Show S3 Trivliij Tonnue Twisters cup of proper coffee in a copper coffeepot A She sawed six slick slim slender saplings iet's II raw Eiephmmi sleek Junior Journalists mm Ann Davidow A see For goodness sakes wluit can it be? A curly-ende- d shape 1 PUZZLE FOR TODAY Here is a puzzle for you to figure out the name of each picture above and write the first letter of each on a piece of Guess Pert&ct Peddlers Then next to it a bulging hunk Could curly end have been a trunk? aslant We're right it is an elephant! This game can be played both indoors and out A row of players stand side by side although some distance apart Each one holds an arm out horizontally with palm down First these players must walk to a certain goal and back with a peanut placed on their knuckles The one who gets back first with his peanut in place scores ten points Next the players must try to walk to a goal and back with a peanut on the toe of their shoes to score ten points Last of all the players must try to carry an apple on their heads to the goal and back Ten points more for the lucky winner Tine player scoring most for the three stunts is the Perfect Peddler and wins Suzie Snider In this square are hidden seven European countries Start with any letter in any square go in any direction and repeat letters if you want but don't skip a square! O F T U W P R G R S T A M E O L N C I Now see him mounted on a stool R No doubt he's been to circus school 14 Family Weekly Magazine June 17 1956 H 1 Y paper Next jumble these letters around and place them in the squares so that they spell out a very special day Ruth Dixon Bost Countries Puzzle Square' That ear those toes the tusk Michael Dennis U D Dear Miss Barrows: Here is my favorite story about my dog Frisky One day when Mommy came home from shopping she put the groceries on the little bench in the arbor in front of the door while she looked for the key Taking one bag and leaving the other (in which were a few lollipops) she went into the house After a while she went to bring in the other bag and found it had tipped over She looked out on the lawn and there she saw Frisky down on his haunches and holding one of the lollipops firm and straight between his two front paws He was licking away to his heart's content! Sincerely Susan E Bulger Madison Conn Age 12 v V 1 Funny Plant Stake® III fIII" Bess A Lee Decorative and amusing plant supports that may be used in flowerpots or flower beds can be made from odds and ends The stakes should be sharpened to a point at both ends The puppy is made of a cork the side of which is stuck onto the end of the stake and painted with two coats of lacquer Small slices of cork are attached to the large end of the cork for ears and another bit painted red will make a tongue Bright thumbtacks make eyes and nose A flying fish or an owl can be made from cork fishing floats Make the fins and tail of the fish of rubber and paint him in bright colors The owl's head and body are different size cork floats his eyes are circles of cork fastened with tacks and his ears and beak are small triangles of cork tacked on Dear Miss Barrows: My hobby is skunks I have liked skunks since I was four years old because I think they are pretty I live on a ranch so I can catch quite a few of them One day when we were hauling hay our dog started barking When we were done my brother and I went over where the dog was and there under the boards was a skunk! We finally caught it After we had tamed it I could hold it in my arms and even put it in a harness I read the Junior Treasure Chest every week about three times I like it so much! I especially like the letters Your friend Tommy Jackson 10 Age Pagosa Springs Colo Answer to a Puzzle for Today: Acq s4iaipjj Answers to Lost Countries: 00001 "pUC01 'uiedcj 'AjBlT 'XueuuoQ ) '03UUJJ 'pgnj-io- j f |