Show dialogue between father and 44 son OIL OB physiology son what Is 6 pa I 1 hem you yon and the die doctor docto r talking boat 14 ario ari I 1 wondered hat it ft I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 could beaul mean I 1 father at it means my sona son I 1 a aes description of ilott natures commonly commo gly of ahe the nature lItO of man S 1 think I 1 joal dont fully stand you on i F ieli if i should tell hit Would perse persona most lotre lived I 1 aa ka 1 gj and li lissome Isome 1 ia their bo badi a would iri 11 I A ri ft JL j P f ayou you yon abot 1 my son boil I 1 fo f i O 0 yes yen pe perfectly decAy 1 1 I I 1 ia F if I 1 should tell you yon what would make their eye ye dalit clear and strong to a great age and aad their hearing and nd smelling good and lasting an and d also their sense of feeling aad d handling things exquisite fine finci and acau I 1 rate you yon would certainly understand me I 1 I 1 S oh ob yes I 1 understand that j I 1 F well if I 1 should tell you yon how hov to have a good I 1 memory and viso also how boy to exercise a good judgment patience good will fortitude and virtue and great uni oni der standing would you still understand me SI S I 1 think so because you always tell it so plain but physiology is so great a w word ord that I 1 know i the meanings meaning 1 p F well H if I 1 should teu tell you all these things which wo we have baen talking about it would I 1 be just what th the doctor means by physiology or a description of nature S if that is what physiology means I 1 should like to hear bear more about it every day I 1 live F it is ore one thing to hear about physiology and quae another thing to practice upon the instructions instruct iona w which aich you hear it if I 1 should tell you what would make your bodily powers perfect and also your mind and social virtues perfect it would be well worth your while to carry 0 out u t my instructions else eke my labor would be iu in vain S I 1 will do as an you say ps pa F yes I 1 know you are an obedient son bon and very desir desirous oils to get useful learning but it is not an easy easy matter matte r for any one to walk fully in the light even when they have it but as you never can obtain a perfect celestial exaltation unless you do live up to and virtue therefore I 1 will ev every 11 ry principle of light tell you the best that I 1 know about it and when I 1 learn better I 1 will tell you so S did you yon ever study physiology when y you on was a F not directly so as a science for the term physiology was little known thirty years ago but now it has obtained a common place in all common schools as much so as arithmetic and geography and little children eight years old are arc becoming very familiar with it S do you think if you should practise the rules of physiology that your children would all li live 0 as long as grand pa who was 96 F I 1 cannot say what derangement already exists in in your which might prevent your coming to great age but I 1 know that if persons were to observe the laws of nature tn in all things there horo would bo be brought about in course of time a restoration of that long and useful and happy life that very ancient people were blessed with autus hot us bilings have been conducted for many ages past fallt the whole earth has been cursed with a very short aud and wretched life S SIs Is a short wretched life owing to their not observing the laws of physiology F yes my y son it is truly so S well pa how it is I 1 it that the gentiles are a re a so 0 much ahead orthis of this church in teaching this principle and our church has not begun began to teach it it is not taught in our ear common schools and you say it is quite a common tiling thing among the gentile schools fr F r I perceive that you do not fully understand how tho the wisdom of the lord is displayed in this matter er this c hurch church began to teach physiology when V i I 1 w was as first organized the church began at the right end of the subject and the gentiles began about the same time to teach it but they began at the tail end as they generally do in all their re formations the c hurch church commenced by enquiring of god to know how they should do but the gentiles commenced by dint of their own wisdom and by human learning the latter would not learn or teach lit in any other way and I 1 if the gentiles are inspired to work out aly many good and righteous things although they know not that hat it is god that works in them by any means to help on the great work of restitution S but how did this church chnrei begin to teach physiology in Vs first organization F it agan brgan by taking jesus christ for its teacher who understands the principles of long life usefulness and happiness better than anybody else now my son on if you yon wanted to stop the leaky places in a pipe of valuable wine you would not surely begin to stop tho gimblet girn blet holes boles and leave the bung out but a ws wise child would first stop the bung hol hole and at the earliest convenience plug up the lesser apertures aper tures I 1 want you to understand my son SOB that all transgression is directly in opposition to physiology when men got get right ath with god he will put pot within them that spirit by which they may become perfect in body soil and spirit hence the church first got rid of their sins by the baptism of repentance and firmly aud and sincerely re solved never more to transgress tr angress any good and whole 1 some laws they y then received the spirit to help their and to lead them into all truth S but did they hey not immediately so go abroad to the nations to teach remission of sins and the gathering to 1 geier of tile the just F yes it was as necessary that tile the principle of obe deonce should be thoroughly established in their minds and tested beyond dis dispute putt then they would be folly fally Il prepared to investigate all faso laws by which their mental and boatly powers could be perfected and their virtues refined so as to fit them for an honorable immortality S but does a persons faith in christ have any influence to lengthen their days and to enlarge their understanding and the measure measure of their common sense I 1 i F I 1 will answer this at a future interview and eudia endeavor vor to show that our bur bodies must be brought into perfect su to certain mutable kir aud and eternal laws before we can either be very useful happy or intelligent I 1 I 1 S welt weft you may mayper perhaps hit ps do it t but I 1 chave have thought ni a these bodies wilu BOOB moulder in the dust it much at as tour to our eternal reward how wp w a ose them or how soon they die but bat I 1 avill will hear ahn yon you I 1 have bave mort time to tell me I 1 jio to be continued |