Show the indian Mission arys song TONE SWEET hose HOME 1 I 1 stop at stop op some come spirit whispers o alio are you yoa you come why tread this thia ground long aner sacred dill have you i no other home the ashes of our fathers fa thero sleep soundly here i are you in search of paltry gold or servants of shen bowab tell tell pray quickly tell are you in search of paltry gold or servants of shen dwall i tim THE M REPLY our father carve canoe from dolob a long long tune time ago and we the sons of royal sires siree are also here below in search of shen children a noble royal race the sons of joseph ephraim are any in this place tell tell pray quickly do or must we go for israels race to chill chili and peru THE SP 1117 go forward oh go forward to tokens bonds bands the gemos maquis Navi jos find in southern lands the keys are turned the days have come that prophets have foretold the sons to air sires the sires to sons are t turned U r nod and not to gold tell tell pray quickly tell the th so sons us to sires the sires to toha no are turned and not to gold THE missionaries then are ara the hearts of fathers to children turned in truth we boldly will 1 I go forward and labor in our youth for israel and the rein remnants nants sake we leave wi wives yes lands and home adopt the indians wic keup koup and call it happy home home home sweet quiet home adopt the indian wic keup and call it happy home THE find some hungry naked laborious honest poor begin with them and aid them first here hen is in an open door weve opened it no man can shut be I 1 patient faithful men their language learn well aid you pe sher she a auy ny to them tell tell pray quickly tell mormon and tales and how their fathers fell I 1 THE missionaries I 1 the camf coming ing of their fathers letis letisha ht from ju dahill land of jared also and his bis kin from babes towar a band of faithful israels virtuous race some thousand moons art ago on whom the great shen his spirit did bestow tell tell pray quickly tell teb yes all of this and much more too by heavens aid WOM well tell THE normn tell them when priesthood was obeyed those saints were greatly blest in numbers plenty health and peace and then they oft did rest and when the peoples milt pre prevailed and heavens laws were broke the priesthood killed confusion reigned men shen bowab did provoke tell tell pray bray quickly tell all this rind and more and I 1 heaven eaven will aid as sure as god eler eer spoke THE missionaries i we well to tell them how by avarice and of old the la Lama mu their fathers all for love of mammon gold contemptuously the roe iron rod and priesthood ill did treat obtained a darkened skin and sufferings roost most meet tell tell pray quickly tell yes all of this and much more too by He heavens avents aid well tell T THE their fathers from the heavens look to we bee if re repent 1 t and thinht think their hir sufferings enough for this ans ani more youre sent the promises they did obtain are an sure and now if inthey they will bear your words and be baptized they may 1107 tell 11 tell pray quickly tell fell all saints in heaven and saints on earth will lift them out of hell THE Our Tather Father in tle the heavens and saints on earth we implore I 1 to aid by spirit wisdom too avd and subi substance tance from your store that we may teach feed clothe and clean the red men evry ane one exalt from humble upa ups and save in happy hornes homes home home borne clean happy home exalt from humble bumble vicke ups te happy home I 1 T D the great spirit tto to talk i tin on time pilot past |