Show I 1 GOVERNOR I 1 6 L 1 MESSAGE to ft his of the Cown council cil I 1 and house of representatives of the legislature of utah GENTLE GENTLEMEN under renewed obligations to our father in in heavey heaven for protection and blessing P we a are re again assembled as in solemn council conic il expressly for the purpose of representing the wishes and interests of our respective constituents constituent of amalgamating our views and feelings ond find by the cono concentration nitration of the varied ability talent and wisdom of all of brinzing forth those harmonizing which protect unite and regulate lite society ciet v and of com combining binim in a common interest the welfare of the inhabitants of the newly settled but far distant viles ales the hardy and enterprising pioneers and the opulent citi sons artisans arti and laborers of the towns cities and settlements of not old but longer a date governments like men should learn by bv experience and omitting to follow in the footsteps of traditional error and extract the good being guided by bv that unerring wisdom which enlightens the and bring hangs es foith from the treasures of knowledge bothner both view new and ol 01 oil I 1 for th thi the i benefit of mankind I 1 laws should I be simple and plain easy to be comprehended by the most unlearned void of ambiguity and few in number the greatest simplicity which can be attained in the formation of a code of laws tends to lessen litigation they should moreover mor cover consist more of an org organic nic than remedial character ch ir acter it is my mv firm convie conviction tion that particularization lariza tion by the legislature of every minute point which is liable to arise in in law cases is i founded in error and tends to pr pro note sereen screen the guilty subvert justice the honest jurist and ensnare the unwary victim in its hydra meshes embroiling and involving the peace and quiet of any co community n in ia which it is permitted to rear an influence such a course is only v favorable to the evil doer and such as prefer to exonerate themselves from the plain straight forward claims of justice anstice in stice because peradventure a doubtful item in law may be found which properly taken advantage of by ita it able exponents and devout votaries vot aries may in be wielded to aid them in their villainy thereby strangling tr angling justice in her very courts and pro profaning fanina 11 her very tom temples ples in the cue citadel of her power owing to human frail frailty ti we may not attain unto a perfect cobe until the fullness of times shall more fully disclose beav heavens en s brightness and our officers are peace and our flex exactors ex actors Rotors righteousness it is very prop properio erIv considered that persons appointed to administer and the laws are not only capable but are honest in every discharge of duty and indeed it is not even presumable that it could be otherwise nevertheless if it should prove different dif forent tho people have their let their place be by others with this restrictive power in their own hands the people gresafe are safe in investing their officers cars with discretionary P powers aers sufficient for almot almost evera case in full confidence thit that they will not abuse th the e trust reposed in them but execute juiz ment in righteousness inese i respecting oe t i ng the proffered covenant of leavens heavens king king 0 that he will put his law in vie t abir ir inward parts and write it upon their hearts heart 3 y this policy carried out instead of making a m machine of a man a more mere puppet or automaton calls into exercise all the ennobling qualities of his nature the highest attainments of which he is susceptible integrity sense senie anti and judgment cause him to look upon himself ns as responsible for the aba abuse of power with which he is entrusted by bv the people directly y to the dource from which he receives it strip a judge or justice of f the legal miss enss aril and f fog oz which surround l him h m in this d dv day v ana an aze age leave lenvee him no nook or corner I 1 of precedent or common I 1 liw tw ambiguous enactments enactment the accumulation of agea wherein to shelter and it is i my opinion thit unrighteous decisions would seldom be given it is much better to have no written law than to send end people into the labyrinths of such a m mass q of non nonsense Rense as fills filli the library of the law student tu dent and which we frequently see ee entailed upon th people by bv the legal enactments our statute books contain I 1 let all of our laws have no other practice or rule of decision save gave it be in the dla vested in ia the baom of ha court tia true there is much mach wisdom in the 8 expert eri once aca of tho the oat and the sons of wisdom can see ani on appreciate it but th that a t it is ia in intermingled t er min 0 oled with much darkness and inapplicability to us ag fow few will deny we shall khall have accomplished a great and ami a good work when we have drawn from the fountains of wisdom and intelligence rules and abd regulations to govern control sustain and protect so ieta under the canopy of our ever glorious constitution we have liberty to combine from the experience ot 0 ages all that wi wisdom has sanctioned and adding thereto such as she shall hall seem to dictate erect for ourselves a platform wh whereupon hereupon to build oh be beag ng f reel freed f bom om the burden of past errors inapplicability folly and tra tuition will exert a vivifying vilifying vivify ing invigorating reforming ial influence luence descending to the capacity of all who oin can read oven even though not learned in the so ao called science of law let this therefore be our botto true trae principle and Simpli simplicity eity 13 L lt let t our enactments contain all that is necessary and no more and obviate the necessity for traveling outside of them to know the law then shall we bring brinzie brin zit it to the understanding I 1 and within the comprehend compre comprehension hen on of the school boy bov and the humblest citizen I 1 avoiding that linge huge mass of uncertainty contained in the musty rolls of ages and emanating principally from those governments and nations q whose principal efforts seemed scented to result re sult in the aggrandizement of t the rich rib and powerful at the expense of the poor and humble bumble in this permit it rae me to edd that our code commissioners appear inclined 40 prepare laws to meet all necessary pur great c care are upon such as they intend to present for the action of the ta le legislature 9 although 0 a multiplicity of other business his has retarded their progress since my last communication to your honorable body nothing of serious importance has occurred except the hostilities of the utah indians to disturb the usual peace and quiet routine of the bu business affairs pertaining to our mountain government the annual pilgrim host have come and passed on to the land of gold and with unprecedented harmony leaving occasional representatives here and there who hoei either lher throng through ano ice or necessity tarry a while in the valleys ballets of the mountains awaiting the moving trains of another season to escort them to rejoin their brethren tit at the shrine of their worship the shining dust of the new born star the immigration to this territory orv hag been con considerable sid erable amounting it is eRt estimated inks to about ten thousand souls of theae a portion are from the northern european staw states and the british isles a very fair division to utah of the annual foreign immigration to I 1 tho the states when we consider her far inland position utah fair utah behold her in the hie midst of the snow capped mountains ins narrow vales tr or extended pl plains at n 85 no navigable wivi gaMe river penetrates penetrate i her surface I 1 nor proceeds from her mountain fastnesses fast nesses on which t ti bear to her ber bosom the commerce of the natia nations nj the iron horse has not yet found his wai way along her bar narrow vales nor yet have the lightning wires conveyed convened to her citizens the 1 aels 11 in silent grandeur she reposes content in her ber i internal f resources with the hurried excitement of the day days or the passing wonder of the fleeting moment fr weeks avi ave months the ox trains dris their heavy weights along alone with idail matter might hove been entrusted in it a day long since past and for forgotten Core otten cotten perhaps there are no people in thi this ate age of rapid communication so isolated ff a in our oar intern Hit ernil tl intercourse ws have frequent exchanges k with each other but ouide of this birrow kisr fow compos comp iss from two to seven months math frequently out oat a word fr frn any source beyond the limit of the arelt busm it would aea 14 probable thle that if ie the authorities at washington cald only realize themselves in our oar efm ion in this thia re speet thi thiv they v would ex exercise ereie a little clemency and use uie A little exerdean exar tien to let us ns hew hear from them thein as often as twice a month if not weekly we are not very varv nom effle il in our oar pursuits purs nita and may usually be found somewhere in the vicinity of the tha great salt like although althou wh it ir ia said maid that we have wandered to the gallina po bavine arving no if 0 o far jart at present I 1 propose thant Con contress eress he be aavo advertised raised of the capt that we are still and mav ew banay he found on enquiry it might also alao be oo 00 well to sugeat at to th deportment df that it would be proper that ira is if if eftev wish to accommodate us as with the mails to let their contracts to such persons as aa make hidi ba with the expectation of fulfilling them and who will provide sui suitably to do it with some of success the contracts heretofore would never ju justify inifi extra ex gnp consequently the contractors feeble attempts of course proved fruitless and we have hare been left without a solitary mail for over half a year at a time we recognize in the kaoi pacific fie railway a work worthy werthy the attention of a great and enterprising people and piss where it will we cannot tail to be benefited by bv it the present kofera of the public treasury seem a propitious omen for its speedy accomplishment if congress Oona egg exercise that wisdom for the benait of the nation wiloh hiah will secure to hers if tha roa test political as well as pecuniary adv advantages prof proffered flared in the in which we live it is of ine convenience and profit in times of heape aad indispensable in war in aidi addition tion to into the bin of the nation the comra eroe of the eastern continent and the pacific isles its accomplishment cannot fail by bv of furn furnishing i abing so BO rapid a conveyance to carry carry in influence quence and I 1 power troi from ans on extremity of the union to the other and make her tit the arbiter of the I 1 world it will greatly i macrea tle the on the seas and afford it the most moat powerful protection protea tion I 1 I 1 I 1 owne owing t the coath of the deeply lamented capt cn pt gunnison Qun nison and a portion of his bis pa par r we were 0 in exploring a ratite rat for this thia road through this thia region of country it I 1 it 4 foible that 1 1 its mt may be lost sight eight of or er romain Wa ak known Bown antl 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 0 1 1 11 mw mw W lop MR 7 I 1 r 1 i I 1 bif I 1 iii ili H r F a 1008 of soma ram route ia i aimis abada I 1 have the therefore rOars 6 J your aguon to this subject hoping that the interest which is known to exist in dav favor r of this route will not permit aitto it to suffer for the want of proper represent representation aaion tocora toCo rW ebs while tw tm world orld is progressing wi with th steam eng engine ins powers power i wad nd lightning spee speed ilin n the accumulation of wealth wealth extension of scie science nee and letters and principle why may not the way be paved fw for the eier easier acquisition of the english language combining as it does treat great extension und varied expression with beauty simplicity and power and being unquestionably the he most and beautiful al inthe in the world but while we freely admit this we also have to acknowledge that it it is perhaps as much abused in its use and as complex in its Attainment as na any other the correction of its orthography c upon some principle of having hoang characters character arto to represent the sounds which we usef use li has a s occupied the attention of many scientific gentlemen from timo time to time but through lack of ini luence energy or some other cause they have failed to accomplish so desirable an object if something of this nature could be introduced which could be brought into general use I 1 consider it would be of gre grett great tt utility in the acquire moot of oar language I 1 am happy to learn thattie that tWe reveney regency we re deeply engaged lu in investigating vesti gating this interesting sub subject jeet and hope that ere lo 10 lon I 1 they mayev may be able to ce something that will prove leighly beneficial this board have exerted a genial ence in behalf of education by stimulating the people to erect good school houses and giving givin an impetus to the organization and of common schools school and the eau edae ie of t education d generally for or the want of funds the university works continue suspended but it it is expected that the increasing amount of the tb finances finana will soon enable you to grant them substantial aid the education of our youth is a subject which should never be foreign from our oar care and 1 doubt not will continue as heretofore to engage your warmest interest and encouragement I 1 I 1 under the wise and correct impressions that to promote domestic manufactures i and endeavor ende end eivor avor to develop the resources of this territory they were best beat advancing 11 the true interest of the people their constituents the Legislature slature of last season passed many many acts I 1 for the encouragement of su it m and productions as were deemed essential and within the ability of the people to accomplish the response which the inducements thus offered have met alt although bough not as flattering as desired is yet vet considerable sal be tokens a disposition on the part of the citizens to supply from their own industry ind y and perseverance their necessary wants the only premiums reported which have been awarded tire are two for raising flax seed the crop raised by william muir being 27 bushels of seed deed and a nd lbs ibs of flax lint from one aero ro of ground see report of auditors auditor sots sets at rest the foreboding of some of our citizens that it would not lint in this country land and adds a most important item of raw material to our list of resources I 1 str stringy ongy recommend a continuation of this policy believing that nothing pan can give greater activity energy or more independence and wealth than for a people to supply from home tome production home supplies hes extend therefore your aid commensurate with your abili ability tv for the encouragement of home manufactures lot let the artiman and the erect their trophies upon our mountain rivulets sul and let the be strong rush of the swift waters intermingling the voice of f machinery with the hum of business be mader made to contribute it its overflow overflowing f ing bounty to advance the interest of enterprising enter prizing men I 1 it is obvious to the most casual observer that the natural wealth of this country conceits conci its in took stock raising and grazing this branch of business is is occupying a larga share of the attention f our citizens and considerable investments have already been made so long as the california markets rem remain tin dependent upon foreign supplies we may naturally expect large I 1 accessions will be made to our flocks |