh 2 its 1 l entire 16 length will this work is is designed deigned to baller be penn nii anent I 1 edit and will be gb coti 11 tl of bonting bo biting granate rao rockY k aai rom roin I 1 big cottonwood for the temple and for building g up p alls city cita and from the abundant supply or of waier water W will ill a afford ir 4 d I 1 gre great a t facilities for for tb the adjacent valuable land into a high sl state I 1 of cultivation and fp cpr I 1 prodding proD R aillia eIng ma clini jery of all imily 11 i i i it is is desirable to have the anal canall in in readiness rea dines forbyn for boit ing hig roe rocla k by a year from next june and with aview a view of f expediting tho the work wora aleong other ta indis we grepo prepo e oo 10 let out ut coni contracts cont for foe bahor all 0 r payable inland in annd along the th ballee route 1 and d hi in credit hn tithing f it is that those th 0 wilo who are are anxious to lo pay thair li thing or 6 t boure a pleasant home bome ini or valuable ahle fabii near this city will wilf promptly report I 1 which they are requested I 1 tp do dal to j br I 1 feramorz little at pr president resident brigham Bri giam ro upper mill ill a as lie he is is fully aa wit I 1 the h subject u jece nn and d or near v P the 6 line of the canal r i 1 I 1 A A A SE i I 1 I 1 r FERAMORZ LITTLE G S L city jany 1865 1804 I 1 i |