Show I 1 I 1 chemistry of perfumery much aid has been given by chemistry to the art of perfumery it is true that soap and perfumery pei turnery are rather rivals the increase of those formerly employed as a mask to want of cleanliness are less required now that soap has become a type of civilization pei perfumery perfumers f timer ers Q if theado they do not occupy whole sart ets with their shops as they did in ancient ca capua ua show more science science in III obtaining their perfumes than t ea 11 in ill former time the jury in the worlds fair or rather two dis 1 tin guised chem chemists isIs of that jury dr huffman hoffman and mr de arue s rue ascertained that some of the most delicate perfumes were made by chemical artifice and not as of old by distilling them flow flowers ithe the perfumery of floars often consists of oils and ethers which the chemist can compound artificially in his laboratory commercial enterprise has availed itself of the fact and sent to the exhibition i in the form of essences perfumes pei fumes thus prepared eno enough ugh they are generally generall g dei iv ed from sub substance stanc s of intensely ely disgusting odor A peculiarly fetid one termed fu fusel el oil is formed in making brandy and nd whisky Vh isky this f usel fusel oil distilled with sulphuric ric acid and acetate of potash pota g 1 the oil of pears the oil of apples is made from the same f fusel use oil by distillation with sulphuric acid sij of potash the oil of pineapples pine apples is obtained obtain ad from the product of the action of putrid cheese on sugar or by making soap with butter and distilling it with alco alcohol liol and sulphuric acid and is largely employed in england in the preparation of pineapple pine apple aple ale oil of grapes and cognac used to impart the flavor of french cognac to british brandy alidy aie little else than fusel oil the artificial oil of bitter almonds now so largely employed in perfuming soaps awl and for flavoring confectionary is is prep prepared ared ey by the action of nitric acid on the fetid piles of gas tar j many a forehead ida ie damped duped with eau de mille in we fiegure without knowing that this essential ingredient is derived hom aiom thedra the drainage inae 11 of cow houses the wintergreen winter gr green een oil imported aiom fi om new jersey as being produced aiom a plant indigenous there is artificially fici ally made from willows and a body procured by the distillation of wood all these are direct modern i appl appliances of science to an industrial purpose and aid imp imply bances an acquaintance with the lilg highest hest investigations 1 of organic organic chemistry let us recollect that the oil of lemons t turpentine rp entine oil of juniper oil of roses oi oil I 1 of cop a iva oil of rosemary and rn many ny other oils are identical in composition arid and it is not difficult to that perfumery may derive further aid from chemistry Sti Stil Mans journal |