Show atribat TRI BAt at birds valley and el dorado kanyon this valuable tree is found in its breast perfection trees are found here from eighteen to twenty four inches in dil diameter and fult full of the fruit which is i contained in a covering like the tae coating of an english walnut before ripe it is soft aw quite stringent but when mature the covering opens and the nut meg drops the berries or nuts ripen jit aa various periods upon the iam aade I 1 tree way may be found ripe and green fruit the ripe nutmeg is is of the same from and is as fully aromatic anthe fruit froni from sumatra the foliage in ia like the pine or the hemlock each leaf having baring however a harp sharp briar or thorn up upon 0 D it the fruit grows in clusters similar aini ilar to the die cherry and is ia indeed quite ornamental ai this tree can be eaily grown and will be quite an ac clini tion lion and we trust ere long to see it generally cultivated california farmer I 1 i GREAT attraction AT A george ceorge godelas tards ds pancy S tolk Y between en raf and i ibe be bakery LADIES 0 CAN AN be supplied with ribbons kibbons in grat gat varie J ty collars bo ok sleeves sieves Chimi ettes black acl ape white do pink do bonnet black silk veils figured and am love do muslin binett faine tr damask lin eineo enand and cotton cation edginton eddings edgings Edg ings jaco labos bracie victoria muslin book k and swiss do lawn Kand handkerchiefs kerchiefs e black and col colored tired rose hose fancy gloves and mitts milts crewel perforated paper silk braid cotton and ad wo worsted ra f ed do hair brushes tooth do tuck combs if I de do readding arid and cipe do tapes hooks md and eves tap cap wire pins buck skin needles kes knit fing lin darning and sewing do perfumery TEA TEAH TEA ac ac kc I 1 NIS I 1 coata oat vett vet pat terns silk and aej cotton pocket handkerchiefs black and fancy silk cravats shirts hat boots Shoe whit grev colored arid and fancy aticy hose razors and razor straps hair lair brushes aghavine db blacking and andA blacking lacking bruber Bru bep port monies tun gun caps cans pocket combs combi Vio litis violin strings writing piper ink envelopes avers states slates tobacco cigars NAILS NAILS ac ae ar TAILORS supplied wit black arid ami fi tincy ney coat and vest put erns ei us b lack black and thread colored stav tape ac ftc I 1 SA D WIS S supplied with tools s tug Chains harness mountings buckles slit r ups gadless gad lers I 1 DYE DY E WS indico madder and alum 01 ol peppermint C naamon bergamot Bur gamot lavinder Uve Lavi Ailer eder At hemlock ros rocc ta j ac Bs besides ides a 9 multiplicity of other notions ions too n numerous U i merui to mention the above articles are marked at very verb moderate t prices ce and G fr 0 will take in exchange I 1 cattle cati tle horses e wheat hay bay oats flour c orn coin butte cheese egg eg q 9 ac ap I 1 N B pedlars and c country dealers supplied 0 on 11 11 liberal terns terms I 1 aut 31 25 at I 1 I 1 strayed gy FROM V ROM the subs subscribe cribei a black cow about 5 1 years old lihs has a little littia white unde r her belly tomta aon gayo of her homs borns cawed off hi branded with the ch church brand X on left hip and horn whoever will bring anns her lothe to the stray pound or to the subscriber iber will be bif rewarded I 1 1 mcneil aug 3 25 1 25 let lat ward 7 1 tor for sale SAW MILL two good houses abd a f few abut A sc acres res of 0 land enc enclosed based on big kanyon ere creef about eighty rods above prest younis youngs figuring aia for further particulars of ZERAH wa ward five donars Ue bevard vard WILL be pail paid by tile the subscriber to an any sper YV son aon who will give information that willa moun mount 1 to 0 o proof against the persons who eui cui and carried off on grass on monday the mat from lot 1 in block 8 in in his 3rd ard subdivision of the big field or more commonly known as the fives of the state road A P ROCKWOOD N S said lot in IB situated sit ki the scirth west corner corne rif of thet the field eld I 1 G 81 8 X city wiep aai 1854 26 ai rr dax V N FROM fone ROM near jordan bridge a few days sinca one molliy heifer 2 years old red with lin ednack arid and white while belly branded with a figure 2 on p and I 1 one I 1 yearling arling he heifer ifer light red ad vahit fade face branded bijl lightly t Z with X on left lef i kip hip also als 0 from the herd of A burroughs on or about t the be insl a sorrel horse with bald fae fac escar on right cheek check and three or coir white feet arid and also six head of tattle cattle branded with a a large B on left hip whoever will deliver to me mi any or all alit ot 0 the he above described animals animal 1 or give information where they can be found foundton to mr halt hale near jor dan bridge 0 or to the post master in aalt it lake city shall he be liberally rewarded J 24 at KING NOTICE va THE E OWNERS of property in the ad ward are re hereby notified that a school house is if be erected and the tax on the same is required ja forthwith by order of the trustees MOSES ri AWSON v 1 CHARLES WOODWARD A RD 94 at SYLVANUS HICKS for S sale de wholesale and retail I 1 HAVE just purchased and now offer tor for sale JL at roy my house 2 blocks west of the temple block a laige a of liquors e equal in quality to any ever brought into this thi territory consisting eon of brandy brandv monongahela whiskey madeira and teneriffe wines at my ay former lo 10 low w prices incel those who love a good goia article at a I 1 low n w price wilt will not be by bv giving me a call W C STAINES 23 2 fim I 1 otise MUSE ANO AAD LOT cibir I 1 10 4 be sold a good new house and a lot of 4 rods front by 20 back situated in the 14 th ward for further particulars enquire esquir e of THOMAS HALL I 1 ward 0 ws 96 11 m siw I 1 W WE Z would respects respectfully ully announce to the citizens I 1 of great salt lake city and adjacent j country the arrival of pur our large and extensive exen sive stock of 4 dry goods an and ti G groceries r 0 c e ri e s q 1 boots I 0 0 t s and rid shoes shoe hats calli I 1 an and d cloi i hi n g n now 0 w opened p e n in tile the store owned owned by by thomas S William sand occupied b by 6 0 H cogswell i the attention of ia me ladies is is res respectfully ecta ully called I 1 to our great vari variety 1 tj ot of fancy daws goods I 1 17 bonnets embroidery arid and hosiery also a new style french robe just introduced I 1 in the staff stated I 1 I 1 po the gentlemen we would say say that we keep I 1 on hand of best quality all such euch articles as make their wardrobe obe complete our motto is uni uniformity it it of f prices and ito BO trouble ble to show goods 1 arwe we will pay par the highest market prices prica for oatis oat wheat anaf and flour lour I 1 I 1 25 bt BRAND SHEETS THE ath hundred of brands are now printed and redy ready for distribution nine abets and containing in the whole some 90 brands price per sheet 10 cents I 1 full fill set of if 9 sheets 90 cents full set of 9 shoots sheets neati neat bound 11 0 c cent it thae are I 1 re some twenty brands brand which were re corded long ton ago but I 1 are not printed in this sheet you ask the reason why they are not because 11 A have ceased to record for nothing andray and pay the printing too loo no rands brands will wid be considered as s ow owned toy any person neither will they be printed until all expenses are paid Is riot not this right I 1 say ye WM CLAYTON 24 at 1 herll recorder I 1 cobol GOLD ware W aare receiving and will pen open 0 for fc r sale in G 8 L city provo prove arid and Springy I 1 ille a general assortment ot or goods which we intend to I 1 sell lower than usual we wish all to call and see tor for to baves before purchasing elsewhere no BO trouble to show goods the following is w a list of prices of a portion rif nf our goods to wil z 19 acts per yard fd I 1 printa from 15 to we per yard endlish prints brints r per vard and coffee 33 acts per ib 14 I 1 STEWART OR ward aula I 1 bmw STORE and KEW GOODS J JL W 7 respectfully announce to the citi V V zens of areat salt lake city and country generally that he has just received and now opening at the new S ore house of dustin amy 4 drs d rs bouth of dixons nixons Nix ons a large laie and extensive stock acock of goods selected expressly for this mar kel kei be hapy happy to see his old friends and a host ol 01 new liew customers rot antl having accommodating mo dating clerks and sharp 2 I 1 barp scissors he hopes to receive 9 k liberal abua of patronage patron patro nake aee 23 am I 1 I 1 mail and passenger coah I 1 t kb g jf MT pw bill EN G GS 8 L city cily and ence JO w will leave hawkins I 1 hotel otel in G L city anti and the roland noland house ip in fiade en dences 1 missouri on the day of ea at 8 am a short time at the way stations station v viz ai I 1 fort bruiser Brid gew green river devils gate fort I 1 laramie Ia a ramie rawie ash hollow fort Ki kearney irney and big blue evry every facility abod attention attention will w fie extended exten led to passe to render their trip speedy at ind comfortable cona for table I 1 for further particulars apply to the fol following lowin atenta J HOCKADAY I 1 I 1 G S L City Utah ISAAC 24 ly I 1 independence re no mo I 1 I 1 A A LITTLE or OF TIMING I 1 I 1 at nimons nixons Wix Nix ons I 1 RY GOODS boots and shoes hits alt q and I 1 at NIXONS I 1 LARG k and I 1 iha ha very b best est assortment of clothine Cloi hine in every everk particular to suit al ail classes and prices at NIXONS A FINE lot of white and blue blankets A A I 1 at NIXONS N 1 Q of every kind igind at NIXONS 10 DOZ pach each fruits strain su ames and s at NIXONS sif LBS cured hams warran WU led A no I 1 or no eale low at NIXONS i received to d day ay adi hol ol bonks bonka slates sidles pencils ac I 1 at NIXONS I 1 A LARGE and most needful assort mr me bof t kofl L cutlery arid and harawa e at NIXONS 25 DOZ blue an and red avor and tinder sni t arid and drawers at NIXONS DOZ latest style fancy 81 birts surfs 10 I 1 at 11 1 00 f BOXES of PAIM and rosin soap LJ I 1 at NIXONS PAINTS P oils nails glass dv powder lead and caps at nixons dixons NiX ONS star candles and starch 50 I 1 I 1 at NIXONS NIXON LARGE lot lotof atmar tea ta coffe A 1 segars Se eara pipes pipe rhal equal 7 to t any aay in the marlet market and sold as leow ipsas the lowest I 1 1 I 1 0 NIXONS mo A LOT T of thernest the tho inest linest lf liquors giors ever brought here X to for r sale by the he barrel baret low at a t dixons nixons NiX ONS ONIS L A DIES ADIES ATTENTION you can sect y byoir hosiery coaids laces ac from a a abod abid perfect stock at A NIXONS HARTER oak OA and prelim stoves c I 1 I 1 at NIXONS I 1 r NOTIONS liot hot usually found in in WU any other house in the cit city I 1 I 1 at rona NIXONS 8 I 1 OTE of admiration admi ata for the aladits NOTE DAILY expected a chace lot at af golu gola jewelry c of finger and a nd pa r rings Broo brooches ebes ri bi ace lets iSeck laces ac ae ac td t be cash at a small profit at NIXONS kc DOZ sickles for fornale for i aale sale low 1016 15 at NIX NIXONS ONn cuoz Z white while wash and paint faint brushes I 1 ODO at NIXONS 4 1 S spectacles goggles fish hook lines and bea cords conta I 1 at NIXON 18 8 A av VERY E R y lar large assortment of fancy woollen hosiery 0 i y consisting of mils babits comforts boots cravats ac ad s at NIXONS ANCY worsted Worst etl and berlin berhn wool F I 1 at NiX ONS DOZ bleached and unbleached table 50 lineck and woollen covers at NIXONS 1 ff of f very extra black cashmere pants tor for sale low just suitable to the preset season reason at NIXONS INS Violins and extra efti ii songs I 1 at t NIXONS A F w doz d 0 z gents very boors and congress on g r e s s S shoes h 0 e a I 1 at NIXONS DOZ ladies fine cashmere mere anti and berlin howoo wool hose at NIXONS DOZ gents wool and aid cotton hf hose hos e 50 at NIXONS I 1 r BUCKSKINS for sale 50 I 1 U I 1 at NIXONS A LIBERAL allowance made to country dealers ex and peddlers Fedd lers 1 WILLIAM NIXON appreciating past ast I 1 pat ronae will continue to deserve it by stag i good G Gs goods s at fair prices I 1 uga at tf I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 II 11 S mans mails from 0 9 JL I 1 0 THE eastern mail wol wilt be closed fl I JL day of each month at 4 aclo p 1 cieply 4 the california mal mail via fill ampre a and n i cedar city to td san di diego ego w ill 4 1 9 h day of each month a at t 4 p the brownsville Browns ville mail leaves avei ev D and thursday at 5 a m the tooele thoele nail mail every monday at 6 j 1 1 the mail to san pete will leave beave eve 1 lay day at a 6 a in X t angio 4 I 1 FACTORY 1 N the ward waid on the block nort north I 1 IN I 1 block directly north of the of f kandalos Kand alts and meads where ere I 1 h ha ba I 1 for sale from fi om 26 to 35 cents centa each al Is 20 cents produce taken at market arket nr pr arn welt scrapes scra made up for balaj n j forleo for two thirds cut your broo taconi ww wl leave only 5 or 9 6 inches of sulk stalk on t and dry it under shelter it thin t I 1 boulo I 1 have a machine to scrape off offal atilo 22 WM H CARPE FOR SAIE AT A THE salt lake city cily Pos P M envelopes at the following rates ra tea I 1 three cent letter size at per I 1 I 1 six do da d 0 I 1 1 six cent official size site at do 1 AW ALSO I 1 I 1 thise cent let letter ter stamps 1 1 1 1 I A post masters merchants and ot othe 1 11 territory cao can be furnished furnish edwith i it any of I 1 re remitting mittin the cash 1 E SMITH 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 notice to all ali jEi migrant 1 I 1 A NOR I 1 ha superfine flow dour on hariet band an am 1 I 1 at our trading post in in cirson carson valle vail 1 can be had at any and all ti throes mes and 1 that will give sn to lo the burch k flour i is fresh made by our new fiew ariit pi j now in in successful operation awta I 1 of saying that persons acma d deepe I 1 at that post they shall not tainted we also have nave a large Is e lot of bac ba I 1 beef etc which will be 9 sold at antua price they can also be supplied wrt wi cheese and vegetables of all kinda addition to this we have constant constantly on I 1 large lare assortment of ready made c clothing clot i shoes hats and ana caps and in in short abort c can modale the passing E emigrants rat grants w with ith a all 11 render them comfortable it iw is not our i I 1 to make f a fortune the present year we manent ly located in corson carson vi valley alley ana 1 1 want 14 to live arid annet let live we have horses mules oxen ac to 0 o 1 exchange near our post and nd in in net th ill the valley you ou will find and any of 4 1 aa feed ea for your stock and ail ad persons w travelee this rodd road will tell you that it A I 1 ahlo ahe to any other road over the mountain moun i I 1 I 1 lafi RI I 1 G S L ci city ty atily 1854 2 1 of t I 1 coor ft NO I 1 arti HE subscriber has constantly on ha bar teral 11 JL era assortment of cooper ware v will exchange for all kind of country try 11 11 wood and lumber at reasonable prices price a I 1 from 5 to 10 dollars dollari I 1 I 1 f JOHN CALE CABLE 2 blocks wat of 11 1 juls ift raplp olt 0 south TP i 1 U IP a AUGUST A iagust the 2nd and 1854 one bay hi h L 31 si sheen hands bands high 12 old oid I 1 I 1 the left shoulder but not plain enough to ts I 1 tin I 1 aal also so on one ec h fit sorrel el horse horsey A yea beant teen h hands ands hig b reeled J JB 8 0 on the ui r ight I 1 der a small white s strip in in t the 0 fore tore torches hes owners of t the he above bo hores are requested I 1 prove I 1 property nd take I 1 ben emla away a V I 1 I 1 GILBERT BEL aulo it coden 01 L COACH TO danl aman I 1 1 HE subscriber wishes to inform the 1 T THE ants of this i terr territory it 0 that the we mast 1 leaves haves great st salt lak ta ty for far lanti isi ai I 1 at the usual time and for parti cult quire of 0 the po post at offices on the theral 1 I 1 MADISON D hambleton I 1 20 lr alewis Robin th hotel I 1 i HE subscriber takey takes pleasure in T |